So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

For Radical Islamic Extremists, this has absolutely nothing to do with oil. First of all, Oil is what these people have to sell to the world.... they have nothing else, really.... sand? So this stupid idea that they don't like selling us their oil, is just that... stupid.

The ONLY place I know we've invaded and stolen their resources is in the American West when we just outright stole the birthright of Native Americans, and we've never apologized for it, either. Otherwise, we have paid people for our resources and they appreciate it very much.

Now I am sorry we use oil in this universe of ours... maybe one day we'll all live in the Pollyanna universe of Liberal Utopia where no one uses oil anymore? But for now, we live in THIS universe and reality-- we use a shit ton of oil!

But again... Radical Islam isn't about oil.

What do they say, denial is not a river in Africa.

Radical Islam is about war. Jihad is a way of fighting war with inferior forces and winning. How many times have the British been in Afghanistan? Three, and they've left all three times with their tail between their legs. Jihad beat them.

Bush invaded Iraq for oil. Set up a puppet govt and put his foot in the hornets nest and allowed them to fly around stinging the whole time to the point where the hornets see it as a way of life.

It's about oil because the US will only go in to a country when they US's interests are at stake. Oil is the US's interests in the Middle East. It's all they have, the only reason to invade them.

When you talk in public, do you drool? Also, do you sound like a retarded person?

Aside from the fact nothing you said here is true, it doesn't even make sense. I don't mind arguing with liars and exposing their lies, but I don't know how to argue with retarded people who are making no sense whatsoever.

Islam is a religion. Jihad means "struggle" and has nothing to do with war tactics. The US buys oil from the World Oil Market like everyone else. After removing Saddam from power, the US (along with their 27 coalition partners AND the UN) helped Iraq establish national elections where the people fairly elected their government for the first time in history. This was in accordance with the 1998 Iraqi Liberation Act, passed by Congress two years before Bush became president and signed by Bill Clinton.
Then again Islamic Terrorism in the Middle East didn't grow because of internet warriors did it? It grew because of US soldiers and others in Iraq and Afghanistan, which isn't a click away, it's right there in their living room.

Well this isn't true because Islamic terrorism has been around long before we invaded Afghanistan or Iraq. And I thought there never were any terrorists in Iraq? Now suddenly, that's where their living rooms are and we're in them?

I'm just wondering whether you'd like a culture that invaded and invaded and interfered and interfered and bombed and bombed your country and your neighboring countries. I doubt you would.

Again, Iraq didn't belong to Islamic terrorists... no country does. What the hell are you talking about? No, I suspect terrorists don't much like the might of the US military killing off their terrorist recruits. I imagine this pisses them off so bad that they create all kinds of silly and ridiculous propaganda which you gulp down with your daily koolaid from

Insulated? You're telling me I'm insulated? Jeez dude, you have no freaking idea about who I am.

Joe Biden?
I haven't told a lie. I have asked a few questions and you don't want to answer. You want to accuse me of being dishonest and ignore the questions. Can you not make up your mind if you want to have an honest discourse?

Pan Arab Socialists are the ones who are causing us major problems all over the Middle East and northern Africa. The Wonderful Arab Spring... Remember? Well all that is going to shit now, the world is on fire over there, people are being brutally slaughtered by intolerant Pan Arab Socialists who are out of control.

What you want to do is divert the thread by making the irrelevant argument they aren't a particular KIND of Socialist. You're right, the Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists or Maoists. That wasn't ever my claim and has nothing to do with anything I said. They are Nationalists, like Hitler under the National-Socialist party. Also not a Marxist.

Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?

No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
Of course, it's as simple as that. "Socialist" was in their name; that means they were socialists (even though they outlawed socialism and killed socialists). :eusa_doh. And North Korea isn't a dictatorship. No, no, they can't be .... they're the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea. See? Says so right in their name. :thup:

Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.

