So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

Oh? By what economic metric was Hoover superior to Obama?

By the metric that Hoover sought to stimulate it while Obama seeks to destroy it.

If Obama sought to destroy the economy, then he's done a bad job, wouldn't you say?

No, I think he has done a great job. He has pretty much gutted and undermined the private sector economy and put the country on life support from the Federal Reserve to the tune of about 1.5 trillion dollars a year. At this rate, we turn into Greece by 2020.
Really? You think he's gutted the private sector??

1/2001: 111,861,000
1/2009: 111,398,000
6/2015: 119,932,000

Bush .......... -463,000
Obama ... +8,534,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The only reasonable conclusion I can reach is that you are bat shit insane. :thup:
No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.

So why not call them Pan Arab National Socialists then? If that is what you seem to want to imply?
give it some time, eventually it will be blamed on who ever is leading the GOP race.


Bush was the president who went to the Middle East, invaded Iraq, messed up the post war period allowing such groups to grow and flourish. How would someone entering the GOP race be responsible? Unless of course Bremer decided to run, in which case....
Actually the far left fascist religious lies were exposed as the reality is ISIS formed in 1999 and was actually called ISIL in 2014. So that means it was under Obama, unless you still believe Bush was president in 2014..

I'm sorry but we tend to get bogged down in their silly little distraction arguments that don't mean anything. ALL these groups... regardless of their letters... are radical Islamic fundamentalists who are AT WAR with us. They have been in a documented and declared state of war with us for 20 years now, since 1995.

This is not the fault of Bush, Obama, Clinton, Reagan, Bush Sr... it's not our presidents who are to blame. If you want to find something to blame, it is our decadent culture and liberation. This is what makes us so intolerable to them and why they want us all dead. We are Infidels.

But you see, Liberals don't really care. We may as well be talking about cereal box characters here. They have no clue or concept about what is going on in the world outside of their little sound-cloud or hot-spot.
give it some time, eventually it will be blamed on who ever is leading the GOP race.


Bush was the president who went to the Middle East, invaded Iraq, messed up the post war period allowing such groups to grow and flourish. How would someone entering the GOP race be responsible? Unless of course Bremer decided to run, in which case....
i am being sarcastic. its just how the dem's like to beat up on candidates, like with Rubio and his 200 foot boat.
Actually the far left fascist religious lies were exposed as the reality is ISIS formed in 1999 and was actually called ISIL in 2014. So that means it was under Obama, unless you still believe Bush was president in 2014..

I'm sorry but we tend to get bogged down in their silly little distraction arguments that don't mean anything. ALL these groups... regardless of their letters... are radical Islamic fundamentalists who are AT WAR with us. They have been in a documented and declared state of war with us for 20 years now, since 1995.

This is not the fault of Bush, Obama, Clinton, Reagan, Bush Sr... it's not our presidents who are to blame. If you want to find something to blame, it is our decadent culture and liberation. This is what makes us so intolerable to them and why they want us all dead. We are Infidels.

But you see, Liberals don't really care. We may as well be talking about cereal box characters here. They have no clue or concept about what is going on in the world outside of their little sound-cloud or hot-spot.

Why are they are war? I mean, the US is a long way away.

Oh yeah, it's because the US sees fit to invade, depose, interfere with anyone who has oil, and the Middle East has enough of that for the US govt to be happy for decades.

Bush was recruitment officer number 1 for Islamic extremism.

We should all thank Bush for making our lives so much more unstable, our world more unstable, all so the Republicans can come along like knights in shining armor to rescue us from these unpredictable and dangerous times (that they made in the first place).
Oh? By what economic metric was Hoover superior to Obama?

By the metric that Hoover sought to stimulate it while Obama seeks to destroy it.

If Obama sought to destroy the economy, then he's done a bad job, wouldn't you say?

