So. If GOP Takes Over in 2023. It's The End Of Social Security, Medicare, ect. Really? Are all Americans That Stupid To Believe This?

Mankind has flourished without masks for millennia. Now, we have a disease with an extremely high survivability rate, and you want to forcibly muzzle the human population, even though it really doesn't do much good? Odd.

Why not just go full bore and force everyone into hazmat suits? I mean, since we're afraid of the world, and everything.

Of course, why not? By all appearances, they're fun and engaging. I've never been to a political rally in my life, but if I had to choose between tens of thousands of amped up, enthusiastic people and a dozen hand picked "journalists" sitting in chalk circles in an empty VFW hall somewhere, trying to stay awake, I'll take the crowd.

There are three times in history during which humans nearly went extinct. Here's what threatened us, and how we survived.

They say we are possibly living through the beginning stages of the 4th.

It’s a point in our stone-age past when our genetic diversity suddenly choked. At least among the male-transmitted genes. After a period of some 2,000 years of decline, there was only one fertile male left alive to mate with every 17 women.

It’s an event recorded in the bloodlines that have emerged across the world.
You don't think it's wise to wear a mask in close proximity to someone else?

You think it was wise to go to Trump rallies?

Yes I do. Supposedly the theory is that masks don't stop you from getting covid, it prevents you giving it to others if you have it. I know people that got covid and had a mask on every time they stepped out of the house. A virus is going to do what viruses do.
Just like Bush/Obama/Trump/Biden came up with stimulus money, they can come up with the money in 10 years when social security is set to run out of money.

We need money. White Americans aren't willing to work low paying jobs that pay into social security. Corporations say they can't find workers. All over the country MdD, Starbucks, Walmart all saying they can't find workers. Meanwhile we have people at the border looking for work. We can strategically place them to fill those low income jobs. And they will love them. Plus become an American citizen? Shit! Why not?

And today I heard Trump made foreigners not want to immigrate to the USA. We are still the country most foreigners want to come to but the number is down a lot because of Trump. So we can't really be picky about which countries we take in. German's and Greeks don't want to come here. Not just because of the anti immigrant feel Trump exposed but also because Americans live to work. Europeans work to live.

There is always an excuse by the left to let more foreigners in. Before the labor shortage it was population growth; we need these people to work and support our social programs. Then it was who is going to pick our lettuce? Now it's who is going to make my quarter ponder with cheese????

Here's an idea: Instead of bringing in foreigners to do our work, why don't we elect a party that will reduce social programs to people that are mentally and physically capable of working so they do have to take these unfilled jobs?
75% may be an underestimation if you are any example (just kidding of course):
Every time they have power the Republicans try and mess with SOCIAL SECURITY. Different plans every time. Its not like it couldn't use some thoughtful planning, But a few more million Grandmas living on the street will not be helpful in any fashion. Think instead of JUST reacting to the PROPAGANDA.
Did your grandpappy say that when everyone was getting their polio shots? Idiot!
No, I said that. You do know that COVID is extremely survivable, right, and that we've flourished through much worse diseases without forcibly masking the entire population, right?
There are three times in history during which humans nearly went extinct. Here's what threatened us, and how we survived.

They say we are possibly living through the beginning stages of the 4th.

It’s a point in our stone-age past when our genetic diversity suddenly choked. At least among the male-transmitted genes. After a period of some 2,000 years of decline, there was only one fertile male left alive to mate with every 17 women.

It’s an event recorded in the bloodlines that have emerged across the world.
"They say". Who is "They", where are they saying it, and are they saying it about COVID, an extremely survivable disease?
Every time they have power the Republicans try and mess with SOCIAL SECURITY. Different plans every time. Its not like it couldn't use some thoughtful planning, But a few more million Grandmas living on the street will not be helpful in any fashion. Think instead of JUST reacting to the PROPAGANDA.
I always get the feeling when conservatives say MAGA they mean to go back to a time before SS, Medicare, and all other social safety net programs.
Every time they have power the Republicans try and mess with SOCIAL SECURITY. Different plans every time. Its not like it couldn't use some thoughtful planning, But a few more million Grandmas living on the street will not be helpful in any fashion. Think instead of JUST reacting to the PROPAGANDA.
Where is Grandma's family? SS was not designed to support people for decades in retirement, it was designed to support people who lived past the average lifespan of the day and had nothing to live on.

It's only in modern times that we stopped expecting family to take care of family and instead make society do it. The Amish have a great system. As the kids reach adulthood, they leave the family farm and start their own lives with their own families, while the youngest builds an apartment on the house for Mom and Dad, where they live out their lives in retirement. In exchange, he inherits the family farm.
the real threat to social security is the democrats insane spending...they want to borrow the nation into a vast hole that will be impossible to climb out of....thats their plan anyhow, crush the nation with debt
The worst that can happen to SS is that we would get 70% of promised benefits. Bad, but not zero.
Medicare will go bankrupt unless its "fixed". That would go to zero, and everyone would pay for medical care.
Democrats didn't fix it when they had the power to do so.
Does the left bring this up every time we have an election? If republicans win, they will put a stop to social security and the other benefits seniors have a right to? And what does congress have to do with Social Security matters anyway? It's as the left thinks that over 75% us have an I.Q. lower than the average turkey or gerbil.
The right actually does have an average IQ of about 75.
The worst that can happen to SS is that we would get 70% of promised benefits. Bad, but not zero.
Medicare will go bankrupt unless its "fixed". That would go to zero, and everyone would pay for medical care.
Democrats didn't fix it when they had the power to do so.
And they never will because fixing it means higher taxes, higher barriers to entry, or a combination of both. They want to be Santa Claus, and it's tough to beat Santa.
I always get the feeling when conservatives say MAGA they mean to go back to a time before SS, Medicare, and all other social safety net programs.

That's because it's the way you've been trained to think. Republicans do want to cut down on social programs but mostly for those that can otherwise provide for themselves. Right now they are trying to think of ways to make these programs survive while the Democrats keep telling us there is nothing to worry about. Now if we do that by the time we find out we're in real trouble, most of those politicians will be long out of office so they really don't care now.

The bottom line is this: If we want these programs (and most Americans do) then we have to fund them plain and simple.
The Democrats seriously believe all voters are stupid. They have been working overtime to be sure students today are not well educated.

There still are Baby Boomers and some Generation X people around who actually got a good education but once those generations are gone the average voter will not know anything about American History or civics and be about as dumb as a box of rocks.

Gee, I wonder why Biden "won".

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