So now, BUSH caused ISIS?

You're not even making any sense... I think it's caused from all the spinning. Chaffey was a Republican who didn't support the war. He lost his bid for re-election to a Democrat. Democrats don't choose seats to run for, they run candidates in all the races.

No, but nationally, the pick which ones are worth fighting and which ones weren't. For instance, when it was clear that Lieberman was going to run as an independent and combine Democratic and Republican support, they didn't try that hard to beat him in the General. No matter how much that POS was a shill for the Israelis. But Linc Chafee, that was a seat they could win.

And this is when your bullshit rhetoric comes back to bite you in the ass... the MAIN THING they warned you about is now a reality in ISIS! That's what this thread is about... the irony of you blaming Bush for ISIS when it was actually Bush who warned you of ISIS and you claimed he was whipping up fear and hysteria.

ISIS would have never been an issue if Bush hadn't toppled Saddam and disenfranchised the Sunnis.

Well no, we haven't been bombing Iraq for 25 years. Reagan didn't think Saddam was a nifty guy, he just wasn't keen on having radical Islam take over Iraq. Radical elements have been streaming into Iraq since 2001 and liberals won't allow us to kill them.

Guy, Radical Elements were not "streaming in" until your boy Bush toppled Saddam.

No, the Ba'ath party was not banned, the couldn't win elections. The only people who claimed the elections were a sham were the radical Islamic terrorists... So again, it appears you are on their side.

Here, dumbass, let me help you out.

Arab Socialist Ba ath Party Iraq Region - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In June 2003, the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority banned the Ba'ath Party, and banned all members of the party's top four tiers from the new government and from public schools and colleges, a move which some citicised for blocking too many experienced people from participating in the new government. Thousands were removed from their positions, including doctors, professors, school teachers and bureaucrats. Many teachers lost their jobs, causing protests and demonstrations at schools and universities.

The new Constitution of Iraq, approved by a referendum on 15 October 2005, reaffirmed the Ba'ath Party ban, stating that "No entity or program, under any name, may adopt racism, terrorism, the calling of others infidels, ethnic cleansing, or incite, facilitate, glorify, promote, or justify thereto, especially the Saddamist Ba'ath in Iraq and its symbols, regardless of the name that it adopts. This may not be part of the political pluralism in Iraq."

According to the liberal left we aren't doing anything enough! That's what you people do! You scream, cry, protest and lobby for liberal social entitlement and then you bitch that it's "not enough" when it doesn't solve the problem. Then you proceed to argue in manic circles about things you know nothing about other than propaganda you've been spoon fed by your masters.

are you done with you little hissy?

We've been putting up with your shit for over 100 years! You won't listen to anybody, you all decide you're going to march in lockstep for your "cause" and you won't listen to reason. You lie, twist and distort facts until you eventually get whatever you want and then when it doesn't work or is a miserable failure like it was predicted, you either blame it on Republicans or claim we didn't do enough.

Okay, more of the hissy, can you get to the point, please?

You made the statement that we could be independent from foreign oil by implementing fuel efficiency standards and funding public transportation... but we are already doing those things and have been doing them for some time. Your problem is, you live in some Utopian Liberal Universe where Liberal ideas will solve all the problems of the world if it weren't for the mean old Republicans thwarting your Superman attempts to save the planet.

No, I live in the real world where the Republicans have been trying to kill AmTrak since the 1980's, and have only managed to kill some of their passengers due to underfunded infrastructure.

Case in point, we passed a clean air act in 1991, but the Car companies just reclassified all their gas guzzlers as "SUV"'s and they kept getting the same shitty gas millage.

Well no.. I am saying we need to be killing people who are religiously committed to our extermination. It has nothing to do with God. You're their buddy because you have so much in common... they are radicals, they hate Christians and Jews, they hate democracy and American capitalism.

I don't think they care about "democracy" or "Capitalism" (you do realize the Islamic World had a better system of trade when the Christians in Europe were still burning witches, right?) They want us off their land and they want us to take the zionists with us. I can't blame them, really.

