So Much Winning!

You're pretty quick to post until you're stumped.
Maybe, but you might be surprised to learn -- not as quick when I'm not on the forum.

Just admit that you think that anyone who steps into US borders is a citizen.
Which means you do not believe in trespassers on US soil.
No, I don't believe that. Which means I do believe you're a complete imbecile for think I believe that.

Thanks for playing. Hope it was worth the wait. :mm:
You haven't answered a thing.
You defined a trespasser based on State Law and private property, not US borders.

Define a trespasser in terms of US borders or admit the term does not apply federally.
Stop lying, I've answered every one of your questions.
You're pretty quick to post until you're stumped.
Maybe, but you might be surprised to learn -- not as quick when I'm not on the forum.

Just admit that you think that anyone who steps into US borders is a citizen.
Which means you do not believe in trespassers on US soil.
No, I don't believe that. Which means I do believe you're a complete imbecile for think I believe that.

Thanks for playing. Hope it was worth the wait. :mm:
You haven't answered a thing.
You defined a trespasser based on State Law and private property, not US borders.

Define a trespasser in terms of US borders or admit the term does not apply federally.
Stop lying, I've answered every one of your questions.
You have not any of my questions based on your attitude towards not treating them as trespassers.
That varies from state to state. In some states, it's someone on someone else's property without approval; in others, it's being on any property without authorization.
Does the US have citizens?
Of course.
Is a person from another country who walks into US borders automatically a US citizen?
You should have asked me that before leaping to ridiculous assumptions.

Of course not. Why would they be?
All land within US borders is owned by someone or by a civil entity.
Are they trespassers?
Already asked and answered. If you didn't understand the answer, you're welcome to re-read as many times as necessary to figure out what I said.
You're pretty quick to post until you're stumped.
Maybe, but you might be surprised to learn -- not as quick when I'm not on the forum.

Just admit that you think that anyone who steps into US borders is a citizen.
Which means you do not believe in trespassers on US soil.
No, I don't believe that. Which means I do believe you're a complete imbecile for think I believe that.

Thanks for playing. Hope it was worth the wait. :mm:
You haven't answered a thing.
You defined a trespasser based on State Law and private property, not US borders.

Define a trespasser in terms of US borders or admit the term does not apply federally.
Stop lying, I've answered every one of your questions.
You have not any of my questions based on your attitude towards not treating them as trespassers.
Actually, yes I did. if you still don't understand my answer, that's on you. But answer it, I did.
Does the US have citizens?
Of course.
Is a person from another country who walks into US borders automatically a US citizen?
You should have asked me that before leaping to ridiculous assumptions.

Of course not. Why would they be?
All land within US borders is owned by someone or by a civil entity.
Are they trespassers?
Already asked and answered. If you didn't understand the answer, you're welcome to re-read as many times as necessary to figure out what I said.
Your answer assumed there is non-owned US land.
Such does no exist.
It would seem you want to define trespassers as trespassers but are too identified with the left to just come out and say it.
Of course.
Is a person from another country who walks into US borders automatically a US citizen?
You should have asked me that before leaping to ridiculous assumptions.

Of course not. Why would they be?
All land within US borders is owned by someone or by a civil entity.
Are they trespassers?
Already asked and answered. If you didn't understand the answer, you're welcome to re-read as many times as necessary to figure out what I said.
Your answer assumed there is non-owned US land.
Such does no exist.
It would seem you want to define trespassers as trespassers but are too identified with the left to just come out and say it.
Again, it varies from state to state. Some states yes, others no. I can't even begin to guess why you're having difficulty grasping that? :dunno:

Now then, I asked you a question.....

I answered your question, "is a person from another country who walks into US borders automatically a US citizen?"

I answered, "of course not," and asked .... why would they be?
We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030

And now cons will rail on and on how Harley-Davidson are commie RINOs who deserve to go out of business and are equal to Satan and Hitler. And of course Little Lying Trump 'had nothing to do with this, he never said he'd help Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company or Carrier.

And this is nothing, foreign countries are targeting farmers in states and counties that strongly supported Trump. Iowa farmers are directly in the crosshairs of other country's tariffs now.


Anyone who voted for trump deserve what they get. The rest of us have to live with it till he leaves Washington in shame. All the trumps leave in shame.
That's exactly how I felt about Obama. I guess it's your turn, huh?
Yes, but we base it on merit. You based it on race.
The race card, huh? What a doofus you are. If he was white I would have liked his policies? Really? You can't be that ignorant, Synth.
So stop pulling out your race card when someone doesn't like your messiah.
Is a person from another country who walks into US borders automatically a US citizen?
You should have asked me that before leaping to ridiculous assumptions.

