So, let's go ahead and go back to the '1967' borders and end the 'occupation'

Still desperately avoiding the issues surrounding this fantasy about a return ?

Sorry but the obvious truth is that the palestinians are still engaged in active warfare and have no right whatsoever to ANOTHER state.

Three Palestinians who tried to stab Israeli soldiers shot dead: army

Of course. People under colonial rule and/or under occupation have the right to resist colonization/occupation, don't you think?

"Let me quote and freely translate into English from a book, I wrote 15 years ago in Hebrew, HaPalestinaim - Avar veHoveh(The Palestinians- Past and Present, Tel-Aviv University Publishers, 1987). On page 219, regarding the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation, I reminded my readers:

According to international law, the people of a country, occupied by a foreign power, has the full right to fight for their liberation. The Palestinian people, inhabitants of the territories, Israel has conquered and is occupying by military means since June 1967, too have this briefed right. This right is based, among other reasons, also upon the guiding lines set for the International Tribunal in Nuremberg, which, after World War II, had been established to judge the main Nazi criminals. And let us never forget this fact!

The statutory argument in article 2 of the indictments (concerning transgressions against the laws on conducts of war) at the Nuremberg Tribunal was based upon the Den-Hague International Convention of 1907. Article 6 (b) of the Tribunal's rules relies upon articles 1 and 2 of the accompanying letters of the said Den-Hague Convention, which particularly lie down the right to popular resistance against military occupation, within the occupied territories themselves, as well as outside them. Further on is said there, that all the means of this resistance, political as well as military ones, are valid (as far as they do not hurt civilians who have no part whatsoever in the occupation regime and its forces). This determination was, at the time, important to forestall any claim by the Nazis that the partisans, Ghetto fighters, and other underground resistance forces in the territories occupied by them had allegedly been bandits and terrorists. In the Nuremberg Tribunal it was unequivocally set down, that resistance fighters, such as the partisans and underground activists (also such who struggled within Germany itself), Ghetto fighters etc., acted in accordance with the regulations of international law, and in case of their detention by the occupation forces or the police of the occupying power, have to be considered to be Prisoners of War.

International law - and the matter was upheld by the Nuremberg Tribunal - outlaws any expropriation of property, houses and landed property included, in the occupied territories, with the exception of property needed for defensive security needs of the occupying army. However, also such expropriations are only temporarily ones, and any such property has to be returned after the war, with any damages occurred to be compensated. Particularly, the law also forbids any form of collective punishment for resistance against the occupation, such as house demolitions, curfew upon whole populated locations and geographic areas (article 2 and 3 of the attached letters to the Hague Convention). The Nuremberg Tribunal considered all kind of those measures taken by the occupying power as serious violations of international laws and conventions, as crimes against humanity."

peacepalestine: Hans Lebrecht - The Right to Resistance According to International Law

Which is why you delude yourself into insisting there is an occupation and that 100% of israeli's are of European descent or blither on about colonialization; a term which is best applied to the Arab Muslim invasion of the 7th century. Oh I'm sure "some" are from Europe, but most aren't. The truth is that your hatred and bigotry are blinding you to even the basics.
But I remind you clearly Boss,that the Palestinians were in Palestine long before the 7th Century........moreover despite all you have thrown at them....ARE STILL THERE.

VIVA The PALESTINIANS,VIVA PALESTINE......................The Right to Resistance
Are you revising the history of Israel being attacked in 1948 and the indigenous Arab population hightailing it to Jordan?
Your are an Idiot......"Hightailing to Jordan" Yeah kicked out of Palestine by Criminal Terrorist Jews,who Murdered them,Exile them,STOLE THEIR LAND,TRIED TO ELIMINATE THEM,RAZED THEIR HOMES AND VILLAGES..Where they had been for justify a JEWISH STATE.....then bringing in loads of Jews..Yeah what SHIT YOU SPEW YOU ARROGANT LITTLE WANKER................You must think we are all as STUPID AND IGNORANT AS YOU ARE.....You are Primed to be part of a Jewish Batallion sic of ISIS,such is your IMMORAL HATRED

You're still a revisionist and a$$-licker.
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Of course. People under colonial rule and/or under occupation have the right to resist colonization/occupation, don't you think?