Why would I want to renounce my citizenship then go fight for my country? That makes not a damn bit of sense whatsoever... par for the course with you.

No, the US Military is authorized under the Constitution and is controlled by the Congress and President. When an issue arises where military force is needed, the Congress votes... as they did with Iraq.

Yes, they voted based on a lie, and when they figured out they had been lied to, they were mad.

But, hey, please run on the "Gulf War III Platform".

Heeellllloooooo President Hillary.
Yes, they voted based on a lie, and when they figured out they had been lied to, they were mad.

Obviously they weren't TOO mad, they didn't halt funding or appropriations. No attempt to repeal the authorization they were tricked into voting for... nothing.

They want us off their land and they want us to take the zionists with us. I can't blame them, really.

Off their land? What the fuck do you mean? They don't want Shell Oil's $200 million to put a refinery there? All they have to do is say so! Most of our capitalist interests in the Middle East is by mutually-beneficial arrangement of both parties... I don't know of a case where we are on someone's land without consent... so what the fuck do you mean by this?

And what is your beef with Jews, Jew Hater? Could Hitler not kill enough of them for you or what? Why don't you fucking join civilization in the 21st century and stop it with the racism? Goddamn hypocrite!

Case in point, we passed a clean air act in 1991...

WRONG! We passed the Clean Air Act in 1973 under a Republican president and we've amended it numerous times. The CAFE standards as they are currently legislated are almost impossible to meet with the technology available. This is why you see auto makers changing classifications and trying to categorize popular-selling vehicles in a way to avoid the standards. It's what happens when capitalism meets government regulation.

None of this fixes the dependence on foreign oil. Get your head out of the clouds and understand that you and I will never in our lifetime see a nation that doesn't depend on oil as a vital natural resource. We can wishfully think about that day off somewhere in the future... but it's not going to happen in the next 50-100 years.

That said, the ONLY way to reduce our dependency on foreign oil is to drill for it domestically.

Guy, Radical Elements were not "streaming in" until your boy Bush toppled Saddam.

Guy... Radical elements streamed into the WTC buildings on 9-11! We have been AT WAR with radical elements since BEFORE 9-11! Toppling Saddam was a matter of US foreign policy (by law) since 1998. Now... if Bush implemented Clinton's policy to eliminate Saddam thus creating a virtual shooting gallery for our soldiers to practice killing radical terrorists.... seems like a good thing to me. Better than them flying planes into buildings over here!
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.
Boooosh caused my 'roids, and killed Joan Rivers too.
Bush has caused the New York Mets to go from playoff contenders to a mediocre club....
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

And if we hadn't pulled in, we wouldn't have had to pull out "too precipitously" .

You really think Saddam Hussein would have put up with ISIS bullshit?
Nope....But Hussein was hell bent on destabilizing the entire region....The Kurds were being gassed and the Saudis were wetting their tunics.
I don't know what it is you think you get.

Bush himself warned about the creation of ISIS if we pulled out too precipitously and without a proper status of forces agreement. When Bush left office, there was no ISIS.

So we should have just stayed and paid to defend iraq forever. I fail to see how that is good use of tax dollars.
Shortly after the Iraqi army scurried back to Baghdad and Desert storm was declared a success, Schwarzkoph said "
Had we taken all of Iraq, we would have been like a dinosaur in the tar pit - we would still be there, and we, not the United Nations, would be bearing the costs of that occupation".
Norman Schwarzkopf

Read more at Norman Schwarzkopf QuotesPage 2 - BrainyQuote
How prophetic....He was SPOT ON.....
Yes, Bush caused this...

What are the Islamic State's origins?

The group that calls itself the Islamic State can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, in 2003. The Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi aligned his Jama’at al-Tawhidw’al-Jihad with al-Qaeda, making it al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

Zarqawi’s organization took aim at U.S. forces (PDF), their international allies, and local collaborators. It sought to draw the United States into a sectarian civil war by attacking Shias and their holy sites, including the Imam al-Askari shrine, in 2006, and provoking them to retaliate against Sunnis.

Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. airstrike that year. The emergence of the U.S.-backed Awakening, or Sons of Iraq, coalitions further weakened AQI as Sunni tribesmen reconciled with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shia-led government. Zarqawi’s successors rebranded AQI as the Islamic State of Iraq and later, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), referring to a territory that roughly corresponds with the Levant, reflecting broadened ambitions as the 2011 uprising in Syria created opportunities for AQI to expand. The group is known to its followers as il-Dawla (“the State”) and its Arabic-speaking detractors as Daesh, the Arabic equivalent of the acronym ISIS.

The Islamic State’s current leader, the self-proclaimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, spent time in U.S.-run prisons in Iraq. Cells organized in them, along with remnants of Saddam Hussein’s ousted secular-nationalist Ba’ath party, make up some of the Islamic State’s ranks.
Yes, Bush caused this...

It is amazing to me that people can be this stupid. I sometimes think I get liberals, I understand where they are coming from, then they come out with something like this and I just have to shake my head in disbelief. This is like blaming Churchill for the Holocaust!

Bush didn't cause this, Bush warned against this and you all said he was ginning up fear over nothing. The radical elements of Islam declared their equivalent of "an act of war" on the United States back in the 80s. We ignored them because they weren't considered a significant threat. Before Bush, we were attacked several times by our warring enemy, our embassies and the USS Cole were bombed... people died... we continued to ignore them. On September 11, 2001... they took it to the next level.

Apparently, Liberals have some sort of brain damage problem where they can totally forget complete chunks of history... as if they never happened. Were you not in the same universe as the rest of us when this stuff was on the news?

Now it is very clever how libs have pieced together this meme from whole cloth... ISIS can be traced back to consequences of events Bush was responsible for and THAT is where they are making their claim but this is BULLSHIT! If those events hadn't happened, other things WOULD have happened and there would be something else besides ISIS and it would probably be much worse, since we hadn't already killed 100k potential terrorists and terror leaders. Bush did not start this war!
Obviously they weren't TOO mad, they didn't halt funding or appropriations. No attempt to repeal the authorization they were tricked into voting for... nothing.

right. Because clearly there is no way Bush wouldn't have politicized that. "Oh, they are cutting off the troops in the middle of the war." It's amazing how little of Bush's presidency you actually hold him accountable for.

Off their land? What the fuck do you mean? They don't want Shell Oil's $200 million to put a refinery there? All they have to do is say so! Most of our capitalist interests in the Middle East is by mutually-beneficial arrangement of both parties... I don't know of a case where we are on someone's land without consent... so what the fuck do you mean by this?

The average person doesn't benefit from the oil companies looting these places. A few rich sheikhs do.

And what is your beef with Jews, Jew Hater? Could Hitler not kill enough of them for you or what? Why don't you fucking join civilization in the 21st century and stop it with the racism? Goddamn hypocrite!

In the 21st century, Colonialism and Apartheid are considered unacceptable, which is why the Zionist Entity is despised in most of the world. Except for the US where the Funditards think there needs to be an Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

WRONG! We passed the Clean Air Act in 1973 under a Republican president and we've amended it numerous times. The CAFE standards as they are currently legislated are almost impossible to meet with the technology available. This is why you see auto makers changing classifications and trying to categorize popular-selling vehicles in a way to avoid the standards. It's what happens when capitalism meets government regulation.

No, that's what happens when people cheat the system. We could easily meet the CAFE standards. The Europeans and Japanese have done it. Detroit designed shit that no one wanted to buy like the Escort and the Chevette.

None of this fixes the dependence on foreign oil. Get your head out of the clouds and understand that you and I will never in our lifetime see a nation that doesn't depend on oil as a vital natural resource. We can wishfully think about that day off somewhere in the future... but it's not going to happen in the next 50-100 years.

Guy, we've had 40 years to realize this was a problem the first time Arabs realized that oil was a weapon they could use against us in 1974. Instead of doing what we should have done then, the Auto and Oil industries conspired to frustrate progress.

That said, the ONLY way to reduce our dependency on foreign oil is to drill for it domestically.

It's like saying a drug addict's only way to stop dependence is to cook up meth in his kitchen instead of buying it from the crips. No, the only way to reduce our dependence is to stop using it.

