So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

read it again-----ANGER ISSUES THAT REQUIRE TREATMENT------is a subset of 'anger issues' " We all know what anger is....." refers to the normal levels of anger to which I alluded-----and which you decided to PERVERT
Require and should are obviously different. You are free to dodge treatment for your anger issues. The only time you'd be required to do so is if the law gave you a choice of treatment or jail.

Your propensity to be angry, insult others, type in caps and claim information you can't possibly know are all indicative of a disturbed person who is venting their frustrations in the form of anger.
You have a background in psychiatry? no you don't------I know that ----because I do. Try to stick to that which you know------whatever that may be
Psychology, not psychiatry.

Again, as stated previously, your propensity to claim things you don't know is indicative of a disturbed personality.
No, Jesus was addressed as rabbi out of deference to his popularity among the common untrained rabble who the 'experts' feared..

He was considered by the 'experts' to be a pathetic unrepentant and shameless sinner who was out of his mind, a froward person who was misleading people, a glutton and a drunk who ran around with sinners and prostitutes proclaiming incomprehensible hubris.

more sunday school BULLSHIT a GLUTTON no less sheeesh

The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ luke 7:34

Luke never met Jesus and did not speak Aramaic. He wrote ---in a VACUUM---he was entirely THEORETICAL-----like what today we call a MENTAL MASTURBATOR. He was VERY MUCH influenced by Hellenistic ideas and even by some esoteric religions of his time----including MITHRAISM. You seem to think he was an AUTHORITARIAN PHARISEE

You are wrong. Jesus rejected Pharisaic beliefs and practices, even if he was raised as an observant Jew.

I am telling you what I think.

Jesus was considered to be a sinner, not a rabbi. If the law is to be taken literally then they were right.

Jesus considered the Pharisees to be sinners. If the law has deeper implications, then Jesus was right.

It is impossible to conform to a literal interpretation of divine law without violating the deeper implications of the very same laws.

yes---I know the lies of the THE FIRST REICH--with reference to the religion that it developed around their VERSION of the Pharisee ---Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth----the person that the leaders of the FIRST REICH--
crucified for being a PHARISEE----something like the estimated 20,000 other Pharisee jews the romans crucified during that time period of about ten years---for being Pharisees. Your version of Jesus----never existed. Your version is described------clearly a PHARISEE---as NOT A PHARISEE

Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.
read it again-----ANGER ISSUES THAT REQUIRE TREATMENT------is a subset of 'anger issues' " We all know what anger is....." refers to the normal levels of anger to which I alluded-----and which you decided to PERVERT
Require and should are obviously different. You are free to dodge treatment for your anger issues. The only time you'd be required to do so is if the law gave you a choice of treatment or jail.

Your propensity to be angry, insult others, type in caps and claim information you can't possibly know are all indicative of a disturbed person who is venting their frustrations in the form of anger.

what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?
I, certainly know what a PHARISEE was and I read the New Testament. Anyone who knows what a Pharisee was-----and read the book and knows certain facts----eg--Luke never met Jesus and did not speak Aramaic ---would conclude that Jesus was a Pharisee. An interesting factoid-----I concluded that jesus was a Pharisee----kinda independently. I had not read that fact anywhere----I just read lots ----and REALIZED on the basis of real history---that LO AND BEHOLD---Jesus was a Pharisee-----thru and thru-----only later I did learn that real scholars agree. Sunday school teachers repeat the lines they learned as children-----the roman version---the people who hated Pharisees but ELABORATED the Christian church---decided that "jesus hated Pharisees" whom they represent as nuts eager to stone people to death at the drop of a hate. The fact that the sunday school set does not tell you is that it was the Pharisees that virtually abolished capital punishment----in fact their philosophy is the issue that makes capital punishment ---NOT DONE---in Israel today. The vignette in the NT that virtually PROVES Jesus to be a Pharisee is the "cast the first stone" story----it represents PHARISEE approach to law at that time. The "cast the first stone" is one of the few accounts in the NT that I could credit easily even though it appears in "john"-----another person that never existed
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.

Give Penelope a few days and you'll figure it out.

He might not----because Penelope simply parrots very standard islamo Nazi stuff and LOTS of people buy in. Also he might know NOTHING about books of which she claims knowledge but never read----like THE BIBLE

You can't stand it I know more about the history of Judaism than you.
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

do you have a reason for believing that? ---an interesting story. A friend of mine----was a woman whose background was ---interestingly enough---KURDISH----a jew from an ancient and very observant community in the hills between Iraq and Iran----but educated--she was born in Israel and a very intelligent lady.
I noticed that her KEY CHAIN---held a medallion --with writing. It was THE LORD'S PRAYER" in both Hebrew and English. I asked her---"do you know what this is?" She said "it's a prayer" I said "its from the new testament" She denied it----and said "no---a very nice lady gave it to me in Ben Gurion airport---it is a jewish prayer" She could not be convinced-----because---in fact ---it has all the elements of a bonafide jewish prayer-----
you did not know that ---did you? You are very
ignorant. The LOVE THY NEIGHBOR thing is a quotation from Rabbi Hillel HaZaken---the Talmudist that Jesus quoted incessantly.
The romans crucified jesus because of the over turning of the money changers tables in the temple court yard--------it was a PHARISEE REJECTION OF roman rule and their sadducean shill---Caiaphas
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.