"Let me quote and freely translate into English from a book, I wrote 15 years ago in Hebrew, HaPalestinaim - Avar veHoveh(The Palestinians- Past and Present, Tel-Aviv University Publishers, 1987). On page 219, regarding the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation, I reminded my readers:

According to international law, the people of a country, occupied by a foreign power, has the full right to fight for their liberation. The Palestinian people, inhabitants of the territories, Israel has conquered and is occupying by military means since June 1967, too have this briefed right. This right is based, among other reasons, also upon the guiding lines set for the International Tribunal in Nuremberg, which, after World War II, had been established to judge the main Nazi criminals. And let us never forget this fact!

The statutory argument in article 2 of the indictments (concerning transgressions against the laws on conducts of war) at the Nuremberg Tribunal was based upon the Den-Hague International Convention of 1907. Article 6 (b) of the Tribunal's rules relies upon articles 1 and 2 of the accompanying letters of the said Den-Hague Convention, which particularly lie down the right to popular resistance against military occupation, within the occupied territories themselves, as well as outside them. Further on is said there, that all the means of this resistance, political as well as military ones, are valid (as far as they do not hurt civilians who have no part whatsoever in the occupation regime and its forces). This determination was, at the time, important to forestall any claim by the Nazis that the partisans, Ghetto fighters, and other underground resistance forces in the territories occupied by them had allegedly been bandits and terrorists. In the Nuremberg Tribunal it was unequivocally set down, that resistance fighters, such as the partisans and underground activists (also such who struggled within Germany itself), Ghetto fighters etc., acted in accordance with the regulations of international law, and in case of their detention by the occupation forces or the police of the occupying power, have to be considered to be Prisoners of War.

International law - and the matter was upheld by the Nuremberg Tribunal - outlaws any expropriation of property, houses and landed property included, in the occupied territories, with the exception of property needed for defensive security needs of the occupying army. However, also such expropriations are only temporarily ones, and any such property has to be returned after the war, with any damages occurred to be compensated. Particularly, the law also forbids any form of collective punishment for resistance against the occupation, such as house demolitions, curfew upon whole populated locations and geographic areas (article 2 and 3 of the attached letters to the Hague Convention). The Nuremberg Tribunal considered all kind of those measures taken by the occupying power as serious violations of international laws and conventions, as crimes against humanity."

peacepalestine: Hans Lebrecht - The Right to Resistance According to International Law

Which is why you delude yourself into insisting there is an occupation and that 100% of israeli's are of European descent or blither on about colonialization; a term which is best applied to the Arab Muslim invasion of the 7th century. Oh I'm sure "some" are from Europe, but most aren't. The truth is that your hatred and bigotry are blinding you to even the basics.
But I remind you clearly Boss,that the Palestinians were in Palestine long before the 7th Century........moreover despite all you have thrown at them....ARE STILL THERE.

VIVA The PALESTINIANS,VIVA PALESTINE......................The Right to Resistance
Are you revising the history of Israel being attacked in 1948 and the indigenous Arab population hightailing it to Jordan?
Your are an Idiot......"Hightailing to Jordan" Yeah kicked out of Palestine by Criminal Terrorist Jews,who Murdered them,Exile them,STOLE THEIR LAND,TRIED TO ELIMINATE THEM,RAZED THEIR HOMES AND VILLAGES..Where they had been for justify a JEWISH STATE.....then bringing in loads of Jews..Yeah what SHIT YOU SPEW YOU ARROGANT LITTLE WANKER................You must think we are all as STUPID AND IGNORANT AS YOU ARE.....You are Primed to be part of a Jewish Batallion sic of ISIS,such is your IMMORAL HATRED

You're still a revisionist and a$$-licker.
What can I say in response of those Pearls of Wisdom you post ???????????? Nothing Really because you are a Dead-Beat...........Bleat and Beat On
Which is why you delude yourself into insisting there is an occupation and that 100% of israeli's are of European descent or blither on about colonialization; a term which is best applied to the Arab Muslim invasion of the 7th century. Oh I'm sure "some" are from Europe, but most aren't. The truth is that your hatred and bigotry are blinding you to even the basics.
But I remind you clearly Boss,that the Palestinians were in Palestine long before the 7th Century........moreover despite all you have thrown at them....ARE STILL THERE.

