So Much Winning!

Again, living in a cardboard box means nothing to you. If it catches fire while you’re out begging for money so you can buy a beer, you can always just find another box.
My cardboard box comes with a three car garage, an ocean view, swimming pool, putting green, golf cart garage, gardener, hot tub, and a man cave basement with a pool table.....
nice to be a winner.....
You dumbfuck. You don’t know anything, do ya? NK had already accidentally destroyed that nuclear facility last year...
And instead of rebuilding they blew it up and buried it....they also sent our people home and Kim fired 5 hard line Generals from his fathers era....stop hoping for peace to fail....John Lennon would not approve;

They also cancelled their military parade day....

You dumbfuck, they can’t rebuild it. Like Chernobyl, the fallout prevents human exposure from getting anywhere near it.

Why are you trying so hard to be the forum’s biggest idiot?
Again, living in a cardboard box means nothing to you. If it catches fire while you’re out begging for money so you can buy a beer, you can always just find another box.
My cardboard box comes with a three car garage, an ocean view, swimming pool, putting green, golf cart garage, gardener, hot tub, and a man cave basement with a pool table.....
nice to be a winner.....

Yeah, suuuure it does.

You dumbfuck, they can’t rebuild it. Like Chernobyl, the fallout prevents human exposure from getting anywhere near it.

Why are you trying so hard to be the forum’s biggest idiot?
Dumbfucking shitbag fauny...they could have rebuilt it in a new location....stupid idiot....
You dumbfuck, they can’t rebuild it. Like Chernobyl, the fallout prevents human exposure from getting anywhere near it.

Why are you trying so hard to be the forum’s biggest idiot?
Dumbfucking shitbag fauny...they could have rebuilt it in a new location....stupid idiot....
Who says they’re not??

Dayam, are you ever rightarded.

L’l Kim finished off blowing up what his failed nuclear tests had already destroyed to show Trump he is halting his nuclear ambitions and imbeciles like you fell for it.

Yeah, suuuure it does.
Really do not care if you believe me or not....but have a nice Trump win at SCOTUS day!!!!!!!:113:
He sure has been winning big lately.....
So? So did Obama while he was president. So did Bush before him and Clinton before him. And so on and so on. Great thing about the U.S. is presidents don’t get to stay in office very long.
We need to document all the winning that Trump is accomplishing for American workers!

View attachment 201030

And now cons will rail on and on how Harley-Davidson are commie RINOs who deserve to go out of business and are equal to Satan and Hitler. And of course Little Lying Trump 'had nothing to do with this, he never said he'd help Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company or Carrier.

And this is nothing, foreign countries are targeting farmers in states and counties that strongly supported Trump. Iowa farmers are directly in the crosshairs of other country's tariffs now.


Anyone who voted for trump deserve what they get. The rest of us have to live with it till he leaves Washington in shame. All the trumps leave in shame.
That's exactly how I felt about Obama. I guess it's your turn, huh?
Yes, but we base it on merit. You based it on race.
The race card, huh? What a doofus you are. If he was white I would have liked his policies? Really? You can't be that ignorant, Synth.
So stop pulling out your race card when someone doesn't like your messiah.
Sure bud.

You’ve only been trying for 30 years. And you even had a special prosecutor investingating her for 7 years.

I guess she’s just smarter than any conservative
The evidence that she was given a pass is the IG it foolish one.....
Sure, Ken Starr and his merry band of Republican prosecutors gave Hillary a pass after a 7 year investigation.

You’re a dumbass.
Wrong, dumbass. The nuke facility was already destroyed and useless. We gave up operational readiness and got nothing in return. Shows how you really feel about our military.

And about those hostages...

Like I say, you’re a dumbass.

N Korea nuclear test tunnels 'destroyed'

Foreign reporters at the Punggye-ri site in the north-east said they had witnessed a huge blast. Pyongyang later said the site had been dismantled.

The move by the North was seen as part of a diplomatic rapprochement with South Korea and the US.

But scientists believe it partially collapsed after the last test in September 2017, rendering it unusable.
Again, living in a cardboard box means nothing to you. If it catches fire while you’re out begging for money so you can buy a beer, you can always just find another box.
My cardboard box comes with a three car garage, an ocean view, swimming pool, putting green, golf cart garage, gardener, hot tub, and a man cave basement with a pool table.....
nice to be a winner.....
Daydreaming on Zillow is no way to spend your final years, gramps.
just because Trump is certain he's great doesn't mean it's so!

It's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and be wrong.

It's another to be certain and be right, or to be certain and be moving in the right direction, or be certain about a principle and then learn new facts and take those new facts and put them to use in order to change and get your policy right.

I guess that’s why Trump is such a failure at being President. He’s trying something new and he’s really bad at it.

Chaos, confusion, pitting employees against one another, an inability to manage a budget, too level staffers leaving every 9 days on average. No wonder he’s had so many business bankruptcies. He’s totally incompetent.
yes, being president is something new. quite a lot has happened in the last 520+ days. you deny that? You'd prefer that rocket man was still firing rockets? really? you don't like more money in your pocket? really? OMG, what a bunch of tools you are. look at you.

