So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

Thanks for that link -- it proves what I said ... Nazi's weren't socialists and you're a retard. Two points proven with one link.

The argument has never been over what kind of Socialists Nazis were or Arabs. The link illustrates how there are NUMEROUS ideologies described as Socialism. The issue of what kind of Socialism was introduced by pinheads who don't know how to defeat the argument against Pan Arab Socialists. I totally understand, Pan Arab Socialism is hard to defend.

It is Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. These are really big long words for your type to grasp, but they aren't the kind of government you are familiar with. Most of you extremist liberals wouldn't make it a month under such a regime. They would eliminate you.
You idiotically claimed Nazis were socialists and then posted a link which shows they were not. You're a moron and you don't know what socialism is.

No, I correctly stated Nazis were National Socialists who belonged to the National Socialist Party (aka: Nazi Party) I also correctly stated the Ba'ath Party are Pan Arab Socialists. You seem to be hung up on some people's version of Socialism. Uhm... the world did not put you in charge of deciding who's definitions are acceptable for what.

Now it doesn't make any difference to me, I don't endorse any type of Socialism. If you want Pan Arab Socialists to stop calling themselves Socialists, you need to take that up with them and not me. For the sake of our conversation, if you are more comfortable calling them Nationalists, that's fine with me too, I've already said I don't give a fuck. So the problem seems to be, you don't like me calling people what they call themselves.

Other than that, your problem seems to be your wanting to use "socialism" as your point of argument instead of discussing the problem with turning the middle east over to Pan Arab Socialists. You think that you've derailed that argument and drug me off into some superficial argument over the nuances of Socialism... WRONG! My argument remains pristine and untouched by pinheaded nitwits.
Nope, your own link proved Nazi's were not socialists. Feel free to argue against your own evidence. :lmao:

Well no, the link chronicles all the various forms of Socialism, of which Nationalism is one as well as Ba'athist and Pan Arab Socialists. Nazism rose from Pan German nationalism and literally translates to "National Socialist". So what the fuck are you arguing? And more importantly, WHY?

As I have already repeatedly said, it does not matter what "kind" of socialist the Pan Arab Socialists are. If you don't like them being called socialists, we can call them nationalists, I have no problem with that whatsoever. But you don't want to do that because this has now become your argument as opposed to the argument you were losing.

This is what liberal mush brains do. Whenever their arguments are defeated, they run and find some other superficial argument and pretend that is the argument being debated.
Thanks for that link -- it proves what I said ... Nazi's weren't socialists and you're a retard. Two points proven with one link.

The argument has never been over what kind of Socialists Nazis were or Arabs. The link illustrates how there are NUMEROUS ideologies described as Socialism. The issue of what kind of Socialism was introduced by pinheads who don't know how to defeat the argument against Pan Arab Socialists. I totally understand, Pan Arab Socialism is hard to defend.

It is Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. These are really big long words for your type to grasp, but they aren't the kind of government you are familiar with. Most of you extremist liberals wouldn't make it a month under such a regime. They would eliminate you.
You idiotically claimed Nazis were socialists and then posted a link which shows they were not. You're a moron and you don't know what socialism is.

No, I correctly stated Nazis were National Socialists who belonged to the National Socialist Party (aka: Nazi Party) I also correctly stated the Ba'ath Party are Pan Arab Socialists. You seem to be hung up on some people's version of Socialism. Uhm... the world did not put you in charge of deciding who's definitions are acceptable for what.

Now it doesn't make any difference to me, I don't endorse any type of Socialism. If you want Pan Arab Socialists to stop calling themselves Socialists, you need to take that up with them and not me. For the sake of our conversation, if you are more comfortable calling them Nationalists, that's fine with me too, I've already said I don't give a fuck. So the problem seems to be, you don't like me calling people what they call themselves.

Other than that, your problem seems to be your wanting to use "socialism" as your point of argument instead of discussing the problem with turning the middle east over to Pan Arab Socialists. You think that you've derailed that argument and drug me off into some superficial argument over the nuances of Socialism... WRONG! My argument remains pristine and untouched by pinheaded nitwits.
Nope, your own link proved Nazi's were not socialists. Feel free to argue against your own evidence. :lmao:

Well no, the link chronicles all the various forms of Socialism, of which Nationalism is one as well as Ba'athist and Pan Arab Socialists. Nazism rose from Pan German nationalism and literally translates to "National Socialist". So what the fuck are you arguing? And more importantly, WHY?