VIVA The PALESTINIANS,VIVA PALESTINE......................The Right to Resistance
Are you revising the history of Israel being attacked in 1948 and the indigenous Arab population hightailing it to Jordan?
Your are an Idiot......"Hightailing to Jordan" Yeah kicked out of Palestine by Criminal Terrorist Jews,who Murdered them,Exile them,STOLE THEIR LAND,TRIED TO ELIMINATE THEM,RAZED THEIR HOMES AND VILLAGES..Where they had been for justify a JEWISH STATE.....then bringing in loads of Jews..Yeah what SHIT YOU SPEW YOU ARROGANT LITTLE WANKER................You must think we are all as STUPID AND IGNORANT AS YOU ARE.....You are Primed to be part of a Jewish Batallion sic of ISIS,such is your IMMORAL HATRED

You're still a revisionist and a$$-licker.
What can I say in response of those Pearls of Wisdom you post ???????????? Nothing Really because you are a Dead-Beat

You are dense...
Complete turmoil amongst the Arab world...
The Palestinians are SO NICE!!!
Yes, I know, if only those evil assimilated Jews in Israel would allow themselves to be exterminated the rest of the Arab world would finally live in peace.
You logic is so...uncompelling.
But I remind you clearly Boss,that the Palestinians were in Palestine long before the 7th Century........moreover despite all you have thrown at them....ARE STILL THERE.

VIVA The PALESTINIANS,VIVA PALESTINE......................The Right to Resistance
Are you revising the history of Israel being attacked in 1948 and the indigenous Arab population hightailing it to Jordan?
Your are an Idiot......"Hightailing to Jordan" Yeah kicked out of Palestine by Criminal Terrorist Jews,who Murdered them,Exile them,STOLE THEIR LAND,TRIED TO ELIMINATE THEM,RAZED THEIR HOMES AND VILLAGES..Where they had been for justify a JEWISH STATE.....then bringing in loads of Jews..Yeah what SHIT YOU SPEW YOU ARROGANT LITTLE WANKER................You must think we are all as STUPID AND IGNORANT AS YOU ARE.....You are Primed to be part of a Jewish Batallion sic of ISIS,such is your IMMORAL HATRED

You're still a revisionist and a$$-licker.
What can I say in response of those Pearls of Wisdom you post ???????????? Nothing Really because you are a Dead-Beat

You are dense...
Complete turmoil amongst the Arab world...
The Palestinians are SO NICE!!!
Yes, I know, if only those evil assimilated Jews in Israel would allow themselves to be exterminated the rest of the Arab world would finally live in peace.
You logic is so...uncompelling.
As I said DEAD-BEAT.....keep Bleating your Zionist Terrorist Crap to yourself,I know you find it COMPELLING.

You can never become a Conscious Man,like many Jews and Palestinians and myself and Team Palestine on here.......because you are Morally Dead.

For My Jewish and Palestinian Friends>>>>>SOON FORWARD
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And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
About those 1967 borders. Why do we cling to this year, 1967?

Every now and then , a poster here comes up with a valid point. Why DO we cling to this year, 1967? Zionist Israel's borders were defined in 1948 when it declared independance, and most Western powers recognised these borders, so if anything, Zionist Israel should, by rights return to these, especially because acquisition of territory, even in a "defensive" war, is illegal.

WRONG again ratboy as Israel's borders were defined by international law and treaty in 1923. That is what they declared independence on. No western powers recognise anything but Israel's borders with Jordan and Egypt. The UN was not allowed by international law and its own charter to delineate any borders so the partition plan of 1947 was what it wanted to see happen. The arab muslims demanded the Jews be evicted from the land and the land given to them as they demanded in 1917.Produce a map drawn up by Israel that shows the borders agreed in 1948 when they declared independence of the mandate. The Jews knew that they would either be wiped out defending themselves from the massed arab armies or win the day and have more land than that proposed in the partition plan. You are once again using a recommendation as an international law retrospectively, as that clause did not come into existence until after Israel had occupied gaza, Sinai, west bank and Golan heights. It did not come into being as an international law until much much later, and was promptly breached by muslims all over the world.

You need to stop smoking hashish and shewing khat as they have addled your brain
Produce a map drawn up by Israel that shows the borders agreed in 1948 when they declared independence of the mandate.​

Excellent point.

Perhaps you could post that 1948 map of Israel.
And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
Silence on what matter? The Jews have been persecuted by virtually the entire world for a very long time, but it is Christians of the 20th century who honored God's covenant with Israel and helped establish their homeland. Face reality, there would be no "Palestinian" problem had the Arab nations not tried to destroy Israel in '67.
And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
Silence on what matter? The Jews have been persecuted by virtually the entire world for a very long time, but it is Christians of the 20th century who honored God's covenant with Israel and helped establish their homeland. Face reality, there would be no "Palestinian" problem had the Arab nations not tried to destroy Israel in '67.

