So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

Hey moron. No one says they don’t have that right. How can you educate anyone when you are illiterate and dumb as a box of hair?

Hey, fuck you dick head just about all you fuck wad righties are insinuating they had no rights, so go fuck yourself boy.

No we did not. You are illiterate and stupid, now you are also a liar. Learn to read ffs.
We are all breathlessly waiting for you to say where we lied. The rest is simply trivial con hate talk. Me boy.

Who is "we" and what did you allegedly lie about?
We are those with working minds. You know, it excludes you and others like you who get their beliefs from talking points fed to them.
Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."

I'm sure you are aware of All YOUR Rights, it's the fact that you don't care about the rights of others is why I've scolded you.

Ahem. The people who don't care about the rights of others are the ones exploiting the Parkland Shooting to take away the rights of law-abiding gun owners... instead of blaming the FBI, School Administration, Broward Sheriff and Obama's "get rid of school discipline" policy for enabling the shooter.
The FACT of the matter is .. . . there have always been (long before guns existed) and always will be murderers and criminals. They will ignore laws (hence the word CRIMINAL) and will attack you if the opportunity presents itself and if they think they will benefit from it. You do not want to leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and your government to protect you. You need to be proactive when it comes to your self defense. The more and more people that enter the world, the more and more dangerous it becomes because it is PEOPLE who are the real danger.
They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

Hey moron, he proved it in his post. EVERY SINGLE THING they said in their march and speeches has been said dozens of times all over the media by rabid, ignorant leftists. If you had an ounce of honesty or a functioning brain cell, you’d admit that fact. Alas......

Poor boy. You are an ignorant con troll. Proven congenital idiot. You suggest that because something was said with no proof that it is therefor true. Really, me boy, it is a congenital problem. Really not your problem. Being a congenital idiot is not your fault, it is just plain bad luck.

This is a very poor argument to back your side. I am assuming you were never a member of your high school or college debate team. :D

Thanks so much for your opinion. I do so much value it, you know.
They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

Hey moron, he proved it in his post. EVERY SINGLE THING they said in their march and speeches has been said dozens of times all over the media by rabid, ignorant leftists. If you had an ounce of honesty or a functioning brain cell, you’d admit that fact. Alas......

Poor boy. You are an ignorant con troll. Proven congenital idiot. You suggest that because something was said with no proof that it is therefor true. Really, me boy, it is a congenital problem. Really not your problem. Being a congenital idiot is not your fault, it is just plain bad luck.

Shut up, liar. You are exposed as a complete liar and no one has any use for your bull shit. Dismissed.
Thanks, me boy. I will keep that in mind. Dipshit
Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
View attachment 184532

Echo of talking point ^^^; Two can play this game:

View attachment 184533

I see Knowgood has a bird buddy.

Yet another poor and sorry excuse for a "liberal argument." Alinsky tactics but no real message or argument.
Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
View attachment 184532

Echo of talking point ^^^; Two can play this game:

View attachment 184533

I see Knowgood has a bird buddy.
Lol, this is the liberals indoctrinating young kids.

So you think that young boy came up with that on his own? Liberals are the low of the low. Wonder if his teacher told him that, or his parents.
Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
View attachment 184532

Echo of talking point ^^^; Two can play this game:

View attachment 184533

I see Knowgood has a bird buddy.
Lol, this is the liberals indoctrinating young kids.View attachment 184534
So you think that young boy came up with that on his own? Liberals are the low of the low. Wonder if his teacher told him that, or his parents.

Yup, they are brainwashing and using children to push their liberal agenda of total government control over the people. They are either really stupid or just totally whacked out, or they are agents of the government. Either way they can never be trusted.
Hey moron. No one says they don’t have that right. How can you educate anyone when you are illiterate and dumb as a box of hair?

Hey, fuck you dick head just about all you fuck wad righties are insinuating they had no rights, so go fuck yourself boy.

No we did not. You are illiterate and stupid, now you are also a liar. Learn to read ffs.
We are all breathlessly waiting for you to say where we lied. The rest is simply trivial con hate talk. Me boy.

Who is "we" and what did you allegedly lie about?
We are those with working minds. You know, it excludes you and others like you who get their beliefs from talking points fed to them.

And that answers my question how? :uhh:
The FACT of the matter is .. . . there have always been (long before guns existed) and always will be murderers and criminals. They will ignore laws (hence the word CRIMINAL) and will attack you if the opportunity presents itself and if they think they will benefit from it. You do not want to leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and your government to protect you. You need to be proactive when it comes to your self defense. The more and more people that enter the world, the more and more dangerous it becomes because it is PEOPLE who are the real danger.

Indeed. There have always been and will always be evil people who want to harm others. What the Prog-loons are promoting is that only the evil people who are power hungry enough to get positions of political power have all the guns so that they can control the rest of us and leave us at the mercy of the criminals who will ignore the law.
Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."

I'm sure you are aware of All YOUR Rights, it's the fact that you don't care about the rights of others is why I've scolded you.

Ahem. The people who don't care about the rights of others are the ones exploiting the Parkland Shooting to take away the rights of law-abiding gun owners... instead of blaming the FBI, School Administration, Broward Sheriff and Obama's "get rid of school discipline" policy for enabling the shooter.

Wow, an original spin, blaming Obama and law enforcement + a hackneyed play on an NRA talking point. Why not go for the trifecta, and blame the victims too? Like the other callous conservative have done on the pages above.
Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
View attachment 184532

Echo of talking point ^^^; Two can play this game:

View attachment 184533

I see Knowgood has a bird buddy.
Lol, this is the liberals indoctrinating young kids.View attachment 184534
So you think that young boy came up with that on his own? Liberals are the low of the low. Wonder if his teacher told him that, or his parents.