Guy... Radical elements streamed into the WTC buildings on 9-11! We have been AT WAR with radical elements since BEFORE 9-11! Toppling Saddam was a matter of US foreign policy (by law) since 1998. Now... if Bush implemented Clinton's policy to eliminate Saddam thus creating a virtual shooting gallery for our soldiers to practice killing radical terrorists.... seems like a good thing to me. Better than them flying planes into buildings over here!

Not really. The Middle east is in WORSE shape today because our invasions and drone strikes have radicalized the population over there.
Obviously they weren't TOO mad, they didn't halt funding or appropriations. No attempt to repeal the authorization they were tricked into voting for... nothing.

right. Because clearly there is no way Bush wouldn't have politicized that. "Oh, they are cutting off the troops in the middle of the war." It's amazing how little of Bush's presidency you actually hold him accountable for.

Well if they were cutting off funding for an illegal war they were lied into supporting, which we shouldn't be fighting or risking lives over, that should be a noble and good thing, I would think. We could have had Chris Matthews and Jon Stewart explaining to us this is how the checks and balances of government are supposed to work-- the president tried to lie us into war to avenge his dad and congress stopped him. We had none of that, we didn't even have a Congressional resolution condemning the war. So I have to believe that either you are totally misrepresenting reality here, or your Democrat leaders are completely spineless cowards who won't stand up for what you believe in.

The average person doesn't benefit from the oil companies looting these places. A few rich sheikhs do.

Looting? Where? Who is being looted and who is doing the looting? We pay for every fucking drop of oil we get from there. You don't like the sheikhs? They own the oil, that's who we have to deal with. And again-- don't know why liberals turn into rabid dogs over the oil companies... this makes no sense and is hinged from reality. Do you ride a mule or bicycle? Well, where in the hell are you going to buy the fuel for your car if there aren't oil companies? How will you be able to buy anything made from plastic without oil companies? You don't seem to have an idea of how the real world works.

Again--- if you are not crazy about giving our money to rich sheikhs, even MORE reason for domestic drilling!

In the 21st century, Colonialism and Apartheid are considered unacceptable, which is why the Zionist Entity is despised in most of the world. Except for the US where the Funditards think there needs to be an Israel so Jay-a-zus can come back.

Oh, okay... so you are just a religious bigot and that's okay?

Where did we try to colonize? Iraq? I must have missed that in the NORMAL universe. :dunno: Apartheid is more in line with what radical Islam supports.. and what YOU support. The word literally means "to keep apart" and that was exactly what you said they wanted and you agree... us off their land... Zionists be gone!

Why the fuck does Israel not deserve a country where they had a country for centuries and the Palestinians deserve the land instead, when they've never had a country of Palestine? The ONLY way this makes any rational sense is if you are an anti-Semite.

No, that's what happens when people cheat the system. We could easily meet the CAFE standards. The Europeans and Japanese have done it. Detroit designed shit that no one wanted to buy like the Escort and the Chevette.

No one is "cheating" anything, they are using the system they are given legally and above the board, there is no cheating. The European and Japanese have different markets and market demands and I also think they have their own standards. The American auto industry has been spiraling down for a while now... much of it is due to over-regulation mandated by government in the form of CAFE standards, etc.

Oh, we could easily meet the standards... no one would buy the cars! You just gave two good examples and I can add dozens more even better ones. Americans want something big and powerful... they tow RVs and boats across the country... they need something to haul a soccer team and gear... they want to take their jet skis to the lake or carry their kayaks to the river... they need something with torque and horsepower-- unfortunately, that requires fuel.

None of this fixes the dependence on foreign oil. Get your head out of the clouds and understand that you and I will never in our lifetime see a nation that doesn't depend on oil as a vital natural resource. We can wishfully think about that day off somewhere in the future... but it's not going to happen in the next 50-100 years.

Guy, we've had 40 years to realize this was a problem the first time Arabs realized that oil was a weapon they could use against us in 1974. Instead of doing what we should have done then, the Auto and Oil industries conspired to frustrate progress.

