So our vote does not matter , really it doesn't.

Hillary was a lying, criminal, globalist war-monger who is bought and paid for by the financial/banking elites who never once

So you voted for a Hillary on steroids, good going . We now are run by Sachs, billionaires, and oil men, and generals. I hope you are one of the elites who is going to make out big time from your vote, or your going to kick yourself if your not independently wealthy.

Please do not tell me that you will be saving tax once the ACA is repealed, because Trump already is giving you a tax decrease and its not even happened yet.
Why go to all the trouble and expense to hold elections when the electoral college could just pick a candidate in accordance with their conscience? Liberals seem to be getting stupider every day.

Why is that a dumb statement, why not just let the EC vote, like they did in the old days. Why waste everyone's time?? and make people stand in line. It is so we can fake ourselves into believing our vote counts and we are doing our civic duty?
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Exactly ! Every other country in the world who has elections , goes by the popular vote. They don't have this electoral nonsense crap.

With the last three elections the winning candidate/president won both the popular and electoral vote. So it was in line with what the people wanted. But with this election and 2000, it was not what the people wanted.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Well the EC isn't going to punt on this, and even if they did, Clinton didn't win.

The vote for president is not a popular national vote. It is a population weighted vote by State, which Trump won handily.

Obviously the EC can vote their conscience, and if they do not vote for Trump, it goes to the House, so the maj in the house votes. Yes our vote really counts. Time to end the EC.

So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

There's a problem with a system that has been in existence for hundreds of years and provided the American people with exactly the representative government that the Founders envisioned because it didn't elect Hillary Clinton President? Clinton was an awful candidate that you liberals shouldn't have run. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The problem wasn't with the Electoral College...the problem was with the Democratic nominee!

So awful she received the popular vote. Really now. No there was nothing wrong with her, except Trump had "star" appeal. A reality TV star. Any flaws that Hillary has is nothing compared to Trumps, and the maj of us knew that.

So you think the stupid bimbo Hillary was such a moron she campaigned for the popular vote? Wow, thanks for the heads up on that. Thank God we end up with that big an imbecile in the White House, it would be scary
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.
If the electors can truly vote their conscience, there is nothing whatsoever to compel them to vote for Hillary. If we truly want them to be free to vote however they want, the result is, as was set up by the Founders, the president will be elected by a handful of people and the popular vote means diddly squat.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

Yes, it's proven the system didn't work. The Democrat didn't win. I mean viola, proof ...

I know you think you're God's appointed party and the country is yours to run. But you're wrong. Keep up the butt hurt though, you're doing great in elections :up:
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.
If the electors can truly vote their conscience, there is nothing whatsoever to compel them to vote for Hillary. If we truly want them to be free to vote however they want, the result is, as was set up by the Founders, the president will be elected by a handful of people and the popular vote means diddly squat.

The idea someone voting their "conscience" would vote for an arrogant, corrupt, lying political hack like Hillary is a concept I can't get my head around
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

There's a problem with a system that has been in existence for hundreds of years and provided the American people with exactly the representative government that the Founders envisioned because it didn't elect Hillary Clinton President? Clinton was an awful candidate that you liberals shouldn't have run. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The problem wasn't with the Electoral College...the problem was with the Democratic nominee!
That really is the bottom line, isn't it? All the candidates ran their campaigns on the basis that, if they won the popular vote in enough states, they would win the EC votes from those states and become president. They all knew going in that winning the overall popular vote was meaningless.
Why go to all the trouble and expense to hold elections when the electoral college could just pick a candidate in accordance with their conscience? Liberals seem to be getting stupider every day.

Why is that a dumb statement, why not just let the EC vote, like they did in the old days. Why waste everyone's time?? and make people stand in line. It is so we can fake ourselves into believing our vote counts and we are doing our civic duty?

The EV has never not voted in the candidate they were instructed to vote for and that isn't changing next week. Under the sink in your kitchen is a flame extinguisher, I'd put the nozzle up your ass, pull the lever and empty the can ...
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.

