So our vote does not matter , really it doesn't.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Well the EC isn't going to punt on this, and even if they did, Clinton didn't win.

The vote for president is not a popular national vote. It is a population weighted vote by State, which Trump won handily.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Well the EC isn't going to punt on this, and even if they did, Clinton didn't win.

The vote for president is not a popular national vote. It is a population weighted vote by State, which Trump won handily.

Obviously the EC can vote their conscience, and if they do not vote for Trump, it goes to the House, so the maj in the house votes. Yes our vote really counts. Time to end the EC.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

There's a problem with a system that has been in existence for hundreds of years and provided the American people with exactly the representative government that the Founders envisioned because it didn't elect Hillary Clinton President? Clinton was an awful candidate that you liberals shouldn't have run. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The problem wasn't with the Electoral College...the problem was with the Democratic nominee!
Trump won and he will get EC votes. Anything else is delusion.
Trump won the majority of states. We are United. Deal with it.
Do we go over the fundamentals of a representative republic vs. a democracy or do we not?

Naw, to hell with it.

You could break it down to a 1st Grade level and bed wetters won't get it.

So yeah, you knew better than to try.

So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

There's a problem with a system that has been in existence for hundreds of years and provided the American people with exactly the representative government that the Founders envisioned because it didn't elect Hillary Clinton President? Clinton was an awful candidate that you liberals shouldn't have run. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The problem wasn't with the Electoral College...the problem was with the Democratic nominee!

So awful she received the popular vote. Really now. No there was nothing wrong with her, except Trump had "star" appeal. A reality TV star. Any flaws that Hillary has is nothing compared to Trumps, and the maj of us knew that.
If there's any doubt liberals are petulant children then just view this site once a day. All doubt will be erased.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Clinton "really won?"


What color is the sky in your world? Here's some light reading for you ...

Constitution of the United States - We the People
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.
Why, b/c the globalist you wanted to win, didn't?

New McCarthyism Goes Global: Panicked Apologist for the New World Order Blame Putin and “Russian Hacking” for Brexit

". . . It should be noted that Hillary Clinton didn’t even win the primary contest. Bernie Sanders won that effort but it was stolen from him not only by the supposedly neutral DNC but also by the various election machine companies who do the real hacking in American elections because Bernie was a populist and a half-assed socialist.

They blamed James Comey, they blamed the Bernie or bust crowd, they blamed third candidates and they blamed racist, misogynistic, xenophobic clan-members before they finally landed on the Russians as the reason Hillary was denied “her turn” in the White House.

None of that was true. Hillary was a lying, criminal, globalist war-monger who is bought and paid for by the financial/banking elites who never once gave a crap about the real issues facing America’s people. Since they couldn’t run their campaign on her record or her personality, all they had left was identity politics and a level of fear mongering about the potential Trump presidency that would have made Joseph McCarthy blush with jealousy.

Recently, after the Jill Stein recount destabilization campaign failed to delay enough states from officially certifying their election results to keep Trump from being named the next president, they embarked on another ploy to undermine the democratic process here in the States. Now they say they want the lying CIA to come over and share some of their lies with the Electoral College voters prior to their meeting on Dec. 19th where they will cast their votes as directed by the people and officially elect Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.

This latest attempt to “fix” their problem of Americans “voting the wrong way”, being led by the likes of Nancy Pelosi (through her daughter who Nancy made an EC voter and a Super-delegate) and John Podesta (Clinton campaign chief and probably the brains behind Jill Stein’s “recount” destabilization effort) will fail. Have no worries about that.

It will fail because typically, EC voters are political wannabes who would find it increasingly difficult to vote against their party’s nominee as well as against their constituency’s will. It would be political suicide especially since Donald Trump has been making all the “right” choices when it comes to his cabinet picks (globalists, billionaires, neoliberal scumbags who want to privatize the very departments they are going to be in charge of … and of course, the generals)

Though this attempt to thwart the will of the people will fail, ultimately it has a more sinister objective at the heart of it and that is to de-legitimize any collective mandate from the people that stands opposed to their globalist machinations.

They simply cannot allow history to show the majority of the people having a different ideological view of the world than that which they hold.

Ever since the Lewis Powell Memo of ’71, they have been working diligently to remake the conscience of population. It’s not even hidden anymore in terms of their propaganda coming from the MSM and Hollywood. . ."
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Well the EC isn't going to punt on this, and even if they did, Clinton didn't win.

The vote for president is not a popular national vote. It is a population weighted vote by State, which Trump won handily.

Remember how in 2012 the Democrats when discussing how close the election was kept saying no it isn't and cited the EV totals? They're a bunch of lying hypocrites. Same ol same ol
If there's any doubt liberals are petulant children then just view this site once a day. All doubt will be erased.

See Romney's niece is going to be chair of the RNC , Trumps want to thank her for taking MI. Pubs in MI spent lots of money for Trump.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

There's a problem with a system that has been in existence for hundreds of years and provided the American people with exactly the representative government that the Founders envisioned because it didn't elect Hillary Clinton President? Clinton was an awful candidate that you liberals shouldn't have run. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The problem wasn't with the Electoral College...the problem was with the Democratic nominee!

So awful she received the popular vote. Really now. No there was nothing wrong with her, except Trump had "star" appeal. A reality TV star. Any flaws that Hillary has is nothing compared to Trumps, and the maj of us knew that.
Listen, you pathetic whiny sniveling bitch, how many more threads like this are you going to create. Maybe you were given what you wanted as a child by throwing tantrums but it doesn't work that way in the grown up world.

Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium and no amount of popular press could make her likable. She's as corrupt as her husband or worse and the anti-establishment mood of the country had enough of her ilk.

You always find out the true nature of a person when they lose, and lefties have made what they are crystal clear.
So, when Obama was encouraging illegals to vote, liberals seemed to be ok with it.

Illegals+dead people and a lot of fraud in Democratic states made it possible for Clinton to win that popular vote. Think about that, liberals, before complaining about your own Constitution.
Video: Obama ‘encourages illegals to vote’

BTW, requiring the ID for voting may help a lot in future.
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So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

There's a problem with a system that has been in existence for hundreds of years and provided the American people with exactly the representative government that the Founders envisioned because it didn't elect Hillary Clinton President? Clinton was an awful candidate that you liberals shouldn't have run. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The problem wasn't with the Electoral College...the problem was with the Democratic nominee!

So awful she received the popular vote. Really now. No there was nothing wrong with her, except Trump had "star" appeal. A reality TV star. Any flaws that Hillary has is nothing compared to Trumps, and the maj of us knew that.

Who gives a shit. It's a failed system. You don't really want to pick the one they want you to pick, do you?


If the oligarchs give the proles garbage, and the system is a failure, obviously, you pick the one they don't want you to. How else do you protest?

Why go to all the trouble and expense to hold elections when the electoral college could just pick a candidate in accordance with their conscience? Liberals seem to be getting stupider every day.

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