So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

Yes that explains it... I was talking about after the 70 ad destruction and the dispersement that occurred where basically they ended up going into the wilderness so to speak and set up outside of Roman influence...The rededecation of the Bet HaMikdosh Hasheni was also interesting because of the oil Lasting 8 days after removing the filth of the pig from the altar and rededicating it .... Of course the return of the menorah and other treasures from the temple as well as the rebuilding of it will bring in the final and full redemption if there are not returned they can be basically recreated as if they already have not been...I read a few years back how using a 3 d printer they were able to build a house in a very short time.... I would think as we get better using these new technologies we will be able to build a new temple in a relatively short period of time and if someone was foolish enough to destroy it it could be rebuilt easily once again... Too bad these technologies were not available when the twin towers were taken down as we could have rebuilt them back up in a few weeks and thumbed our noses at the radicals or ones who wish to stand in our way...Peace will come when people realize the foolishness of their teachings and the removal of false doctrines...

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 22:36
He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

While the idea of Jesus as the paragon of niceness and non-violence sits well in the christians delusions and imagination, it is not true according to their own "holy" book
Ask any Muslim what happens to him when he converts to Christianity. There's your sword.

The implications of the claim that Mohammed was the last and greatest prophet is that Mohammed was the fulfillment of both the second coming of Christ and the fulfillment of Jewish messianic expectations, something Christians and Jews will never accept.

As such many feel morally justified and even obligated to kill all who do not accept Mohammed based on luke 19:27. where they believe that Jesus himself predicted that he would order the murder of unbelievers when he returned which is exactly what Mohammed did, ordered the murder of unbelievers, even though the verse was never intended to be taken literally and is a subtle teaching about the hidden subject of ritual slaughter that has literally nothing to do with killing anybody..

"But as for those enemies of mine who would not have me for their king, bring them here and slaughter them in my presence."
Not true hobelim M
Unlike the way you teach it falsely, many Jews Christians and Muslims do live in peace by accepting to put God authority first above man made interpretations that divide politically. These ways are false and will not prevail.

What you cite at the end is still the old school Retribution Justice of divide and conquer, Judge reject and punish.

That is against the final message in both Christianity and Islam that teach God's laws leading to peace for all humanity.

You are still preaching OT ways that lead to death.

We are in the NT stages that bring new life. That is the way of God through Christ Jesus through Restorative Justice that brings unity by agreement in truth.

The false ways of teaching as you point out bring division war and death. That is why no true believer will accept that false way of teaching. Thanks for pointing this out why it fails. Because it is false.

Only God's true laws will unite because they by definition will be universal to all ppl tribes and nations. So this will work to bring justice unity and peace, while false teaching 's fail and bring war.

Emily you know nothing about actual jewish
jurisprudence or Islamic jurisprudence. As to your representation of Christian jurisprudence----I will not comment

Dear irosie91
I go with where faithful followers and teachers of these faiths agree.
Since God's truth by definition is universal, that would be consistent with all faiths when taught correctly.

The people I find are able to teach and follow
Jewish Christian and Muslim traditions where these are in agreement include:
* Olivia and Irvin Reiner, Peter Loth, and other Jewish leaders who are able to reconcile with Christianity
I will go with their teachings since these are consistent with others, not in conflict
and because they are open to receiving rebuke and making corrections, they
do NOT need to "exclude people who do not agree with them in order to be right."

irosie91 if your way of teaching requires you to exclude others "in order to be right"
then something is missing; after you reconcile with other Jewish Christian and Muslim followers,
then I would believe yours is universal. I'm sure your knowledge would ADD to that of others,
but for you to reject them where these agree in truth, something is wrong with that interpretation that has to make other people wrong in order to justify not changing.

* Senior Pastor Robert Moore, Christ the King Lutheran Church
* Guz Elowitz, Congregation of Messiah Jesus / Messianic Jews
* Mustafaa Carroll, CAIR

Since these scholars and followers of the Bible agree on God's truth, even from
different approaches, and can include and work with all other people from diverse views,
that is what I use to establish what is God's universal truth -- where all can agree without conflict and can resolve any inconsistency.

All these people are open to working with others to establish God's truth by agreement on scripture.

So irosie91 if you have issues with my saying that Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice
and this brings together all people of all tribes and nations, I am happy to call a consortium
of Jewish and Christian counselors to work with you and me to establish agreement on what is true or not.

I'm sure you and the other Jewish community leaders and pastors can work out whatever issues
you have with anything I have said or posted.

