So our vote does not matter , really it doesn't.

So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.
If the electors can truly vote their conscience, there is nothing whatsoever to compel them to vote for Hillary. If we truly want them to be free to vote however they want, the result is, as was set up by the Founders, the president will be elected by a handful of people and the popular vote means diddly squat.

The idea someone voting their "conscience" would vote for an arrogant, corrupt, lying political hack like Hillary is a concept I can't get my head around

Well it appears you wanted corrupt , you got him and the rest of them.

My saying Hillary is corrupt = I wanted corrupt. And while you voted for Hillary and I didn't vote for either of them.

So, have you always been an idiot?
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.
If the electors can truly vote their conscience, there is nothing whatsoever to compel them to vote for Hillary. If we truly want them to be free to vote however they want, the result is, as was set up by the Founders, the president will be elected by a handful of people and the popular vote means diddly squat.

The idea someone voting their "conscience" would vote for an arrogant, corrupt, lying political hack like Hillary is a concept I can't get my head around

Well it appears you wanted corrupt , you got him and the rest of them.

A Hillary voter talking about corruption oh God the irony is off the scale. :laugh:

It's unreal, isn't it?
The Joooooooze paid the Russians to install the Donald so he can give them WMDs.
While framing Weiner for it!
Those crafty KGB spooks sure know what they are doing.
Listen, you pathetic whiny sniveling bitch, how many more threads like this are you going to create. Maybe you were given what you wanted as a child by throwing tantrums but it doesn't work that way in the grown up world.

Hillary couldn't fill a high school gymnasium and no amount of popular press could make her likable. She's as corrupt as her husband or worse and the anti-establishment mood of the country had enough of her ilk.

You always find out the true nature of a person when they lose, and lefties have made what they are crystal clear.
Once again ,what was she corrupt about. Whats really back is Trump charging 87,665 in 2014 for Eric Trump to hold a golf outing for St. Judes.

What was Hillary corrupt about? Seriously?

Pay to play, attacking victims of her sexual predator husband, exposing our secrets to our enemies bypassing government security and setting up her own e-mail server, killing four statesmen because it was not politically expedient to save them, working with the DNC to shut down Bernie, "losing" the files she was required to keep on White Water, deducting her used underwear from her taxes, need I go on?

Pay to play, how is that? Be specific. What do you think about a SOS now having stock in a global oil company. How did she shut down Bernie, How??

That is also heresay that she went after any women. If she went after them legally that is great, I would of as well. You don't know she lost whitewater files!!
You seriously need to find a support group, hugs, coffee, compassion and all that.

When it comes to Democrats, she sees no evil. When it comes to Republicans, she hears nothing but evil. The technical term is she slops it up ...
That's it exactly. Republicans think Democrats are wrong. Democrats think Republicans are evil and should be exterminated.
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Wow you really need to take a class into how the US election process works.

I would imagine we have 2 candidates in the general election that mattered , and the EC could vote for either one, that is the way it should work. There is a huge problem with the system.
The only problem with the system is your lack of knowledge about how it works
So if the electors do not vote for Trump it goes to the GOP House, why would it not go to the person who really won Clinton?

I would hate to have Pence or Ryan be President, even worst than Trump.

Electors will cast their ballots on Dec. 19.

If anti-Trump electors manage to whip up enough votes against him, the decision would then go to the GOP-controlled House.
Our public education system at work....

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