So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

c'mon Penelope-----from where did I get Chanukah and-----where in the book of Maccabees does it say jews went around forcing circumcision on anyone they could?

Obviously your clueless about a lot, perhaps at one time you read the torah, but never any history or the NT.

The eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.

where did I get Chanukah from? Penelope?

where did you get it from? Isn't that a better question?

You claimed to KNOW BETTER, Penelope------go for it-----prove your vast ERUDITION which you claim
c'mon Penelope-----from where did I get Chanukah and-----where in the book of Maccabees does it say jews went around forcing circumcision on anyone they could?

Obviously your clueless about a lot, perhaps at one time you read the torah, but never any history or the NT.

The eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt.

Oh lookee-----Penelope googled------very good Penelope-----for awhile there you seemed to be claiming that Chanukah came from an issue between jews and ROME (ROFLMAO) ----in fact that is what you were claiming
No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.

where did I get Chanukah from? Penelope?

where did you get it from? Isn't that a better question?

You claimed to KNOW BETTER, Penelope------go for it-----prove your vast ERUDITION which you claim

I am done with this thread, neither of you can read or want to.
c'mon Penelope-----from where did I get Chanukah and-----where in the book of Maccabees does it say jews went around forcing circumcision on anyone they could?
This Penelope is such an idiot.

Alright tell me where your Chanukah came from? Come on now. You spend hours reading the torah every week and that is all you know.

is Chanukah mentioned in the torah---Penelope? did jesus celebrate Chanukah?
did Herod? did Josephus invent Chanukah?
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.

where did I get Chanukah from? Penelope?

where did you get it from? Isn't that a better question?

You claimed to KNOW BETTER, Penelope------go for it-----prove your vast ERUDITION which you claim

I am done with this thread, neither of you can read or want to.

I always wanted to read------I read the New testament and the Old testament----but you did not
I think they all ran away-----the chit chat got TOO HOT

Hey yes left the scene, your too uneducated to carry on a real conversation.

Poor Penelope-----ABANDONED BY HER VERY OWN-----I am glad you are back---penny dear you can tell me all about that massive forced circumcision program that
galvanized the destruction of the temple ----
in ~~70 AD and------created the holiday of Chanukah ---and is discussed in the book of Maccabees ----GO FOR IT GENIUS--PENELOPE
we are so lucky to have scholar Penelope here----since she knows so much about-----jewish history-------even that the romans destroyed the temple------because jews were running around the world circumcising the UNWILLING as so clearly documented in the book of MACCABEES
Dear HaShev
Since you mention Michael, are you Jehovah's Witness or some other tribe?

Not everyone is under the same local authority/law though we are all under the same God.
I consider the tribes like the several states that all have their own local laws
and yet we are united under one law of the land that applies to all states.

If you believe in Michael on the level of Jesus, my understanding is that is a representation of
Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Michael represents the Merciful Judgment of God
Jesus represents Salvation and Restoring Justice with Peace.
So these are both "one with God" but not the same but DISTINCT.

I prefer to equate Jesus with the Son or Laws of God as Justice incarnate.
And equate Mercy and Comfort, Healing Peace with the Holy Spirit.

If you follow the path taught by JW then Holy Spirit is used for Active Force
and equate Jesus/Michael with the power of judgment.

If the way you teach works for you and those called to follow this, that is fine.
We are to respect the Gospel including holiday traditions that God gives to certain people,
and to let them hold sacred what is taught as sacred, if that is God's calling for you.

Not everyone has the same calling.
But from what I see, the different manifestations and powers that God gives
are still included in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If you prefer to share according to how the JW teach,
let me know and I am happy to stick to what is consistent.

But pls remember HaShev
many people are called to understand God in other ways
and may not be called to receive the teaching as you have received it.

As long as you receive others, they will receive you.
But if you reject others, they will naturally reject you.

For example with the JW traditions of teaching:
Many Christians have argued that "Active Force" is in the Bible but was changed or interpreted from
a scripture that originally was written differently.
  1. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society denies that the Holy Spirit is alive--the third person of the Trinity. Therefore, they have changed the correct translation of " . . . the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters," to say " . . . and God's active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters."
So any arguments that "God" or "Jesus" does not appear literally in the Bible but was changed later,
similar arguments are made that Active Force is not originally in the Bible but was changed later.

So this depends on what traditions people are called to follow.
Similar with teachings about Michael and Jesus that not everyone is called to receive and follow.

Take care and please feel free to share.
It may help to explain what background you are coming from
so we can stick to the context and framework that you use.

>>>Jesus represents Salvation and Restoring Justice with Peace.

