So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.





Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition movement

The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
I watched segments of the rallies, and I didn't hear one word about the shocking failure of the local police, the cowardly conduct of the cop at the school, the FBI's baffling failure to follow up on clear leads, the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz on multiple occasions, the failure of his legal guardian to take the rifle from him, etc., etc. Nope, it was just one speaker after another bashing guns and urging that guns be taken from law-abiding people who had nothing to do with the Parkland shooting.

They were urging the same kinds of gun laws that Russia and China have. Great.

Let me understand, me con troll. You wanted kids arrested because they broke NO laws. And lying saying that these kids wanted all guns removed. Though they never, ever said any such thing. Like in Russia. But in Russia, you would be in jail for lying about the local government. Here, you just spew your drivel and no one pays any attention. Because it is legal to lie in the US. And, you, being a liar, love it.
I watched segments of the rallies, and I didn't hear one word about the shocking failure of the local police, the cowardly conduct of the cop at the school, the FBI's baffling failure to follow up on clear leads, the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz on multiple occasions, the failure of his legal guardian to take the rifle from him, etc., etc. Nope, it was just one speaker after another bashing guns and urging that guns be taken from law-abiding people who had nothing to do with the Parkland shooting.

They were urging the same kinds of gun laws that Russia and China have. Great.

Let me understand, me con troll. You wanted kids arrested because they broke NO laws. And lying saying that these kids wanted all guns removed. Though they never, ever said any such thing. Like in Russia. But in Russia, you would be in jail for lying about the local government. Here, you just spew your drivel and no one pays any attention. Because it is legal to lie in the US. And, you, being a liar, love it.

English isn’t your first language and that might explain why you totally misinterpreted his post. You need to be smarter and understand your language handicap BEFORE you call anyone a liar. Everything he said is absolutely true.
clearly, you've got a problem with the first

Not at all. I one-hundred percent support their right to make asses of themselves. The intentions of their masters have been clear for decades.

It is of no consequence, however. The country will not be going that way.

That is disgusting since many of them watched their friends die with their blood ripunning all over.

How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."
I watched segments of the rallies, and I didn't hear one word about the shocking failure of the local police, the cowardly conduct of the cop at the school, the FBI's baffling failure to follow up on clear leads, the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz on multiple occasions, the failure of his legal guardian to take the rifle from him, etc., etc. Nope, it was just one speaker after another bashing guns and urging that guns be taken from law-abiding people who had nothing to do with the Parkland shooting.

They were urging the same kinds of gun laws that Russia and China have. Great.

Let me understand, me con troll. You wanted kids arrested because they broke NO laws. And lying saying that these kids wanted all guns removed. Though they never, ever said any such thing. Like in Russia. But in Russia, you would be in jail for lying about the local government. Here, you just spew your drivel and no one pays any attention. Because it is legal to lie in the US. And, you, being a liar, love it.

English isn’t your first language and that might explain why you totally misinterpreted his post. You need to be smarter and understand your language handicap BEFORE you call anyone a liar. Everything he said is absolutely true.

Close, me boy. What was absolutely true was that everything he said was a lie. Just your confusion.
Not at all. I one-hundred percent support their right to make asses of themselves. The intentions of their masters have been clear for decades.

It is of no consequence, however. The country will not be going that way.

That is disgusting since many of them watched their friends die with their blood ripunning all over.

How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

You should read the federalist papers regarding the 2nd amendment and educate yourself. These are things that your school teacher never taught you about. Then, the government funded school system uses "education" or rather "omitting education" to brainwash you into believing your rights are bad for you and more government control over you is good. It is a sad and depressing thing once you wake up to the REAL world and leave your liberal fantasy la la land behind.
Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

Hey moron. No one says they don’t have that right. How can you educate anyone when you are illiterate and dumb as a box of hair?

Hey, fuck you dick head just about all you fuck wad righties are insinuating they had no rights, so go fuck yourself boy.

I watched segments of the rallies, and I didn't hear one word about the shocking failure of the local police, the cowardly conduct of the cop at the school, the FBI's baffling failure to follow up on clear leads, the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz on multiple occasions, the failure of his legal guardian to take the rifle from him, etc., etc. Nope, it was just one speaker after another bashing guns and urging that guns be taken from law-abiding people who had nothing to do with the Parkland shooting.

They were urging the same kinds of gun laws that Russia and China have. Great.

Let me understand, me con troll. You wanted kids arrested because they broke NO laws. And lying saying that these kids wanted all guns removed. Though they never, ever said any such thing. Like in Russia. But in Russia, you would be in jail for lying about the local government. Here, you just spew your drivel and no one pays any attention. Because it is legal to lie in the US. And, you, being a liar, love it.

English isn’t your first language and that might explain why you totally misinterpreted his post. You need to be smarter and understand your language handicap BEFORE you call anyone a liar. Everything he said is absolutely true.

Close, me boy. What was absolutely true was that everything he said was a lie. Just your confusion.

Not at all. I one-hundred percent support their right to make asses of themselves. The intentions of their masters have been clear for decades.

It is of no consequence, however. The country will not be going that way.

That is disgusting since many of them watched their friends die with their blood ripunning all over.

How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

Hey moron, he proved it in his post. EVERY SINGLE THING they said in their march and speeches has been said dozens of times all over the media by rabid, ignorant leftists. If you had an ounce of honesty or a functioning brain cell, you’d admit that fact. Alas......
Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

Hey moron. No one says they don’t have that right. How can you educate anyone when you are illiterate and dumb as a box of hair?