There's a problem with a system that has been in existence for hundreds of years and provided the American people with exactly the representative government that the Founders envisioned because it didn't elect Hillary Clinton President? Clinton was an awful candidate that you liberals shouldn't have run. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The problem wasn't with the Electoral College...the problem was with the Democratic nominee!

So awful she received the popular vote. Really now. No there was nothing wrong with her, except Trump had "star" appeal. A reality TV star. Any flaws that Hillary has is nothing compared to Trumps, and the maj of us knew that.

There was nothing wrong with her? Come on, Penelope...turning a blind eye to Hillary Clinton's problems doesn't make them go away! When the majority of Democratic voters think that their candidate is untrustworthy...there's an issue! The reason that the hacked emails did in Clinton's campaign was because they revealed the REAL Hillary and all of the corruption that entails! That's why she lost. It wasn't because Trump was a "star".
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So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Read the Constitution, dumbass.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
You need to get an education. Trump won, period, no matter what you diaper wearing crybaby scum think.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Actually your title is wrong. EVERY person that CAN vote is allowed to. Its up to YOU and the rest of the people in your state to vote....there is never a guarantee your candidate wins your state. Hell I live in a swing state I know how it feels. So yes our vote does count. Every state is equal when it comes to electing the president. As has been pointed out over and over and over she won a HUGE population state by double than what she has won the popular vote by. She should have spent more time trying to get voters in the rust belt states....she was a shoo in for California and New York. She should have spent more time giving people a REASON to vote FOR her and not insulting most of America by calling them names. Amazing how a political novice in Trump managed to give people a REASON to vote for him and a career politician couldn't manage that....
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Pence or Ryan were not running for president and therefore are not eligible if the electorates decide to not follow the will of the people. The only 2 possibilities are Clinton or Trump since they won all the electoral votes. The electorates would have to vote for a third person or enough change to give it to the bulldyke. It's a liberal fantasy that Trump will not be sworn in as POTUS.
  • Thanks
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So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Exactly ! Every other country in the world who has elections , goes by the popular vote. They don't have this electoral nonsense crap.

With the last three elections the winning candidate/president won both the popular and electoral vote. So it was in line with what the people wanted. But with this election and 2000, it was not what the people wanted.
You mean it isn't what the liberals wanted. The EC prevents big city libs from running rough shod over everyone else. This is the United STATES, not Europe. Each state has a say, don't like it? Move to Europe.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Well the EC isn't going to punt on this, and even if they did, Clinton didn't win.

The vote for president is not a popular national vote. It is a population weighted vote by State, which Trump won handily.

Obviously the EC can vote their conscience, and if they do not vote for Trump, it goes to the House, so the maj in the house votes. Yes our vote really counts. Time to end the EC.
You democrats ALSO had a chance to take back the house and senate. Again BLAME your horrible candidate at the top for the reason turnout was down for you. Its your POLICIES that people don't like,its called DEMOCRACY. We all hate it at some point or another.If it had gone differently you would be singing a different tune. Stop being a whiner and accept what the people have said. Trump won MORE states and that's WITH Clinton winning the 2 biggest EV states!
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.

Well the EC isn't going to punt on this, and even if they did, Clinton didn't win.

The vote for president is not a popular national vote. It is a population weighted vote by State, which Trump won handily.

Obviously the EC can vote their conscience, and if they do not vote for Trump, it goes to the House, so the maj in the house votes. Yes our vote really counts. Time to end the EC.
Everyone alive in the universe knows you would not be saying this had Clinton won! Me thinks ye be bitter! Roflmao
If there's any doubt liberals are petulant children then just view this site once a day. All doubt will be erased.

See Romney's niece is going to be chair of the RNC , Trumps want to thank her for taking MI. Pubs in MI spent lots of money for Trump.

Do you have a problem with Republicans in Michigan spending money to get their nominee elected?

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