So Now Democrats Admit Trump Had A Point

In one of the letters my great, great, great grandfather wrote while serving in the 9th Florida Regiment he referred to his regimental battle flag as the Stars and Bars. Maybe he didn't get the memo on the proper name of the flags.

Your avatar is more like the battle flag of N. Virginia which was adopted (similar) by the confederates in 1863.
Trump wanted to over turn a valid election. If you want to claim that a valid point, have at it.
The previous statutes weaknesses are something people noticed for years, but we didn't expect a candidate to attempt a coup.

PS but the new no longer stare decisis bound Super Dooper Supreme Court may just say the US congress can't regulate federal elections even the the const says it can
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Your avatar is more like the battle flag of N. Virginia which was adopted (similar) by the confederates in 1863.
I understand. There are only so many avatars that we can pick from with the size limitations.

Besides, it serves the point of triggering the Moon Bats.
Trump's "point" was that he had Eastman find a possible loophole in the electoral count act for the purpose of subverting democracy.
But Pence didnt play ball, so they wanted to hang him.
Both sides look for loopholes to further their agendas and power.
The problem we had in 2020 when the Democrats stole the election was that there was a rush to certify before any meaningful investigation of the fraud took place.

That is why Pence should have ordered an audit of the contested Democrat districts where the fraud took place.
Nope! There was no rush to certify by any state. They all have regulated dates and procedures to follow that are the rules of the contest that each State and candidate running abides by..... unless you are Trump, and believe you are above the law, and rules.

Since forever, there has been organized process in our elections that have been followed by our candidates for the presidential election process, except the Man of Lawlessness, Donald Trump.

The constitution dictates the critical dates, certification and electoral college vote, and when that vote gets put in to the record by the full congress and vice president.
Nope! There was no rush to certify by any state. They all have regulated dates and procedures to follow that are the rules of the contest that each candidate running abides by..... unless you are Trump, and believe you are above the law, and rules.

Since forever, there has been organized process in our elections that have been followed by our candidates for the presidential election process, except the Man of Lawlessness, Donald Trump.

The constitution dictates the critical dates, certification and electoral college vote, and when that vote gets put in to the record by the full congress and vice president.

Bullshit. Congress was set to do the certification in January.

The post election time frame before certification facilitates recounts but hardly enough time for anything else, especially with the .process of assigning the Electoral College delegates.

There was overwhelming evidence of fraud in the Democrat districts but to develop a case takes time and nobody had the courage to take the time and do a proper investigation. After all the Negroes had just spent six months destroying this country and the last thing anybody wanted was more conflict. Even that shithead Roberts said that was the reason he wouldn't give the States standing in their lawsuits.

Pence could have championed an audit but he didn't do it. The Swamp let the Democrat filth get away with stealing an election from the American people and we all should be ashamed for letting it happen.
Bullshit. Congress was set to do the certification in January.

The post election time frame before certification facilitates recounts but hardly enough time for anything else, especially with the .process of assigning the Electoral College delegates.

There was overwhelming evidence of fraud in the Democrat districts but to develop a case takes time and nobody had the courage to take the time and do a proper investigation. After all the Negroes had just spent six months destroying this country and the last thing anybody wanted was more conflict. Even that shithead Roberts said that was the reason he wouldn't give the States standing in their lawsuits.

Pence could have championed an audit but he didn't do it. The Swamp let the Democrat filth get away with stealing an election from the American people and we all should be ashamed for letting it happen.

Congress counts the certified EC votes of the states. The Federal Government has nothing to do with any states certification, and rightly so. The allegations of overwhelming evidence simple didn't materialize in any state court and all 50 states certified their election results for the EC vote on Dec. 15th.

Allegation of Negros destroying the entire country now, not withstanding. There was no valid challenge in any state like there was in 1876 or even 1960. Pence had a Constitutional responsibility to count, that's it.
Bullshit. Congress was set to do the certification in January.

The post election time frame before certification facilitates recounts but hardly enough time for anything else, especially with the .process of assigning the Electoral College delegates.

There was overwhelming evidence of fraud in the Democrat districts but to develop a case takes time and nobody had the courage to take the time and do a proper investigation. After all the Negroes had just spent six months destroying this country and the last thing anybody wanted was more conflict. Even that shithead Roberts said that was the reason he wouldn't give the States standing in their lawsuits.

Pence could have championed an audit but he didn't do it. The Swamp let the Democrat filth get away with stealing an election from the American people and we all should be ashamed for letting it happen.
The overwhelming fraud in the 2020 election was the introduction of bogus electors into the mix by the Trumpistas.
Congress counts the certified EC votes of the states. The Federal Government has nothing to do with any states certification, and rightly so. The allegations of overwhelming evidence simple didn't materialize in any state court and all 50 states certified their election results for the EC vote on Dec. 15th.

Allegation of Negros destroying the entire country now, not withstanding. There was no valid challenge in any state like there was in 1876 or even 1960. Pence had a Constitutional responsibility to count, that's it.

I understand why you Moon Bats wanted Trump to lose. He had an agenda to make this country great again and you wanted Potatohead's agenda of turning this country into a Socialist Shithole.

I understand your motivation but we are talking about stealing the election from the American people.

The Democrats used the pandemic as a cover to flood the Democrat voting districts with fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots. The pandemic that was caused by the Chinese that made the Biden family filthy rich. The same Chinese that announced they were delighted that Biden won.

The certification process on the State and Federal level did not allow the time necessary to do a proper investigation. Pence could have corrected that with an audit, just like what had been done before in 1876.

However, nobody had the courage to tell the Negroes in the Democrat districts that did most of fraud that their scam had been exposed. They may have burned down more of the country and looted more Target stores.

We lost our Democracy and now we have a President that is turning this country into a shithole and all we get out of you Moon Bats are denials. Shame on you!
Trump wanted to over turn a valid election. If you want to claim that a valid point, have at it.
Lie ^.

Trump sought to challenge a presumptively stolen election. Now, Psnot, if you want to continue with your invalid point, obviously you will continue to do so.
Lie ^.

Trump sought to challenge a presumptively stolen election. Now, Psnot, if you want to continue with your invalid point, obviously you will continue to do so.

Third grade level replies are really impressive.
inform us when democrats had attempted a coup.
Hillary & Co attempted to overthrow a legitimately elected president by buying and paying for the Steele Dossier, which they knew was unverified and yet used it to lie to courts about Trump/Russia collusion. All in order to take Trump down.

On top of that, Democrats tried and failed (you know, how Trump tried and failed) to eliminate the filibuster. If successful, they would have had total power to do pretty much anything they wanted to democratically overthrow our democracy, like change election laws, add blue states to the union, seats to the Supreme Court, etc. They would have been set up to stay in power forever, which is what they wanted.
Democrats should pass a law allowing the Vice President to overturn the EVs of the state

Kamala Harris would love it
Al Gore would have especially liked it. He was very upset with the Supreme Court decision which gave the election to Bush. But as Vice President, he swallowed his loss like a man and certified the election.

From Gore's concession speech:

Almost a century and a half ago, Senator Stephen Douglas told Abraham Lincoln, who had just defeated him for the presidency, "Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. I'm with you, Mr. President, and God bless you." Well, in that same spirit, I say to President-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country. Neither he nor I anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it came, and now it has ended, resolved, as it must be resolved, through the honored institutions of our democracy.


Now the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College.

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