So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

It was really stirring to see those brave young kids get up there and issue a clear indictment of the glorification of a popular culture that pushes "thug life", gang warfare, violence, drugs, kill the cops, rape, "bitches" and other various destructive behaviors; and the way they pointed out the 650 murders in the streets of Chicago last year alone. And how today's youth have to look at their own popular culture as part of the problem.

Okay, I didn't actually see that part.

But I'm sure it happened, right?
Lets import about 10million of our ghetto Negroes and a few million of our Illegals to Australia and lets see how that inability to protect their families works out for them.

I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years
Why is it BRAINWASHING when they don't agree with you, but PATRIOTIC when they do?

One side is in support of the Constitution, and the other is, in its learned ignorance, in opposition to it.

The side in support would be termed patriotic.
Don't start all that "Support of the Constitution" is the "patriotic" side bullshit. That implies I'm not patriotic, and that's not true. In fact, I love my country SO much that I can envision it having real control of who owns a lethal weapon in order to control the violence done by the insane and the criminally minded. And the guys who didn't want their girlfriends or wives to leave them. And the kid who got dissed on FB. Lots of people abusing the right to own a gun, and lots of innocent people are paying the price. Just crying "support of the Constitution" is not going to cut it any more, Billy.
And don't imply gun control is unpatriotic.

Only a Stalinist would want the government to have "real control" of who owns weapons. Stalin considered himself to be a patriot also.

Your ignorance is immense, your education is miniature. If you can (read) pick up copy of Darkness at Noon or The Gulag Archipelago? If you need help comprehending my point, first see a psychiatrist and then an English teacher.
Among the assholes that are sponsoring the turd brains advocating doing away with our Constitutional rights is Black Lives Matter, a known terrorist organization. That tells you everything you need to know.
Their whole premise is unnecessary gun deaths. So yeah, why wouldn't they support it? Some black communities are a fucking war zone.

I'll explain it to you.

Those shitheads are advocating taking away the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for all Americans including the hundred million law abiding gun owners in the US.

The turd brains are ignoring the big city Democrat run ghetto shitholes where most of the gun crime takes place every day. Areas where the existing gun laws are not enforce against a population mostly of minorities.

No gun law taking away my right will ever stop the illegal gun crime in big city shitholes where most of it happens.

The agenda is not to stop gun violence. If it was then these turd brains would be marching in South Chicago. The agenda is to take away the ability of White Conservatives males to defend their family from Black crime and to prevent them from ever being able to hold the filthy ass government accountable for oppression.

It is dispicable agenda.
Exactly, the first amendment is at risk. Take away two you have no one. Joe Walsh was exactly right
Why is it BRAINWASHING when they don't agree with you, but PATRIOTIC when they do?

One side is in support of the Constitution, and the other is, in its learned ignorance, in opposition to it.

The side in support would be termed patriotic.
Don't start all that "Support of the Constitution" is the "patriotic" side bullshit. That implies I'm not patriotic, and that's not true. In fact, I love my country SO much that I can envision it having real control of who owns a lethal weapon in order to control the violence done by the insane and the criminally minded. And the guys who didn't want their girlfriends or wives to leave them. And the kid who got dissed on FB. Lots of people abusing the right to own a gun, and lots of innocent people are paying the price. Just crying "support of the Constitution" is not going to cut it any more, Billy.
And don't imply gun control is unpatriotic.
Only a Stalinist would want the government to have "real control" of who owns weapons. Stalin considered himself to be a patriot also.

"Only a Stalinist would want the government to have "real control" of who owns weapons."

Exactly gun control has nothing to do with guns, gun control is all about control of the population.

^^^^ Which is what this means:

Yes ending the first amendment . That can’t be said enough

Yes because without your Second Amendment you have no protection of your First Amendment, actually your Second Amendment protects ALL of the other Amendments.


Leftist Logic Hypocrisy 101:

I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years
Why is it BRAINWASHING when they don't agree with you, but PATRIOTIC when they do?

