So the christian jesus was all about peace ?

Moses was not meek. He ordered the killing of those against him.

Moses was the most meek person in the world according to the catholic version of the bible. He did NOT, in fact, order the killing of people AGAINST HIMSELF----try reading the book

Yes all those who worshipped the golden calf, and said your either with us or not and order their death, those who killed those against them he made Priests. Well Rome is being kind to him.

If those who worshipped the calf, all 3,000 out of several millions, showed their true colors in Egypt, they would never have left Egypt.

How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.

what does "how can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt" mean? There is every indication that Penelope murders a few dozen infants every day and no proof that she does not
I think we're feeding the elephant too many peanuts.
Moses was not meek. He ordered the killing of those against him.

Moses was the most meek person in the world according to the catholic version of the bible. He did NOT, in fact, order the killing of people AGAINST HIMSELF----try reading the book

Yes all those who worshipped the golden calf, and said your either with us or not and order their death, those who killed those against them he made Priests. Well Rome is being kind to him.

If those who worshipped the calf, all 3,000 out of several millions, showed their true colors in Egypt, they would never have left Egypt.

How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!
Moses was the most meek person in the world according to the catholic version of the bible. He did NOT, in fact, order the killing of people AGAINST HIMSELF----try reading the book

Yes all those who worshipped the golden calf, and said your either with us or not and order their death, those who killed those against them he made Priests. Well Rome is being kind to him.

If those who worshipped the calf, all 3,000 out of several millions, showed their true colors in Egypt, they would never have left Egypt.

How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

Huh? What does Herod's Temple have to do with "someone" who died circa 38AD?
He is a very happy guy. He achieved his goal, and His Father is well pleased with Him. So how many did that cranky Jew slay with that sword, again?
You mean how many people were murdered in the angry guy's name throughout the 1st millennia AD?
Probably 10s of millions.

Dafuq. Are you saying Christians murdered the Romans??

No...The Romans used the permission of the RCC to murder everyone else.
Yes it always amazes me the responses that are directed at us....There is absolutely no atempt at teshuva and it follows in the footsteps of their hero Jesus who accused his own brethren ....but then how could that be surprising considering that Christians follow the image of a man who has the key to the bottomless pit and is a destroyer not a redeemer and since the opposite of peace is one who destroys like Jesus then his followers must be also destroyers as well who pretend to want to redeem but would rather belittle and tear down others proving the crab bucket syndrome is a poetic and apt analogy of the behaviour...

And yet you need to repent so much.
what does "how can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt" mean? There is every indication that Penelope murders a few dozen infants every day and no proof that she does not

No record of jews in todays Egypt or Hebrews who ever you were. You were a tribe of the Canaanites who had a hard time converting to monotheism when it was forced on you.


I don't need a link, everyone knows there was no exodus and that is what the OT is all about your adultery. That is the thing about the Hebrew or jewish history, outside of the bible there is no history.

I just did a poll amongst my close neighbors----none of them seemed to "know" about my adultery------but most of them DID read the Old testament---more or less

No they didn't , they would of been more aware of the adultery Yahweh got mad so often about.

You are correct...Hashem gets upset with Jews.
Hashem ignores most non-Jews who have no use for the Noachide Laws.
How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
You've made a logic error.

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Although the lack of evidence can lead one to doubt it happened as described, to declare it "did not happen" without evidence proving it so is flawed thinking.
How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
You've made a logic error.

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Although the lack of evidence can lead one to doubt it happened as described, to declare it "did not happen" without evidence proving it so is flawed thinking.
You don't know Penelope well enough to know she has an absence of intelligence.
Moses was the most meek person in the world according to the catholic version of the bible. He did NOT, in fact, order the killing of people AGAINST HIMSELF----try reading the book

Yes all those who worshipped the golden calf, and said your either with us or not and order their death, those who killed those against them he made Priests. Well Rome is being kind to him.

If those who worshipped the calf, all 3,000 out of several millions, showed their true colors in Egypt, they would never have left Egypt.