I do not find there is anything contradictory between the
TRUE teachings of the Jewish Christian and Muslim lineage
but it is only the false divisive teachings that cause conflicts.

Thank you irosie91

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Luke 14:26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.

Luke 22:36
He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

While the idea of Jesus as the paragon of niceness and non-violence sits well in the christians delusions and imagination, it is not true according to their own "holy" book

Jesus was about peace, and the US is about war.... go figure.
No only some Caesars, Popes do not get deified. George Washington also ascended on the ceiling of the capital.
No only some Caesars and no Popes. See a pic of George Washington's Apotheosis in the capital.


Vespasian became deified and well his son Titus become the son of a God. The first true biological descendant of a deified Emperor, and then his brother also did, the "holy trinity". :wink_2:

your idiot point? CANONIZATION BY THE POOP----to the level of SAINT----is the same as the pre-Christian --barbaric roman ---DEIFICATION thing-----it is still happening---an historic comedy

Saints are not Gods, lesser baby gods. In the RCC catechism, it says Jesus became a man so we might become gods. I keep telling people that Christianity is Roman and Greek but they insist its a fulfillment of Judaism , of course its that as well.

Christianity has very little to do with Judaism. AT THE BEGINNING it did---probably ---but pre Constantine Christianity is a mystery since the council of nicea redacted the records. It seems to me that---if we can believe the writings Paul was supposed to have done---that he was person of greek background----whose came from a background of converts to Judaism ----and decided to ADAPT the Christian sect to the cultures of rome and Greece. --------in doing so he INVENTED a new Jesus that had very little to do with the
real jesus who was a typical PHARISEE political --"activist". Typically he quote HILLEL incessantly----he was literate---educated in the manner that regular average Pharisee kids were educated and died in the usual Pharisee manner-----the romans crucified him. In order to make the religion palatable to ROMANS----he had to invent a NON ROMAN murder for Jesus----which he did in a very awkward and not credible manner. The ruse SNOW-BALLED
Dear irosie91 only the true Christian teachings and practice are consistent and fulfill Jewish lineage and traditions. You are quite right that the destructive abusive practices of Christianity contradict Jewish, but also violate their own principles.

I am not talking about these false abusive misteachings of God that lead to wrongs.

The true teachings reconcile both Jewish and Christian together in harmony as many Jews and Christians have discovered and live by in peace. The conflicts and contradictions come from wrongful abuses that are not true Christianity but against God's laws as recognized by both Jews and Christians

Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus
For 2,000 years Jews have rejected the Christian idea of Jesus as messiah. Why
Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus

Descendant of David
Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)

The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father – and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

Far from “sharing” one tradition, Jews are prohibited from marrying Christians, setting foot inside a Christian church—and we can’t even drink from an open bottle of kosher wine that has been used by a Christian. We reject the Christian idea of salvation, we abhor Christian divine teachings on every subject, and we are repulsed and outraged by incessant attempts by Christian missionaries to bring us into their fold.

Incidentally, we have more in common with Muslims than we do with Christians; Jewish law permits Jews to enter a mosque… but not a church.

To insist that we have some kind of bond with religious Christians because of similar core values, is to propagate a terrible lie. Christians who base their views on what they call the Old Testament, don’t view Mosaic law as an abiding legal text. The Church has abolished Torah law as part of its attempt to abolish the very idea of Jewish nationhood.

Dear guno :
The Jews who DO believe and receive Jesus
have seen proof of spiritual healing, and understood this was real and fulfills the laws they were taught all along.

One Jewish Neurosurgeon Phillip Goldfedder changed his practice
to focus on spiritual healing full time which he found more effective.
This was AFTER he saw demonstrated proof of how it worked by a Christian practitioner.

My friend Olivia Reiner was healed of cancer by spiritual healing
and now offers this help to other people. She and her husband
are Jewish and go to the synagogue but they also receive Christ Jesus
and this is the only authority by which the spiritual healing works to heal people of demons.
One of my friends who is atheist got help from Olivia to remove demonic rage
through spiritual healing.

Peter Loth is a well known Jewish speaker who teaches forgiveness in Christ.
There are MESSIANIC JEWS who practice both Jewish and Christian traditions
with no conflict.

Why is it, guno, that the people who have seen proof of spiritual healing
and forgiveness in Christ are able to reconcile with Christianity, including Jews.

And the common factor with Jews who do not believe in Jesus
is they have never seen or studied proof that spiritual healing works
which EXPLAINS why people respect the prayers and authority of Christ Jesus.