Of course not. Why would they be?
All land within US borders is owned by someone or by a civil entity.
Are they trespassers?
Already asked and answered. If you didn't understand the answer, you're welcome to re-read as many times as necessary to figure out what I said.
Your answer assumed there is non-owned US land.
Such does no exist.
It would seem you want to define trespassers as trespassers but are too identified with the left to just come out and say it.
Again, it varies from state to state. Some states yes, others no. I can't even begin to guess why you're having difficulty grasping that? :dunno:

Now then, I asked you a question.....

I answered your question, "is a person from another country who walks into US borders automatically a US citizen?"

I answered, "of course not," and asked .... why would they be?
Is that person a trespasser? An asylum seeker? Slotted into a legal immigration queue?
As so many of his posts reveal, that description aptly applies to Rambunctious.


More winning at the supreme court today buttkiss....gotta love the Trumpster....he is getting constitutional justices on the bench in record numbers...say goodbye to the Obama hope and change.....nice try progs but you have failed...God bless our nations founders and the checks and balances they provided.....OOOOOOOHHHHHH yeah.......have a nice day....
Then you truly are a moron
So when you hire a contractor you take the day off and sit and watch their every move????? freaking libs....don't trust anyone because you all know your own would snoop and steal so you think everyone would.....
You’ve only been trying for 30 years. And you even had a special prosecutor investingating her for 7 years.

I guess she’s just smarter than any conservative
The evidence that she was given a pass is the IG it foolish one.....
Wrong, dumbass. The nuke facility was already destroyed and useless. We gave up operational readiness and got nothing in return. Shows how you really feel about our military.

And about those hostages...

As so many of his posts reveal, that description aptly applies to Rambunctious.


More winning at the supreme court today buttkiss....gotta love the Trumpster....he is getting constitutional justices on the bench in record numbers...say goodbye to the Obama hope and change.....nice try progs but you have failed...God bless our nations founders and the checks and balances they provided.....OOOOOOOHHHHHH yeah.......have a nice day....

Until the next Democrat president. <smh>

And then they fill all the vacancies. You must be new at this.
Then you truly are a moron
So when you hire a contractor you take the day off and sit and watch their every move????? freaking libs....don't trust anyone because you all know your own would snoop and steal so you think everyone would.....
I took the day off yesterday and I got paid to to post on here while the crew installed my windows. Doing the same this morning while the alarm company hooks up the new windows.

The only reason you let strangers into your cardboard box without supervision is because you have nothing of value worth stealing. No matter one’s gonna steal your dentures.
I took the day off yesterday and I got paid to to post on here while the crew installed my windows. Doing the same this morning while the alarm company hooks up the new windows.
What is up??? are you fortifying your crib for the next civil war????
Don't forget to add on a safe room.....
Or maybe its just that you live in a rat and gang infested liberal big city....BUUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAheeheeheeHAHAHAHAheeheeheeHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Wrong, dumbass. The nuke facility was already destroyed and useless. We gave up operational readiness and got nothing in return. Shows how you really feel about our military.

And about those hostages...

You dumbfuck. You don’t know anything, do ya? NK had already accidentally destroyed that nuclear facility last year...

North Korea nuclear disaster: 200 dead in Kim Jong-Un's missile test site accident | World | News |
I took the day off yesterday and I got paid to to post on here while the crew installed my windows. Doing the same this morning while the alarm company hooks up the new windows.
What is up??? are you fortifying your crib for the next civil war????
Don't forget to add on a safe room.....
Or maybe its just that you live in a rat and gang infested liberal big city....BUUUUUAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAheeheeheeHAHAHAHAheeheeheeHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Again, living in a cardboard box means nothing to you. If it catches fire while you’re out begging for money so you can buy a beer, you can always just find another box.

Me? I have a family to protect and do everything possible to insure that they are as safe as possible.
You dumbfuck. You don’t know anything, do ya? NK had already accidentally destroyed that nuclear facility last year...
And instead of rebuilding they blew it up and buried it....they also sent our people home and Kim fired 5 hard line Generals from his fathers era....stop hoping for peace to fail....John Lennon would not approve;

They also cancelled their military parade day....

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