Again-- this is a sidetrack and distraction. You want to derail the argument as usual. You want to run away from the argument you are losing badly over the politics of Pan Arab Socialists and instead, engage in some superficial tit-for-tat over the meaning of Socialist.

This is typical of you, it's literally ALL you do here.
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?
I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void.

There you have it. That's your answer. Bush with faulty intelligence and forming an alliance with one sect and alienated the other caused ISIS to rise.
No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.

So why not call them Pan Arab National Socialists then? If that is what you seem to want to imply?

Because they are called Pan Arab Socialists or Arab Socialists. In the non-retarded world, we don't have to assign labels which define each nuance of what something is because we have the intelligence to learn these things and know what is meant by much shorter labels. Most of the smarter people who use these terms don't have to argue with retarded people.
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

So you're not going to back up your lie about me? Why was I so sure you wouldn't?

I'd made NO argument about what Ba'athist ideology believes "socialism" is. They ARE Pan Arab Socialists. They do not support women's rights. They are not for western-style democracy. They are National Socialists like Hitler and the Nazis.
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Yes the far left drone will do wall they can try and spate themselves from the reality of what they truly are and what they admire.

Saddam and his party have very little differences from the far left religion that this drone supports and worships..
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

ISIS was created in 1999, I guess to the far left drones Bush was president in 1999..
I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void.

There you have it. That's your answer. Bush with faulty intelligence and forming an alliance with one sect and alienated the other caused ISIS to rise.

ISIS did not rise and dominate until Obama's cut and run strategy..

However ISIS was formed in 1999, so the blame would be on Clinton..
Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?

No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
Of course, it's as simple as that. "Socialist" was in their name; that means they were socialists (even though they outlawed socialism and killed socialists). :eusa_doh. And North Korea isn't a dictatorship. No, no, they can't be .... they're the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea. See? Says so right in their name. :thup:

Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.

Again-- this is a sidetrack and distraction. You want to derail the argument as usual. You want to run away from the argument you are losing badly over the politics of Pan Arab Socialists and instead, engage in some superficial tit-for-tat over the meaning of Socialist.

This is typical of you, it's literally ALL you do here.
Nonsense. Pointing out you're a retard is not a deflection but serves to frame your idiocy in the light it deserves. Words have meaning and you don't get to alter them. Just because Nazi's put the word in their name doesn't mean they were socialists any more than NK is a democratic republic just because they put that in their name. And again, the Nazi's were anti-socialist. And again, you're a fucking moron. :cuckoo:
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Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

So you're not going to back up your lie about me? Why was I so sure you wouldn't?

I'd made NO argument about what Ba'athist ideology believes "socialism" is. They ARE Pan Arab Socialists. They do not support women's rights. They are not for western-style democracy. They are National Socialists like Hitler and the Nazis.
I even gave you a link to your own lying words, and yet STILL you LIE!

Well the Ba'ath Party are Arab Socialists. Ba'athism calls for unification of the Arab world into a single state.
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

So you're not going to back up your lie about me? Why was I so sure you wouldn't?

I'd made NO argument about what Ba'athist ideology believes "socialism" is. They ARE Pan Arab Socialists. They do not support women's rights. They are not for western-style democracy. They are National Socialists like Hitler and the Nazis.
I even gave you a link to your own lying words, and yet STILL you LIE!

Well the Ba'ath Party are Arab Socialists. Ba'athism calls for unification of the Arab world into a single state.

What have I lied about? They are Pan Arab Socialists. Nothing you've posted indicates they aren't Pan Arab Socialists. I never claimed they were Marxist or Maoist Socialists and frankly, it doesn't really matter... you don't like "Socialist" call them Nationalists... I don't give a fuck.

They don't believe in western-style democracy or anything we can culturally relate to as free and enlightened human beings. They don't believe in women's rights, they execute homosexuals so they don't have any problem with gay marriage. They don't condone individual freedom and liberty, it goes against everything they believe.
No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
Of course, it's as simple as that. "Socialist" was in their name; that means they were socialists (even though they outlawed socialism and killed socialists). :eusa_doh. And North Korea isn't a dictatorship. No, no, they can't be .... they're the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea. See? Says so right in their name. :thup:

Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.

