So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

"So now, BUSH caused ISIS?"

Again, just to be clear on the facts:

GWB destabilized the ME with his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq.

As a consequence this gave license to militants and extremists to form and begin a campaign of terror in the Region.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' is a manifestation of Sunni militancy seeking to retake control of the Iraqi government lost when Saddam, a Sunni, was driven from power by the Americans.

Indeed, not only was the failed, illegal invasion a contributing factor, but the post-Saddam policies put into place by the Bush administration also caused further destabilization, when exclusive control of Iraq was given to the Shiite faction.

Blah blah blah, broken record time again?

GWB destabilized the ME with his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq.

The Middle East has been unstable for a long, long, long time.
Wasn't his [Bush's] mission. 2nd largest coalition in military history.
Was not a failure. Completed the mission and withdrew forces in 2011.
Was not illegal. Authorized by Congress, including Hillary Clinton.

As a consequence this gave license to militants and extremists to form and begin a campaign of terror...

I guess you were asleep on 9/11/01? Militants and extremists have been at war with us for 20 years. They began their campaigns of terror many years before Bush invaded Iraq.

when exclusive control of Iraq was given to the Shiite faction.

You mean the democratic elections held across Iraq where the citizens voted in their government for the first time in history and got the purple thumbs? Nothing was "given" to anyone, moron. The people held a fucking election and they elected a majority Shiite council. A helluva lot of that had to do with the fact the Sunnis were actively trying to blow up the precincts and prevent democracy from happening, so they didn't participate.

You sound like one of their little mindless talking head drones they trot out to spew the official propaganda. You're not worth the time for me to have a conversation with, to be honest.
You never stop fluffing Bush, huh? The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with 9.11 and the "mission" was all because of Bush. The coalition you speak of was formed from Bush's efforts. Had Bush not been beating his war drum for Iraq, which he began beating in 2001, there never would have been a war in Iraq. If not for Bush, not a single other country in that coalition would have invaded Iraq.

The Iraq war was, is, and always will be, George Bush's war. Anything in that region that results will be on George Bush's head. All the blood that spilled is on George Bush's hands.
Faun proves in every convo she engages in that she doesn't understand the words she likes to use, nor how to discuss any topic coherently. She has a script and will lie about what's being sad so she can speak to the script, because she's never had a thought of her own.
Faun proves in every convo she engages in that she doesn't understand the words she likes to use, nor how to discuss any topic coherently. She has a script and will lie about what's being sad so she can speak to the script, because she's never had a thought of her own.
^^^ Above ^^^ is what it looks like when an envious loony rightard can't refute a post.
Faun proves in every convo she engages in that she doesn't understand the words she likes to use, nor how to discuss any topic coherently. She has a script and will lie about what's being sad so she can speak to the script, because she's never had a thought of her own.
^^^ Above ^^^ is what it looks like when an envious loony rightard can't refute a post.
Your posts aren't logical and you don't understand the terms you use. There's no point to refuting statements that you make, that even you don't understand. You don't communicate, you just blather nonsensically.
Why yes, yes you did! But you always lie and deny. You used women as one of your examples of Socialism when I corrected your use of the term"Socialist" for Ba'athists.
See below.

I did not use women as an example of Socialism.
You sure did.

Well it must be in your head because you've not posted any such direct quotes from me. Now you did post something were I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.

Dude... You can't just make up shit and claim I've said it. You're meant to have some proof if you make such an allegation and you've not shown any proof. I think maybe you have a sever reading comprehension problem... the words simply aren't comprehended as they are being used in context. So when I say "the sky is blue" you comprehend that as me making a racist statement against Native Americans. With such a malady, you're going to find communication with other non-retarded people very difficult.
"So now, BUSH caused ISIS?"

Again, just to be clear on the facts:

GWB destabilized the ME with his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq.

As a consequence this gave license to militants and extremists to form and begin a campaign of terror in the Region.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' is a manifestation of Sunni militancy seeking to retake control of the Iraqi government lost when Saddam, a Sunni, was driven from power by the Americans.

Indeed, not only was the failed, illegal invasion a contributing factor, but the post-Saddam policies put into place by the Bush administration also caused further destabilization, when exclusive control of Iraq was given to the Shiite faction.

Blah blah blah, broken record time again?

GWB destabilized the ME with his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq.

The Middle East has been unstable for a long, long, long time.
Wasn't his [Bush's] mission. 2nd largest coalition in military history.
Was not a failure. Completed the mission and withdrew forces in 2011.
Was not illegal. Authorized by Congress, including Hillary Clinton.

As a consequence this gave license to militants and extremists to form and begin a campaign of terror...

I guess you were asleep on 9/11/01? Militants and extremists have been at war with us for 20 years. They began their campaigns of terror many years before Bush invaded Iraq.

when exclusive control of Iraq was given to the Shiite faction.

