So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

Basically, the leftist argument boils down to this "I am afraid of people with guns, so I want to ban guns, or control the criminals/murderers who use them by making new laws." Lol. :D

Straw Man - lacks substance, evidence and reality.

On which side of the debate who feel the need to carry a gun to the grocery store, a restaurant, church, school and even when carrying the trash to their garbage can? These are the people who are scared.
This isn't in the Badlands, this is in Politics.

Curtail the frivolous insults, and provide content in your posts.
Basically, the leftist argument boils down to this "I am afraid of people with guns, so I want to ban guns, or control the criminals/murderers who use them by making new laws." Lol. :D

Straw Man - lacks substance, evidence and reality.

On which side of the debate who feel the need to carry a gun to the grocery store, a restaurant, church, school and even when carrying the trash to their garbage can? These are the people who are scared.
The FACT of the matter is .. . . there have always been (long before guns existed) and always will be murderers and criminals. They will ignore laws (hence the word CRIMINAL) and will attack you if the opportunity presents itself and if they think they will benefit from it. You do not want to leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and your government to protect you. You need to be proactive when it comes to your self defense. The more and more people that enter the world, the more and more dangerous it becomes because it is PEOPLE who are the real danger.

Indeed. There have always been and will always be evil people who want to harm others. What the Prog-loons are promoting is that only the evil people who are power hungry enough to get positions of political power have all the guns so that they can control the rest of us and leave us at the mercy of the criminals who will ignore the law.

Governments have killed WAY more people than any lone wolf crazy teen shooter. Lol.

Indeed. And that Creepy Hogg Kid would fit right in with the jack booted thugs who killed millions.


"that Creepy Hogg Kid"? You really are deplorable. Likely scared and envious that someone so young is so much smarter, better educated and more articulate than you will ever be.

He creepy. He's a vulgar, arrogant, ignorant tool.

Recently, a left-wing activist at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School accused the NRA of being "pathetic f***ers that want to keep killing our children," adding that they could have the blood of murdered children on their faces but they wouldn't do anything because they are somehow greedy.

In an interview with The Outline, David Hogg attacked pro-gun politicians and the NRA, saying, "It just makes me think what sick f***ers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected."

"What type of s***ty person does that?" Hogg continued. "They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

Hogg said he is going to make sure that "those f***ers aren’t getting reelected."

Hogg said he does not want more school security because "We’re going to create a system where we widen the school-to-prison pipeline." This notion of there being a "school-to-prison pipeline" has been thoroughly debunked.

Hogg said it is his job to fix America because "our parents don’t know how to use a f***ing democracy, so we have to."

WATCH: In Profanity-Laced Interview, Parkland Student Says NRA Could Have Children's Blood On Their Faces And They'd Still Take No Action
That is disgusting since many of them watched their friends die with their blood ripunning all over.

How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

You should read the federalist papers regarding the 2nd amendment and educate yourself. These are things that your school teacher never taught you about. Then, the government funded school system uses "education" or rather "omitting education" to brainwash you into believing your rights are bad for you and more government control over you is good. It is a sad and depressing thing once you wake up to the REAL world and leave your liberal fantasy la la land behind.

Yup. I have read them. But the right to bear arms, in the 2nd Amendment which was written in 1791, me con troll. That is probably more interesting. I notice it mentions actual types of guns that were protected. If you read it, Only two, me con troll, were included. Flint locks, and Muskets. We have always had, and still have, the right to determine what rules need to be added. But that is controlled by politicians in robes, also known as the Supreme court. Who have modified the 2nd over the years to suit the NRA.
Perhaps you should actually read the 2nd. And the thoughts that the writers of the 2nd had, back in the 1780's. If you actually care.
Basically, the leftist argument boils down to this "I am afraid of people with guns, so I want to ban guns, or control the criminals/murderers who use them by making new laws." Lol. :D

Straw Man - lacks substance, evidence and reality.

On which side of the debate who feel the need to carry a gun to the grocery store, a restaurant, church, school and even when carrying the trash to their garbage can? These are the people who are scared.
View attachment 184539

Typical. According to science, and scientific studies, conservatives are indeed afraid. So they call everyone names, because of their fear.
The FACT of the matter is .. . . there have always been (long before guns existed) and always will be murderers and criminals. They will ignore laws (hence the word CRIMINAL) and will attack you if the opportunity presents itself and if they think they will benefit from it. You do not want to leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and your government to protect you. You need to be proactive when it comes to your self defense. The more and more people that enter the world, the more and more dangerous it becomes because it is PEOPLE who are the real danger.

Indeed. There have always been and will always be evil people who want to harm others. What the Prog-loons are promoting is that only the evil people who are power hungry enough to get positions of political power have all the guns so that they can control the rest of us and leave us at the mercy of the criminals who will ignore the law.

Governments have killed WAY more people than any lone wolf crazy teen shooter. Lol.

Indeed. And that Creepy Hogg Kid would fit right in with the jack booted thugs who killed millions.