Hey, fuck you dick head just about all you fuck wad righties are insinuating they had no rights, so go fuck yourself boy.

No we did not. You are illiterate and stupid, now you are also a liar. Learn to read ffs.
We are all breathlessly waiting for you to say where we lied. The rest is simply trivial con hate talk. Me boy.

The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am well aware of ALL of my rights and how important they are, why they are important, the intent behind these rights, the vision of the founding fathers, etc. These are things that you and those of your mindset have obviously never learned. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and educate yourself. Or, you could always just live in Europe so you can "feel safer."

I'm sure you are aware of All YOUR Rights, it's the fact that you don't care about the rights of others is why I've scolded you.
Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.

Hey moron. No one says they don’t have that right. How can you educate anyone when you are illiterate and dumb as a box of hair?

Hey, fuck you dick head just about all you fuck wad righties are insinuating they had no rights, so go fuck yourself boy.

No we did not. You are illiterate and stupid, now you are also a liar. Learn to read ffs.
We are all breathlessly waiting for you to say where we lied. The rest is simply trivial con hate talk. Me boy.

Who is "we" and what did you allegedly lie about?
I watched segments of the rallies, and I didn't hear one word about the shocking failure of the local police, the cowardly conduct of the cop at the school, the FBI's baffling failure to follow up on clear leads, the local program that discouraged the police from arresting Cruz on multiple occasions, the failure of his legal guardian to take the rifle from him, etc., etc. Nope, it was just one speaker after another bashing guns and urging that guns be taken from law-abiding people who had nothing to do with the Parkland shooting.

They were urging the same kinds of gun laws that Russia and China have. Great.

Let me understand, me con troll. You wanted kids arrested because they broke NO laws. And lying saying that these kids wanted all guns removed. Though they never, ever said any such thing. Like in Russia. But in Russia, you would be in jail for lying about the local government. Here, you just spew your drivel and no one pays any attention. Because it is legal to lie in the US. And, you, being a liar, love it.

English isn’t your first language and that might explain why you totally misinterpreted his post. You need to be smarter and understand your language handicap BEFORE you call anyone a liar. Everything he said is absolutely true.

Close, me boy. What was absolutely true was that everything he said was a lie. Just your confusion.

Show where he said he wanted those kids arrested liar.

They are pushing a bill that would ban almost all guns in this country, they don’t have to speak the words “ban guns” to actually be pushing for exactly that. He’s right, and you are a liar.
That is disgusting since many of them watched their friends die with their blood ripunning all over.

How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

Hey moron, he proved it in his post. EVERY SINGLE THING they said in their march and speeches has been said dozens of times all over the media by rabid, ignorant leftists. If you had an ounce of honesty or a functioning brain cell, you’d admit that fact. Alas......

Poor boy. You are an ignorant con troll. Proven congenital idiot. You suggest that because something was said with no proof that it is therefor true. Really, me boy, it is a congenital problem. Really not your problem. Being a congenital idiot is not your fault, it is just plain bad luck.
How many?

These kids are being led, no matter how many times that is denied.

They are being led, but not in the manner of those who continue to follow Trump and others like him, demagogues and charlatans. They are led by the horror of violent death and the callous disregard of Pols whose promise to pray is hollow, for their actions belie the normal human emotion of empathy, their words are false pathos (i.e. Fake Concern for others seeking to benefit them, and not those who are hurting).

Bullshit, their talking points could have come form any gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. The whole damn thing was orchestrated and probably scripted by regressive organizations.
Your confusion, me boy, is that you get your entire belief system from con talking points, and NRA talking points. So, you suspect they have been getting talking points. But you can not point to where, or prove anything. Just more con talking points, and con nut case hate that you have developed from those places. Good for you. Totally wrong, of course. But just think of what it would be like if you had a brain.

Hey moron, he proved it in his post. EVERY SINGLE THING they said in their march and speeches has been said dozens of times all over the media by rabid, ignorant leftists. If you had an ounce of honesty or a functioning brain cell, you’d admit that fact. Alas......

Poor boy. You are an ignorant con troll. Proven congenital idiot. You suggest that because something was said with no proof that it is therefor true. Really, me boy, it is a congenital problem. Really not your problem. Being a congenital idiot is not your fault, it is just plain bad luck.

This is a very poor argument to back your side. I am assuming you were never a member of your high school or college debate team. :D
The left lies constantly, and one of their lies is that “no one is coming for your guns”.

Total civilian disarmament has always been the plan, you better get organised a Counter Movement to this crap or I'm sorry they are going to win, they have started to chip away slowly you cannot rest on your laurels and think your Constitution is going to prevent their Agenda because it's not, you need an organised Counter Movement and you need to fight them toe to toe.

They will enlist the UN next, you know the UN has a policy of Disarming Cities where they can actually send in UN operatives to do this WITHOUT a nations Governments approval, they literally can just walk in and disarm.

Not sure what is happening in New York at the UN, but the below is from outside of the UN, Geneva, Switzerland:


Already doing it.

Educating American leftists about their rights and important facts about guns is the key to solving their ignorance when it comes to our rights, I think.

Educating righties that there are more amendments other than the 2nd, those kids whether right or wrong had a right to their protest.
View attachment 184532

Echo of talking point ^^^; Two can play this game:


I see Knowgood has a bird buddy.

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