So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

The animosity was deeper than that. By revealing hidden subjects in the words of the law Jesus overturned a thousand years of traditions and exposed the religious authorities that were well respected and admired as dedicated holy men for being actors and lying frauds who were blind to the meaning of the words and subjects about which they were so dogmatic..
An example?
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.
That verse was copied from the Torah.
Your depth of Biblical knowledge blows me away.

It's good enough for sunday school
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

The animosity was deeper than that. By revealing hidden subjects in the words of the law Jesus overturned a thousand years of traditions and exposed the religious authorities that were well respected and admired as dedicated holy men for being actors and lying frauds who were blind to the meaning of the words and subjects about which they were so dogmatic..
An example?

Kosher law.

Jesus taught that the words were figurative, the subjects hidden, hence, "Eat my flesh."

Flesh a metaphor for the teaching of people figuratively compared to one creature or another either clean or unclean.

The flesh of swine is forbidden specifically because they do not ruminate which has direct and practical implications meant to instruct to refrain from the teachings of people who do not think deeply.

To accept that kosher law is about food is to eat the flesh of creatures that do not ruminate.
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.
Jesus was not crucified for being a Pharisee. He was crucified for being a nut job of no account who was fomenting sedition by being insubordinate to and exposing the corruption of the established religious and political authorities.
Yes, I can see how saying "Love thy neighbor" and preaching a sermon on a mount would piss off the tyrannical authorities, both Roman and Judean.

The animosity was deeper than that. By revealing hidden subjects in the words of the law Jesus overturned a thousand years of traditions and exposed the religious authorities that were well respected and admired as dedicated holy men for being actors and lying frauds who were blind to the meaning of the words and subjects about which they were so dogmatic..
An example?

Kosher law.

Jesus taught that the words were figurative, the subjects hidden.

Flesh a metaphor for the teaching of people figuratively compared to one creature or another either clean or unclean.

The flesh of swine is forbidden specifically because they do not ruminate which has direct and practical implications to refrain from the teachings of people who do not think deeply.

To accept that kosher law is about food is to eat the flesh of creatures that do not ruminate.
And what Scripture do you use to prove this?
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

try another study-----the issue of any FORCED circumcision at all is questionable-----if there was any it was of EDOMITES ----the force being "you can't be jews if you are not circumcised" It is very likely that Herod---the Edomite so wanted to be considered a jew that he was circumcised. Romans OF COURSE refused to believe that anyone would be cirucumcised VOLUNTARILY
The Roman Nazis OUTLAWED circumcision as a means ----they thought---of destroying Judaism -----which was and remained a very important goal for them and the their Nazi descendants
Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.
Please repost that in Human.
You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.
Please repost that in Human.

They don't have Maccabees in their Bible so they don't know. 400 years between the OT and NT , they think nothing happened or was going on.
what did I claim to "know" that you in your erudition ------know that I DO NOT KNOW?...
It's been my experience that it's useless to try to reason with irrational people.

In this case, you've made several biblical and personal claims as fact which are only your opinion. You bully those who disagree with you. Now you are lying; I never said I knew something you don't. Only that you couldn't know something in the early 1st Century since the only source is the Bible.

You call people fucking Nazis, Islamic and other falsehoods simply for disagreeing with your opinion. You've admitted to having anger issues and your demeanor on this forum proves it.

Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
How can you deny the existence of Moses and Exodus then proclaim the most famous Jew in history was the son of the God of Abraham?

I don't. I never claimed Jesus was the son of the god of Abraham. I do not believe in the virgin birth. Rome had enough of the zealots fighting the non zealots and put an end to the civll war and the temple.

there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

that "civil war" is in your imagination and would have no effect on the romans even it
it existed

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.
Please repost that in Human.

They don't have Maccabees in their Bible so they don't know. 400 years between the OT and NT , they think nothing happened or was going on.

oh----you got forced circumcision from the book MACCABEES ? you got a citation?
Wrong again-----the bible is NOT THE ONLY history that exists for the first century AD. Do you really believe that the whole world was in a coma from that time. In fact---josephus flavius wrote his EXTENSIVE history in the first century AD. Talmudists were writing extensively during that time

You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
there was no such civil war. There was debate about which the romans had no interest -----The interest of the romans was----
exploitation of the conquered people----that included greeks and even Britains. The romans wanted to feed their lions and provide orgiastic bliss for the "vestal virgins"

You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.

where did I get Chanukah from? Penelope?
No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.
Please repost that in Human.

They don't have Maccabees in their Bible so they don't know. 400 years between the OT and NT , they think nothing happened or was going on.

oh----you got forced circumcision from the book MACCABEES ? you got a citation?

You know nothing about history, and yet you claim to be a jew.
You might really want to study Josephus and Ant and War of the Jews,
You might want to read Josephus (not his real name) and the war of the jews. They had a civil war going on for years In that area, the Maccabees, forced conversion and circumcision on edomites and everyone else they could.

No you read the wars of the jews and some history, get your nose out of the torah for a change.
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.

where did I get Chanukah from? Penelope?

where did you get it from? Isn't that a better question?
c'mon Penelope-----from where did I get Chanukah and-----where in the book of Maccabees does it say jews went around forcing circumcision on anyone they could?
You are referring to the time period surrounding the events of Channukah and you can't quote something that doesn't exist.

And that is where you got Hanukah from , yet the Protestants are lost.
Please repost that in Human.

They don't have Maccabees in their Bible so they don't know. 400 years between the OT and NT , they think nothing happened or was going on.

oh----you got forced circumcision from the book MACCABEES ? you got a citation?

You know nothing about history, and yet you claim to be a jew.

I know lots about history----but I do not recall anything about the forced circumcision accomplished by jews ON ANYONE THEY COULD as -----discussed in the book of MACCABEES as you claim it to be. I am not sure what you mean by "that's from where you got Chanukah" as you stated------from where Penelope?------genius of jewish history

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