So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

Give Penelope a few days and you'll figure it out.
Thanks, but after only a couple of days I'm quickly finding out this thread is dominated by religious and racist assholes.

It's only good for mild entertainment, not intellectual discussion as some of the religious assholes self-proclaimed experts have said it was.
Give Penelope a few days and you'll figure it out.
Thanks, but after only a couple of days I'm quickly finding out this thread is dominated by religious and racist assholes.

It's only good for mild entertainment, not intellectual discussion as some of the religious assholes self-proclaimed experts have said it was.

There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.

wrong----not at all-----I am "learned" in the field. I was just short of five years old when
my little family -----two absolutely LIBERAL secular jewish parents born in the USA---and five kids---all under 8 years of age MOVED into a town-----semi-rural suburban----responding to the BABY boom by building little houses on ----worn out farm land. I started learning all about life----THEN. The response to a "large" family of jews moving into town was not entirely friendly------in fact my town had to that point been "restricted"---
ie no jews and no blacks. -----and quite a NAZI ENCLAVE-----thousands of pro-Nazi pamphlets were still fluttering in the breeze. I was a precoscious reader----and not all that interested in the few books we had-----COMPLETE POEMS of SHELLEY----did not hold the interest of an 8 year old----but the Nazi pamphlets were very easy reading and ALL ABOUT JEWs. My early reading material was----superman comics (four of us five sibs were boys) and----the Nazi stuff----which INTERESTINLY enough---also featured
"arabs"----and stuff about islam. In fact lots of the pamphlets were stuff written in foreign countries like "SYRIA" and "EGYPT" It took time---but I came to understand that the stuff from Egypt and Syria was written by escaped Nazi war criminals who found refuge in Syria and Egypt and made their living writing that which can LOGICALLY be called
ISLAMO NAZI PROPAGANDA because that is what it is. The same islamo Nazi literature forms the core of grammar school curriculum in countries LIKE PAKISTAN ---that information came to me when I worked a job that brought me into contact with young doctors educated in SOUTH EAST ASIA---even two afghanis-----(way back then circa 1960) Thus I do understand a bit about OMAR MATEEN. I know islamo Nazi propaganda like ----I know HANSEL AND GRETEL ---and superboy
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There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
Something we can agree upon. OTOH, there should be little doubt the self-proclaimed scripture experts are not the scholars they claim to be.

like anything else---some people know more than others------I am no scholar of religion----but I did read the books----Old testament, New Testament, Bhaghavad Gita (not all that intensely) KORAN ---and other classics---like THE DIVINE COMEDY, the Odyssey, Illiad, Aneid,
Kama sudtra (for fun) . I DID NOT LEARN about them from any----"religious education"---just open reading ------and came out of that childhood-----knowing a bit about what those books actually are from the standpoint of a kid with an unbiased mind. Most of the people who post here about "religion" do so from the point of view of actual early childhood----"inculcation" and like most americans never so much as read the bible. I have known LOTS of muslims----none actually READ the koran---but they seem to imagine that they KNOW what it says------they get that from childhood training in school and mosques. Christian kids attend "sunday school"------and get to know bible stories in
fairy tale form ( I was invited to join wasp playmates many times)
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.

Give Penelope a few days and you'll figure it out.

He might not----because Penelope simply parrots very standard islamo Nazi stuff and LOTS of people buy in. Also he might know NOTHING about books of which she claims knowledge but never read----like THE BIBLE
There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
Something we can agree upon. OTOH, there should be little doubt the self-proclaimed scripture experts are not the scholars they claim to be.

I don't hold too much stock in scriptural experts. Jesus wasn't a scriptural expert, neither were the prophets. They all seemed to think the so called experts were wrong. I have known people who have studied scripture for decades in an elite school under the tutelage of many experts who after graduating with many honors got down on their knees and dedicated the rest of their lives to the worship of a cracker.

Doesn't take an expert in anything to know that they screwed up. One doesn't even have to know how to read.
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" us" is people of the Jewish persuasion ... Interesting " handle" you have " divine wind" ... I understand that according to popular myth in Japan that the Mongol ships coming to invade and conquer Japan sank because of the typhoon at the time that is why Japanese suicide bombers in the Second World War where called kamakaze in honour of this...However it has come to light recently that the reason most of those ships sank was because the Chinese shipbuilders the Mongols forced to build those ships were disposed to do a shoddy and sloppy job so the Mongols would hopefully drown and die at sea so sometimes divine winds need a little help to accomplish a goal and also history is not always what it appears to be and neither are false beliefs and hopes and dreams...
Why do you ostracize that way? Are you American?