As I have already repeatedly said, it does not matter what "kind" of socialist the Pan Arab Socialists are. If you don't like them being called socialists, we can call them nationalists, I have no problem with that whatsoever. But you don't want to do that because this has now become your argument as opposed to the argument you were losing.

This is what liberal mush brains do. Whenever their arguments are defeated, they run and find some other superficial argument and pretend that is the argument being debated.
You were defeated by your own link. It proved you have no fucking clue what socialism is.
The argument has never been over what kind of Socialists Nazis were or Arabs. The link illustrates how there are NUMEROUS ideologies described as Socialism. The issue of what kind of Socialism was introduced by pinheads who don't know how to defeat the argument against Pan Arab Socialists. I totally understand, Pan Arab Socialism is hard to defend.

It is Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. These are really big long words for your type to grasp, but they aren't the kind of government you are familiar with. Most of you extremist liberals wouldn't make it a month under such a regime. They would eliminate you.
You idiotically claimed Nazis were socialists and then posted a link which shows they were not. You're a moron and you don't know what socialism is.

No, I correctly stated Nazis were National Socialists who belonged to the National Socialist Party (aka: Nazi Party) I also correctly stated the Ba'ath Party are Pan Arab Socialists. You seem to be hung up on some people's version of Socialism. Uhm... the world did not put you in charge of deciding who's definitions are acceptable for what.

Now it doesn't make any difference to me, I don't endorse any type of Socialism. If you want Pan Arab Socialists to stop calling themselves Socialists, you need to take that up with them and not me. For the sake of our conversation, if you are more comfortable calling them Nationalists, that's fine with me too, I've already said I don't give a fuck. So the problem seems to be, you don't like me calling people what they call themselves.

Other than that, your problem seems to be your wanting to use "socialism" as your point of argument instead of discussing the problem with turning the middle east over to Pan Arab Socialists. You think that you've derailed that argument and drug me off into some superficial argument over the nuances of Socialism... WRONG! My argument remains pristine and untouched by pinheaded nitwits.
Nope, your own link proved Nazi's were not socialists. Feel free to argue against your own evidence. :lmao:

Well no, the link chronicles all the various forms of Socialism, of which Nationalism is one as well as Ba'athist and Pan Arab Socialists. Nazism rose from Pan German nationalism and literally translates to "National Socialist". So what the fuck are you arguing? And more importantly, WHY?

As I have already repeatedly said, it does not matter what "kind" of socialist the Pan Arab Socialists are. If you don't like them being called socialists, we can call them nationalists, I have no problem with that whatsoever. But you don't want to do that because this has now become your argument as opposed to the argument you were losing.

This is what liberal mush brains do. Whenever their arguments are defeated, they run and find some other superficial argument and pretend that is the argument being debated.
You were defeated by your own link. It proved you have no fucking clue what socialism is.

When was the argument over types of Socialism? If you want to call the Pan Arab Socialists whatever... Utopian Fuzzy Kitten and Puppy Preservation Society... I don't give two shits! Call them whatever you please, I used the term they defined themselves as. This has nothing to do with my argument and the point I made... it is a sidetrack... a distraction... something to take the reader of the thread off the topic you were losing and give the appearance you are winning. You're like the Charlie Sheen of USMB.

Pan Arab Socialists (Ba'ath Party) are not for liberal (small letter) democracy. They do not condone basic civil rights for women and minorities. They believe in execution of homosexual deviants. They are allowed to mutilate women for not looking their rapists in the eye while being raped. Education? The only education for women they believe in is how to be obedient to man. This is the culture they want, they believe in, and they are committed to die for.

ISIS, ISIL, alQaeda, and all the other radical Islamic groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, are also Pan Arab Socialists. They take things a step further and are religious radicals. They believe in the same Caliphate and single Arab State, the same lack of respect for human rights, the same totalitarian dictatorships only they prefer them to be run by the religious clerics and mullahs.

These people declared a state of war with us in 1995. I can link you to the Fatwas issued by their religious leaders. So that's 20 years they have been at war with us and you still don't seem to comprehend the enemy. Furthermore, this thread is proof that you don't even really want to discuss it.
And they don't believe in "Socialism" as you abuse the term...

