So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

So you're not going to back up your lie about me? Why was I so sure you wouldn't?

I'd made NO argument about what Ba'athist ideology believes "socialism" is. They ARE Pan Arab Socialists. They do not support women's rights. They are not for western-style democracy. They are National Socialists like Hitler and the Nazis.
I even gave you a link to your own lying words, and yet STILL you LIE!

Well the Ba'ath Party are Arab Socialists. Ba'athism calls for unification of the Arab world into a single state.

What have I lied about? They are Pan Arab Socialists. Nothing you've posted indicates they aren't Pan Arab Socialists. I never claimed they were Marxist or Maoist Socialists and frankly, it doesn't really matter... you don't like "Socialist" call them Nationalists... I don't give a fuck.

They don't believe in western-style democracy or anything we can culturally relate to as free and enlightened human beings. They don't believe in women's rights, they execute homosexuals so they don't have any problem with gay marriage. They don't condone individual freedom and liberty, it goes against everything they believe.
And they don't believe in "Socialism" as you abuse the term, as you well know, thus you are a liar.

BTW, CON$ do not believe in woman's rights, especially the right for women to vote, so does that make CON$ ideological Socialists? By your moronic "logic" yes it does!

“women should not have the right to vote.”
-Ann Coulter, June 2015

August 8, 2008
RUSH: Now we're told the night Hillary speaks is the anniversary of women getting the vote, which is what started the welfare state that now strangles us, by the way. If women had never gotten the vote we wouldn't have a budget deficit, but that's another story.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat [sic] president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen. And it is a good way of making the point that women are voting so stupidly, at least single women."
- Ann Coulter, October 2007

fuck.... So now we're going to teeter off into some fantasy rant against conservatives who want to take away women's rights in America? man.... you people are LOSING it! :rofl:
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

ISIS was created in 1999, I guess to the far left drones Bush was president in 1999..
Lets see your link. Not some timeline showing how elements and groups were active before 2006, but any evidence that mentions ISIS or ISIL as an organization as it was after March of 2006 when the Shura Council formally united and named themselves with the name they have today.
There was no such organization named ISIS or ISIL in 1999. There were independent groups who eventually formed an alliance in 2006 and after joining with each other took the unifying name of ISIL.
Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

ISIS was created in 1999, I guess to the far left drones Bush was president in 1999..
Lets see your link. Not some timeline showing how elements and groups were active before 2006, but any evidence that mentions ISIS or ISIL as an organization as it was after March of 2006 when the Shura Council formally united and named themselves with the name they have today.
There was no such organization named ISIS or ISIL in 1999. There were independent groups who eventually formed an alliance in 2006 and after joining with each other took the unifying name of ISIL.

ISIL was not made that until 2014, so your far left rant failed!

On 14 May 2014, the United States Department of State announced its decision to use "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) as the group's primary name.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So yes it was formed under Obama, but the reality is it started in 1999..

The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian radical Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād, "The Organisation of Monotheism and Jihad" (JTJ).

Like it or not those are the fact! They formed under Clinton and were allowed to flourish and get their official title under Obama.

See how the far left drones will deny history and that is what makes them more dangerous than ISIS..
When you talk in public, do you drool? Also, do you sound like a retarded person?

Great argument. How many years at school did it take you to perfect your technique?

I don't do people attacking me. Everything else you say just gets drowned out in this nonsense. I'm assuming you're an adult. How hard can it be to state your opinion without insulting and attacking others? Serious!
And it was pointed out to you that it was not the kind of Socialism you were claiming it to be. Socialism in Ba'athist ideology does not mean state socialism or economic equality, but modernisation

Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

ISIS was created in 1999, I guess to the far left drones Bush was president in 1999..
Lets see your link. Not some timeline showing how elements and groups were active before 2006, but any evidence that mentions ISIS or ISIL as an organization as it was after March of 2006 when the Shura Council formally united and named themselves with the name they have today.
There was no such organization named ISIS or ISIL in 1999. There were independent groups who eventually formed an alliance in 2006 and after joining with each other took the unifying name of ISIL.