Correct regarding Kamikaze. Which fleet are you referring to, the 1274 or the 1281 fleets? Since the 1274 invasion actually landed several times in Japan and the 1281 fleet was at sea for months looking for a beachhead, I fail to see how the story about a "shoddy and sloppy" job has merit. Not to mention it would require immense stupidity of all the Mongols to fall for it. Sounds like conspiracy theory nonsense to me.

not really "DIVINE" ----I have friends and colleagues some of whose parents as ---teens. were forced to work in german munitions factories-------they recount lots of SABOTAGE going on in those concentration camp munitions factories. Forced labor often does "STUFF"

My dearly departed father-in-law sabotaged the bomber doors.

GOOD!!! I really like those stories My Austrian relatives did not survive Auschwitz---so there are no stories
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.

wrong----not at all-----I am "learned" in the field. I was just short of five years old when
my little family -----two absolutely LIBERAL secular jewish parents born in the USA---and five kids---all under 8 years of age MOVED into a town-----semi-rural suburban----responding to the BABY boom by building little houses on ----worn out farm land. I started learning all about life----THEN. The response to a "large" family of jews moving into town was not entirely friendly------in fact my town had to that point been "restricted"---
ie no jews and no blacks. -----and quite a NAZI ENCLAVE-----thousands of pro-Nazi pamphlets were still fluttering in the breeze. I was a precoscious reader----and not all that interested in the few books we had-----COMPLETE POEMS of SHELLEY----did not hold the interest of an 8 year old----but the Nazi pamphlets were very easy reading and ALL ABOUT JEWs. My early reading material was----superman comics (four of us five sibs were boys) and----the Nazi stuff----which INTERESTINLY enough---also featured
"arabs"----and stuff about islam. In fact lots of the pamphlets were stuff written in foreign countries like "SYRIA" and "EGYPT" It took time---but I came to understand that the stuff from Egypt and Syria was written by escaped Nazi war criminals who found refuge in Syria and Egypt and made their living writing that which can LOGICALLY be called
ISLAMO NAZI PROPAGANDA because that is what it is. The same islamo Nazi literature forms the core of grammar school curriculum in countries LIKE PAKISTAN ---that information came to me when I worked a job that brought me into contact with young doctors educated in SOUTH EAST ASIA---even two afghanis-----(way back then circa 1960) Thus I do understand a bit about OMAR MATEEN. I know islamo Nazi propaganda like ----I know HANSEL AND GRETEL ---and superboy
There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
Something we can agree upon. OTOH, there should be little doubt the self-proclaimed scripture experts are not the scholars they claim to be.

like anything else---some people know more than others------I am no scholar of religion----but I did read the books----Old testament, New Testament, Bhaghavad Gita (not all that intensely) KORAN ---and other classics---like THE DIVINE COMEDY, the Odyssey, Illiad, Aneid,
Kama sudtra (for fun) . I DID NOT LEARN about them from any----"religious education"---just open reading ------and came out of that childhood-----knowing a bit about what those books actually are from the standpoint of a kid with an unbiased mind. Most of the people who post here about "religion" do so from the point of view of actual early childhood----"inculcation" and like most americans never so much as read the bible. I have known LOTS of muslims----none actually READ the koran---but they seem to imagine that they KNOW what it says------they get that from childhood training in school and mosques. Christian kids attend "sunday school"------and get to know bible stories in
fairy tale form ( I was invited to join wasp playmates many times)
Thanks for the personal biography and view points, but I fail to see how that disproves my view about the level of bigotry, racism and self-styled expertise on this thread.
There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
Something we can agree upon. OTOH, there should be little doubt the self-proclaimed scripture experts are not the scholars they claim to be.

I don't hold too much stock in scriptural experts. Jesus wasn't a scriptural expert, neither were the prophets. They all seemed to think the so called experts were wrong. I have known people who have studied scripture for decades who then got down on their knees and dedicated the rest of their lives to the worship of a cracker.