Again-- this is a sidetrack and distraction. You want to derail the argument as usual. You want to run away from the argument you are losing badly over the politics of Pan Arab Socialists and instead, engage in some superficial tit-for-tat over the meaning of Socialist.

This is typical of you, it's literally ALL you do here.
Nonsense. Pointing out you're a retard is not a deflection but serves to frame your idiocy in the light it deserves. Words have meaning and you don't get to alter them. Just because Nazi's put the word in their name doesn't mean they were socialists any more than NK is a democratic republic just because they put that in their name. And again, the Nazi's were anti-socialist. And again, you're a fucking moron. :cuckoo:

You're not qualified to judge levels of retardation because you are a retard yourself.

Words do indeed have meaning, and if you go look up Socialist, you will find there are many varieties of Socialism both economic and social. I didn't argue anything about what type of Socialists the Pan Arab Socialists are. I just stated they were Pan Arab Socialists. And it really doesn't make any difference what kind of socialists they are... they don't believe in liberal (small letter) democracy.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

So you're not going to back up your lie about me? Why was I so sure you wouldn't?

I'd made NO argument about what Ba'athist ideology believes "socialism" is. They ARE Pan Arab Socialists. They do not support women's rights. They are not for western-style democracy. They are National Socialists like Hitler and the Nazis.
I even gave you a link to your own lying words, and yet STILL you LIE!

Well the Ba'ath Party are Arab Socialists. Ba'athism calls for unification of the Arab world into a single state.

What have I lied about? They are Pan Arab Socialists. Nothing you've posted indicates they aren't Pan Arab Socialists. I never claimed they were Marxist or Maoist Socialists and frankly, it doesn't really matter... you don't like "Socialist" call them Nationalists... I don't give a fuck.

They don't believe in western-style democracy or anything we can culturally relate to as free and enlightened human beings. They don't believe in women's rights, they execute homosexuals so they don't have any problem with gay marriage. They don't condone individual freedom and liberty, it goes against everything they believe.
And they don't believe in "Socialism" as you abuse the term, as you well know, thus you are a liar.

BTW, CON$ do not believe in woman's rights, especially the right for women to vote, so does that make CON$ ideological Socialists? By your moronic "logic" yes it does!

“women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter, June 2015

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat [sic] president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women."
- Ann Coulter, October 2007
I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void.

There you have it. That's your answer. Bush with faulty intelligence and forming an alliance with one sect and alienated the other caused ISIS to rise.

ISIS did not rise and dominate until Obama's cut and run strategy..

However ISIS was formed in 1999, so the blame would be on Clinton..

Don't get caught up in their sidetracks... it doesn't matter what letters are beside their name or when they officially "chartered" their little groups... they are the SAME ENEMY! ...An enemy who declared war on us 20 years ago!
I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void.

There you have it. That's your answer. Bush with faulty intelligence and forming an alliance with one sect and alienated the other caused ISIS to rise.

ISIS did not rise and dominate until Obama's cut and run strategy..

However ISIS was formed in 1999, so the blame would be on Clinton..

Don't get caught up in their sidetracks... it doesn't matter what letters are beside their name or when they officially "chartered" their little groups... they are the SAME ENEMY! ...An enemy who declared war on us 20 years ago!

I know, but it is so fun to mock them..
And they don't believe in "Socialism" as you abuse the term...

I didn't "abuse" any goddamn thing, asswipe. I called them by what they call themselves and what everyone in the world who understands political philosophy calls them... Pan Arab Socialists! I'm sorry if their hijacking of your proud symbol is out of order, but like the Confederate flag, guess you just have to live with that. It's what they are, it's what they claim to be, it's what I called them.... YOU are the one who seems to have a problem with that.

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