I suppose you’re dumb enough to let strangers into your cardboard box unattended while you go off to beg for dollar bills at some street corner?
But you welcome them into your country.
Immigration is at the foundation of this nation. Letting strangers unattended into one’s home is not.
Do you differentiate between Legal Immigration and trespassing?
Define a trespasser.
You still can’t quit Hillary? Too bad.
Not until she is locked up where she belongs.....we will never stop until we have justice for all...

gee notice how quiet Obama has been....hmmmmmmmm wonder whats going through the mind of the magic Kenyan.....
You’ve only been trying for 30 years. And you even had a special prosecutor investingating her for 7 years.

I guess she’s just smarter than any conservative.
and she still lost the presidency. I guess not that smart. I mean, how the fk do you lose against Donald Trump? :ack-1::auiqs.jpg:
You still can’t quit Hillary? Too bad.
Not until she is locked up where she belongs.....we will never stop until we have justice for all...

gee notice how quiet Obama has been....hmmmmmmmm wonder whats going through the mind of the magic Kenyan.....
You’ve only been trying for 30 years. And you even had a special prosecutor investingating her for 7 years.

I guess she’s just smarter than any conservative.
and she still lost the presidency. I guess not that smart. I mean, how the fk do you lose against Donald Trump? :ack-1::auiqs.jpg:
For one, Russia was tampering with the election...

How Russian trolls exploited Philando Castile's death - CNN

By 2016, American prosecutors allege, the Internet Research Agency was "primarily intended to communicate derogatory information about Hillary Clinton."

According to prosecutors, an internal memo circulated in February 2016 read, "to use any opportunity to criticize Hillary and the rest (except Sanders and Trump -- we support them)."

Later in 2016, according to the indictment, the group began trying to discourage African Americans from voting.

One post on a fake black activist account highlighted by prosecutors read, "[A] particular hype and hatred for Trump is misleading the people and forcing Blacks to vote Killary. We cannot resort to the lesser of two devils. Then we'd surely be better off without voting AT ALL."​
And now cons will rail on and on how Harley-Davidson are commie RINOs who deserve to go out of business and are equal to Satan and Hitler. And of course Little Lying Trump 'had nothing to do with this, he never said he'd help Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company or Carrier.

And this is nothing, foreign countries are targeting farmers in states and counties that strongly supported Trump. Iowa farmers are directly in the crosshairs of other country's tariffs now.


Anyone who voted for trump deserve what they get. The rest of us have to live with it till he leaves Washington in shame. All the trumps leave in shame.
That's exactly how I felt about Obama. I guess it's your turn, huh?
Yes, but we base it on merit. You based it on race.
The race card, huh? What a doofus you are. If he was white I would have liked his policies? Really? You can't be that ignorant, Synth.
So stop pulling out your race card when someone doesn't like your messiah.
Sure bud.

View attachment 201429
So you use some stupid 12 year old kid in a photo op and all conservatives fall into that?
Listen up, Synth, just because we are not communists like you does not equate to racism. WAKE UP!
Anyone who voted for trump deserve what they get. The rest of us have to live with it till he leaves Washington in shame. All the trumps leave in shame.
That's exactly how I felt about Obama. I guess it's your turn, huh?
Yes, but we base it on merit. You based it on race.
The race card, huh? What a doofus you are. If he was white I would have liked his policies? Really? You can't be that ignorant, Synth.
So stop pulling out your race card when someone doesn't like your messiah.
Sure bud.

View attachment 201429
So you use some stupid 12 year old kid in a photo op and all conservatives fall into that?
Listen up, Synth, just because we are not communists like you does not equate to racism. WAKE UP!
As you turn around and call us all communists. :auiqs.jpg:
That's exactly how I felt about Obama. I guess it's your turn, huh?
Yes, but we base it on merit. You based it on race.
The race card, huh? What a doofus you are. If he was white I would have liked his policies? Really? You can't be that ignorant, Synth.
So stop pulling out your race card when someone doesn't like your messiah.
Sure bud.

View attachment 201429
So you use some stupid 12 year old kid in a photo op and all conservatives fall into that?
Listen up, Synth, just because we are not communists like you does not equate to racism. WAKE UP!
As you turn around and call us all communists. :auiqs.jpg:
Yup, thought I would throw it back at you, synth. Anyone can play your game, dude.
And now cons will rail on and on how Harley-Davidson are commie RINOs who deserve to go out of business and are equal to Satan and Hitler. And of course Little Lying Trump 'had nothing to do with this, he never said he'd help Harley-Davidson or any other motorcycle company or Carrier.

And this is nothing, foreign countries are targeting farmers in states and counties that strongly supported Trump. Iowa farmers are directly in the crosshairs of other country's tariffs now.


Anyone who voted for trump deserve what they get. The rest of us have to live with it till he leaves Washington in shame. All the trumps leave in shame.
That's exactly how I felt about Obama. I guess it's your turn, huh?
Yes, but we base it on merit. You based it on race.
The race card, huh? What a doofus you are. If he was white I would have liked his policies? Really? You can't be that ignorant, Synth.
So stop pulling out your race card when someone doesn't like your messiah.
Sure bud.

View attachment 201429

They spend an inordinate amount of energy telling everyone they 'aren't racists' but everything they do is racist. In that image we see a child that has no clue about economics mimicking his parents racism.

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