How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)
" us" is people of the Jewish persuasion ... Interesting " handle" you have " divine wind" ... I understand that according to popular myth in Japan that the Mongol ships coming to invade and conquer Japan sank because of the typhoon at the time that is why Japanese suicide bombers in the Second World War where called kamakaze in honour of this...However it has come to light recently that the reason most of those ships sank was because the Chinese shipbuilders the Mongols forced to build those ships were disposed to do a shoddy and sloppy job so the Mongols would hopefully drown and die at sea so sometimes divine winds need a little help to accomplish a goal and also history is not always what it appears to be and neither are false beliefs and hopes and dreams...
Why do you ostracize that way? Are you American?

Correct regarding Kamikaze. Which fleet are you referring to, the 1274 or the 1281 fleets? Since the 1274 invasion actually landed several times in Japan and the 1281 fleet was at sea for months looking for a beachhead, I fail to see how the story about a "shoddy and sloppy" job has merit. Not to mention it would require immense stupidity of all the Mongols to fall for it. Sounds like conspiracy theory nonsense to me.
Yes all those who worshipped the golden calf, and said your either with us or not and order their death, those who killed those against them he made Priests. Well Rome is being kind to him.

If those who worshipped the calf, all 3,000 out of several millions, showed their true colors in Egypt, they would never have left Egypt.

How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

Huh? What does Herod's Temple have to do with "someone" who died circa 38AD?

???? good point-----the dead guy did not knock it down ------the roman pigs did---they wanted to get their dirty hands on the gold doors and the big giant gold candelabra------they murdered Montezuma for gold too----but many years later. (second reich) ----then the third reich was so desperate for gold that the pried it out of the teeth of the innocent people they murdered
" us" is people of the Jewish persuasion ... Interesting " handle" you have " divine wind" ... I understand that according to popular myth in Japan that the Mongol ships coming to invade and conquer Japan sank because of the typhoon at the time that is why Japanese suicide bombers in the Second World War where called kamakaze in honour of this...However it has come to light recently that the reason most of those ships sank was because the Chinese shipbuilders the Mongols forced to build those ships were disposed to do a shoddy and sloppy job so the Mongols would hopefully drown and die at sea so sometimes divine winds need a little help to accomplish a goal and also history is not always what it appears to be and neither are false beliefs and hopes and dreams...
Why do you ostracize that way? Are you American?

Correct regarding Kamikaze. Which fleet are you referring to, the 1274 or the 1281 fleets? Since the 1274 invasion actually landed several times in Japan and the 1281 fleet was at sea for months looking for a beachhead, I fail to see how the story about a "shoddy and sloppy" job has merit. Not to mention it would require immense stupidity of all the Mongols to fall for it. Sounds like conspiracy theory nonsense to me.

not really "DIVINE" ----I have friends and colleagues some of whose parents as ---teens. were forced to work in german munitions factories-------they recount lots of SABOTAGE going on in those concentration camp munitions factories. Forced labor often does "STUFF"
How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
You've made a logic error.

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Although the lack of evidence can lead one to doubt it happened as described, to declare it "did not happen" without evidence proving it so is flawed thinking.
You don't know Penelope well enough to know she has an absence of intelligence.
Agreed I don't know her well enough.

From what I gather, this little thread is a bitchfest between Orthodox Jews and Atheists or something close to it.

In the US, it's been traditional that religion is a matter between the individual and God. Unfortunately, ever since 1980, that's been changing with the Republicans becoming both more overtly religious and oppressively religious while the Democrats have become more overtly anti-religious as opposed to staunchly secular.
He is a very happy guy. He achieved his goal, and His Father is well pleased with Him. So how many did that cranky Jew slay with that sword, again?
You mean how many people were murdered in the angry guy's name throughout the 1st millennia AD?
Probably 10s of millions.

Dafuq. Are you saying Christians murdered the Romans??

No...The Romans used the permission of the RCC to murder everyone else.

Where's the dumb icon?