Nonsense and rubbish. What we should have done then was to unleash a domestic drilling program unlike man has ever seen. Had we done that, we'd be the world's leading supplier of crude oil and gas would be 50 cents a gallon today. But I imagine this would have led to liberals such as yourself, arguing for the poor disadvantaged Arabs who have nothing but sand to sell because mean old American rich people did them in!

That said, the ONLY way to reduce our dependency on foreign oil is to drill for it domestically.

It's like saying a drug addict's only way to stop dependence is to cook up meth in his kitchen instead of buying it from the crips. No, the only way to reduce our dependence is to stop using it.

A drug is different than oil. With a drug, you can make the choice to stop using. Oil is an essential element, it's more like water or air. You need those things to survive. You can make do with less, you can conserve, you can even survive without it for a short period. You'll never be able to stop using it.

Again... we've made great strides in energy conservation. I have no problem with this and I think we should do as much as we can to encourage more in the future. Technology is our forte. I have no vested interest in oil companies, I'd love to see electric or hydrogen cars take off and put the old "gas station" out of business. But we'll still need tons of oil. And it will be many years before we can ever ween ourselves off oil dependency-- if that's even possible.

Not really. The Middle east is in WORSE shape today because our invasions and drone strikes have radicalized the population over there.

The population is becoming more radicalized because we left and the terrorist elements took over in the vacuum like Bush and everyone warned you would happen if we didn't establish a stable democracy in Iraq. We are following YOUR policy, doing what YOU wanted to do and the results are YOUR fault. Enjoy what you've created!
Well if they were cutting off funding for an illegal war they were lied into supporting, which we shouldn't be fighting or risking lives over, that should be a noble and good thing, I would think. We could have had Chris Matthews and Jon Stewart explaining to us this is how the checks and balances of government are supposed to work-- the president tried to lie us into war to avenge his dad and congress stopped him. We had none of that, we didn't even have a Congressional resolution condemning the war. So I have to believe that either you are totally misrepresenting reality here, or your Democrat leaders are completely spineless cowards who won't stand up for what you believe in.

Getting out of wars is harder than getting into them. Everyone knows this.

Bush lied. That it took this long to clean up the mess takes nothing away from that.

Oh, okay... so you are just a religious bigot and that's okay?

Where did we try to colonize? Iraq? I must have missed that in the NORMAL universe. Apartheid is more in line with what radical Islam supports.. and what YOU support. The word literally means "to keep apart" and that was exactly what you said they wanted and you agree... us off their land... Zionists be gone!

Why the fuck does Israel not deserve a country where they had a country for centuries and the Palestinians deserve the land instead, when they've never had a country of Palestine? The ONLY way this makes any rational sense is if you are an anti-Semite.

Uh, no, guy. The Jews weren't living in Palestine. They were living in Europe. Palestine had less than a 4% Jewish population in 1900.

Now, a lot of places were proposed for a "Jewish Homeland"- Uganda, Madegascar and Siberia were among the candidates for Europeans looking to get rid of their Jews. They settled on Palestine because they had taken it from the Ottomans and it was an easier sell. "See, God Promised you this land!"

God forgot to memo the Palestinians.
Nonsense and rubbish. What we should have done then was to unleash a domestic drilling program unlike man has ever seen. Had we done that, we'd be the world's leading supplier of crude oil and gas would be 50 cents a gallon today. But I imagine this would have led to liberals such as yourself, arguing for the poor disadvantaged Arabs who have nothing but sand to sell because mean old American rich people did them in!

Uh, guy, now we wouldn't.

Here's the problem with fracking and offshore drilling and such, besides the awful environmental consequences, is that it ONLY makes sense if the price of oil is high. If gasoline was 50 cents a gallon, no one would frack, because they'd lose money. The reason why the Arabs have such a stranglehold on the oil market is that their oil is still pretty easy to get at.

The population is becoming more radicalized because we left and the terrorist elements took over in the vacuum like Bush and everyone warned you would happen if we didn't establish a stable democracy in Iraq. We are following YOUR policy, doing what YOU wanted to do and the results are YOUR fault. Enjoy what you've created!