I do. experts are-----good sources. Jesus was quite an expert in his time-----a literate Pharisee and a clear follower of HILLEL Jesus quotes HILLEL incessantly Hillel was a Talmudist who died either shortly before or after Jesus was born ---in Jerusalem---but I think he also spent some time in BABYLON---He was EXTENSIVELY QUOTED at the time of jesus and still is--amongst people with whom you do not 'rub shoulders'. I have "rubbed shoulders" with Hillel people today----and I have also read the New Testament---which they USUALLY DON'T------- You read it here-----Jesus was a HILLEL MAN. If you do not know HILLEL----you do not know JESUS
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.

wrong----not at all-----I am "learned" in the field. I was just short of five years old when
my little family -----two absolutely LIBERAL secular jewish parents born in the USA---and five kids---all under 8 years of age MOVED into a town-----semi-rural suburban----responding to the BABY boom by building little houses on ----worn out farm land. I started learning all about life----THEN. The response to a "large" family of jews moving into town was not entirely friendly------in fact my town had to that point been "restricted"---
ie no jews and no blacks. -----and quite a NAZI ENCLAVE-----thousands of pro-Nazi pamphlets were still fluttering in the breeze. I was a precoscious reader----and not all that interested in the few books we had-----COMPLETE POEMS of SHELLEY----did not hold the interest of an 8 year old----but the Nazi pamphlets were very easy reading and ALL ABOUT JEWs. My early reading material was----superman comics (four of us five sibs were boys) and----the Nazi stuff----which INTERESTINLY enough---also featured
"arabs"----and stuff about islam. In fact lots of the pamphlets were stuff written in foreign countries like "SYRIA" and "EGYPT" It took time---but I came to understand that the stuff from Egypt and Syria was written by escaped Nazi war criminals who found refuge in Syria and Egypt and made their living writing that which can LOGICALLY be called
ISLAMO NAZI PROPAGANDA because that is what it is. The same islamo Nazi literature forms the core of grammar school curriculum in countries LIKE PAKISTAN ---that information came to me when I worked a job that brought me into contact with young doctors educated in SOUTH EAST ASIA---even two afghanis-----(way back then circa 1960) Thus I do understand a bit about OMAR MATEEN. I know islamo Nazi propaganda like ----I know HANSEL AND GRETEL ---and superboy
There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
Something we can agree upon. OTOH, there should be little doubt the self-proclaimed scripture experts are not the scholars they claim to be.

like anything else---some people know more than others------I am no scholar of religion----but I did read the books----Old testament, New Testament, Bhaghavad Gita (not all that intensely) KORAN ---and other classics---like THE DIVINE COMEDY, the Odyssey, Illiad, Aneid,
Kama sudtra (for fun) . I DID NOT LEARN about them from any----"religious education"---just open reading ------and came out of that childhood-----knowing a bit about what those books actually are from the standpoint of a kid with an unbiased mind. Most of the people who post here about "religion" do so from the point of view of actual early childhood----"inculcation" and like most americans never so much as read the bible. I have known LOTS of muslims----none actually READ the koran---but they seem to imagine that they KNOW what it says------they get that from childhood training in school and mosques. Christian kids attend "sunday school"------and get to know bible stories in
fairy tale form ( I was invited to join wasp playmates many times)
Thanks for the personal biography and view points, but I fail to see how that disproves my view about the level of bigotry, racism and self-styled expertise on this thread.

I described my own level of "learnedness"----and how and why and such as it is. Based on my "level" --I consider both hashev and independent-----learned enough for intellectual discussion
There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
Something we can agree upon. OTOH, there should be little doubt the self-proclaimed scripture experts are not the scholars they claim to be.

I don't hold too much stock in scriptural experts. Jesus wasn't a scriptural expert, neither were the prophets. They all seemed to think the so called experts were wrong. I have known people who have studied scripture for decades who then got down on their knees and dedicated the rest of their lives to the worship of a cracker.

I do. experts are-----good sources. Jesus was quite an expert in his time-----a literate Pharisee and a clear follower of HILLEL Jesus quotes HILLEL incessantly Hillel was a Talmudist who died either shortly before or after Jesus was born ---in Jerusalem---but I think he also spent some time in BABYLON---He was EXTENSIVELY QUOTED at the time of jesus and still is--amongst people with whom you do not 'rub shoulders'. I have "rubbed shoulders" with Hillel people today----and I have also read the New Testament---which they USUALLY DON'T------- You read it here-----Jesus was a HILLEL MAN. If you do not know HILLEL----you do not know JESUS

While Jesus obviously was well versed in scripture, he must have studied on his own, in his spare time.

