So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

I hate to sound so cynical, but most people are ignorant and stupid. It's just a sad fact of life. They want what they want, and they want it now, and they don't want to have to do any thinking about it. We are getting lazier and lazier, fatter and fatter, and more and more stupid every day.

Lazier is obviously a bad thing. But what is really bad is the number of people who believe what they want to believe rather than follow truth and evidence of truth. Because they believe what they want to believe. Which makes them perfect sheeple for those wanting to lead them. Then you get the hordes of sheeple, and tools, who post on this board, and simply look for talking points that they like and that is their truth. It is their truth, and they are so ignorant that those who wrote down those talking points become the gods who lead the sheeple around by their nose. And the sheeple like it.
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

That nudge was all it took to light the fire. Open your eyes and take a look at reality, it's live and in color on the TV right now, and no doubt being watched by millions. That nudge was the straw in the adage of the camels back.

Republican members of Congress and the NRA are both watching the massive number of soon to be, or already voters. Some will understand this may become a sea change in our history. Others will mock the tens of thousands of soon to vote for the first time, and pay the price.
They are Soros paid robots, that don't have a clue.
Here is the thing, me con troll. While you worship at the site of conservative talking points, close to zero of these kids know of or care about Soros. Because, as opposed to you, they think.
If you had a soul, you would at some point realize that what you are doing when you put down the students is what you are told to do. Because you like being told what to believe and what to do. Because, me boy, that is how you find your truth, which is nothing but talking points for the weak of mind.
Asking the government to control or abolish one of YOUR own rights over the actions of crazy people. How absurd. Pure absurdity.

Interesting, me girl. You believe that all other countries of the world are wrong when they disallow ownership of an AR style gun.
And, you believe you are correct.
You believe that they all those nations have near zero mass shootings or deaths from mass shootings, and we have hundreds of mass shooting deaths, that they are all wrong and we have it right.
You believe it is a right as codified by our for fathers to have an ar, while their only experience with a rifle was a musket.
You believe we should all be able to have semi auto guns with 30 round magazines, so they can kill dozens of people, often children, before having to reload bullets.
You really feel we need to have an assault rifle rather than stop the killings of hundreds each and every year.
Got it. You are, me girl, not a constitutionalist, because they only knew of muskets. What you are is a NRA tool.
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Today it was clear the new generation of voters, Generation X, gets it; the false pathos and promises by members of Congress and the White House to pray for the victims, is seen by this generation of Americans as a worthless endeavor, and a means to once again fool the biddable and garner votes for the do nothing Republicans.

Leftist sez wut?

Give it up Mary, you have noting to offer and cannot seem to post anything of substance, anything thought provoking or anything thoughtful. Maybe it's time for you to find a new hobby, one which doesn't require thought.
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

That nudge was all it took to light the fire. Open your eyes and take a look at reality, it's live and in color on the TV right now, and no doubt being watched by millions. That nudge was the straw in the adage of the camels back.

Republican members of Congress and the NRA are both watching the massive number of soon to be, or already voters. Some will understand this may become a sea change in our history. Others will mock the tens of thousands of soon to vote for the first time, and pay the price.
They are Soros paid robots, that don't have a clue.
Here is the thing, me con troll. While you worship at the site of conservative talking points, close to zero of these kids know of or care about Soros. Because, as opposed to you, they think.
If you had a soul, you would at some point realize that what you are doing when you put down the students is what you are told to do. Because you like being told what to believe and what to do. Because, me boy, that is how you find your truth, which is nothing but talking points for the weak of mind.

They may not know it, but they are Soros's tools. He is largely financing their March.
Asking the government to control or abolish one of YOUR own rights over the actions of crazy people. How absurd. Pure absurdity.

Interesting, me girl. You believe that all other countries of the world are wrong when they disallow ownership of an AR style gun.
And, you believe you are correct.
You believe that they all those nations have near zero mass shootings or deaths from mass shootings, and we have hundreds of mass shooting deaths, that they are all wrong and we have it right.
You believe it is a right as codified by our for fathers to have an ar, while their only experience with a rifle was a musket.
You believe we should all be able to have semi auto guns with 30 round magazines, so they can kill dozens of people, often children, before having to reload bullets.
You really feel we need to have an assault rifle rather than stop the killings of hundreds each and every year.
Got it. You are, me girl, not a constitutionalist, because they only knew of muskets. What you are is a NRA tool.

"You believe that they all those nations have near zero mass shootings or deaths from mass shootings, and we have hundreds of mass shooting deaths, that they are all wrong and we have it right."