ISIL was not made that until 2014, so your far left rant failed!

On 14 May 2014, the United States Department of State announced its decision to use "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) as the group's primary name.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So yes it was formed under Obama, but the reality is it started in 1999..

The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian radical Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād, "The Organisation of Monotheism and Jihad" (JTJ).

Like it or not those are the fact! They formed under Clinton and were allowed to flourish and get their official title under Obama.

See how the far left drones will deny history and that is what makes them more dangerous than ISIS..
Obama derangement syndrome at some of it's most obvious.
Where did I claim this? (Post the direct quote so I can see it.)
Back to the dumb act again.
The bold part is ME telling YOU what Socialism means in Ba'athist Ideology, as I did earlier but you chose to ignore it and continue to use the wrong "kind of Socialism."

So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

ISIS was created in 1999, I guess to the far left drones Bush was president in 1999..
Lets see your link. Not some timeline showing how elements and groups were active before 2006, but any evidence that mentions ISIS or ISIL as an organization as it was after March of 2006 when the Shura Council formally united and named themselves with the name they have today.
There was no such organization named ISIS or ISIL in 1999. There were independent groups who eventually formed an alliance in 2006 and after joining with each other took the unifying name of ISIL.

ISIL was not made that until 2014, so your far left rant failed!

On 14 May 2014, the United States Department of State announced its decision to use "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) as the group's primary name.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So yes it was formed under Obama, but the reality is it started in 1999..

The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian radical Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād, "The Organisation of Monotheism and Jihad" (JTJ).

Like it or not those are the fact! They formed under Clinton and were allowed to flourish and get their official title under Obama.

See how the far left drones will deny history and that is what makes them more dangerous than ISIS..
Obama derangement syndrome at some of it's most obvious.

Says the far left drone that denies history!

What do you expect from these drones they believe the history of Iraq started in 2003 and caused 9/11..
When you talk in public, do you drool? Also, do you sound like a retarded person?

Great argument. How many years at school did it take you to perfect your technique?

I don't do people attacking me. Everything else you say just gets drowned out in this nonsense. I'm assuming you're an adult. How hard can it be to state your opinion without insulting and attacking others? Serious!

Another far left drone that denies history!

So the far left can not handle what they dish out!
When you talk in public, do you drool? Also, do you sound like a retarded person?

Great argument. How many years at school did it take you to perfect your technique?

I don't do people attacking me. Everything else you say just gets drowned out in this nonsense. I'm assuming you're an adult. How hard can it be to state your opinion without insulting and attacking others? Serious!

I didn't attack you. My mother taught me to have compassion for retarded people. I assume you are retarded because you've said some very retarded things. You tried to claim radical Islam was about oil and we invaded Iraq for oil, even though neither of these things are true. Not only untrue, they don't even make rational sense. Then you seemed to confuse "Jihad" with guerrilla warfare. You talk about three times the Brits have been defeated by Jihad but Jihad was declared in 1995 and so far as I know, the war launched by coalition forces in 2001 is the only time the Brits have been since then.

After Saddam fell in Iraq, the coalition and United Nations organized national elections. There were people all over television with the purple thumbs where they went and voted. However, in your retard universe, this must have been Bush setting up a puppet government... did he do mind control on the UN and coalition? Did his soldiers frog march people to the polls forcing them to vote for Bush's chosen candidate? You see, you keep spewing one thing but the reality of the universe we live in is something entirely different.
When you talk in public, do you drool? Also, do you sound like a retarded person?

Great argument. How many years at school did it take you to perfect your technique?

I don't do people attacking me. Everything else you say just gets drowned out in this nonsense. I'm assuming you're an adult. How hard can it be to state your opinion without insulting and attacking others? Serious!

I didn't attack you. My mother taught me to have compassion for retarded people. I assume you are retarded because you've said some very retarded things. You tried to claim radical Islam was about oil and we invaded Iraq for oil, even though neither of these things are true. Not only untrue, they don't even make rational sense. Then you seemed to confuse "Jihad" with guerrilla warfare. You talk about three times the Brits have been defeated by Jihad but Jihad was declared in 1995 and so far as I know, the war launched by coalition forces in 2001 is the only time the Brits have been since then.