Uh, no, guy. Bush fucked this up by destroying the only stable government those folks have had in their history. Because Saddam made his Daddy look bad.
Yes, Bush caused this...

It is amazing to me that people can be this stupid. I sometimes think I get liberals, I understand where they are coming from, then they come out with something like this and I just have to shake my head in disbelief. This is like blaming Churchill for the Holocaust!

Bush didn't cause this, Bush warned against this and you all said he was ginning up fear over nothing. The radical elements of Islam declared their equivalent of "an act of war" on the United States back in the 80s. We ignored them because they weren't considered a significant threat. Before Bush, we were attacked several times by our warring enemy, our embassies and the USS Cole were bombed... people died... we continued to ignore them. On September 11, 2001... they took it to the next level.

Apparently, Liberals have some sort of brain damage problem where they can totally forget complete chunks of history... as if they never happened. Were you not in the same universe as the rest of us when this stuff was on the news?

Now it is very clever how libs have pieced together this meme from whole cloth... ISIS can be traced back to consequences of events Bush was responsible for and THAT is where they are making their claim but this is BULLSHIT! If those events hadn't happened, other things WOULD have happened and there would be something else besides ISIS and it would probably be much worse, since we hadn't already killed 100k potential terrorists and terror leaders. Bush did not start this war!
Your diatribe aside ... no Iraq war ... no ISIS.

Does that mean many of those in ISIS today wouldn't still be evil and seeking to cause others harm? Of course not. But there wouldn't be a movement like ISIS threatening to establish their caliphate throughout that region. Bush lit that fuse in 2003, which is where, not coincidentally, ISIS's roots trace too.
Yes, Bush caused this...

What are the Islamic State's origins?

The group that calls itself the Islamic State can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, in 2003. The Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi aligned his Jama’at al-Tawhidw’al-Jihad with al-Qaeda, making it al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

Zarqawi’s organization took aim at U.S. forces (PDF), their international allies, and local collaborators. It sought to draw the United States into a sectarian civil war by attacking Shias and their holy sites, including the Imam al-Askari shrine, in 2006, and provoking them to retaliate against Sunnis.

Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. airstrike that year. The emergence of the U.S.-backed Awakening, or Sons of Iraq, coalitions further weakened AQI as Sunni tribesmen reconciled with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shia-led government. Zarqawi’s successors rebranded AQI as the Islamic State of Iraq and later, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), referring to a territory that roughly corresponds with the Levant, reflecting broadened ambitions as the 2011 uprising in Syria created opportunities for AQI to expand. The group is known to its followers as il-Dawla (“the State”) and its Arabic-speaking detractors as Daesh, the Arabic equivalent of the acronym ISIS.

The Islamic State’s current leader, the self-proclaimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, spent time in U.S.-run prisons in Iraq. Cells organized in them, along with remnants of Saddam Hussein’s ousted secular-nationalist Ba’ath party, make up some of the Islamic State’s ranks.
Lots of opinions.
Nonsense and rubbish. What we should have done then was to unleash a domestic drilling program unlike man has ever seen. Had we done that, we'd be the world's leading supplier of crude oil and gas would be 50 cents a gallon today. But I imagine this would have led to liberals such as yourself, arguing for the poor disadvantaged Arabs who have nothing but sand to sell because mean old American rich people did them in!

Uh, guy, now we wouldn't.

Here's the problem with fracking and offshore drilling and such, besides the awful environmental consequences, is that it ONLY makes sense if the price of oil is high. If gasoline was 50 cents a gallon, no one would frack, because they'd lose money. The reason why the Arabs have such a stranglehold on the oil market is that their oil is still pretty easy to get at.

The population is becoming more radicalized because we left and the terrorist elements took over in the vacuum like Bush and everyone warned you would happen if we didn't establish a stable democracy in Iraq. We are following YOUR policy, doing what YOU wanted to do and the results are YOUR fault. Enjoy what you've created!