I didn't "abuse" any goddamn thing, asswipe. I called them by what they call themselves and what everyone in the world who understands political philosophy calls them... Pan Arab Socialists! I'm sorry if their hijacking of your proud symbol is out of order, but like the Confederate flag, guess you just have to live with that. It's what they are, it's what they claim to be, it's what I called them.... YOU are the one who seems to have a problem with that.
And by that moronic "logic" the Peoples REPUBLIC of China are a bunch of Republicans.
fuck.... So now we're going to teeter off into some fantasy rant against conservatives who want to take away women's rights in America? man.... you people are LOSING it! :rofl:
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.
I am close personal friends with several Iraqi people and they're on my side. They want a free and democratic Iraq where women are allowed to vote and get an education.

I don't think Pan-Arab Socialists are interested in giving rights to women... I could be wrong.
And they don't believe in "Socialism" as you abuse the term...

I didn't "abuse" any goddamn thing, asswipe. I called them by what they call themselves and what everyone in the world who understands political philosophy calls them... Pan Arab Socialists! I'm sorry if their hijacking of your proud symbol is out of order, but like the Confederate flag, guess you just have to live with that. It's what they are, it's what they claim to be, it's what I called them.... YOU are the one who seems to have a problem with that.
And by that moronic "logic" the Peoples REPUBLIC of China are a bunch of Republicans.

I made no argument about what kind of Socialists anyone was or whether what they claim to be is what they are. I've said (five times now) that it doesn't matter to me what kind of socialists they are and that's not the point. Still, you cling to this NON-argument like a puppy with a bone.

Your concept of logic makes no sense. If we can't call things what they are defined and labeled as and what the rest of the fucking world calls them, how the hell do we effectively communicate?

Let me make this clear for anyone happening to pop in here without reading the past few pages... You have created a distraction argument to detract from my point about how bad of an idea it is to turn the Middle East over to Pan Arab Socialists. Since it is obvious you had no appropriate argument prepared for Pan Arab Socialists, you've decided to derail that argument with a superficial argument over the nuances of Socialism. I'm not here to argue about kinds of Socialism or whether Pan Arab Socialists are REAL Socialists... I don't fucking care... it's not my point... has nothing to do with my argument.

In a real debate with a moderator, the debater who deploys this tactic is penalized points, and if they persist in doing this after numerous warnings, they are disqualified from the debate. At this point, you would be subject to a lifetime ban on debate participation for crimes against intelligence.
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.

Well no you didn't. You popped off some stupid rant that didn't even make sense. These people are unlike the Left OR Right, or anything else we can relate to in a free democratic society because that's not the type of society they believe in.

I'm glad that you've somehow justified the insane comments you made in your retarded mind, but honestly... republicans want to take away the right to vote from women? Man, you are really trying to appeal to the lowest denominator. I will go on record to say... anyone stupid enough to believe republicans want to take away women's right to vote is too stupid to be a republican.
fuck.... So now we're going to teeter off into some fantasy rant against conservatives who want to take away women's rights in America? man.... you people are LOSING it! :rofl:
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.
I am close personal friends with several Iraqi people and they're on my side. They want a free and democratic Iraq where women are allowed to vote and get an education.

I don't think Pan-Arab Socialists are interested in giving rights to women... I could be wrong.
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.

Well no you didn't. You popped off some stupid rant that didn't even make sense. These people are unlike the Left OR Right, or anything else we can relate to in a free democratic society because that's not the type of society they believe in.

I'm glad that you've somehow justified the insane comments you made in your retarded mind, but honestly... republicans want to take away the right to vote from women? Man, you are really trying to appeal to the lowest denominator. I will go on record to say... anyone stupid enough to believe republicans want to take away women's right to vote is too stupid to be a republican.
You just can't stop yourself from lying! YOU brought up women's voting and education to claim the Ba'athists were Socialists. BTW, Saddam allowed women to attend universities.
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.

Well no you didn't. You popped off some stupid rant that didn't even make sense. These people are unlike the Left OR Right, or anything else we can relate to in a free democratic society because that's not the type of society they believe in.

