So If EU imposes American Ban, How Should Trump Respond?

Nuclear War?
Trade War?
European Tourist Ban?
Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers?

They are responding to serious spikes in covid-19 cases. They are protecting their own people.

In my opinion, Trump shouldn't do anything to the EU.
Nuclear War?
Trade War?
European Tourist Ban?
Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers?

We haven't lifted the ban on EU yet... Why in the hell would we expect them to lift the one on us?

Edit: Did something change recently? Or is this just stupid?

EU wants to lift restriction in there free travel area... Some countries are down to handful of cases a day...

They have major efforts on contact tracing these cases.... For example Ireland's scientists want anyone coming into the country to spend a week in a government supplied 4 star hotel and take three tests before being let out into the general population. Doing that social distancing and all restrictions internally can be done away with... Having a plane load of people from an infected area (doesn't matter where) can destroy this...

Many EU countries have infection rates well below 1 and they have fought hard at great expense to get there... Should look as an example not something to destroy.
Nuclear War?
Trade War?
European Tourist Ban?
Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers?

" Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers" and stay out of Europe while he hires more secret service to replace those stricken with coronavirus supporting his rallies here at home and continuing to spread the disease at all his events against recommendation of senior officials in his administration.
Nuclear War?
Trade War?
European Tourist Ban?
Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers?

How are YOU going to respond? Going to call it drastic and xenophobic? How about racist? Since the virus is affecting minorities more.
Nuclear War?
Trade War?
European Tourist Ban?
Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers?

nothing, the dumb ass got us where we are now by not acting early and swiftly. Now 1000's of americans are dying. Summer and warm weather is here and the virus still round, unlike what our beloved genius told us.
Nuclear War?
Trade War?
European Tourist Ban?
Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers?

nothing, the dumb ass got us where we are now by not acting early and swiftly. Now 1000's of americans are dying. Summer and warm weather is here and the virus still round, unlike what our beloved genius told us.
Because state level decisions are dictated by the president?

Do you really believe that Alaskan residents need to make the same considerations as Brooklyn residents regarding Covid, or are you just too stupid to understand what's being implied by your statement?
Mario cuomo Jr wants to know if ya got any rooms in nursing homes ....well the ones who haven't tossed out the natives for third world savages ..

I'm sure the caring euros would love dead grandmas and grandpas
They already get screwed early by bad government health care waiting for trearments
Mario cuomo Jr wants to know if ya got any rooms in nursing homes ....well the ones who haven't tossed out the natives for third world savages ..

I'm sure the caring euros would love dead grandmas and grandpas
They already get screwed early by bad government health care waiting for trearments
What does this have to do with Europe?
Nuclear War?
Trade War?
European Tourist Ban?
Cry in his warm milk and eat more cheeseburgers? ...

Normally I am against suicide on spiritual reasons, but why not to make an exception for Donald Trump? A suicide could solve all his not existing problems - and for the USA would change nothing, because he is not fighting against real existing problems. I hope no one in his family and from his "friends" or employes loves him - then this could be an acceptable solution. Or believes anyone he could surprise the world with good positive and creative ideas and a lively and lovely form of communication? Not a big chance, isn't it?

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