One of the chief complaints about Jesus that attempted to discredit his teaching was that he was not officially trained in scripture, not an expert.
While Jesus obviously was well versed in scripture, he must have studied on his own, in his spare time.

One of the chief complaints about Jesus that attempted to discredit his teaching was that he was not officially trained in scripture, not an expert.
He was a rabbi. OTOH, I don't know what the customs of the time were regarding ordination, if any, of rabbis. Authoritarians like the Pharisees of the time loved to control who is ordained and who isn't. Nonetheless, one doesn't have to be ordained in order to be a student of scripture.
There are few, if any, here that have actually studied Scripture.
Something we can agree upon. OTOH, there should be little doubt the self-proclaimed scripture experts are not the scholars they claim to be.

I don't hold too much stock in scriptural experts. Jesus wasn't a scriptural expert, neither were the prophets. They all seemed to think the so called experts were wrong. I have known people who have studied scripture for decades who then got down on their knees and dedicated the rest of their lives to the worship of a cracker.

I do. experts are-----good sources. Jesus was quite an expert in his time-----a literate Pharisee and a clear follower of HILLEL Jesus quotes HILLEL incessantly Hillel was a Talmudist who died either shortly before or after Jesus was born ---in Jerusalem---but I think he also spent some time in BABYLON---He was EXTENSIVELY QUOTED at the time of jesus and still is--amongst people with whom you do not 'rub shoulders'. I have "rubbed shoulders" with Hillel people today----and I have also read the New Testament---which they USUALLY DON'T------- You read it here-----Jesus was a HILLEL MAN. If you do not know HILLEL----you do not know JESUS

While Jesus obviously was well versed in scripture, he must have studied on his own, in his spare time.

One of the chief complaints about Jesus that attempted to discredit his teaching was that he was not officially trained in scripture, not an expert.

who told you that? He was OBVIOUSLY educated in the manner of the Pharisees of his time. OFFICIALLY TRAINED? what does that mean? He was not a divinity student at Seton Hall? He could read and write-----and READ IN THE SYNAGOGUE----not all that easy. He was recognized as a LEARNED PERSON-----according to the New Testament/ I could tell you about my hubby born in a FOURTH WORLD SHARIAH SHIT HOLE------educated in childhood in the same way that Jesus was educated----but too tired to tell the story adequately.
While Jesus obviously was well versed in scripture, he must have studied on his own, in his spare time.

One of the chief complaints about Jesus that attempted to discredit his teaching was that he was not officially trained in scripture, not an expert.
He was a rabbi. OTOH, I don't know what the customs of the time were regarding ordination, if any, of rabbis. Authoritarians like the Pharisees of the time loved to control who is ordained and who isn't. Nonetheless, one doesn't have to be ordained in order to be a student of scripture.

No, Jesus was addressed as rabbi out of deference to his popularity among the common untrained rabble who the 'experts' feared..

He was considered by the 'experts' to be a pathetic unrepentant and shameless sinner who was out of his mind, a froward person who was misleading people, a glutton and a drunk who ran around with sinners and prostitutes proclaiming incomprehensible hubris.
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While Jesus obviously was well versed in scripture, he must have studied on his own, in his spare time.

One of the chief complaints about Jesus that attempted to discredit his teaching was that he was not officially trained in scripture, not an expert.
He was a rabbi. OTOH, I don't know what the customs of the time were regarding ordination, if any, of rabbis. Authoritarians like the Pharisees of the time loved to control who is ordained and who isn't. Nonetheless, one doesn't have to be ordained in order to be a student of scripture.

*** Authoritarians like the Pharisees of the time loved to control who is ordained and who isn't**** from which Nazi sect did you come up with that shit concept WIND? It is actually comical You know virtually NOTHING about the times of Jesus----but I do. WHO conferred "authority" on Pharisees according to your sunday school teacher? GOEBBELS? He studied in his spare time"??? sheeeesh you guys are stupid
No, Jesus was addressed as rabbi out of deference to his popularity among the common untrained rabble who the 'experts' feared..

He was considered by the 'experts' to be a pathetic unrepentant and shameless sinner who was out of his mind, a froward person who was misleading people, a glutton and a drunk who ran around with sinners and prostitutes proclaiming incomprehensible hubris.
Link? Your source of information? I'm guessing you derived these conclusions from the Bible. If so, then you're, once again, guilty of cherry-picking information to fit your world view.

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