No, I think he has done a great job. He has pretty much gutted and undermined the private sector economy and put the country on life support from the Federal Reserve to the tune of about 1.5 trillion dollars a year. At this rate, we turn into Greece by 2020.
Really? You think he's gutted the private sector??

1/2001: 111,861,000
1/2009: 111,398,000
6/2015: 119,932,000

Bush .......... -463,000
Obama ... +8,534,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The only reasonable conclusion I can reach is that you are bat shit insane. :thup:

Oh, I know you have propaganda in the form of statistics to show me something, I've not disputed that. You think I expected you to agree with me that Obama has gutted the private sector? Must be some high grade stuff you're smoking. :dunno:

You and Obama can do all the bragging on job creation you like, the fact remains, you've created a bunch of (mostly part time) minimum wage jobs to replace high-paid skilled labor jobs. The entire Obama Economy is based on smoke, mirrors and good commie propaganda. He has successfully undermined American capitalism in a way Khrushchev would be extremely proud of.
Actually the far left fascist religious lies were exposed as the reality is ISIS formed in 1999 and was actually called ISIL in 2014. So that means it was under Obama, unless you still believe Bush was president in 2014..

I'm sorry but we tend to get bogged down in their silly little distraction arguments that don't mean anything. ALL these groups... regardless of their letters... are radical Islamic fundamentalists who are AT WAR with us. They have been in a documented and declared state of war with us for 20 years now, since 1995.

This is not the fault of Bush, Obama, Clinton, Reagan, Bush Sr... it's not our presidents who are to blame. If you want to find something to blame, it is our decadent culture and liberation. This is what makes us so intolerable to them and why they want us all dead. We are Infidels.

But you see, Liberals don't really care. We may as well be talking about cereal box characters here. They have no clue or concept about what is going on in the world outside of their little sound-cloud or hot-spot.

Why are they are war? I mean, the US is a long way away.

Oh yeah, it's because the US sees fit to invade, depose, interfere with anyone who has oil, and the Middle East has enough of that for the US govt to be happy for decades.

Bush was recruitment officer number 1 for Islamic extremism.

We should all thank Bush for making our lives so much more unstable, our world more unstable, all so the Republicans can come along like knights in shining armor to rescue us from these unpredictable and dangerous times (that they made in the first place).

For Radical Islamic Extremists, this has absolutely nothing to do with oil. First of all, Oil is what these people have to sell to the world.... they have nothing else, really.... sand? So this stupid idea that they don't like selling us their oil, is just that... stupid.

The ONLY place I know we've invaded and stolen their resources is in the American West when we just outright stole the birthright of Native Americans, and we've never apologized for it, either. Otherwise, we have paid people for our resources and they appreciate it very much.

Now I am sorry we use oil in this universe of ours... maybe one day we'll all live in the Pollyanna universe of Liberal Utopia where no one uses oil anymore? But for now, we live in THIS universe and reality-- we use a shit ton of oil!

But again... Radical Islam isn't about oil.
Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?
That is exactly how the Right is programmed. Everyone they are conditioned to hate is a "Socialist."

The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category.
- Adolf Hitler
More deflection to again double down on your lie.
Thank you again.

I haven't told a lie. I have asked a few questions and you don't want to answer. You want to accuse me of being dishonest and ignore the questions. Can you not make up your mind if you want to have an honest discourse?

Pan Arab Socialists are the ones who are causing us major problems all over the Middle East and northern Africa. The Wonderful Arab Spring... Remember? Well all that is going to shit now, the world is on fire over there, people are being brutally slaughtered by intolerant Pan Arab Socialists who are out of control.

What you want to do is divert the thread by making the irrelevant argument they aren't a particular KIND of Socialist. You're right, the Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists or Maoists. That wasn't ever my claim and has nothing to do with anything I said. They are Nationalists, like Hitler under the National-Socialist party. Also not a Marxist.

Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?

No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.
Why are they are war? I mean, the US is a long way away.