Why are you ONLY citing the Jews who reject Jesus to argue your point?
And CONVENIENTLY exclude the Jews who believe just like Christians do?

That's like only citing sources who believe the world is flat.
As long as you only ask THOSE people, that's the answer you get
because that's the only one you're looking for!
Ah I see this topic is going from bad to worse.... Irosie just remember if you respond to Penelope she will throw everything at you but the kitchen sink which is really cracked to say the least...I find the whole thing rather humorous as Saul became Paul and now according to the scholar Penelope Josephus as well.... Hmmm... Reminds me of the saying the truth can walk around naked but the lie must be covered over and over by telling even bigger lies that is how the whole prince of peace lie of Jesus just keeps moving further and further from the truth and the tales of the little fishes keep getting bigger and bigger like Pinochio nose...

In other words there was no Paul.
Oh Penelope if there was no Paul then who wrote three quarters of the New Testament ..If you wish to travel down this road you will open up a huge can of worms..Since teachings are " fruit" and you shall know someone or a group of people by their fruit or teachings then which " wormy" " Apple" did people " eat" from then who devoured and swallowed from the New Testament because they were hungry and greedy for this "food" which looked good on the outside but gave them a really bad stomach ache and was not good for their " souls" when going down... In case anyone wants to study the Jewish concept of soul we afflict ours when we " fast" or do not "eat".....
Ah I see this topic is going from bad to worse.... Irosie just remember if you respond to Penelope she will throw everything at you but the kitchen sink which is really cracked to say the least...I find the whole thing rather humorous as Saul became Paul and now according to the scholar Penelope Josephus as well.... Hmmm... Reminds me of the saying the truth can walk around naked but the lie must be covered over and over by telling even bigger lies that is how the whole prince of peace lie of Jesus just keeps moving further and further from the truth and the tales of the little fishes keep getting bigger and bigger like Pinochio nose...

In other words there was no Paul.

have a cup of coffee, penny dear-----you are not yet coherent. Shimon did not deny the possible historic existence of a PAUL OF TARSUS. Clearly, aspects of the existing account of the life of paul are PROBABLY fraudulent------there is no way to tell. As to Josephus Flavius-----his original writings are said to be stored in Vatican vaults. Poops do not ALWAYS lie
Oh Penelope if there was no Paul then who wrote three quarters of the New Testament ..If you wish to travel down this road you will open up a huge can of worms..Since teachings are " fruit" and you shall know someone or a group of people by their fruit or teachings then which " wormy" " Apple" did people " eat" from then who devoured and swallowed from the New Testament because they were hungry and greedy for this "food" which looked good on the outside but gave them a really bad stomach ache and was not good for their " souls" when going down... In case anyone wants to study the Jewish concept of soul we afflict ours when we " fast" or do not "eat".....

good morning, shimon. Of the proposed writers of the New Testament----paul strikes me as even more of a fraud than "john"-----I am not suggesting that he did not exist----somewhere, sometime---as something. But he seems to be a TYPICAL fake story. ----his claim seems to be "I USED TO BE A PHARISEE BUT THEN I SAW 'THE LIGHT******* !! sheeesh better than"some of my best friends are Pharisees"
Another clue into Paul's con game----"GOD" talks to Paul in DREAMS (no less) and tells him to eat traif. I forgot how he got to know that circumcision is also OUT OF THE PROGRAM ---but in total the game seems to be------GET GREEK AND ROMAN CONVERTS----by letting them eat whatever they want and-------they need not be snipped. In sum and substance----paul is transparently ---silly
I wonder where the professor of religion----Penelope----WENT? (Monday, Monday---
can't trust that day......)
I disagree.

If you were born perfectly but then were forced to chant verses from the koran for 12 hours a day seven days a week, you too would be eager to blow yourself up by the time you were 12 years old.

To say the book has nothing to do with the evil done in its name is just avoiding the root of the problem of religion in general where a persons degree of faith has come to be determined by their ability to profess a belief in the ridiculous with a straight face..
You claim you disagree then turn around and make my point for me: Mankind is responsible for how they use inanimate objects like swords, shovels and books.

You are assuming people are just soulless meat computers and incapable of thinking for themselves. Yes, if you indoctrinated a class of 30 students from birth until they were 12 years of age, you'd likely find 1 or 2 willing to strap on a suicide belt and go murder a busload of innocent Jews. All of them? No as reality proves. That's why relatively few Palestinians are actually throwing themselves against Israeli defenses.