One side is in support of the Constitution, and the other is, in its learned ignorance, in opposition to it.

The side in support would be termed patriotic.
Don't start all that "Support of the Constitution" is the "patriotic" side bullshit. That implies I'm not patriotic, and that's not true. In fact, I love my country SO much that I can envision it having real control of who owns a lethal weapon in order to control the violence done by the insane and the criminally minded. And the guys who didn't want their girlfriends or wives to leave them. And the kid who got dissed on FB. Lots of people abusing the right to own a gun, and lots of innocent people are paying the price. Just crying "support of the Constitution" is not going to cut it any more, Billy.
And don't imply gun control is unpatriotic.

Only a Stalinist would want the government to have "real control" of who owns weapons. Stalin considered himself to be a patriot also.

Your ignorance is immense, your education is miniature. If you can (read) pick up copy of Darkness at Noon or The Gulag Archipelago? If you need help comprehending my point, first see a psychiatrist and then an English teacher.
See it is you that must figure out how to stop me
Why do Liberals always insist on taking away our Liberties? Why are they such assholes? They love government control and hate individual freedom, don't they?
Well, this thread has been co-opted by the dumbest of the dumb, who mock a celebration of democracy in action, and the First Amendment.

Q. Is it any wonder that they support Trump and the Oligarchy, and why they mock We the People, and hate democracy in action!
Well, this thread has been co-opted by the dumbest of the dumb, who mock a celebration of democracy in action, and the First Amendment.

Q. Is it any wonder that they support Trump and the Oligarchy, and why they mock We the People, and hate democracy in action!
Look how weak you are. You bitch at the very thing you’re trying to say. Whining about our constitution and our rights to say fk off
The weaponized public education system has really progressed recently.
------------------------------------------------------------------- been progressing through the last 40 years or so . I left in 66 but i was taught about RIGHTS and the Constitution . Its my opinion talking to people that went to school in the later 60s and on ward that they don't know what American is from what they were taught in school . And then doper parents and many were latch key kids SLiberty .
It was really stirring to see those brave young kids get up there and issue a clear indictment of the glorification of a popular culture that pushes "thug life", gang warfare, violence, drugs, kill the cops, rape, "bitches" and other various destructive behaviors; and the way they pointed out the 650 murders in the streets of Chicago last year alone. And how today's youth have to look at their own popular culture as part of the problem.

Okay, I didn't actually see that part.

But I'm sure it happened, right?

Yep, they were bused in from New Jersey, those who cheered when the twin towers fell as reported by Donald J. Trump.
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I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years
Why is it BRAINWASHING when they don't agree with you, but PATRIOTIC when they do?

One side is in support of the Constitution, and the other is, in its learned ignorance, in opposition to it.

The side in support would be termed patriotic.
Don't start all that "Support of the Constitution" is the "patriotic" side

How is it not?

I love my country SO much that I can envision it having real control of who owns a lethal weapon in order to control the violence done by the insane and the criminally minded.

Why not really control the insane and the criminally minded?

Lots of people abusing the right to own a gun

Not even a blip in comparison to the number of gun owners.

And don't imply gun control is unpatriotic.

I imply nothing. If the control policy is unconstitutional, it deserves opposition.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Cameron Kasky = piece of human waste, Defective DNA:


^^^^ Typical Leftist Commie Pro-Violence Thug, not the date of his Tweets especially his Tweet hoping that everyone at the NRA shoot themselves, so Cameron Big Nose Kasky was already on board the Gun Grabbing Agenda BEFORE the school shoot up from Nikolas Cruz.

Children learn in the home, well look at the teacher Cameron has his Big Nose father Jeff.

Jeff Kasky = piece of human waste, Defective DNA:


^^^^ This piece of human waste needs bringing down, an orchestrated effort to bring this POS down and his POS son with him.

Meanwhile from the below video at Facebook, does David Soy Boi Faggot Hogg sound like any type of role model? No he sounds like a filthy uneducated POS.


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