So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

It's a match and some of you need to call down. My hunting rifles are perfectly safe and I don't need the nra nor chicken littles telling me. This from an avid Hunter former new member who has been hearing how my gun rights are not safe for 50 some odd years now....
The point is they don’t trump my rights no matter how many people protested
Only White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigots carry American flags, get with the programme :uhoh3:
If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?
/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.

Not just from YOU but from the rest of us also. This is being funded by the usual Globalists, what we collectively now just refer to as The Usual Suspects, but you should already know who they are or at least who their Front Men and Front Women are.

These morons who are marching, The Useful Idiots, just sheep, Sheeple, the Globalists actually have no use for them either in fact they are laughing at these morons marching and thinking what good little sheep they are, MINDLESS SHEEP.


This below is what a Human Wolf calls Human Rights:



IMO you're one very confused and sick puppy.
I’d say that is you. You really believe your rights count more than mine . You don’t like that, too bad
You said-
I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

It doesn't appear they're walking much. "Right to Life" one sign says..yeah, like you support that. :auiqs.jpg:

A lot of what it is, is that these kids have no direction. Someone gives them direction for this BS and they're all over it.

Unfortunately, this is not a worthy cause.

Thank you too for you opinion. If a new one year play of Edgar Bergen is produced, and they need a stand-in for Charley McCarthy, I'll be happy to recommend you, Mary.

And if I ever need a snarky paid leftist shill, I got your number bro.

I doubt it, you've never even invested in a dictionary, let alone an education. But proof me wrong, define "leftist"!

Look up the word CAPTIOUS, and google Proof or prove.

"proof" is a noun that means "evidence", and "prove" is a verb that means "demonstrate".
And you were wrong Hahahaha Hahahaha you asked him to demonstrate not show evidence

It was your sentence structure
Indeed. There have always been and will always be evil people who want to harm others. What the Prog-loons are promoting is that only the evil people who are power hungry enough to get positions of political power have all the guns so that they can control the rest of us and leave us at the mercy of the criminals who will ignore the law.

Governments have killed WAY more people than any lone wolf crazy teen shooter. Lol.

Indeed. And that Creepy Hogg Kid would fit right in with the jack booted thugs who killed millions.


"that Creepy Hogg Kid"? You really are deplorable. Likely scared and envious that someone so young is so much smarter, better educated and more articulate than you will ever be.

He is creepy. Most of you leftists are creepy. Like creeping crud. Lol.
----------------------------------- YEAH , the 'hogg' does look creepy , he is badly misshapen in the head area imo ChrisL .
--------------------------------------------------------- plus , check it out but the 'hogg' kid seems to have an over sized misshapen head and a wimpy skinny presence . I'd call his looks as being the same as 'mrobamas' Pajama Boy type WryCatcher , imo .
Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.



Well, no, that's not what we think, but those are funny. Not as funny as the chicken memes, but funny.

View attachment 184405
I already have that one and the chick in the suicide belt saved. Keep 'em comin'.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
/——/ Since “assault weapon” is a made up bs classification, gun grabbers can apply it to any gun. Got a single shot .22? Oh that’s an assault weapon, ban it.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians.

The AR-15 is not designed for military use.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
I’ve asked you before, what is an assault weapon? A knife is an assault weapon!
some people are naive and some are cowardly as they know that they will NOT fight anyone about anything . See 'venezuela' as the people are starving because of their government which is starving them and their kids . Well , some fight and die but the cowards say , oh well , we can't stand up to 'maduros' military because we will only lose anyway . ------------------- i bet that the 'venzie' peasants wish that they had a few million AR15 rifles .
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
I’ve asked you before, what is an assault weapon? A knife is an assault weapon!
The AR-15 is directly modeled on the military M-16. Fact. The only difference was the full auto feature used on the military models.
The M-16 and hence the AR-15 were developed to be lightweight, easy to operate and to speed the bullets through the barrel causing maximum damage, as well as firing bullets as fast as possible. They accept large capacity magazines so you can shoot lots of people in between changing magazines.
There may be lots of weapons like that. If so, they should all be banned.
Getting into an argument over "What Is An Assault Weapon" is a tired tactic.
miketx: When the "assault weapons" ban was lifted, in the following decade mass shootings and the number of people killed in them TRIPLED. That is why I believe it would help to ban them again.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
I’ve asked you before, what is an assault weapon? A knife is an assault weapon!
The AR-15 is directly modeled on the military M-16. Fact. The only difference was the full auto feature used on the military models.
The M-16 and hence the AR-15 were developed to be lightweight, easy to operate and to speed the bullets through the barrel causing maximum damage, as well as firing bullets as fast as possible. They accept large capacity magazines so you can shoot lots of people in between changing magazines.
There may be lots of weapons like that. If so, they should all be banned.
Getting into an argument over "What Is An Assault Weapon" is a tired tactic.
miketx: When the "assault weapons" ban was lifted, in the following decade mass shootings and the number of people killed in them TRIPLED. That is why I believe it would help to ban them again.
You don’t get to make that statement, I have rights too. So scurry along cause you are advocating violence!
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.