So fucking moronic and wrong it's inconceivable that you're an adult; pick up a fucking book, Google, do something to wipe the ignorance away
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
not really "DIVINE" ----I have friends and colleagues some of whose parents as ---teens. were forced to work in german munitions factories-------they recount lots of SABOTAGE going on in those concentration camp munitions factories. Forced labor often does "STUFF"
Not disagreeing, but inspecting a ship for seaworthiness and slowing production through sabotage are two different things.

Besides, we have the element of results here; the first invasion actually landing on Japan several times before being taken out by a typhoon. The second invasion loitered at sea for months before a typhoon wiped them out. The results show those ships were seaworthy, just not typhoon many modern small ships.

My user name is only tangentially related to that history. Mine is based on a nickname (call sign) given to me relating to the WWII kamikazes and the Spartan philosophy of "Come home with your shield or on it".
Yes all those who worshipped the golden calf, and said your either with us or not and order their death, those who killed those against them he made Priests. Well Rome is being kind to him.

If those who worshipped the calf, all 3,000 out of several millions, showed their true colors in Egypt, they would never have left Egypt.

How can one leave Egypt when one already lived in Egypt. The exodus as described in the Bible did not happen, there is no proof of it.
Unlike the "tons" of proof that the most popular "man" in history actually existed.

He existed alright, Herods temple is no longer there is it!

most buildings built more than 2000 years ago are no longer there. The house in which my family lived the year I was born is NO LONGER THERE. So you insist this person called "jesus" destroyed the temple herod built? what a bastard!!!!. I just found out that the old little white church----with the pointy thing on top----which I passed walking home from school each day as a child----IS NO LONGER THERE----sheeeesh it dated back to colonial times (ie pre 1776)

You're a fool! Jesus knocked it down with his bare hands!
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.
" us" is people of the Jewish persuasion ... Interesting " handle" you have " divine wind" ... I understand that according to popular myth in Japan that the Mongol ships coming to invade and conquer Japan sank because of the typhoon at the time that is why Japanese suicide bombers in the Second World War where called kamakaze in honour of this...However it has come to light recently that the reason most of those ships sank was because the Chinese shipbuilders the Mongols forced to build those ships were disposed to do a shoddy and sloppy job so the Mongols would hopefully drown and die at sea so sometimes divine winds need a little help to accomplish a goal and also history is not always what it appears to be and neither are false beliefs and hopes and dreams...
Why do you ostracize that way? Are you American?

Correct regarding Kamikaze. Which fleet are you referring to, the 1274 or the 1281 fleets? Since the 1274 invasion actually landed several times in Japan and the 1281 fleet was at sea for months looking for a beachhead, I fail to see how the story about a "shoddy and sloppy" job has merit. Not to mention it would require immense stupidity of all the Mongols to fall for it. Sounds like conspiracy theory nonsense to me.

not really "DIVINE" ----I have friends and colleagues some of whose parents as ---teens. were forced to work in german munitions factories-------they recount lots of SABOTAGE going on in those concentration camp munitions factories. Forced labor often does "STUFF"

My dearly departed father-in-law sabotaged the bomber doors.
wind----I am a jew but not orthodox-----I know Penelope well-----she is not only stupid---just about all her knowledge comes from islamo Nazi propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo Nazi propaganda ----I read it as a child because the little town in which I grew up was a veritable ENCLAVE OF WASP NAZISM in the USA (in the 1950s) SUNDAY was dress up church day-----"colored" people were called "N^&&%%s" and none could buy a house in that town----my dad's purchase of a little house raised a minor furor----he attributed his success to the fact that the owner was also a NAVY MAN. Religious strife between jews and people like Penelope is not POLITICAL---it is church tradition The most virulently anti jew kids in my town were catholic----like Penelope and Adolf Hitler HOWEVER Pope JOHN----XXIII did a little fix up on that issue in the mid 60s
What the fuck is an Islamo Nazi? WASP Nazism? Me thinks you're the bigot, my dear.

Give Penelope a few days and you'll figure it out.

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