So Now White People Cannot Say "Posse"?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow, now saying "posse" is verbotten.

Seems I woke up and live in some communist nation these days. WTF happened?

LeBron says he's lost respect for Phil Jackson after 'posse' remark


Any other words that you snowflakes want white people to permanently remove from our vocabulary?

The effect of these constantly whining, bitching, anti-American shit4brains is that they are REPELLING average American WHITE voters.

The Dimocrat strategy of targeting minorities for that winning edge is not going to work any more now that they have decided to ignore rural white voters as irrelevant and treat white urban voters as the submissive gimps that they are.

As a result they are losing the counties by huge margins among whites and they needed those voters to reduce Republican advantage there.

The same is true of suburban working class whites. Most of them voted for Trump by large margins.

And this white people hating minority bigotry is what is driving most of it. White people are sick to death of hearing about blacks jumping whites, about whites being prosecuted or losing their careers for saying the wrong word at the wrong time, like "Posse", and then the black whine-fest industry just blows it up and another good hearted white person is destroyed for political advantage by these political whores.

White people are sick and tired of being subjected to this hateful bullshit, and libtards cant even admit that they are doing it. If you state you side of the thing, you get this avalanche of bullshit about how white America is racist, and you are a closet Klansman.

But that is fine. White people are less and less arguing back and just waiting for the polling booth.

In the end, the bastions of industrial-era Democratic strength among white working-class voters fell to Mr. Trump. So did many of the areas where Mr. Obama fared best in 2008 and 2012. In the end, the linchpin of Mr. Obama’s winning coalition broke hard to the Republicans.

The Wyoming River Valley of Pennsylvania — which includes Scranton and Wilkes-Barre — voted for Mr. Trump. It had voted for Mr. Obama by double digits.

Youngstown, Ohio, where Mr. Obama won by more than 20 points in 2012, was basically a draw. Mr. Trump swept the string of traditionally Democratic and old industrial towns along Lake Erie. Counties that supported Mr. Obama in 2012 voted for Mr. Trump by 20 points.

The rural countryside of the North swung overwhelmingly to Mr. Trump. Most obvious was Iowa, where Mr. Obama won easily in 2012 but where Mr. Trump prevailed easily. These gains extended east, across Wisconsin and Michigan to New England. Mr. Trump won Maine’s Second Congressional District by 12 points; Mr. Obama had won it by eight points.

Revenge of the rural voter

It was supposed to be the year of the Latino voter. Unfortunately for Hillary Clinton, white rural voters had an even bigger moment.

Now Democrats are second-guessing the campaign’s decision to largely surrender the rural vote to the GOP. With their eyes turned anxiously toward 2018, they’re urging a new strategy to reach out to rural voters to stave off another bloodbath when a slew of farm-state Democrats face tough reelection battles.

"Hillary lost rural America 3 to 1," said one Democratic insider, granted anonymity to speak candidly about the campaign."If she had lost rural America 2 to 1, it would have broken differently."

Behind Trump’s win in rural white America: Women joined men in backing him

In rural parts of America, it wasn’t just white men who flocked to the polls on Election Day to vote for Donald Trump. Rural white women were right there in the voting lines with them.

The NBC News national exit poll documented how Trump and his populist message disproportionately appealed to both white men and women living in rural America.


The three questions in my mind are:
1. How long will it be before Dimocrats wake the fuck up to what they are doing to their Democrat "name brand"? Right now it is the equivalent of "Marxist thought control".

2. Once they do wake up, or are replaced by a new major party, how long will it be before Republicans have a serious challenge on the national stage?

3. When can we have AMERICA BACK AGAIN?

Now, the usual liberal suspects show up to tell us about the coming Hispanic majority and why whites dont matter in 3, ....2, ......1
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The idea that society as a whole must constantly "walk on egg shells" to avoid offending the delicate sensibilities of another group, is NOT equality.

In fact it is giving the one group a position of Privilege, where in they get to demand special consideration or they have the ability to threaten or harm those that do not give them such consideration.
Calm yourself, double edged dagger, Donald
Trump is a NEW YORK BOY------which is why the hicks on your hill------even the women-folk,
like him. Other delightful New York boys include persons like BURT LANCASTER---a
real heart throb out in the sticks
I have heard groups of friends refer to themselves as a posse forever, When I was younger running around with the gal pals we called ourselves the Pussy Posse!

Black people should head post straight for the end game. Don't call them people, or humans, they are better than that.
You crackas are not allowed to say 'powwow' either. I have spoken! :mad:
Lebron is a tool.

  1. UShistorical
    a body of men, typically armed, summoned by a sheriff to enforce the law.
    • BRITISHhistorical
      the body of men in a county whom the sheriff could summon to enforce the law.
      noun: posse comitatus; plural noun: posse comitatus
    • informal
      a group of people who have a common characteristic, occupation, or purpose.
      "he pompously led around a posse ofmedical students"
      synonyms: gang, band, group, crowd,pack, horde, herd, throng, mob,swarm, troop, cluster; More"
Wow, now saying "posse" is verbotten.


I'd like to humbly reiterate my request that our PC zealots create a website we can visit every morning that provides us with a current and up-to-date list of words and phrases that we are no longer allowed to say, write or think.

That way we can know, at least for that day, that we're not "offending" anyone, committing "cultural appropriation", creating a "trigger", or causing our young people to miss a class because they were hiding in a "safe space" to avoid words.

Posse. Holy crap.

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