You mean the democratic elections held across Iraq where the citizens voted in their government for the first time in history and got the purple thumbs? Nothing was "given" to anyone, moron. The people held a fucking election and they elected a majority Shiite council. A helluva lot of that had to do with the fact the Sunnis were actively trying to blow up the precincts and prevent democracy from happening, so they didn't participate.

You sound like one of their little mindless talking head drones they trot out to spew the official propaganda. You're not worth the time for me to have a conversation with, to be honest.
You never stop fluffing Bush, huh? The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with 9.11 and the "mission" was all because of Bush. The coalition you speak of was formed from Bush's efforts. Had Bush not been beating his war drum for Iraq, which he began beating in 2001, there never would have been a war in Iraq. If not for Bush, not a single other country in that coalition would have invaded Iraq.

The Iraq war was, is, and always will be, George Bush's war. Anything in that region that results will be on George Bush's head. All the blood that spilled is on George Bush's hands.

Again, the Iraq War coalition was the 2nd largest coalition in military history. So the claim that it was "Bush's War" is simply invalid. Also, I didn't say the Iraq War had anything to do with 9/11. A poster tried to claim the Iraq War caused radical extremist groups to instigate terror attacks and I reminded him that 9/11 was a terror attack by a radical extremist group. So was the attack on the USS Cole, two American embassies and the first attack on the WTC. The holding of hostages in Iran in 1979 was also a radical extremist group instigating terrorism. So there goes that "argument" as well. Shot down like an obsolete Iraqi fighter jet.

Now... as for what is going to happen in the future over there... No, we can't lay the blame on Bush. That's insane, it's like drowning your family then blaming it on the presence of a lake behind your house which your neighbor dug. Sure, if he hadn't dug the lake you wouldn't have had a place to drown your family... but I don't think that excuse is going to fly in court.

We presently have an administration, supported by idiots like you, who are completely feckless and they have pissed away any progress we had made in eliminating terror elements from the region. What is happening over there now is what Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld, Powell and others warned you would happen.
I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.
Liar, it was your rebuttal to my challenging your use of the term "Socialist," so the context of your "statement" was undeniably an example of proof of Socialism.
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.

You should have stopped when you said., "I don't make a make a habit of reading"

Saddam's technology? I hope you get cancer for that lie. Saddam did not create nor did his regime create any military technology so stop lying? BWT liar Bush 1 created Saddam like snakes one snake turned on the other.



Had Saddam remained in power ISIS would never gotten a foothold. Saddam was a Muslim in name only. He and bin Laden were mortal enemies and has bad as he was Iraqis had more freedom under him than they did under Muslim rule. Bush/Cheney and Rummy turned Iraq into Sharia law and removed the Middle East's policeman. As brutal as his regime was the theocrratic regime were and are far worse.
I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.
Liar, it was your rebuttal to my challenging your use of the term "Socialist," so the context of your "statement" was undeniably an example of proof of Socialism.

Again, you are not providing a direct quote from me citing women as an example of Socialism. Instead, you seem to be explaining how your retarded mind distilled that from my comments. I have told you several times that you misunderstood me but it doesn't seem to be registering. You still want to call me a liar for not admitting to a statement I didn't make. There is insane and then there is YOU. :cuckoo:
And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
I agree completely.

Instead of setting Hussein up and treacherously crushing his (quite justified) invasion of Kuwait, we should have backed him and supported his next move -- which would have been the invasion and occupation of Saudi Arabia. If we had done that we would be in the catbird seat and enjoying fifty-cents-a-gallon premium gas.

But we couldn't do that because the Bush dynasty were, and still are, in cahoots with the Saudi Royal Family.


That gold chain around Georgie's neck is a kind of Saudi medal of honor for services rendered.
Last edited:
Saddam's technology? I hope you get cancer for that lie.

Well this shows what an absolute piece of shit human being you are. Anyone who would wish for someone to contract a terminal illness because they don't politically agree is actually worse than the radical scumbucket terrorists. So you've ruined any integrity you may have had and we can simply dismiss the rest of your post.

Had Saddam remained in power ISIS would never gotten a foothold.

Maybe so, but also... if we had remained in Iraq helping them establish democracy, ISIS also would have never gotten a foothold. Bush and everyone else warned you that if we didn't complete this thing, it would come back to bite us in the ass. You staunchly refused to accept that and kept claiming that all we needed was to sit down and talk to them. So your guy won and that's what we've been doing for 8 years.

What is currently happening is the result of Obama/Kerry/Clinton policies.
And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
I agree completely.

Instead of setting Hussein up and treacherously crushing his (quite justified) invasion of Kuwait, we should have backed him and supported his next move -- which would have been the invasion and occupation of Saudi Arabia. If we had done that we would be in the catbird seat and enjoying fifty-cents-a-gallon premium gas.

But we couldn't do that because the Bush dynasty were, and still are, in cahoots with the Saudi Royal Family.