So the Christians are the Messiah? Interesting idea. As is the, strange notion that the "Arab nations tried to destroy Israel in '67"
And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
Silence on what matter? The Jews have been persecuted by virtually the entire world for a very long time, but it is Christians of the 20th century who honored God's covenant with Israel and helped establish their homeland. Face reality, there would be no "Palestinian" problem had the Arab nations not tried to destroy Israel in '67.

It was the Israelis that attacked its neighbors and started the 67 War. The CIA confirms it on their website.

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.["

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency
And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
Silence on what matter? The Jews have been persecuted by virtually the entire world for a very long time, but it is Christians of the 20th century who honored God's covenant with Israel and helped establish their homeland. Face reality, there would be no "Palestinian" problem had the Arab nations not tried to destroy Israel in '67.

So the Christians are the Messiah? Interesting idea.

Also not in evidence.

As is the, strange notion that the "Arab nations tried to destroy Israel in '67"

What were they trying to do with all those guns, tanks, and airplanes? Have a tea party?
And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
Silence on what matter? The Jews have been persecuted by virtually the entire world for a very long time, but it is Christians of the 20th century who honored God's covenant with Israel and helped establish their homeland. Face reality, there would be no "Palestinian" problem had the Arab nations not tried to destroy Israel in '67.

So the Christians are the Messiah? Interesting idea.

Also not in evidence.

As is the, strange notion that the "Arab nations tried to destroy Israel in '67"

What were they trying to do with all those guns, tanks, and airplanes? Have a tea party?

Trying to defend against an Israeli invasion.
And, despite the irrational hatred, the Jews continue living in their ancestral lands.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
Silence on what matter? The Jews have been persecuted by virtually the entire world for a very long time, but it is Christians of the 20th century who honored God's covenant with Israel and helped establish their homeland. Face reality, there would be no "Palestinian" problem had the Arab nations not tried to destroy Israel in '67.

So the Christians are the Messiah? Interesting idea.

Also not in evidence.

As is the, strange notion that the "Arab nations tried to destroy Israel in '67"

What were they trying to do with all those guns, tanks, and airplanes? Have a tea party?

Trying to defend against an Israeli invasion.
Which at that point had been stable for some 20 years and wasn't expanding or displacing anyone else. They tried to destroy Israel and failed miserably. Now they're reduced to keeping the Palestinians in refugee camps as political pawns instead of absorbing them and giving them decent lives. Israel allows all her citizens, Jew and Arab alike, more freedom and a higher standard of living than do the surrounding nations.
Hadit,there is a proviso here actually......I admit there was gross irrational hatred towards Jews for over nearly 2000 years in Christendom and the Jews who returned mainly from the 1920's to 1948 were a very different people from all parts of the world they came from....compared to their ancestors,these Jews were a traumatised people desperate for a homeland...........but their treatment of the Palestinians was merely the same as they had been treated themselves,this I find a complete Irony,which is lost to the majority of pro-Zionists posters on here.

The Palestinians had lived in peace with a small minority of Jews for over two thousand years,but this and the longevity of the Palestinians belonging to this Land was not considered,wrongly.In this modern era even today some Rabid Jews contest that Palestinians never lived in Palestine........This banal thinking defies belief but still they peddle this Zionist Trash.

A JEW is not some homogeneous group of people,they are different in so many ways as a society,Yes they all agree with the homeland of Israel,but after such a history why do the Jews deny the Palestinians a homeland ?????? considering the fact that really only the Palestinians lived in peace and friendship in the past......Yet you deny they exist,I note moreover that that you are silent against the Christians who in history tried to eliminate you as a race of people....YOUR SILIENCE ON THIS MATTER IS DEAFENING....WHY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????..steven
Silence on what matter? The Jews have been persecuted by virtually the entire world for a very long time, but it is Christians of the 20th century who honored God's covenant with Israel and helped establish their homeland. Face reality, there would be no "Palestinian" problem had the Arab nations not tried to destroy Israel in '67.

So the Christians are the Messiah? Interesting idea.

Also not in evidence.

As is the, strange notion that the "Arab nations tried to destroy Israel in '67"

What were they trying to do with all those guns, tanks, and airplanes? Have a tea party?

Trying to defend against an Israeli invasion.
Which at that point had been stable for some 20 years and wasn't expanding or displacing anyone else. They tried to destroy Israel and failed miserably. Now they're reduced to keeping the Palestinians in refugee camps as political pawns instead of absorbing them and giving them decent lives. Israel allows all her citizens, Jew and Arab alike, more freedom and a higher standard of living than do the surrounding nations.

I guess if you exclude invading Egypt in 1956 and occupying Gaza.


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