With modern technology, this is no longer true. We are just a click away on the Internet. Western culture has slowly but surely seeped into their homes, filling their women's minds with notions of freedom and corrupting their daughters. This is about culture and they don't like ours.

Ultimately, the want to run all Jews into the sea and all Infidels (us) out of the region from Turkey to Indonesia. This will complete their Caliphate and commitment to Allah. When this is complete, the real fun begins. This will pave the way for the 12th Imam, and total world domination of Islam.

So you see... all these little things you're buying into are just part of their game. They want you and I to believe all they want is for us to leave here or there, if only they had their own country over here... if we would just leave them be and mind our own business... all of this is intended to fool and mislead us as they work toward their ultimate objective.

And you sit there, your witless little pants-shitting self, oblivious to the horrors and atrocities committed in the world you've been insulated from your whole life... you couldn't care less because this is all a political tool for you... something to enable you to be a little activist hippy wannabe and bitch about oil and Bush.
More deflection to again double down on your lie.
Thank you again.

I haven't told a lie. I have asked a few questions and you don't want to answer. You want to accuse me of being dishonest and ignore the questions. Can you not make up your mind if you want to have an honest discourse?

Pan Arab Socialists are the ones who are causing us major problems all over the Middle East and northern Africa. The Wonderful Arab Spring... Remember? Well all that is going to shit now, the world is on fire over there, people are being brutally slaughtered by intolerant Pan Arab Socialists who are out of control.

What you want to do is divert the thread by making the irrelevant argument they aren't a particular KIND of Socialist. You're right, the Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists or Maoists. That wasn't ever my claim and has nothing to do with anything I said. They are Nationalists, like Hitler under the National-Socialist party. Also not a Marxist.

Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?

No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
For Radical Islamic Extremists, this has absolutely nothing to do with oil. First of all, Oil is what these people have to sell to the world.... they have nothing else, really.... sand? So this stupid idea that they don't like selling us their oil, is just that... stupid.

The ONLY place I know we've invaded and stolen their resources is in the American West when we just outright stole the birthright of Native Americans, and we've never apologized for it, either. Otherwise, we have paid people for our resources and they appreciate it very much.

Now I am sorry we use oil in this universe of ours... maybe one day we'll all live in the Pollyanna universe of Liberal Utopia where no one uses oil anymore? But for now, we live in THIS universe and reality-- we use a shit ton of oil!

But again... Radical Islam isn't about oil.

What do they say, denial is not a river in Africa.

Radical Islam is about war. Jihad is a way of fighting war with inferior forces and winning. How many times have the British been in Afghanistan? Three, and they've left all three times with their tail between their legs. Jihad beat them.

Bush invaded Iraq for oil. Set up a puppet govt and put his foot in the hornets nest and allowed them to fly around stinging the whole time to the point where the hornets see it as a way of life.

It's about oil because the US will only go in to a country when they US's interests are at stake. Oil is the US's interests in the Middle East. It's all they have, the only reason to invade them.
Why are they are war? I mean, the US is a long way away.

With modern technology, this is no longer true. We are just a click away on the Internet. Western culture has slowly but surely seeped into their homes, filling their women's minds with notions of freedom and corrupting their daughters. This is about culture and they don't like ours.

Ultimately, the want to run all Jews into the sea and all Infidels (us) out of the region from Turkey to Indonesia. This will complete their Caliphate and commitment to Allah. When this is complete, the real fun begins. This will pave the way for the 12th Imam, and total world domination of Islam.

So you see... all these little things you're buying into are just part of their game. They want you and I to believe all they want is for us to leave here or there, if only they had their own country over here... if we would just leave them be and mind our own business... all of this is intended to fool and mislead us as they work toward their ultimate objective.

And you sit there, your witless little pants-shitting self, oblivious to the horrors and atrocities committed in the world you've been insulated from your whole life... you couldn't care less because this is all a political tool for you... something to enable you to be a little activist hippy wannabe and bitch about oil and Bush.