That gold chain around Georgie's neck is a kind of Saudi medal of honor for services rendered.

Sorry, but the President doesn't have the authority to ignore treaties with other nations. We are allies with Saudi Arabia and have been for some time, long before any Bush was president.

Allowing a madman dictator to control Saudi oil is about the most stupid short-sighted idea any retard could ever come up with. It would not have resulted in the US benefiting from cheap gas at the pump and IF you are so retarded you don't understand how world oil markets work, then we need not worry about having a rational intelligent conversation with you.

Are ALL of you people brainwashed? I mean, seriously... look at the arguments you are making? It sounds like you are on the side of the radical extremist terrorists.
I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.
Liar, it was your rebuttal to my challenging your use of the term "Socialist," so the context of your "statement" was undeniably an example of proof of Socialism.

Again, you are not providing a direct quote from me citing women as an example of Socialism.
Already posted and linked to your quote. You know it, which is why each time you edit it out in your reply and then do your lie and deny act.
Sorry, but the President doesn't have the authority to ignore treaties with other nations
Only if they are Democrats, otherwise Republican presidents break treaties habitually!

7. Treaty Busting By the United States Top 25 of 2004

The Bush Administration is now outright rejecting a number of those treaties, and in doing so places global security in jeopardy as other nations feel entitled to do the same. The rejected treaties include: The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), the Treaty Banning Antipersonnel Mines, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a protocol to create a compliance regime for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM). The U.S. is also not complying with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the Chemical Weapons Commission (CWC), the BWC, and the UN framework Convention on Climate Change.
I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.
Liar, it was your rebuttal to my challenging your use of the term "Socialist," so the context of your "statement" was undeniably an example of proof of Socialism.

Again, you are not providing a direct quote from me citing women as an example of Socialism.
Already posted and linked to your quote. You know it, which is why each time you edit it out in your reply and then do your lie and deny act.

Sorry, you are lying. You have never posted a quote from me giving women or women's rights as examples of Socialism. Not in this thread or any thread. There is nothing for me to edit, the words are simply not there. You are simply lying.
I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.
Liar, it was your rebuttal to my challenging your use of the term "Socialist," so the context of your "statement" was undeniably an example of proof of Socialism.

Again, you are not providing a direct quote from me citing women as an example of Socialism.
Already posted and linked to your quote. You know it, which is why each time you edit it out in your reply and then do your lie and deny act.

Sorry, you are lying. You have never posted a quote from me giving women or women's rights as examples of Socialism. Not in this thread or any thread. There is nothing for me to edit, the words are simply not there. You are simply lying.
Sorry, but the President doesn't have the authority to ignore treaties with other nations
Only if they are Democrats, otherwise Republican presidents break treaties habitually!

7. Treaty Busting By the United States Top 25 of 2004

The Bush Administration is now outright rejecting a number of those treaties, and in doing so places global security in jeopardy as other nations feel entitled to do the same. The rejected treaties include: The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), the Treaty Banning Antipersonnel Mines, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), a protocol to create a compliance regime for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM). The U.S. is also not complying with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the Chemical Weapons Commission (CWC), the BWC, and the UN framework Convention on Climate Change.

Another hijack attempt from USMBs resident radical extremist terrorist.

We have a treaty with Saudi Arabia and are committed to protecting the House of Saud. A lot of people have a problem with that treaty... I don't agree with our complacent position on human rights and rights for women. But the treaty is there nonetheless.

If you turn your back on your allies, you will have NO allies. When you make a formal treaty with an ally it has to be honored and it always has with the United States and her allies. Now you want to duff on about our broken treaties made by outside entities on our behalf, well that's an entirely different ball of wax. That's not what we are talking about and it has nothing to do with my point.
I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.
Liar, it was your rebuttal to my challenging your use of the term "Socialist," so the context of your "statement" was undeniably an example of proof of Socialism.

Again, you are not providing a direct quote from me citing women as an example of Socialism.
Already posted and linked to your quote. You know it, which is why each time you edit it out in your reply and then do your lie and deny act.

Sorry, you are lying. You have never posted a quote from me giving women or women's rights as examples of Socialism. Not in this thread or any thread. There is nothing for me to edit, the words are simply not there. You are simply lying.
I was discussing the fact that Pan Arab Socialists don't support rights for women but that wasn't given as an "example of Socialism" it was just a statement of fact which you've not refuted.
Liar, it was your rebuttal to my challenging your use of the term "Socialist," so the context of your "statement" was undeniably an example of proof of Socialism.

Again, you are not providing a direct quote from me citing women as an example of Socialism.
Already posted and linked to your quote. You know it, which is why each time you edit it out in your reply and then do your lie and deny act.

Sorry, you are lying. You have never posted a quote from me giving women or women's rights as examples of Socialism. Not in this thread or any thread. There is nothing for me to edit, the words are simply not there. You are simply lying.
Repeating your lie does not make it any less a lie.

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