That's pure bullshit, and you know it. France just had a mass shooting, moron.

I hate to sound so cynical, but most people are ignorant and stupid. It's just a sad fact of life. They want what they want, and they want it now, and they don't want to have to do any thinking about it. We are getting lazier and lazier, fatter and fatter, and more and more stupid every day.

Lazier is obviously a bad thing. But what is really bad is the number of people who believe what they want to believe rather than follow truth and evidence of truth. Because they believe what they want to believe. Which makes them perfect sheeple for those wanting to lead them. Then you get the hordes of sheeple, and tools, who post on this board, and simply look for talking points that they like and that is their truth. It is their truth, and they are so ignorant that those who wrote down those talking points become the gods who lead the sheeple around by their nose. And the sheeple like it.
/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.

Not just from YOU but from the rest of us also. This is being funded by the usual Globalists, what we collectively now just refer to as The Usual Suspects, but you should already know who they are or at least who their Front Men and Front Women are.

These morons who are marching, The Useful Idiots, just sheep, Sheeple, the Globalists actually have no use for them either in fact they are laughing at these morons marching and thinking what good little sheep they are, MINDLESS SHEEP.


This below is what a Human Wolf calls Human Rights:



IMO you're one very confused and sick puppy.

Good thing nobody gives a crap what your opinion is or is not, you are the epitome of what the Sheeple are about, keep your head in the sand because we WANT your type to keep your head in the sand.

Thank you for your opinion Adam Henry, I really appreciate comments like yours.

Many of my posts receive alerts numbering in the 20' and 30's. Granted some are echoes of the Trump sheep and other self defined conservatives, most of which idiot-grams of those incapable of thought. Seems you too are one ot the toxic members of the right wing.

Well SassyIrishLass Hossfly we have another of those Leftists with an IQ of 240 or whatever :rolleyes-41:

I watched segments of the rallies, and I didn't hear one word about the shocking failure of the local police, the cowardly conduct of the cop at the school, the FBI's baffling failure to follow up on clear leads, the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz on multiple occasions, the failure of his legal guardian to take the rifle from him, etc., etc. Nope, it was just one speaker after another bashing guns and urging that guns be taken from law-abiding people who had nothing to do with the Parkland shooting.

They were urging the same kinds of gun laws that Russia and China have. Great.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.





Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition movement

The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.
People are ignorant and stupid and don't want to give any thought to any issue. That is the bottom line and that is why people are anti rights. It is either due to ignorance or because they are just government lackeys who want total government care, or IOW, pathetic excuses for human beings. There is no group I despise more than the leftist anti rights crowd.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.





Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition movement

The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.
Another fact for the leftists to mull over (if they are really interested in the truth that is).

A recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally (more guns = less crime).

Nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not in general. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate 3x that of the 9 European nations with the highest gun ownership rate!8
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

That nudge was all it took to light the fire. Open your eyes and take a look at reality, it's live and in color on the TV right now, and no doubt being watched by millions. That nudge was the straw in the adage of the camels back.

Republican members of Congress and the NRA are both watching the massive number of soon to be, or already voters. Some will understand this may become a sea change in our history. Others will mock the tens of thousands of soon to vote for the first time, and pay the price.
They are Soros paid robots, that don't have a clue.
Here is the thing, me con troll. While you worship at the site of conservative talking points, close to zero of these kids know of or care about Soros. Because, as opposed to you, they think.
If you had a soul, you would at some point realize that what you are doing when you put down the students is what you are told to do. Because you like being told what to believe and what to do. Because, me boy, that is how you find your truth, which is nothing but talking points for the weak of mind.
Tell me, who is funding all of this?
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

That nudge was all it took to light the fire. Open your eyes and take a look at reality, it's live and in color on the TV right now, and no doubt being watched by millions. That nudge was the straw in the adage of the camels back.

Republican members of Congress and the NRA are both watching the massive number of soon to be, or already voters. Some will understand this may become a sea change in our history. Others will mock the tens of thousands of soon to vote for the first time, and pay the price.
They are Soros paid robots, that don't have a clue.
Here is the thing, me con troll. While you worship at the site of conservative talking points, close to zero of these kids know of or care about Soros. Because, as opposed to you, they think.
If you had a soul, you would at some point realize that what you are doing when you put down the students is what you are told to do. Because you like being told what to believe and what to do. Because, me boy, that is how you find your truth, which is nothing but talking points for the weak of mind.

They may not know it, but they are Soros's tools. He is largely financing their March.

No he didn't, all you have to do is google it to see who finance it.

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