Then again Islamic Terrorism in the Middle East didn't grow because of internet warriors did it? It grew because of US soldiers and others in Iraq and Afghanistan, which isn't a click away, it's right there in their living room.

I'm just wondering whether you'd like a culture that invaded and invaded and interfered and interfered and bombed and bombed your country and your neighboring countries. I doubt you would. Many people don't like Mexico because many Mexicans are in their country mostly peacefully. Image if they came in with tanks, subjected your people to complete bull for a decade and left your country in a big mess. I can imagine you'd hate the hell out of them.

Insulated? You're telling me I'm insulated? Jeez dude, you have no freaking idea about who I am.

I'm saying the truth. If you think you need to be insular to say the truth then you're wrong.

You on the other hand are denying the reality. I'm betting you haven't been out of the US much.
More deflection to again double down on your lie.
Thank you again.

I haven't told a lie. I have asked a few questions and you don't want to answer. You want to accuse me of being dishonest and ignore the questions. Can you not make up your mind if you want to have an honest discourse?

Pan Arab Socialists are the ones who are causing us major problems all over the Middle East and northern Africa. The Wonderful Arab Spring... Remember? Well all that is going to shit now, the world is on fire over there, people are being brutally slaughtered by intolerant Pan Arab Socialists who are out of control.

What you want to do is divert the thread by making the irrelevant argument they aren't a particular KIND of Socialist. You're right, the Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists or Maoists. That wasn't ever my claim and has nothing to do with anything I said. They are Nationalists, like Hitler under the National-Socialist party. Also not a Marxist.

Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?

No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
The Nazis hated Socialists, idiot, they just took over the Nazi Party and thus got stuck with the name, like the Tea Bag Brotherhood have taken over the GOP and are now stuck with the establishment Party name of Republicans, even though they hate Republicans, idiot.
Oh? By what economic metric was Hoover superior to Obama?

By the metric that Hoover sought to stimulate it while Obama seeks to destroy it.

If Obama sought to destroy the economy, then he's done a bad job, wouldn't you say?

No, I think he has done a great job. He has pretty much gutted and undermined the private sector economy and put the country on life support from the Federal Reserve to the tune of about 1.5 trillion dollars a year. At this rate, we turn into Greece by 2020.
Really? You think he's gutted the private sector??

1/2001: 111,861,000
1/2009: 111,398,000
6/2015: 119,932,000

Bush .......... -463,000
Obama ... +8,534,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The only reasonable conclusion I can reach is that you are bat shit insane. :thup:

Oh, I know you have propaganda in the form of statistics to show me something, I've not disputed that. You think I expected you to agree with me that Obama has gutted the private sector? Must be some high grade stuff you're smoking. :dunno:

You and Obama can do all the bragging on job creation you like, the fact remains, you've created a bunch of (mostly part time) minimum wage jobs to replace high-paid skilled labor jobs. The entire Obama Economy is based on smoke, mirrors and good commie propaganda. He has successfully undermined American capitalism in a way Khrushchev would be extremely proud of.
Too funny! :lmao:

When you lose an argument, call official labor statistics, "propaganda, " and pretend like I didn't just blow a gaping head wound into your idiocy. :clap:

You're a fucking retard. Plain & simple as that. Don't forget, you've revealed that repeatedly with shit like claiming Hoover, the president who led us into the Great Depression, had better economic policies than Obama, the president who led us out of the Great Recession. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
More deflection to again double down on your lie.
Thank you again.

I haven't told a lie. I have asked a few questions and you don't want to answer. You want to accuse me of being dishonest and ignore the questions. Can you not make up your mind if you want to have an honest discourse?

Pan Arab Socialists are the ones who are causing us major problems all over the Middle East and northern Africa. The Wonderful Arab Spring... Remember? Well all that is going to shit now, the world is on fire over there, people are being brutally slaughtered by intolerant Pan Arab Socialists who are out of control.

