So, if Obama vetos everything that the house and senate sends over...

Obama would continue to be lauded by the Left. It's the very definition of their mental incapacity.
Will you Dems blame him for not getting anything done..

If Republicans grow a spine like they did under Newt Gringrich they can force Obama to sign bills like the Republicans forced Clinton to sign the capital gains tax cut and welfare reform.

How, you say? Be threatening to embarrass the president with an override vote.

It's not just the president can veto. The Congress can override a veto with enough votes.

Now, I KNOW this Senate is the led by the Spineless Mitch McConnel while Newt Gingrich still had a spine in those days.

We are going to have to hold this Senate's feet to the fire.

We are going to REALLY have to hold this Senate's feet to the fire.
So, if Obama vetos everything that the house and senate sends over...

he will guarantee a Republican president in 2016 and possibly for the next 24 years !! :up:
How mind blowing would it be; if he just started "rubber-stamping" everything that hit his desk, in a show of respect, and cooperation.
Hell, he's got nothing to lose.
Ahhh... but I can dream.
Really though; such a shrewd move could potentially turn his term into a success; somewhat salvaging his image. Now he'll have a chance to do what he claimed the GOP wouldn't...
The House and Senate will send over bills and Obama will Veto.
Then the lseft will scream that they sent over bills that they knew Obama will have no choice but to Veto.
Then the left will cry Racism because they did it to make Obama look like the bad guy.

This will be an interesting last two years for this failure of a President.
The House and Senate will send over bills and Obama will Veto.
Then the lseft will scream that they sent over bills that they knew Obama will have no choice but to Veto.
Then the left will cry Racism because they did it to make Obama look like the bad guy.

This will be an interesting last two years for this failure of a President.

I doubt if Obama will have many bills to veto. Unless the Republicans can find 60 votes in the Senate, none of those bills will make it to the floor

What Obama will veto is some Reconciliation bills that defund Obamacare
The House and Senate will send over bills and Obama will Veto.
Then the lseft will scream that they sent over bills that they knew Obama will have no choice but to Veto.
Then the left will cry Racism because they did it to make Obama look like the bad guy.

This will be an interesting last two years for this failure of a President.

I doubt if Obama will have many bills to veto. Unless the Republicans can find 60 votes in the Senate, none of those bills will make it to the floor

What Obama will veto is some Reconciliation bills that defund Obamacare

The bills will make it to the floor of the Senate since Harry wont be there to toss them in the garbage.
Then Obama can Veto them and the Senate can't overide the Veto..

That's the way I see it...
The House and Senate will send over bills and Obama will Veto.
Then the lseft will scream that they sent over bills that they knew Obama will have no choice but to Veto.
Then the left will cry Racism because they did it to make Obama look like the bad guy.

This will be an interesting last two years for this failure of a President.

I doubt if Obama will have many bills to veto. Unless the Republicans can find 60 votes in the Senate, none of those bills will make it to the floor

What Obama will veto is some Reconciliation bills that defund Obamacare

The bills will make it to the floor of the Senate since Harry wont be there to toss them in the garbage.
Then Obama can Veto them and the Senate can't overide the Veto..

That's the way I see it...

This is assuming that these bills are not threatened with filibusterers from the Democrats. It take 60 votes to get anything out of the Senate nowadays.

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