In Hebrew restore/return/place back/redeem=hashev
Jesus did not restore nor return what he caused to be scattered and slain (=opposite).
Jesus claimed to be the adversary of Michael in rev 22:16 Morning star=Lucifer representing the fall through symbol of the fallen arc of venus while the rising arc of the planet was called the Evening Star (Shalem) represented the rising arch Michael
-Dan 12:1-4.
So no I am not a JW, as they know the Biblical Moshiach is Michael but are fooled by Rome using the Biblical roles and personas in creating it's figure named Jesus thus seems to be the same only because they arw lied to when giving Jesus those roles like judge and deliverer.

Jewish tradition clearly reveals the Shiloh. Tradition says the name(first & last) of Moshiach will be in the Torah portions;
Torah portions like:
Mikeitz מִקֵּץ – Hebrew for "at the end,"
Ketz= A particularly auspicious time for Moshiach to bring the exile to an end.= Mike is the name of the Moshiach who's revealed in the Torah portion regarding the "RETURN" from Exile.
And thus "Restorer". (Ruth, Jeremiah, Isaiah- Jeremiah 11:20, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 59;19, Is.11:4,
Isaiah 25:8)
While the idea of Jesus as the paragon of niceness and non-violence sits well in the christians delusions and imagination, it is not true according to their own "holy" book

Jesus worked among--and made friends with--prostitutes, tax collectors, and lepers. His work was among sinners, the sick, and the handicapped. This in itself is enough to set people against one another. In his stories, Samaritans become the heroes, and accepted heroes of the time come off as not looking less than heroic. His very message of peace and not to eschew violence is enough to start a firestorm brewing. We should be able to understand this today, because the same topic brews the same type of firestorm now as it did then.

Jesus was a well-balanced person--realistic. If he was being praised as being peace-loving and non-violent, then he had both wit and wisdom to point out working for peace and non-violence has a way of bringing about dissension.
"In his stories SAMARITANS become the heros"

I must have missed that epic. I do remember a little parable
So what you are saying is you are proud that they crucified him?

Ovey, some things never change I suppose.

Not only did Jews have NOTHING to do with his death, they had nothing to do with him during or after his lifetime.
He made ZERO impact.

A minute ago your said Jews were very proud of that fact that Jesus was a man of God. (I mean yesterday)

Jesus is meaningless to Torah educated Jews.
Always has been.
Always will be.

What??? Indeependent I totally disagree with you.
Peter Loth, for one, is a living example of
Jewish embracing of Jesus as fulfilling the scriptures.

My friends Olivia and Irvin Reiner are both devout Jewish
community leaders who are behind an exemplary international
Christian healing nonprofit outreach that is nondenominational.

Jesus means Justice and all people are seeking this
and won't be at peace until we establish it for all tribes and nations.

This is a universal concept and process.
Especially for the Jews who are called to lead.

Jesus is meaningless.
Justice and Charity are NOT meaningless.
Hi Indeependent
Maybe to you Jesus does not represent Justice or Salvation as for others.

But neither does jihad mean war to Muslims who believe in peace. But that doesn't mean Jihad isn't real to people getting drowned or beheaded by Jihadists that it is real for.

On a positive note, people who do rely on Jesus authority by name are able to heal others of cancer schizophrenia and drug abuse/addiction, where nothing else worked. The finding is that the demons that obsess the minds of sick people only respond to Jesus authority when compelled to leave . I even have nonchristian and atheist friends who overcame addiction and demonic rage only after they got prayer help from a volunteer in healing ministry that calls on the name of Jesus to cast out demons that can't be removed otherwise. Nothing else works unless deliverance is applied first.

Indeependent I believe in universalist values of including ppl of all beliefs. I don't interpret Christianity as rejecting but including nontheists. But when it comes to praying in Jesus name calling on that authority to overcome demonic sickness, no other method works. I even believe medical science will prove this works, so that secular science and atheists can accept it as a natural healing process like my other friends who found out it works. They don't have to be Christians in order to agree to undergo the forgiveness and healing process to heal and resolve issues causing abuse addiction and other ills.

You may not have a direct connection or need to use Jesus to stand for God's laws to invoke that authority. But other ppl rely on this to save lives. And some of my friends might be dead today, except they received this therapy and healing shared freely by volunteers who do call on the power of Christ Jesus in order for healing to work.
"In his stories SAMARITANS become the heros"

I must have missed that epic. I do remember a little parable
Dear irosie91 that's all it takes sometimes. One person to do the right thing and be the hero. As Mother Theresa once said we can't all do great things but it's the little things we do with great love that make the difference in life. Humbling isn't it? Hugs to you irosie91 you may feel outnumbered by opposition, but just the fact you stand up and speak out for what is right is being a champion. If truth and justice prevail it's from doing just that. Thanks to people just like you.
Dear HaShev
Since you mention Michael, are you Jehovah's Witness or some other tribe?

