So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.

There are many good people who wander through life clueless.

In terms of the speeches, I've heard them all before, from adults. Kids repeating nonsense does not make it less nonsensical.
Well, I have certainly heard your side's "nonsense" repeated over and over, as well. I do wish they hadn't waited until the Pres and the Congress were all gone.
I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years
Why is it BRAINWASHING when they don't agree with you, but PATRIOTIC when they do?
I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years
Why is it BRAINWASHING when they don't agree with you, but PATRIOTIC when they do?

They only know what their liberal teachers tell them....I doubt half can count change or sign their name
Damn I just turned it on....someone shelled out big bucks for this circus

Good choice of words there.

The below sign is available to purchase, you can get them on Amazon also, IMHO as many American gun owners as possible should get one display it on their vehicles so the message is seen.

When you repeat the same old tired bullshit taught to you by the NRA and your gun toting militia contacts, it's not parroting, though, is it?

Here's how Communist deal with those who "disagree".....


I would say you deserved to be there more than her based on your stupidity exhibited in all your posts.
Perhaps one day, after you've begged to have your human rights taken away, you'll understand....and it'll literally make your head explode.

You're probably not bright enough to figure this out...but see if you can find the IRONY in this image....(Link for the disbelievers.....Report: China mass harvesting organs from prisoners - CNN)
You've got ONE YEAR........GO !!!!

- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.
Oh...please...more liberal moral high ground posturing...:crybaby:
Wow. "Moral high ground posturing?" For using the word "good?" You guys are on a real race for the bottom, aren't you?
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.



Well, no, that's not what we think, but those are funny. Not as funny as the chicken memes, but funny.
When you repeat the same old tired bullshit taught to you by the NRA and your gun toting militia contacts, it's not parroting, though, is it?

Here's how Communist deal with those who "disagree".....


I would say you deserved to be there more than her based on your stupidity exhibited in all your posts.
Perhaps one day, after you've begged to have your human rights taken away, you'll understand....and it'll literally make your head explode.

You're probably not bright enough to figure this out...but see if you can find the IRONY in this image....
You've got ONE YEAR........GO !!!!

View attachment 184403
You got me scart now
I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years

The situation is the Right are allowing them to control the message, the Right need to take control of the message not let OTHERS control it. You have nearly 90 MILLION gun owners, IF guns were the problem then you would not have eg. 30 shootings a year you would have TENS of MILLIONS of shootings a year, 90 million law abiding responsible gun owners should not be punished for a tiny percentage of those who have mental health issues and go psychotic at random.
I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years
Why is it BRAINWASHING when they don't agree with you, but PATRIOTIC when they do?

One side is in support of the Constitution, and the other is, in its learned ignorance, in opposition to it.

The side in support would be termed patriotic.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.



Well, no, that's not what we think, but those are funny. Not as funny as the chicken memes, but funny.

I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years

The situation is the Right are allowing them to control the message, the Right need to take control of the message not let OTHERS control it. You have nearly 90 MILLION gun owners

Actually, well in excess of 100,000,000. And that's only those with existing records.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.
You must have read that wrong ...that's not really what they want they only want evil assault weapons banned

He's not wrong, he actually believes what he writes. We see it all the time in five year old's, it's called magical thinking.
You mean like the kind displayed by the people in these rallies today?
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

There are as many gun owners as there are the Let's Disarm Everyone Crowd, so where is the Counter Movement, where is the organised guns owners and Pro-Second Amendment March?

There are vastly more, and marches are not necessary. If you look at the history of gun control over the last 25 years, they won.

If push ever comes to shove, they will come out to play once again.

Is this ^^^ an implied threat to defend the 2nd A., and to disparage the 1st.

It has been written, the Pen is mightier than the sword. Today, The March is mightier than the NRA, its rhetoric and its excuses, lies and hate. Don't be confused by those who profit from guns and ammunition who will oppose any effort to impact their golden goose, no matter how many suffer from their greed.

Congress needs to take action:
  • Release the CDC to collect statistic on gun violence
  • Fund the release of statistics on the cost in blood and treasure that a legal decision continues to hide.
  • Pass legislation to get around the near sighted decision of 5 members of the supreme court who equated political donations as free speech.
  • Hold hearings from ER doctors on the cost of treating gun victims (it's always helps to follow the money)
  • To represent the Will of the People, who today are speaking loudly, clearly and determination.
clearly, you've got a problem with the first

Not at all. I one-hundred percent support their right to make asses of themselves. The intentions of their masters have been clear for decades.

It is of no consequence, however. The country will not be going that way.

That is disgusting since many of them watched their friends die with their blood ripunning all over.

Very few of them saw that. Most of these kids are brainwashed dupes put up to it by their teachers and the fake news media.

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