So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.

Have the two main SJW Marxist Puppets the Skinhead Lesbian Ellen Gonzalez and Soy Boi Faggot David Hogg screeched anything yet?
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.

Have the two main SJW Marxist Puppets the Skinhead Lesbian Ellen Gonzalez and Soy Boi Faggot David Hogg screeched anything yet?

Some carrot top kid was rambling on and now a dark skinned
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.

Have the two main SJW Marxist Puppets the Skinhead Lesbian Ellen Gonzalez and Soy Boi Faggot David Hogg screeched anything yet?
Junior high ad hominem attacks by adults with supposed superior intellect.
Damn I just turned it on....someone shelled out big bucks for this circus
Well ,along with the usual suspects, they raided the go fund me account by half that had been set up to help the victims families I read on here.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.

There are many good people who wander through life clueless.

In terms of the speeches, I've heard them all before, from adults. Kids repeating nonsense does not make it less nonsensical.
Tell us what new gun law would have prevented it? As usual, I expect no answer.
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

They could not parrot better were they in a cage.
When you repeat the same old tired bullshit taught to you by the NRA and your gun toting militia contacts, it's not parroting, though, is it?

Here's the answer, none.

There will always be law breakers, and when the punishments are severe, fewer people will break the law. The laws of drinking and driving were misdemeanors originally in the CA penal code (602); today they are in the Vehicle Code (23152), thanks to MADD. Subsequent DUI's can be filed as Felonies and the convicted placed in prison with other threats to society.

Today teenagers are the new iteration of MADD, and listening to them speak right now is amazing, enlightening and a celebration of the First Amendment and democracy in action.

Notice the hackneyed responses by those who support the NRA? This post is a response to the hackneyed post by depotoo and of others who use it and other cliches to defend the indefensible - laissiez faire agendas by those who value their jobs and profits over the lives of so many other victims.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.
Oh...please...more liberal moral high ground posturing...:crybaby:
Listen to what? That disarming the good guys allows the bad guy free reign so more can be killed? Is that what you really want to see happen? Only the bad guys armed, that follow no law?
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.
Tell us what new gun law would have prevented it? As usual, I expect no answer.
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

They could not parrot better were they in a cage.
When you repeat the same old tired bullshit taught to you by the NRA and your gun toting militia contacts, it's not parroting, though, is it?

Here's the answer, none.

There will always be law breakers, and when the punishments are severe, fewer people will break the law. The laws of drinking and driving were misdemeanors originally in the CA penal code (602); today they are in the Vehicle Code (23152), thanks to MADD. Subsequent DUI's can be filed as Felonies and the convicted placed in prison with other threats to society.

Today teenagers are the new iteration of MADD, and listening to them speak right now is amazing, enlightening and a celebration of the First Amendment and democracy in action.

Notice the hackneyed responses by those who support the NRA? This post is a response to the hackneyed post by depotoo and of others who use it and other cliches to defend the indefensible - laissiez faire agendas by those who value their jobs and profits over the lives of so many other victims.

To my knowledge drinking and driving, or even drinking OR driving, are not Constitutionally mandated rights.
They say the same thing, which just happens to be what anti American leftists say, "common sense gun control" and "the right side of history". They were given a script and nudged into thinking this is the way to peace and love.

your inability to think for yourself is not universal, no matter what your masters tell you to think.
Damn I just turned it on....someone shelled out big bucks for this circus
Well ,along with the usual suspects, they raided the go fund me account by half that had been set up to help the victims families I read on here.
D.C. is expensive. Too bad the hotels didn't donate the rooms.
Nope. There all full of political hacks and Hollywood types who have paid big bucks for a room.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Also if anyone thinks that a group of school children have organised this then they have the IQ of a paper cup, there is no way a group of school children have organised this, the ones who have organised this are The Usual Suspects.

I'm strongly on the Right, but I can see that the Leftists are more organised with the crap they push, it's basically time that the Right get organised and begin a Counter Movement and have Counter Protests and go toe to toe with the Leftists, you have to fight for what you believe in, you have to fight to KEEP the things you LOVE, you don't win by sitting in your house while your ENEMY is mobilised AGAINST you and then think you are going to win by doing NOTHING.

Indeed. I've been listening to the speeches on and off. Most are ripped right from material developed by the Brady Campaign, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Violence Policy Center.
Those are good people. Thoughtful people who care about your kids and grandkids not being shot. You should listen.



I'm telling you everyone who loves this country better get off their ass and vote in November, or you can see where we're heading. That army of brainwashed kids are going to vote in a few years

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