Not everyone is under the same local authority/law though we are all under the same God.
I consider the tribes like the several states that all have their own local laws
and yet we are united under one law of the land that applies to all states.

If you believe in Michael on the level of Jesus, my understanding is that is a representation of
Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Michael represents the Merciful Judgment of God
Jesus represents Salvation and Restoring Justice with Peace.
So these are both "one with God" but not the same but DISTINCT.

I prefer to equate Jesus with the Son or Laws of God as Justice incarnate.
And equate Mercy and Comfort, Healing Peace with the Holy Spirit.

If you follow the path taught by JW then Holy Spirit is used for Active Force
and equate Jesus/Michael with the power of judgment.

If the way you teach works for you and those called to follow this, that is fine.
We are to respect the Gospel including holiday traditions that God gives to certain people,
and to let them hold sacred what is taught as sacred, if that is God's calling for you.

Not everyone has the same calling.
But from what I see, the different manifestations and powers that God gives
are still included in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If you prefer to share according to how the JW teach,
let me know and I am happy to stick to what is consistent.

But pls remember HaShev
many people are called to understand God in other ways
and may not be called to receive the teaching as you have received it.

As long as you receive others, they will receive you.
But if you reject others, they will naturally reject you.

For example with the JW traditions of teaching:
Many Christians have argued that "Active Force" is in the Bible but was changed or interpreted from
a scripture that originally was written differently.
  1. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society denies that the Holy Spirit is alive--the third person of the Trinity. Therefore, they have changed the correct translation of " . . . the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters," to say " . . . and God's active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters."
So any arguments that "God" or "Jesus" does not appear literally in the Bible but was changed later,
similar arguments are made that Active Force is not originally in the Bible but was changed later.

So this depends on what traditions people are called to follow.
Similar with teachings about Michael and Jesus that not everyone is called to receive and follow.

Take care and please feel free to share.
It may help to explain what background you are coming from
so we can stick to the context and framework that you use.

>>>Jesus represents Salvation and Restoring Justice with Peace.

In Hebrew restore/return/place back/redeem=hashev
Jesus did not restore nor return what he caused to be scattered and slain (=opposite).
Jesus claimed to be the adversary of Michael in rev 22:16 Morning star=Lucifer representing the fall through symbol of the fallen arc of venus while the rising arc of the planet was called the Evening Star (Shalem) represented the rising arch Michael
-Dan 12:1-4.
So no I am not a JW, as they know the Biblical Moshiach is Michael but are fooled by Rome using the Biblical roles and personas in creating it's figure named Jesus thus seems to be the same only because they arw lied to when giving Jesus those roles like judge and deliverer.

Jewish tradition clearly reveals the Shiloh. Tradition says the name(first & last) of Moshiach will be in the Torah portions;
Torah portions like:
Mikeitz מִקֵּץ – Hebrew for "at the end,"
Ketz= A particularly auspicious time for Moshiach to bring the exile to an end.= Mike is the name of the Moshiach who's revealed in the Torah portion regarding the "RETURN" from Exile.
And thus "Restorer". (Ruth, Jeremiah, Isaiah- Jeremiah 11:20, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Isaiah 51:9, Isaiah 59;19, Is.11:4,
Isaiah 25:8)
Dear HaShev Thank you for clarifying.

I think the problem is Jesus is used in two opposite ways as is Justice.

The Romans and secular laws focus on Retributive Justice and enforcing laws for political authority of the state to deter and punish crime. This is a material approach and thus gets corrupted. Nothing wrong with seeking restitution for damages, but this approach goes overboard by punishing people collectively instead of focusing on correcting the cause of transgressions which the spiritual approach focuses on internally.

Restorative Justice focuses on making right of wrongs and making good on bad situations in order to heal good faith and good working relationships. If you don't see this is the purpose and meaning behind Christianity and faith, then it is from the corruption like you said of Romance or secular values imposed through religion for political power in conflict with real spiritual laws process and purpose.

The difference between you and me then is if we blame Christianity for this corruption or see Christianity as the correction to it. I see it as the correction. Similar to how Constitutional laws are there to correct abuses of govt. And the abuses of govt are not a reason to throw out the Constitution, but are the fault of not following it and the reason we need to enforce the laws to end the corruption that goes against these very laws. And similar with abuses of church authority and religion to do the exact opposite of what the faith and laws really mean!
Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. ...
No fucking shit my exuberant, over-anxious and self-admitted angry opponent.

Please QUOTE me (using your angry tactics) showing where I said the Bible is the only history of the 1st Century.

Your anger is your worst enemy, irosie91. Defeat that enemy and your life will turn for the better.

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