There are 1.8 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip. How many are willing to commit suicide with a bomb?

Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You missed the point. The book is full of instructions to promote its teachings through any means, war, violence, deception..killing, maiming, beating, raping.....


No one reads a dr suess book and then becomes 'radicalized'.
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You missed the point. The book is full of instructions to promote its teachings through any means, war, violence, deception..


No one reads a dr suess book and then becomes 'radicalized'.
Untrue. Are you saying a nutjob can't take instructions from a dog? Voices in their head? Dr. Suess books?
I disagree.

If you were born perfectly but then were forced to chant verses from the koran for 12 hours a day seven days a week, you too would be eager to blow yourself up by the time you were 12 years old.

To say the book has nothing to do with the evil done in its name is just avoiding the root of the problem of religion in general where a persons degree of faith has come to be determined by their ability to profess a belief in the ridiculous with a straight face..
You claim you disagree then turn around and make my point for me: Mankind is responsible for how they use inanimate objects like swords, shovels and books.

You are assuming people are just soulless meat computers and incapable of thinking for themselves. Yes, if you indoctrinated a class of 30 students from birth until they were 12 years of age, you'd likely find 1 or 2 willing to strap on a suicide belt and go murder a busload of innocent Jews. All of them? No as reality proves. That's why relatively few Palestinians are actually throwing themselves against Israeli defenses.

There are 1.8 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip. How many are willing to commit suicide with a bomb?

Gaza Strip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I absolutely agree-----about 2 out of 30 would by into ACTIVE participation------something like 7 % BY NO MEANS WOULD 100%
be willing to tie bombs to their asses or carry machine guns into cafes or slit the throats of infants...... ONLY 7% of 1.5 billion. Same was true in Nazi germany

Who said anything about 100%?

Same was true with Nazi Germany? Exactly.

The 7% willing to do the murdering were enough to control the entire population who didn't do have the faith, courage, or means to do anything about it and then the entire world went to war.
Dear guno :
The Jews who DO believe and receive Jesus
have seen proof of spiritual healing, and understood this was real and fulfills the laws they were taught all along.

One Jewish Neurosurgeon Phillip Goldfedder changed his practice
to focus on spiritual healing full time which he found more effective.
This was AFTER he saw demonstrated proof of how it worked by a Christian practitioner.

My friend Olivia Reiner was healed of cancer by spiritual healing
and now offers this help to other people. She and her husband
are Jewish and go to the synagogue but they also receive Christ Jesus
and this is the only authority by which the spiritual healing works to heal people of demons.
One of my friends who is atheist got help from Olivia to remove demonic rage
through spiritual healing.

Peter Loth is a well known Jewish speaker who teaches forgiveness in Christ.
There are MESSIANIC JEWS who practice both Jewish and Christian traditions
with no conflict.

Why is it, guno, that the people who have seen proof of spiritual healing
and forgiveness in Christ are able to reconcile with Christianity, including Jews.

And the common factor with Jews who do not believe in Jesus
is they have never seen or studied proof that spiritual healing works
which EXPLAINS why people respect the prayers and authority of Christ Jesus.

Why are you ONLY citing the Jews who reject Jesus to argue your point?
And CONVENIENTLY exclude the Jews who believe just like Christians do?

That's like only citing sources who believe the world is flat.
As long as you only ask THOSE people, that's the answer you get
because that's the only one you're looking for!

No disrespect, but remember when I said plagiarism and fallacious placement become exposed by the comical way they misinterpret the Bible's meaning and expectation? One of those comical errors exposed is when you make Jesus a
Benny Hinn like charletan healer because you missinterpret straightening the bent (off path) as being healing a cripple person.
Mistakes like
healing the blind (spiritual blind) by literally making the character heal physical blindness instead. Isaiah is saying Moshiach removes the veil from our eyes, so we can see the truth and reality over the facade that covered up our nakedness(=exposing our deceptions) and has nothing to do with literal curing the physical blind.
Who best knows these truths (Dan 10:21) and is the thresher (Dosh) when the Temple in his name is called the Mikdosh(the house of Mike the Thresher )?

In fact the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed none of the curing ills was hands on Moshiach
role, but was a sign of the times of Moshiach where you will see us curing these inflictions as we see today in th time of Shiloh (who helped fascilitate some of these advances )not in the ancient age in the time of B.S. and the scarab which rolled that B.S. to it's giant size load of bull you see today.
You missed the point. The book is full of instructions to promote its teachings through any means, war, violence, deception..


