So, She IS A "Skinhead Lesbian"

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Duh... wet behind the ears, clueless about life and who she's supposed to be sleeping with

Normal people don't take them seriously
She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did
For a kid....

She seems to have real world Senators and Congressmen shaking in their boots
No answer. That’s what I thought.

The death throes of a dying ideology.

Right, we control the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS and our ideology is dying you libs are stupid Christ almighty. :auiqs.jpg:
We’re not talking about politics, you ignorant sack of shit. Now answer the question. What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?

When you grow up life will become more clear to you. You obviously have no clue what a background check is or why they are run. Good luck in your career at KFC.
I’m more than grownup. I have a career, a house and a beautiful wife.

Now answer the question.
What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?
You made the claim. Tell me, genius.

I find your posts lacking in intelligence and your style to be liberal troll, hence you really are unworthy of my time so bye.

The excuse of the defeated.

Thanks for admitting defeat.
This silver-haired guy from Maine is no spring chicken. Using what has to be interpreted in this context as an attack on this young woman personally instead of discussing the issues that she is raising demonstrates that he is incredibly childish for a man his age, and, therefore, not capable of functioning as a legislator. This name-calling-in-place-of-substance habit seems to have taken over right-wing men. It just demonstrates cowardice and ignorance.

In contrast, I see this young woman as having the intelligence, the confidence, the empathy, the leadership skills, and the organizational and speaking skills necessary for a successful future. I'm glad that she is dedicated to protecting Americans.
Duh... wet behind the ears, clueless about life and who she's supposed to be sleeping with

Normal people don't take them seriously
She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did
For a kid....

She seems to have real world Senators and Congressmen shaking in their boots

Why? The Second is going nowhere....she can''t win
Duh... wet behind the ears, clueless about life and who she's supposed to be sleeping with

Normal people don't take them seriously
She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did
For a kid....

She seems to have real world Senators and Congressmen shaking in their boots

Why? The Second is going nowhere....she can''t win
Nobody is trying to abolish the second amendment. Fool
Because in the context in which it was said was a offensive. He wasn't calling her a skinhead lesbian to praise her. He said it as a slander.

So what do she's a lesbian? It doesn't diminish her credibility or what she's saying.
Like most conservatives.....they believe attacking your sexuality negates your message

She is an impressive young woman

You have a very low bar for "impressive".
The irony of
Duh... wet behind the ears, clueless about life and who she's supposed to be sleeping with

Normal people don't take them seriously
She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did
For a kid....

She seems to have real world Senators and Congressmen shaking in their boots

Why? The Second is going nowhere....she can''t win
The second may be going nowhere

But those Senators and Cogressmen May.....that is what they are afraid of

Senator.......please defend your NRA funding
Duh... wet behind the ears, clueless about life and who she's supposed to be sleeping with

Normal people don't take them seriously

Sorry, but that is not normal. That is con trolls insulting kids who hid in classrooms, hiding, and hoping not to be killed. It is cons showing complete disregard for those who have been through a lot.
So, if you are a con troll, you are afraid. A normal response for cons. But the normal response of normal people seeing kids discuss their concerns is conversation, not hurling insults. These kids are going through something the cons can not understand. So, cons, in their normal way, go to the NRA to learn what to believe and what to say. Which is their way of finding "truth". And they insult those trying to understand the kids. Better to pretend they are bad kids, stupid, etc. Because that is what their talking points say. And cons do not know how to reason. Only how to follow orders.
She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did
Much like I did? I have a good job, a house and a wonderful life despite all of the shit that was thrown at me. I’m not sitting around wringing my hands over teenagers sexual orientation and world views.

You don’t know what the real world entails. Being a gold digger isn’t the real world, honey.

You don't me so cease pretending you do. The kid and I use the word kid because that is what she is has no idea what the real world is all about.

Now take your middle school BS and stick it up your overused ass, "honey"
Triggered! :rofl:
Go use someone else’s credit card to buy some tissues

I have my own and get back on's about a little shit stain lezbo thinking anyone with an ounce of sense takes her dramatic BS serious

Thanks. As a con troll, you just proved you do not matter. Calling kids names is 5th grade dipshit stuff. Hell, even 5th graders do not act that uncaring and stupid. Back to your pig pen. Please do not talk to them, because they are smarter than you. Obviously.

I should takes this juvenile seriously why?

Because she cries at the right moments ... :thup:


If she'd for a moment consider the world she's being programmed to build, she'd have something to really cry about.

And, here we have cons, saying what no decent person would ever say. Nasty shits that they are. Hurling insults that have no basis in reality is normal for them.

How is it indecent or insulting to recognize she is crying ... :dunno:

She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did

When she has to get a job and pay her monthly bills she will have a different perspective.
Right. Because ones sexual orientation dictates how well they’ll do in life.

LOL what do you think is going to happen when prospective employers run a background check on miss drama queen? :auiqs.jpg:
What’s in her background? Do you have a criminal record? I know you’d like it to be, but sexual orientation isn’t in a background check, and it isn’t legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation

What’s in your background? Do you have a criminal record? I know you’d like it to be, but sexual orientation isn’t in a background check, and it isn’t legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation. But as a con you are always looking for sexual orientation. Because you are still back in the 60's.
It is not, just inconsiderate. But what was said was indicating, quite obviously, that she had no reason to cry. Obviously. OOOOPS, forgot you were a con. Too difficult for you.

I didn't post any such thing whatsoever.
I simply posted that ... "she cried at the right moments"

Are you suggest she cried at a wrong moment ... :dunno:

Please prove your ignorant statement. Simply hurling insults is really juvenile.
You, of course, are programed. We all understand that. But most people are not.

Again ... What's insulting about observing she cried ... :dunno:
That's what she did ... And what I posted she did.

You seem to be the one attempting to add some fucked up narrative to things ... Shame on you.

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