Uh, no, guy. Bush fucked this up by destroying the only stable government those folks have had in their history. Because Saddam made his Daddy look bad.
The Arabs have a stranglehold on the oil market?.....Ahh boy...
The uninformed sound off again....Jeez.
Which awful environmental consequences?
Accidents happen....Do you drive a car? Ever been in a swimming pool? Use a toaster? been caught in a thunderstorm?
If risk averse people like you ran the country we'd be living in hovels......eating stone soup
Yes, Bush caused this...

What are the Islamic State's origins?

The group that calls itself the Islamic State can trace its lineage to the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, in 2003. The Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi aligned his Jama’at al-Tawhidw’al-Jihad with al-Qaeda, making it al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

Zarqawi’s organization took aim at U.S. forces (PDF), their international allies, and local collaborators. It sought to draw the United States into a sectarian civil war by attacking Shias and their holy sites, including the Imam al-Askari shrine, in 2006, and provoking them to retaliate against Sunnis.

Zarqawi was killed in a U.S. airstrike that year. The emergence of the U.S.-backed Awakening, or Sons of Iraq, coalitions further weakened AQI as Sunni tribesmen reconciled with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shia-led government. Zarqawi’s successors rebranded AQI as the Islamic State of Iraq and later, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), referring to a territory that roughly corresponds with the Levant, reflecting broadened ambitions as the 2011 uprising in Syria created opportunities for AQI to expand. The group is known to its followers as il-Dawla (“the State”) and its Arabic-speaking detractors as Daesh, the Arabic equivalent of the acronym ISIS.

The Islamic State’s current leader, the self-proclaimed caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, spent time in U.S.-run prisons in Iraq. Cells organized in them, along with remnants of Saddam Hussein’s ousted secular-nationalist Ba’ath party, make up some of the Islamic State’s ranks.
why do you libs sympathize with terrorists?
I don't make a habit out of reading left-wing rants online but every now and then something will emerge that catches my attention. Mostly because it keeps being repeated in the echo chamber of liberal America and eventually the meme pops up on your Facebook page. Apparently, one of the latest memes from Liberalmania is that Bush caused ISIS.

I get it... Bush started the Iraq War and created a destabilization by toppling Saddam and ISIS has filled the void. But this completely disregards what went down and what we were told by the people in the know back then. Those of us who supported the War in Iraq and the War on Terror, made it adamantly clear that our reasoning was simple, we kill them NOW instead of dealing with them later.

You were repeatedly warned of the dangers in ignoring the threat of radical Islamic terrorism, and you would have no part of it. Nothing was going to do until you ended the war and destroyed Bush. So we abandoned the War on Terror, we abandoned the few people over there who were helping us build democracy and restore peace, and we moved toward your policies of appeasement and diplomacy. Now we're paying the price for not eliminating the threat when we had the chance.

Where are the WMDs? Well it turns out they were in Syria, where Saddam's WMD technology is currently being deployed. Actual chem/bio weapons have short shelf life, but the technology is what was important and it all went to Syria.

Radical Islam is not a joke. It wasn't something to take lightly. It certainly wasn't something that should have been turned into a political football for the purpose of bringing down a president. But.... that's our history in this country! We are constantly following the liberal heart and then having to pay the price in the end with more loss of life and greater wars.

Bush was part of the problem. But it didn't start with him.. We've had a sucky foreign policy since Truman. Clinton kept Iraq in murderous sanctions for 8 years while he bombed them DAILY.

Glad you recognize that WE CREATED all the voids that are now systemically cancerous with radicals. But you need to remember that Al Baghdadi -- the big cheesedick of ISIS was in our custody at one time. Not clear HOW these minor AlQueda jerks were released. But we ARE that stupid. And now Obama has released the FUTURE rulers of Afghanistan in exchange for a ditzy deserter. We never seem to learn.

The MidEast Arabs NEED strongman govts to keep the deathcount down. The NeoCons and fools that thought freedom and nation building in those cultures would bloom the desert --- they ought to be shunned and ridiculed.
i have an idea. lets get the five most obvious suspects, put them in a police line-up, and then lets get the smartest woman in the world "Kellie Pickler" to pick out the culprit, and end it already.

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