Yup. You can just see him sporting a Jr. Schutzstaffel uniform with a Gruppenfuhrer patch. What an odd kid.

He's a weak beta boy who will grow up to be another Prog Man Without A Chest.
How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

You should read the federalist papers regarding the 2nd amendment and educate yourself. These are things that your school teacher never taught you about. Then, the government funded school system uses "education" or rather "omitting education" to brainwash you into believing your rights are bad for you and more government control over you is good. It is a sad and depressing thing once you wake up to the REAL world and leave your liberal fantasy la la land behind.

Yup. I have read them. But the right to bear arms, in the 2nd Amendment which was written in 1791, me con troll. That is probably more interesting. I notice it mentions actual types of guns that were protected. If you read it, Only two, me con troll, were included. Flint locks, and Muskets. We have always had, and still have, the right to determine what rules need to be added. But that is controlled by politicians in robes, also known as the Supreme court. Who have modified the 2nd over the years to suit the NRA.
Perhaps you should actually read the 2nd. And the thoughts that the writers of the 2nd had, back in the 1780's. If you actually care.

You are sorely mistaken if you think human nature has changed since 1791, bub.
Basically, the leftist argument boils down to this "I am afraid of people with guns, so I want to ban guns, or control the criminals/murderers who use them by making new laws." Lol. :D

Straw Man - lacks substance, evidence and reality.

On which side of the debate who feel the need to carry a gun to the grocery store, a restaurant, church, school and even when carrying the trash to their garbage can? These are the people who are scared.
View attachment 184539

Typical. According to science, and scientific studies, conservatives are indeed afraid. So they call everyone names, because of their fear.
That actually is a liberal tactic.
The FACT of the matter is .. . . there have always been (long before guns existed) and always will be murderers and criminals. They will ignore laws (hence the word CRIMINAL) and will attack you if the opportunity presents itself and if they think they will benefit from it. You do not want to leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and your government to protect you. You need to be proactive when it comes to your self defense. The more and more people that enter the world, the more and more dangerous it becomes because it is PEOPLE who are the real danger.

Indeed. There have always been and will always be evil people who want to harm others. What the Prog-loons are promoting is that only the evil people who are power hungry enough to get positions of political power have all the guns so that they can control the rest of us and leave us at the mercy of the criminals who will ignore the law.

Governments have killed WAY more people than any lone wolf crazy teen shooter. Lol.

Indeed. And that Creepy Hogg Kid would fit right in with the jack booted thugs who killed millions.


Yup. You can just see him sporting a Jr. Schutzstaffel uniform with a Gruppenfuhrer patch. What an odd kid.

He's a weak beta boy who will grow up to be another Prog Man Without A Chest.

Yup. Con trolls lying and saying stupid things. Childish. Perhaps, Boedeca, you could find a board designed for children to post to.
Basically, the leftist argument boils down to this "I am afraid of people with guns, so I want to ban guns, or control the criminals/murderers who use them by making new laws." Lol. :D

Straw Man - lacks substance, evidence and reality.

On which side of the debate who feel the need to carry a gun to the grocery store, a restaurant, church, school and even when carrying the trash to their garbage can? These are the people who are scared.
View attachment 184539

Typical. According to science, and scientific studies, conservatives are indeed afraid. So they call everyone names, because of their fear.
That actually is a liberal tactic.
Not at all. But that is a con response. Thanks so much for that, me boy.
How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

You should read the federalist papers regarding the 2nd amendment and educate yourself. These are things that your school teacher never taught you about. Then, the government funded school system uses "education" or rather "omitting education" to brainwash you into believing your rights are bad for you and more government control over you is good. It is a sad and depressing thing once you wake up to the REAL world and leave your liberal fantasy la la land behind.

Yup. I have read them. But the right to bear arms, in the 2nd Amendment which was written in 1791, me con troll. That is probably more interesting. I notice it mentions actual types of guns that were protected. If you read it, Only two, me con troll, were included. Flint locks, and Muskets. We have always had, and still have, the right to determine what rules need to be added. But that is controlled by politicians in robes, also known as the Supreme court. Who have modified the 2nd over the years to suit the NRA.
Perhaps you should actually read the 2nd. And the thoughts that the writers of the 2nd had, back in the 1780's. If you actually care.
I notice it mentions actual types of guns that were protected.

Have a link for that?
And now back to the topic: Hogg is just part of the ASTROTURF.

The March For Our Lives against gun violence, organized by kids for kids, quietly registered as a 501(c)(4) with the D.C. Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, The Washington Free Beacon reports — a designation that allows the March to keep its big money donors secret from prying eyes.

According to WFB, the March, whose signature event is scheduled for this Saturday, decided to incorporate as a "social welfare" organization, and a non-profit, but not a 501(c)(3), a designation which would have allowed those who donated to the March to claim their contributions as tax deductions, but which would have required the March itself to submit a list of their contributors to the IRS.