Give Penelope a few days and you'll figure it out.

He might not----because Penelope simply parrots very standard islamo Nazi stuff and LOTS of people buy in. Also he might know NOTHING about books of which she claims knowledge but never read----like THE BIBLE

You can't stand it I know more about the history of Judaism than you.

you know nothing about the history of Judaism----or about anything else. You are very learned in islamo Nazi propaganda---especially the stuff written in Syria and Egypt by escapees from the Nuremburg trials ---repeated in today's islamo Nazi propaganda
If those who worshipped the calf, all 3,000 out of several millions, showed their true colors in Egypt, they would never have left Egypt.

How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.
How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

do you have a reason for believing that? ---an interesting story. A friend of mine----was a woman whose background was ---interestingly enough---KURDISH----a jew from an ancient and very observant community in the hills between Iraq and Iran----but educated--she was born in Israel and a very intelligent lady.
I noticed that her KEY CHAIN---held a medallion --with writing. It was THE LORD'S PRAYER" in both Hebrew and English. I asked her---"do you know what this is?" She said "it's a prayer" I said "its from the new testament" She denied it----and said "no---a very nice lady gave it to me in Ben Gurion airport---it is a jewish prayer" She could not be convinced-----because---in fact ---it has all the elements of a bonafide jewish prayer-----
you did not know that ---did you? You are very
ignorant. The LOVE THY NEIGHBOR thing is a quotation from Rabbi Hillel HaZaken---the Talmudist that Jesus quoted incessantly.
The romans crucified jesus because of the over turning of the money changers tables in the temple court yard--------it was a PHARISEE REJECTION OF roman rule and their sadducean shill---Caiaphas
Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. This is a surprise?
I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.
Is you are a Christian, then that's part of Christian religion. If not, then using the Bible as your source of info about Jesus entails using the entire text, meaning he was the son of the God of Abraham, descendant of the House of David, etc.
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

do you have a reason for believing that? ---an interesting story. A friend of mine----was a woman whose background was ---interestingly enough---KURDISH----a jew from an ancient and very observant community in the hills between Iraq and Iran----but educated--she was born in Israel and a very intelligent lady.
I noticed that her KEY CHAIN---held a medallion --with writing. It was THE LORD'S PRAYER" in both Hebrew and English. I asked her---"do you know what this is?" She said "it's a prayer" I said "its from the new testament" She denied it----and said "no---a very nice lady gave it to me in Ben Gurion airport---it is a jewish prayer" She could not be convinced-----because---in fact ---it has all the elements of a bonafide jewish prayer-----
you did not know that ---did you? You are very
ignorant. The LOVE THY NEIGHBOR thing is a quotation from Rabbi Hillel HaZaken---the Talmudist that Jesus quoted incessantly.
The romans crucified jesus because of the over turning of the money changers tables in the temple court yard--------it was a PHARISEE REJECTION OF roman rule and their sadducean shill---Caiaphas
Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi. This is a surprise?

to whom?
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.
That verse was copied from the Torah.
Your depth of Biblical knowledge blows me away.
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

The animosity was deeper than that. By revealing hidden subjects in the words of the law Jesus overturned a thousand years of traditions and exposed the religious authorities that were well respected and admired as dedicated holy men for being actors and lying frauds who were blind to the true meaning of the words and subjects about which they were so dogmatic..
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I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.
Is you are a Christian, then that's part of Christian religion. If not, then using the Bible as your source of info about Jesus entails using the entire text, meaning he was the son of the God of Abraham, descendant of the House of David, etc.

no I do not. Here is ISA 7:14 Nabre 2011 edition:

12But Ahaz answered, “I will not ask! I will not tempt the LORD!”* 13Then he said: Listen, house of David! Is it not enough that you weary human beings? Must you also weary my God? 14Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign;* the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel. * he will eat so that he may learn to reject evil and choose good;

* [7:14] Isaiah’s sign seeks to reassure Ahaz that he need not fear the invading armies of Syria and Israel in the light of God’s promise to David (2 Sm 7:1216). The oracle follows a traditional announcement formula by which the birth and sometimes naming of a child is promised to particular individuals (Gn 16:11; Jgs 13:3). The young woman: Hebrew ‘almah designates a young woman of marriageable age without specific reference to virginity. The Septuagint translated the Hebrew term as parthenos, which normally does mean virgin, and this translation underlies Mt 1:23. Emmanuel: the name means “with us is God.” Since for the Christian the incarnation is the ultimate expression of God’s willingness to “be with us,” it is understandable that this text was interpreted to refer to the birth of Christ.
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

The animosity was deeper than that. By revealing hidden subjects in the words of the law Jesus overturned a thousand years of traditions and exposed the religious authorities that were well respected and admired as dedicated holy men for being actors and lying frauds who were blind to the meaning of the words and subjects about which they were so dogmatic..

he did? when did he do that? When Paul had a dream in which a voice told him he could eat lizards? Jesus---if some of the people who wrote about him can be believed-----actually emulated the styles of the prophets JEREMIAH, AMOS---and even NATHAN-----his style was very------JEWISH

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