So, She IS A "Skinhead Lesbian"

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Dude grow up already your shit is tiresome and middle school. You're not clever nor funny.
Says the “woman” attacking a teenager over her sexual orientation as opposed to the substance of her argument.
You have to hand it to democrats. In a couple of weeks they managed to unite every left wing coalition into a fake issue that they call "gun violence". You have everything from gay activists to "Move ON" to OWS and BLM and even planned parenthood bussing these kids around. Somehow lefties managed to turn skinheads around to liberal causes. Of course you have to thank the MSM for not being too picky about motives and organization. I bet if you picked any kid (who didn't carry a CNN script) out of the crowd and asked what they wanted to accomplish you would get a cliche response or a blank look.
Well, this is the reason why I will NEVER vote for a dem candidate (unless he/she specifically states they are a strong supporter of our 2nd amendment and all of our rights). Don't trust a democrat. They want to take your natural human rights away.
What’s in her background? Does she have a criminal record? I know you’d like it to be, but sexual orientation isn’t in a background check, and it isn’t legal to discriminate based on sexual orientation

Riiiiight and then there's the real world. You snowflakes are dumb as a post.
So, what’s in her background to keep her from being gainfully employed, dipshit?

No answer. That’s what I thought.

The death throes of a dying ideology.

Right, we control the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS and our ideology is dying you libs are stupid Christ almighty. :auiqs.jpg:
We’re not talking about politics, you ignorant sack of shit. Now answer the question. What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?
So why did the Maine candidate who said so drop out of the race?

Just curious.

March for Our Lives and gay activism: 'They're definitely linked for me,' says Emma Gonzalez
He understood that there is a wave of new voters and in November, they will NOT be voting Republican.
Young voters are indifferent to the hatred Republicans have towards minorities.
It's Republicans driving away young voters by calling their leaders names.

But what to you expect from a rodeo clown party that has turned the next generation against them. Believe it or not, the current Republican party may like to live in a world of filth, but the younger people don't.
Riiiiight and then there's the real world. You snowflakes are dumb as a post.
So, what’s in her background to keep her from being gainfully employed, dipshit?

No answer. That’s what I thought.

The death throes of a dying ideology.

Right, we control the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS and our ideology is dying you libs are stupid Christ almighty. :auiqs.jpg:
We’re not talking about politics, you ignorant sack of shit. Now answer the question. What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?

When you grow up life will become more clear to you. You obviously have no clue what a background check is or why they are run. Good luck in your career at KFC.
So, what’s in her background to keep her from being gainfully employed, dipshit?

No answer. That’s what I thought.

The death throes of a dying ideology.

Right, we control the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS and our ideology is dying you libs are stupid Christ almighty. :auiqs.jpg:
We’re not talking about politics, you ignorant sack of shit. Now answer the question. What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?

When you grow up life will become more clear to you. You obviously have no clue what a background check is or why they are run. Good luck in your career at KFC.
I’m more than grownup. I have a career, a house and a beautiful wife.

Now answer the question.
What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?
You made the claim. Tell me, genius.
Duh... wet behind the ears, clueless about life and who she's supposed to be sleeping with

Normal people don't take them seriously
She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did

When she has to get a job and pay her monthly bills she will have a different perspective.

They call that when the rubber meets the road. These kids are not prepared for what it's really like....they can thank their "educators"

And when employers run a background check on her and her resume is tossed onto the drama queen pile for recycling she can thank liberals.
She’s a teenager trying to find her place in life. She’s free to experiment. And if she has already found that place, good for her. I’m sure when you were her age (ages ago) you didn’t envision yourself becoming a gold digger; but here you are :dunno:

And by the way, you’re not normal.

Sigh...she's a little kid, wet behind the ears and when she meets the real world she'll get crushed.

Much like you did
Much like I did? I have a good job, a house and a wonderful life despite all of the shit that was thrown at me. I’m not sitting around wringing my hands over teenagers sexual orientation and world views.

You don’t know what the real world entails. Being a gold digger isn’t the real world, honey.

You don't me so cease pretending you do. The kid and I use the word kid because that is what she is has no idea what the real world is all about.

Now take your middle school BS and stick it up your overused ass, "honey"
Triggered! :rofl:
Go use someone else’s credit card to buy some tissues

I have my own and get back on's about a little shit stain lezbo thinking anyone with an ounce of sense takes her dramatic BS serious
yeah, you're not triggered

"I’m 18 years old, Cuban and bisexual."
- Emma González, in an essay for Harper's Bazaar

How interesting. She was born in the United States, but identifies herself as a Cuban.

I should takes this juvenile seriously why?

i bet you don't have a problem with tailgunner ted identifying as cuban

what's that word again? starts with an h
No answer. That’s what I thought.

The death throes of a dying ideology.

Right, we control the House, Senate, White House, SCOTUS and our ideology is dying you libs are stupid Christ almighty. :auiqs.jpg:
We’re not talking about politics, you ignorant sack of shit. Now answer the question. What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?

When you grow up life will become more clear to you. You obviously have no clue what a background check is or why they are run. Good luck in your career at KFC.
I’m more than grownup. I have a career, a house and a beautiful wife.

Now answer the question.
What is in her background that would keep her from being gainfully employed?
You made the claim. Tell me, genius.

I find your posts lacking in intelligence and your style to be liberal troll, hence you really are unworthy of my time so bye.
Undergrad, U.C Berkeley. Grad, San Francisco St. U. + 40 hours a year training (POST & STC) on issues related to my graduate degree during my 32 career + interviewing and interrogating criminals, many of whom were less sociopathic than Little Billy and you.


Graduated Aunt Mimi's preschool, Hawyard, California.

Attended St Teresa's school for wayward Boys.

32 year history talking to criminals in the mess hall here at Soledad.
Not the issue of the OP.
Sure it is.....the Maine guy was a complete rear end....and had no business sticking his mouth in to it with pure hatred.....

Ignorance abounds! Can you not read? Are we not Men?

The issue is the double-standard imposed when one on the right uses terminology freely employed by the Left.

so you're saying if this clown was a dem he would have gotten a pass?

pull your head out of your ass and take a deep breath
Undergrad, U.C Berkeley. Grad, San Francisco St. U. + 40 hours a year training (POST & STC) on issues related to my graduate degree during my 32 career + interviewing and interrogating criminals, many of whom were less sociopathic than Little Billy and you.


Graduated Aunt Mimi's preschool, Hawyard, California.

Attended St Teresa's school for wayward Boys.

32 year history talking to criminals in the mess hall here at Soledad.

Idiot-gram ^^^, ad hominem variety.
The topic is not homosexuality, but the double standard applied to the use of language.

again, your boy had to resign.... I mean, I know, it's tough when homophobes can't be homophobes anymore.

I don't live in Maine. Not my problem.

I see you find the topic of the OP difficult to grasp. This is no surprise to anyone.
then why are you whining about it?

No whine. Merely pointing out the double standard.

that exists only in your febrile imagination
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