As a 501(c)(3), however, donor information would become searchable as soon as the March filed their annual tax paperwork. Given how quiet the Parkland students agitating for gun control have been about who is funding and organizing their efforts, it's no surprise that the adults in charge would seek to keep certain information out of the public eye.

One thing is clear from the March's paperwork: the kids are definitely no longer in charge.

It was already evident that major leftists organizations were dictating the March's agenda and schedule. Buzzfeed reported weeks ago that Everytown for Gun Safety, the Giffords organization, Planned Parenthood, and the Women's March had all taken critical roles in organizing Saturday's event. Key Democratic legislators, like Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), moved in on the kids quickly, and helped facilitate meetings with progressive groups.

The March For Our Lives Forms Up A Dark Money Group To Hide Its Donors
Basically, the leftist argument boils down to this "I am afraid of people with guns, so I want to ban guns, or control the criminals/murderers who use them by making new laws." Lol. :D

Straw Man - lacks substance, evidence and reality.

On which side of the debate who feel the need to carry a gun to the grocery store, a restaurant, church, school and even when carrying the trash to their garbage can? These are the people who are scared.
View attachment 184539

Typical. According to science, and scientific studies, conservatives are indeed afraid. So they call everyone names, because of their fear.
That actually is a liberal tactic.
Not at all. But that is a con response. Thanks so much for that, me boy.
Thank you for proving my point.
Governments have killed WAY more people than any lone wolf crazy teen shooter. Lol.

Indeed. And that Creepy Hogg Kid would fit right in with the jack booted thugs who killed millions.


Yup. You can just see him sporting a Jr. Schutzstaffel uniform with a Gruppenfuhrer patch. What an odd kid.

He's a weak beta boy who will grow up to be another Prog Man Without A Chest.

Yup. Con trolls lying and saying stupid things. Childish. Perhaps, Boedeca, you could find a board designed for children to post to.


That, me con troll, would be your opinion and you know how much I value your opinion.
You must have some idea that only con trolls like yourself believe bashing kids who want to not be shot by clowns carrying assault weapons is simply con drivel from those unable to put together rational sentences. And who simply post con talking points. Really, me girl, I can simply go to and see those talking points. I do not need you to cut and paste them.
Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."

I'm sure you are aware of All YOUR Rights, it's the fact that you don't care about the rights of others is why I've scolded you.

And yet, you are tirelessly working to curtail the rights of others who have committed NO crime. Might want to consider that before you "scold" anyone.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

And they wonder why we think they want to take all the guns.

If you actually listened, you would understand that NO one wants all your guns. Stupid statement, me boy. What some do want is an amendment to the 2nd to make it in line with the many other nations who do not have hundreds of mass shooting deaths every year.
Now, if you paid any attention at all, you would know over 95% of those mass shooting deaths were from assault rifles. Now, I brought you that far. Even a 6 year old would see what and why they want to amend our laws. Only a brain dead person would suggest they want all of our guns. But then, I see your problem.

"Abolish the 2nd Amendment"
"Get rid of AR-15s"
"Fuck the NRA" (an organization that in spite of the misconceptions of others is made up of gun owners

Yeah, "NO one wants all your guns." Sad that you make a liar of yourself so quickly. Oh, and your constant attempts to delegitimize your opponents by name calling and belittling them just show what you really are and why you're not being taken seriously here.
The FACT of the matter is .. . . there have always been (long before guns existed) and always will be murderers and criminals. They will ignore laws (hence the word CRIMINAL) and will attack you if the opportunity presents itself and if they think they will benefit from it. You do not want to leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and your government to protect you. You need to be proactive when it comes to your self defense. The more and more people that enter the world, the more and more dangerous it becomes because it is PEOPLE who are the real danger.

Indeed. There have always been and will always be evil people who want to harm others. What the Prog-loons are promoting is that only the evil people who are power hungry enough to get positions of political power have all the guns so that they can control the rest of us and leave us at the mercy of the criminals who will ignore the law.

Governments have killed WAY more people than any lone wolf crazy teen shooter. Lol.

Indeed. And that Creepy Hogg Kid would fit right in with the jack booted thugs who killed millions.


"that Creepy Hogg Kid"? You really are deplorable. Likely scared and envious that someone so young is so much smarter, better educated and more articulate than you will ever be.

Oh, the "I want to take your second amendment rights, but don't infringe on my first amendment right to not have a see through backpack" kid? He's funny.
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.
No politicians nor any adults were permitted to speak at the Washington Rally yesterday which proves you’re totally full of shit “ they were handed scripts.”
You underestimate these articulate brave young adults. You are a poster child for the NRA.
clearly, you've got a problem with the first
I don't see him trying to shut anything down, as we see on college campuses.
What would a HS dropout like yourself know what’s happening on college campuses?
Wow, right to the personal insults.

I struck a nerve again. Always a good sign, thanks.
The only thing you strike is my gag reflex. I’m thrilled this new movement scares you. It should.

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