So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

Taking away a type of weapon is not taking away all firearms. And you call ME stupid.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You are stupid enough to claim that taking guns away is not taking guns away.

That kind of stupidity may be the norm for Democratunderground but it doesn't fly here.
She’s inciting a civil war what a traitor

Just like these Liberals that support sanctuary cites, which is traitorous to the nation's laws.
I know, they hate america and what we stand for! They like Venezuela

The right to keep and bear arms is an impediment to making America a socialist shithole and that is the real reason they are against it.

Want to hear something hypocritical?

Black Lives Matter was one of the supporters of this despicable anti right to keep and bear arms demonstration.

Black Lives Matter bitches about government oppression.

They are not very bright, are they?
And they kill cops with guns! Government employees
Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
I’ve asked you before, what is an assault weapon? A knife is an assault weapon!
The AR-15 is directly modeled on the military M-16. Fact. The only difference was the full auto feature used on the military models.
The M-16 and hence the AR-15 were developed to be lightweight, easy to operate and to speed the bullets through the barrel causing maximum damage, as well as firing bullets as fast as possible. They accept large capacity magazines so you can shoot lots of people in between changing magazines.
There may be lots of weapons like that. If so, they should all be banned.
Getting into an argument over "What Is An Assault Weapon" is a tired tactic.
miketx: When the "assault weapons" ban was lifted, in the following decade mass shootings and the number of people killed in them TRIPLED. That is why I believe it would help to ban them again.
I didn't asked you what is an assault weapon. I asked you to explain to us how banning AR-15 rifles will stop murders when there are plenty of other rifles that will still be available. How come you wont answer that simple question?
I just answered you, Mike. Banning AR's REDUCES mass shootings. Have you got a better explanation for why they tripled after the assault weapons ban expired?
You are out of your mind! If the AR rifle is banned there are hundreds of other types rifles just as powerful. So no, you haven't answered the question I asked you and you never will. You are disingenuous lying troll is all you are.
She is just ignorant and thinks guns kill
clearly, you've got a problem with the first

Seems he is using his First Amendment to respond to others that are using the First Amendment to ban the Second Amendment. He didn’t say they had no right to protest.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.
Imagine THAT...WE are fed up with a few people abusing anachronistic "rights" they don't need.
You don’t like our country? Leave
I like this country, it's those creepy gun weirdos that need to exit.

I love our's the mouthy wrong-headed women that need to exit. (See how stupid your posts are?)
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- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.
Imagine THAT...WE are fed up with a few people abusing anachronistic "rights" they don't need.

I don't think you NEED the right to vote and I'm fed up with how you abuse that right. It should be taken away from you.
holy crap, I love this post...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:clap2::clap2::clap2::udaman:

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