I'm glad that you've somehow justified the insane comments you made in your retarded mind, but honestly... republicans want to take away the right to vote from women? Man, you are really trying to appeal to the lowest denominator. I will go on record to say... anyone stupid enough to believe republicans want to take away women's right to vote is too stupid to be a republican.
particularly funny since Republicans are responsible for giving the vote to women. Just as they were responsible for freeing the slaves, electing the first blacks to elected office, and securing the right to vote for blacks as well. All of which dems fought tooth and nail.
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.

Well no you didn't. You popped off some stupid rant that didn't even make sense. These people are unlike the Left OR Right, or anything else we can relate to in a free democratic society because that's not the type of society they believe in.

I'm glad that you've somehow justified the insane comments you made in your retarded mind, but honestly... republicans want to take away the right to vote from women? Man, you are really trying to appeal to the lowest denominator. I will go on record to say... anyone stupid enough to believe republicans want to take away women's right to vote is too stupid to be a republican.
particularly funny since Republicans are responsible for giving the vote to women. Just as they were responsible for freeing the slaves, electing the first blacks to elected office, and securing the right to vote for blacks as well. All of which dems fought tooth and nail.
That was when there were some Liberals in the GOP. Now the CON$ who dominate the GOP regret it.
fuck.... So now we're going to teeter off into some fantasy rant against conservatives who want to take away women's rights in America? man.... you people are LOSING it! :rofl:
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.
I am close personal friends with several Iraqi people and they're on my side. They want a free and democratic Iraq where women are allowed to vote and get an education.

I don't think Pan-Arab Socialists are interested in giving rights to women... I could be wrong.
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.

Well no you didn't. You popped off some stupid rant that didn't even make sense. These people are unlike the Left OR Right, or anything else we can relate to in a free democratic society because that's not the type of society they believe in.

I'm glad that you've somehow justified the insane comments you made in your retarded mind, but honestly... republicans want to take away the right to vote from women? Man, you are really trying to appeal to the lowest denominator. I will go on record to say... anyone stupid enough to believe republicans want to take away women's right to vote is too stupid to be a republican.
You just can't stop yourself from lying! YOU brought up women's voting and education to claim the Ba'athists were Socialists. BTW, Saddam allowed women to attend universities.

There are no lies here except from you. I said the Ba'ath Party and Pan Arab Socialists do not believe in rights for women or allowing women access to education. I did not say that made them Socialists. They are already Pan Arab Socialists. Please link to any credible source that defines Ba'ath Party as something besides Pan Arab Socialists or have a big tall glass of STFU.

BTW... Saddam selecting certain women to "allow" an education makes it even worse. Is that what you condone? You'd prefer that system over freedom?

The short answer is, yes! You must! Here you are defending it to the hilt! It's all okay because Saddam allowed some women to attend university. So it doesn't matter that 1) Saddam is no longer in power and is DEAD. and 2) That's NOT what Pan Arab Socialists advocate. In your pea-brain you think you've scored some kind of debate point.
"So now, BUSH caused ISIS?"

Again, just to be clear on the facts:

GWB destabilized the ME with his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq.

As a consequence this gave license to militants and extremists to form and begin a campaign of terror in the Region.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' is a manifestation of Sunni militancy seeking to retake control of the Iraqi government lost when Saddam, a Sunni, was driven from power by the Americans.

Indeed, not only was the failed, illegal invasion a contributing factor, but the post-Saddam policies put into place by the Bush administration also caused further destabilization, when exclusive control of Iraq was given to the Shiite faction.
fuck.... So now we're going to teeter off into some fantasy rant against conservatives who want to take away women's rights in America? man.... you people are LOSING it! :rofl:
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.
I am close personal friends with several Iraqi people and they're on my side. They want a free and democratic Iraq where women are allowed to vote and get an education.

I don't think Pan-Arab Socialists are interested in giving rights to women... I could be wrong.
YOU brought up women's rights! I just pointed out they are more like the Right than the Left.

Well no you didn't. You popped off some stupid rant that didn't even make sense. These people are unlike the Left OR Right, or anything else we can relate to in a free democratic society because that's not the type of society they believe in.

I'm glad that you've somehow justified the insane comments you made in your retarded mind, but honestly... republicans want to take away the right to vote from women? Man, you are really trying to appeal to the lowest denominator. I will go on record to say... anyone stupid enough to believe republicans want to take away women's right to vote is too stupid to be a republican.
You just can't stop yourself from lying! YOU brought up women's voting and education to claim the Ba'athists were Socialists. BTW, Saddam allowed women to attend universities.