You are confused Moon Bat.

They are advocating taking away our Constitutional rights. There were signs saying "abolish the Second Amendment". If that ain't taking away our rights then what is?

You are really confused about this. These, what you Moon Bats call assault weapons, are not the real killers in America. The real gun violence comes from the inner city shitholes run by Democrats by minorities, gang bangers and druggies. Almost every weekend in Chicago there is a Parkland and every month more people shot and killed than in Las Vegas. The weapons are not thousand dollar ARs but cheap, mostly stolen, illegal handguns

If you Libtards were really serious about stopping gun crime in this country you would be getting rid of these Democrats in the big cities that allow the crimes among the minorities because they are too chickenshit to enforce the law or to confront their despicable voter base..
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians.

The AR-15 is not designed for military use.
She doesn’t know cause she has no idea what an assault weapon is
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
I’ve asked you before, what is an assault weapon? A knife is an assault weapon!
The AR-15 is directly modeled on the military M-16. Fact. The only difference was the full auto feature used on the military models.
The M-16 and hence the AR-15 were developed to be lightweight, easy to operate and to speed the bullets through the barrel causing maximum damage, as well as firing bullets as fast as possible. They accept large capacity magazines so you can shoot lots of people in between changing magazines.
There may be lots of weapons like that. If so, they should all be banned.
Getting into an argument over "What Is An Assault Weapon" is a tired tactic.
miketx: When the "assault weapons" ban was lifted, in the following decade mass shootings and the number of people killed in them TRIPLED. That is why I believe it would help to ban them again.
You don’t get to make that statement, I have rights too. So scurry along cause you are advocating violence!
I don't get to make which statement? No one is taking away your rights with an assault weapons ban. I ain't scurrying anywhere, regardless of how many threats you make.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
I’ve asked you before, what is an assault weapon? A knife is an assault weapon!
The AR-15 is directly modeled on the military M-16. Fact. The only difference was the full auto feature used on the military models.
The M-16 and hence the AR-15 were developed to be lightweight, easy to operate and to speed the bullets through the barrel causing maximum damage, as well as firing bullets as fast as possible. They accept large capacity magazines so you can shoot lots of people in between changing magazines.
There may be lots of weapons like that. If so, they should all be banned.
Getting into an argument over "What Is An Assault Weapon" is a tired tactic.
miketx: When the "assault weapons" ban was lifted, in the following decade mass shootings and the number of people killed in them TRIPLED. That is why I believe it would help to ban them again.
I didn't asked you what is an assault weapon. I asked you to explain to us how banning AR-15 rifles will stop murders when there are plenty of other rifles that will still be available. How come you wont answer that simple question?
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.
I’ve asked you before, what is an assault weapon? A knife is an assault weapon!

Is a fertilizer bomb or an airplane an assault weapon? They have killed lots of people.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.
No, they're not. Banning assault weapons is not taking away your right to keep and bear arms. The NRA is trying to scare the shit out of you, and you're letting them!
What WILL stop the illegal gun crime in big cities is for the people of those neighborhoods to stand up and make it stop. They are the only ones who can, and it is a sensible thing to add to their agenda. The outcry against gun deaths is AS important as any policy that is discussed. The issue has been ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.
But no one wants to gut the 2nd. They want guns that were developed for military use out of the hands of civilians. No one needs a weapon designed solely to kill as many people as quickly and efficiently as possible. Think about it.

You are confused Moon Bat.

They are advocating taking away our Constitutional rights. There were signs saying "abolish the Second Amendment". If that ain't taking away our rights then what is?

You are really confused about this. These, what you Moon Bats call assault weapons, are not the real killers in America. The real gun violence comes from the inner city shitholes run by Democrats by minorities, gang bangers and druggies. Almost every weekend in Chicago there is a Parkland and every month more people shot and killed than in Las Vegas. The weapons are not thousand dollar ARs but cheap, mostly stolen, illegal handguns

If you Libtards were really serious about stopping gun crime in this country you would be getting rid of these Democrats in the big cities that allow the crimes among the minorities because they are too chickenshit to enforce the law or to confront their despicable voter base..
The little black girl was right and they all went huh?

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