After Saddam fell in Iraq, the coalition and United Nations organized national elections. There were people all over television with the purple thumbs where they went and voted. However, in your retard universe, this must have been Bush setting up a puppet government... did he do mind control on the UN and coalition? Did his soldiers frog march people to the polls forcing them to vote for Bush's chosen candidate? You see, you keep spewing one thing but the reality of the universe we live in is something entirely different.

Far left drones have to stick to their debunked religious narratives..

Obama's illegal war in Libya was about OL and it was about OIL for France!
When you talk in public, do you drool? Also, do you sound like a retarded person?

Great argument. How many years at school did it take you to perfect your technique?

I don't do people attacking me. Everything else you say just gets drowned out in this nonsense. I'm assuming you're an adult. How hard can it be to state your opinion without insulting and attacking others? Serious!

I didn't attack you. My mother taught me to have compassion for retarded people. I assume you are retarded because you've said some very retarded things. You tried to claim radical Islam was about oil and we invaded Iraq for oil, even though neither of these things are true. Not only untrue, they don't even make rational sense. Then you seemed to confuse "Jihad" with guerrilla warfare. You talk about three times the Brits have been defeated by Jihad but Jihad was declared in 1995 and so far as I know, the war launched by coalition forces in 2001 is the only time the Brits have been since then.

After Saddam fell in Iraq, the coalition and United Nations organized national elections. There were people all over television with the purple thumbs where they went and voted. However, in your retard universe, this must have been Bush setting up a puppet government... did he do mind control on the UN and coalition? Did his soldiers frog march people to the polls forcing them to vote for Bush's chosen candidate? You see, you keep spewing one thing but the reality of the universe we live in is something entirely different.

Still not interested. You lost me. Go away.
When you talk in public, do you drool? Also, do you sound like a retarded person?

Great argument. How many years at school did it take you to perfect your technique?

I don't do people attacking me. Everything else you say just gets drowned out in this nonsense. I'm assuming you're an adult. How hard can it be to state your opinion without insulting and attacking others? Serious!

I didn't attack you. My mother taught me to have compassion for retarded people. I assume you are retarded because you've said some very retarded things. You tried to claim radical Islam was about oil and we invaded Iraq for oil, even though neither of these things are true. Not only untrue, they don't even make rational sense. Then you seemed to confuse "Jihad" with guerrilla warfare. You talk about three times the Brits have been defeated by Jihad but Jihad was declared in 1995 and so far as I know, the war launched by coalition forces in 2001 is the only time the Brits have been since then.

After Saddam fell in Iraq, the coalition and United Nations organized national elections. There were people all over television with the purple thumbs where they went and voted. However, in your retard universe, this must have been Bush setting up a puppet government... did he do mind control on the UN and coalition? Did his soldiers frog march people to the polls forcing them to vote for Bush's chosen candidate? You see, you keep spewing one thing but the reality of the universe we live in is something entirely different.

Still not interested. You lost me. Go away.

Says the far left drone that believes the history of Iraq began in 2003 and created 9/11..
Still not interested. You lost me. Go away.

Sorry but you don't get to tell me when to go away... your totalitarian rulers haven't perverted the Constitution enough for you to do that yet. So I guess you'll have to put up with me?

Now, it's a promising sign that you feel compelled to zip your lip. It shows you are able to show signs of constraint even though mentally challenged... that's good, maybe potty training is in your future?

Back to the only coherent thing you said previously, regarding "war for oil" let me say this...

Every nation who uses oil and doesn't produce enough, is buying oil from the World Oil Market. If ANY nation were to simply take their military and invade a country to take it's oil, the rest of the nations who purchase oil would not stand for that. Every drop of oil that has ever left the Middle East for this country, was paid for.

There were 23 coalition nations who joined the US to take out Saddam and replace his regime with functional representative democracy. This was the second-largest military coalition in human history. (Second to the first Gulf War.) It was not Bush acting alone, it was not about oil.