There are no lies here except from you. I said the Ba'ath Party and Pan Arab Socialists do not believe in rights for women or allowing women access to education. I did not say that made them Socialists.
Why yes, yes you did! But you always lie and deny. You used women as one of your examples of Socialism when I corrected your use of the term"Socialist" for Ba'athists.
See below.

You always are!

From your favorite source, Wiki:
A Ba'athist state supports socialist economics to a varying degree, and supports public ownership over the heights of the economy but opposes the confiscation of private property. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation; Ba'athists believe that socialism is the only way to develop an Arab society which is truly free and united.

Fucking hilarious. Why do Liberals and Socialists in general run away from the Socialist label? I mean, even whenever it's in their name? Oh... different KIND of Socialists, you know... the GOOD kind! --Doofus!

QUESTION: Are Pan-Arab Socialists in favor of western-style democratic government? Yes or No? ...I fucking rest my case!
Like a typical CON$ervoFascist, when exposed to the truth you double down on your lies.
Thank you.

Again... Do Pan-Arab Socialists support the 1998 Iraqi Liberation Act which is official US foreign policy? Did they support Saddam's compliance with UN1441 or any other UN resolution? Do they support the liberation of women? Do they support education for women?

Now you don't want LYING going on round here, so let's be honest about these things! Do you want to honestly begin answering these questions or should I do that?
"So now, BUSH caused ISIS?"

Again, just to be clear on the facts:

GWB destabilized the ME with his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq.

As a consequence this gave license to militants and extremists to form and begin a campaign of terror in the Region.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' is a manifestation of Sunni militancy seeking to retake control of the Iraqi government lost when Saddam, a Sunni, was driven from power by the Americans.

Indeed, not only was the failed, illegal invasion a contributing factor, but the post-Saddam policies put into place by the Bush administration also caused further destabilization, when exclusive control of Iraq was given to the Shiite faction.

Blah blah blah, broken record time again?

GWB destabilized the ME with his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq.

The Middle East has been unstable for a long, long, long time.
Wasn't his [Bush's] mission. 2nd largest coalition in military history.
Was not a failure. Completed the mission and withdrew forces in 2011.
Was not illegal. Authorized by Congress, including Hillary Clinton.

As a consequence this gave license to militants and extremists to form and begin a campaign of terror...

I guess you were asleep on 9/11/01? Militants and extremists have been at war with us for 20 years. They began their campaigns of terror many years before Bush invaded Iraq.

when exclusive control of Iraq was given to the Shiite faction.

You mean the democratic elections held across Iraq where the citizens voted in their government for the first time in history and got the purple thumbs? Nothing was "given" to anyone, moron. The people held a fucking election and they elected a majority Shiite council. A helluva lot of that had to do with the fact the Sunnis were actively trying to blow up the precincts and prevent democracy from happening, so they didn't participate.

You sound like one of their little mindless talking head drones they trot out to spew the official propaganda. You're not worth the time for me to have a conversation with, to be honest.
Why yes, yes you did! But you always lie and deny.

Why no... no I didn't. You are inferring that into what I said, those are NOT my words.
Just keep lying and denying.

Well Eddy, you have posted my words which do not match the words you claim that I have said... but you are calling ME the liar. I am really concerned that you might just be losing what is left of your mind. Seriously, go lie down and have a think.
Why yes, yes you did! But you always lie and deny. You used women as one of your examples of Socialism when I corrected your use of the term"Socialist" for Ba'athists.
See below.

I did not use women as an example of Socialism. I don't fucking know what you're talking about man. It's just not there in my words, I read them over and over and I don't see where I said anything resembling that. I'm sorry you're having trouble comprehending basic English man... maybe lay off the crack pipe?

You didn't "correct' any goddamn thing. You tried to start an argument over what type of Socialists the Pan Arab Socialists are and I shut that down because it wasn't my point... didn't have a damn thing to do with my point. Still doesn't. Ba'ath Party is Pan Arab Socialist.

Regardless of whether they are good Socialists or bad Socialists, or not really Socialists at all... doesn't fucking matter! They don't believe in freedom and democracy, they don't believe in rights for women and minorities, they believe in a single Arab State or, the more radical ones, a Caliphate ruled by clerics, mullahs and religious leaders.

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