I never even heard a curseword until about that age. It surely didn't come from those who raised me.
The FACT of the matter is .. . . there have always been (long before guns existed) and always will be murderers and criminals. They will ignore laws (hence the word CRIMINAL) and will attack you if the opportunity presents itself and if they think they will benefit from it. You do not want to leave yourself at the mercy of criminals and your government to protect you. You need to be proactive when it comes to your self defense. The more and more people that enter the world, the more and more dangerous it becomes because it is PEOPLE who are the real danger.

Indeed. There have always been and will always be evil people who want to harm others. What the Prog-loons are promoting is that only the evil people who are power hungry enough to get positions of political power have all the guns so that they can control the rest of us and leave us at the mercy of the criminals who will ignore the law.

Governments have killed WAY more people than any lone wolf crazy teen shooter. Lol.
Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
View attachment 184532

Echo of talking point ^^^; Two can play this game:

View attachment 184533

I see Knowgood has a bird buddy.
Lol, this is the liberals indoctrinating young kids.View attachment 184534
So you think that young boy came up with that on his own? Liberals are the low of the low. Wonder if his teacher told him that, or his parents.

Yup, they are brainwashing and using children to push their liberal agenda of total government control over the people. They are either really stupid or just totally whacked out, or they are agents of the government. Either way they can never be trusted.
I know, the parents of that boy should lose their parental rights. Teaching a little kid that kind of hatred is what's wrong with our country today. Brought to us by liberals.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

And they wonder why we think they want to take all the guns.

If you actually listened, you would understand that NO one wants all your guns. Stupid statement, me boy. What some do want is an amendment to the 2nd to make it in line with the many other nations who do not have hundreds of mass shooting deaths every year.
Now, if you paid any attention at all, you would know over 95% of those mass shooting deaths were from assault rifles. Now, I brought you that far. Even a 6 year old would see what and why they want to amend our laws. Only a brain dead person would suggest they want all of our guns. But then, I see your problem.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

And they wonder why we think they want to take all the guns.

If you actually listened, you would understand that NO one wants all your guns. Stupid statement, me boy. What some do want is an amendment to the 2nd to make it in line with the many other nations who do not have hundreds of mass shooting deaths every year.
Now, if you paid any attention at all, you would know over 95% of those mass shooting deaths were from assault rifles. Now, I brought you that far. Even a 6 year old would see what and why they want to amend our laws. Only a brain dead person would suggest they want all of our guns. But then, I see your problem.

Are you an American citizen?
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

And they wonder why we think they want to take all the guns.

If you actually listened, you would understand that NO one wants all your guns. Stupid statement, me boy. What some do want is an amendment to the 2nd to make it in line with the many other nations who do not have hundreds of mass shooting deaths every year.
Now, if you paid any attention at all, you would know over 95% of those mass shooting deaths were from assault rifles. Now, I brought you that far. Even a 6 year old would see what and why they want to amend our laws. Only a brain dead person would suggest they want all of our guns. But then, I see your problem.

Yes, nobody is buying that load anymore. We don't believe you. Besides that, your statements show how little you really know about guns and gun control. "Assault" rifles (which are fully automatic rifles) are already banned.
Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."

I'm sure you are aware of All YOUR Rights, it's the fact that you don't care about the rights of others is why I've scolded you.

Ahem. The people who don't care about the rights of others are the ones exploiting the Parkland Shooting to take away the rights of law-abiding gun owners... instead of blaming the FBI, School Administration, Broward Sheriff and Obama's "get rid of school discipline" policy for enabling the shooter.

Wow, an original spin, blaming Obama and law enforcement + a hackneyed play on an NRA talking point. Why not go for the trifecta, and blame the victims too? Like the other callous conservative have done on the pages above.

Because it's because the local LEOs and school board embraced an Obama policy?

"BCPS is committed to keeping students engaged in school and out of the Juvenile Justice System."

Obama's legacy: School shooting in Parkland.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."

I'm sure you are aware of All YOUR Rights, it's the fact that you don't care about the rights of others is why I've scolded you.

Ahem. The people who don't care about the rights of others are the ones exploiting the Parkland Shooting to take away the rights of law-abiding gun owners... instead of blaming the FBI, School Administration, Broward Sheriff and Obama's "get rid of school discipline" policy for enabling the shooter.

Wow, an original spin, blaming Obama and law enforcement + a hackneyed play on an NRA talking point. Why not go for the trifecta, and blame the victims too? Like the other callous conservative have done on the pages above.
Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."

I'm sure you are aware of All YOUR Rights, it's the fact that you don't care about the rights of others is why I've scolded you.

Ahem. The people who don't care about the rights of others are the ones exploiting the Parkland Shooting to take away the rights of law-abiding gun owners... instead of blaming the FBI, School Administration, Broward Sheriff and Obama's "get rid of school discipline" policy for enabling the shooter.

Wow, an original spin, blaming Obama and law enforcement + a hackneyed play on an NRA talking point. Why not go for the trifecta, and blame the victims too? Like the other callous conservative have done on the pages above.

Obama's disastrous policy on school discipline is why the Parkland Shooter wasn't in a mental institution. For "equity" reasons, schools stopped disciplining minority students due to this policy.

Thanks Obama!

The negatives of Obama's ‘positive’ school discipline policies

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