There was no "puppet government" ever set up by anyone. The UN had election observers, everything went according to plan and the people of Iraq practiced democracy for the first time in human history. They did so to the tune of 80% of the population who were under literal death threats IF they participated.
Says the far left drone that believes the history of Iraq began in 2003 and created 9/11..

Oh, I know... they are absolute loony tunes! Read Eddy's last rant above... he goes doddering off like a drunk 6-year-old in some far-fetched rant about conservative men wanting to take away the vote from women!

I mean... don't get me wrong, it thrills me to see one of them lose it like that and illustrate how crazy they really are... but in a way, I kinda feel sorry for the guy. They get worked up and then don't seem to realize how insane they sound. It's funny, but also sad.
Still not interested. You lost me. Go away.

Sorry but you don't get to tell me when to go away... your totalitarian rulers haven't perverted the Constitution enough for you to do that yet. So I guess you'll have to put up with me?

Now, it's a promising sign that you feel compelled to zip your lip. It shows you are able to show signs of constraint even though mentally challenged... that's good, maybe potty training is in your future?

Back to the only coherent thing you said previously, regarding "war for oil" let me say this...

Every nation who uses oil and doesn't produce enough, is buying oil from the World Oil Market. If ANY nation were to simply take their military and invade a country to take it's oil, the rest of the nations who purchase oil would not stand for that. Every drop of oil that has ever left the Middle East for this country, was paid for.

There were 23 coalition nations who joined the US to take out Saddam and replace his regime with functional representative democracy. This was the second-largest military coalition in human history. (Second to the first Gulf War.) It was not Bush acting alone, it was not about oil.

There was no "puppet government" ever set up by anyone. The UN had election observers, everything went according to plan and the people of Iraq practiced democracy for the first time in human history. They did so to the tune of 80% of the population who were under literal death threats IF they participated.

You insulted me. Go away.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
Of course, it's as simple as that. "Socialist" was in their name; that means they were socialists (even though they outlawed socialism and killed socialists). :eusa_doh. And North Korea isn't a dictatorship. No, no, they can't be .... they're the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea. See? Says so right in their name. :thup:

Nope, it's that there are different kinds of Socialism.

Again-- this is a sidetrack and distraction. You want to derail the argument as usual. You want to run away from the argument you are losing badly over the politics of Pan Arab Socialists and instead, engage in some superficial tit-for-tat over the meaning of Socialist.

This is typical of you, it's literally ALL you do here.
Nonsense. Pointing out you're a retard is not a deflection but serves to frame your idiocy in the light it deserves. Words have meaning and you don't get to alter them. Just because Nazi's put the word in their name doesn't mean they were socialists any more than NK is a democratic republic just because they put that in their name. And again, the Nazi's were anti-socialist. And again, you're a fucking moron. :cuckoo:

You're not qualified to judge levels of retardation because you are a retard yourself.

Words do indeed have meaning, and if you go look up Socialist, you will find there are many varieties of Socialism both economic and social. I didn't argue anything about what type of Socialists the Pan Arab Socialists are. I just stated they were Pan Arab Socialists. And it really doesn't make any difference what kind of socialists they are... they don't believe in liberal (small letter) democracy.
Thanks for that link -- it proves what I said ... Nazi's weren't socialists and you're a retard. Two points proven with one link. :mm:
Thanks for that link -- it proves what I said ... Nazi's weren't socialists and you're a retard. Two points proven with one link.

The argument has never been over what kind of Socialists Nazis were or Arabs. The link illustrates how there are NUMEROUS ideologies described as Socialism. The issue of what kind of Socialism was introduced by pinheads who don't know how to defeat the argument against Pan Arab Socialists. I totally understand, Pan Arab Socialism is hard to defend.

It is Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. These are really big long words for your type to grasp, but they aren't the kind of government you are familiar with. Most of you extremist liberals wouldn't make it a month under such a regime. They would eliminate you.
Thanks for that link -- it proves what I said ... Nazi's weren't socialists and you're a retard. Two points proven with one link.