No one reads a dr suess book and then becomes 'radicalized'.
Untrue. Are you saying a nutjob can't take instructions from a dog? Voices in their head? Dr. Suess books?

In my opinion, Mohamed was a mentally ill degenerate, a violent megalomaniac with twist of pedophilia..

to me, adopting the koran as a holy book to live by would be like adopting a book written by john wayne gacy filled with instructions about how to attain happiness through deception, abuse of children, and murder.

even if a very small percentage of people who read a book like this were willing to live according to its teachings they would leave a very long trail of corpses.
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Dear guno :
The Jews who DO believe and receive Jesus
have seen proof of spiritual healing, and understood this was real and fulfills the laws they were taught all along.

One Jewish Neurosurgeon Phillip Goldfedder changed his practice
to focus on spiritual healing full time which he found more effective.
This was AFTER he saw demonstrated proof of how it worked by a Christian practitioner.

My friend Olivia Reiner was healed of cancer by spiritual healing
and now offers this help to other people. She and her husband
are Jewish and go to the synagogue but they also receive Christ Jesus
and this is the only authority by which the spiritual healing works to heal people of demons.
One of my friends who is atheist got help from Olivia to remove demonic rage
through spiritual healing.

Peter Loth is a well known Jewish speaker who teaches forgiveness in Christ.
There are MESSIANIC JEWS who practice both Jewish and Christian traditions
with no conflict.

Why is it, guno, that the people who have seen proof of spiritual healing
and forgiveness in Christ are able to reconcile with Christianity, including Jews.

And the common factor with Jews who do not believe in Jesus
is they have never seen or studied proof that spiritual healing works
which EXPLAINS why people respect the prayers and authority of Christ Jesus.

Why are you ONLY citing the Jews who reject Jesus to argue your point?
And CONVENIENTLY exclude the Jews who believe just like Christians do?

That's like only citing sources who believe the world is flat.
As long as you only ask THOSE people, that's the answer you get
because that's the only one you're looking for!

No disrespect, but remember when I said plagiarism and fallacious placement become exposed by the comical way they misinterpret the Bible's meaning and expectation? One of those comical errors exposed is when you make Jesus a
Benny Hinn like charletan healer because you missinterpret straightening the bent (off path) as being healing a cripple person.
Mistakes like
healing the blind (spiritual blind) by literally making the character heal physical blindness instead. Isaiah is saying Moshiach removes the veil from our eyes, so we can see the truth and reality over the facade that covered up our nakedness(=exposing our deceptions) and has nothing to do with literal curing the physical blind.
Who best knows these truths (Dan 10:21) and is the thresher (Dosh) when the Temple in his name is called the Mikdosh(the house of Mike the Thresher )?

In fact the Dead Sea Scrolls revealed none of the curing ills was hands on Moshiach
role, but was a sign of the times of Moshiach where you will see us curing these inflictions as we see today in th time of Shiloh (who helped fascilitate some of these advances )not in the ancient age in the time of B.S. and the scarab which rolled that B.S. to it's giant size load of bull you see today.

for the record-----CULT LEADER HEALING---of sicknesses-------have been a "thing" in housewife level Judaism ----since Abraham. All kinds of miraculous healings are recorded in the bible
(ie--tanach) by non "sons" of G-d. I think it is still going on in places like Beersheba---along with brilliant goats.
Also---for the record----I do not believe the vile libels presented in the New Testament---against
the person Jesus. The New Testament is ROMAN PROPAGANDA I am not even sure that muhummad was as evil as he is presented in the koran
Who said anything about 100%?

Same was true with Nazi Germany? Exactly.

The 7% willing to do the murdering were enough to control the entire population who didn't do have the faith, courage, or means to do anything about it and then the entire world went to war.
Are you saying 93% of Germans are spineless cowards? Do you apply this same statistic to all humanity? Do you have any facts to back up your opinion?
Also---for the record----I do not believe the vile libels presented in the New Testament---against
the person Jesus. The New Testament is ROMAN PROPAGANDA I am not even sure that muhummad was as evil as he is presented in the koran

What NT libels against Jesus are you talking about? He was a drunk and a glutton? A friend of sinners and prostitutes?

The NT was written hundreds of years before the Romans ever got their superstitious hands on them.

I'm sure that Mohammad was even worse than portrayed. believers do not deny the things he said and did, they just try to spin it as the words and deeds of a holy man inspired by God.

They even celebrate his 'marriage' to a 6 year old as if it was some sort of great love story.

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