What you want to do is divert the thread by making the irrelevant argument they aren't a particular KIND of Socialist. You're right, the Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists or Maoists. That wasn't ever my claim and has nothing to do with anything I said. They are Nationalists, like Hitler under the National-Socialist party. Also not a Marxist.

Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?

No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
Of course, it's as simple as that. "Socialist" was in their name; that means they were socialists (even though they outlawed socialism and killed socialists). :eusa_doh. And North Korea isn't a dictatorship. No, no, they can't be .... they're the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea. See? Says so right in their name. :thup:
By the metric that Hoover sought to stimulate it while Obama seeks to destroy it.

If Obama sought to destroy the economy, then he's done a bad job, wouldn't you say?

No, I think he has done a great job. He has pretty much gutted and undermined the private sector economy and put the country on life support from the Federal Reserve to the tune of about 1.5 trillion dollars a year. At this rate, we turn into Greece by 2020.
Really? You think he's gutted the private sector??

1/2001: 111,861,000
1/2009: 111,398,000
6/2015: 119,932,000

Bush .......... -463,000
Obama ... +8,534,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

The only reasonable conclusion I can reach is that you are bat shit insane. :thup:

Oh, I know you have propaganda in the form of statistics to show me something, I've not disputed that. You think I expected you to agree with me that Obama has gutted the private sector? Must be some high grade stuff you're smoking. :dunno:

You and Obama can do all the bragging on job creation you like, the fact remains, you've created a bunch of (mostly part time) minimum wage jobs to replace high-paid skilled labor jobs. The entire Obama Economy is based on smoke, mirrors and good commie propaganda. He has successfully undermined American capitalism in a way Khrushchev would be extremely proud of.
Too funny! :lmao:

When you lose an argument, call official labor statistics, "propaganda, " and pretend like I didn't just blow a gaping head wound into your idiocy. :clap:

You're a fucking retard. Plain & simple as that. Don't forget, you've revealed that repeatedly with shit like claiming Hoover, the president who led us into the Great Depression, had better economic policies than Obama, the president who led us out of the Great Recession. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:


Best President ever.
I haven't told a lie. I have asked a few questions and you don't want to answer. You want to accuse me of being dishonest and ignore the questions. Can you not make up your mind if you want to have an honest discourse?

Pan Arab Socialists are the ones who are causing us major problems all over the Middle East and northern Africa. The Wonderful Arab Spring... Remember? Well all that is going to shit now, the world is on fire over there, people are being brutally slaughtered by intolerant Pan Arab Socialists who are out of control.

What you want to do is divert the thread by making the irrelevant argument they aren't a particular KIND of Socialist. You're right, the Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists or Maoists. That wasn't ever my claim and has nothing to do with anything I said. They are Nationalists, like Hitler under the National-Socialist party. Also not a Marxist.

Pan Arab Socialists huh? Does this mean you think they're all left wing, and stick them in the same basket as Democrats in order to make everything so much simpler?

No, that's what I just explained to the other dunder-head who thought this. Pan Arab Socialists aren't Marxists like you and Obama. They are Nationalist Socialists, like Hitler.
And like YOU!
Nazis were not Socialists, they were Nationalists, Just like Pan Arabists.

No, the Nazi Party WAS Socialist, it's in their name, moron. They weren't "Marxist" Socialists, the were Nationalist Socialists. It's what "Nazi" means, moron.
Of course, it's as simple as that. "Socialist" was in their name; that means they were socialists (even though they outlawed socialism and killed socialists). :eusa_doh. And North Korea isn't a dictatorship. No, no, they can't be .... they're the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Korea. See? Says so right in their name. :thup:

North Korea is clearly democratic. One man, one vote. That man happens to be Kim Jong Fat Boy. Democratic principles laid bare/bear (you choose)

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