The argument has never been over what kind of Socialists Nazis were or Arabs. The link illustrates how there are NUMEROUS ideologies described as Socialism. The issue of what kind of Socialism was introduced by pinheads who don't know how to defeat the argument against Pan Arab Socialists. I totally understand, Pan Arab Socialism is hard to defend.

It is Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. These are really big long words for your type to grasp, but they aren't the kind of government you are familiar with. Most of you extremist liberals wouldn't make it a month under such a regime. They would eliminate you.
You idiotically claimed Nazis were socialists and then posted a link which shows they were not. You're a moron and you don't know what socialism is.
Thanks for that link -- it proves what I said ... Nazi's weren't socialists and you're a retard. Two points proven with one link.

The argument has never been over what kind of Socialists Nazis were or Arabs. The link illustrates how there are NUMEROUS ideologies described as Socialism. The issue of what kind of Socialism was introduced by pinheads who don't know how to defeat the argument against Pan Arab Socialists. I totally understand, Pan Arab Socialism is hard to defend.

It is Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. These are really big long words for your type to grasp, but they aren't the kind of government you are familiar with. Most of you extremist liberals wouldn't make it a month under such a regime. They would eliminate you.
You idiotically claimed Nazis were socialists and then posted a link which shows they were not. You're a moron and you don't know what socialism is.

No, I correctly stated Nazis were National Socialists who belonged to the National Socialist Party (aka: Nazi Party) I also correctly stated the Ba'ath Party are Pan Arab Socialists. You seem to be hung up on some people's version of Socialism. Uhm... the world did not put you in charge of deciding who's definitions are acceptable for what.

Now it doesn't make any difference to me, I don't endorse any type of Socialism. If you want Pan Arab Socialists to stop calling themselves Socialists, you need to take that up with them and not me. For the sake of our conversation, if you are more comfortable calling them Nationalists, that's fine with me too, I've already said I don't give a fuck. So the problem seems to be, you don't like me calling people what they call themselves.

Other than that, your problem seems to be your wanting to use "socialism" as your point of argument instead of discussing the problem with turning the middle east over to Pan Arab Socialists. You think that you've derailed that argument and drug me off into some superficial argument over the nuances of Socialism... WRONG! My argument remains pristine and untouched by pinheaded nitwits.
Thanks for that link -- it proves what I said ... Nazi's weren't socialists and you're a retard. Two points proven with one link.

The argument has never been over what kind of Socialists Nazis were or Arabs. The link illustrates how there are NUMEROUS ideologies described as Socialism. The issue of what kind of Socialism was introduced by pinheads who don't know how to defeat the argument against Pan Arab Socialists. I totally understand, Pan Arab Socialism is hard to defend.

It is Nationalism, Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism. These are really big long words for your type to grasp, but they aren't the kind of government you are familiar with. Most of you extremist liberals wouldn't make it a month under such a regime. They would eliminate you.
You idiotically claimed Nazis were socialists and then posted a link which shows they were not. You're a moron and you don't know what socialism is.

No, I correctly stated Nazis were National Socialists who belonged to the National Socialist Party (aka: Nazi Party) I also correctly stated the Ba'ath Party are Pan Arab Socialists. You seem to be hung up on some people's version of Socialism. Uhm... the world did not put you in charge of deciding who's definitions are acceptable for what.

Now it doesn't make any difference to me, I don't endorse any type of Socialism. If you want Pan Arab Socialists to stop calling themselves Socialists, you need to take that up with them and not me. For the sake of our conversation, if you are more comfortable calling them Nationalists, that's fine with me too, I've already said I don't give a fuck. So the problem seems to be, you don't like me calling people what they call themselves.

Other than that, your problem seems to be your wanting to use "socialism" as your point of argument instead of discussing the problem with turning the middle east over to Pan Arab Socialists. You think that you've derailed that argument and drug me off into some superficial argument over the nuances of Socialism... WRONG! My argument remains pristine and untouched by pinheaded nitwits.
Nope, your own link proved Nazi's were not socialists. Feel free to argue against your own evidence. :lmao:

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