So, the President suddenly isn't allowed to "politicize" military victories?

Look in the mirror Avatar

im not the one who has a problem with this. You guys were the ones having a problem with it. Bin Laden was gotten under Obama's watch. Id be surprised if he didn't brag about it.

But you guys are fools if you think that ends the war on terror or that really matters when the economy is going to hell.
And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

So we should ignore him encouraging and supporting Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood taking control of the Middle east because he authorized the Seals to take out Bin Laden?

You think supporting Al Qaeda is a sign of strength?
As we all know, I usually try to keep the discourse civil around here, but I'm going to have to make an exception.

I have two words for all you assholes that politicized 9/11, the war on terror, the war in Iraq, and whose leader "Spiked the Football" on a fucking AIRCRAFT CARRIER half a decade before "operations in Iraq" were over:

Fuck You.

Seriously. I have no patience for this bullshit. You people can seriously go fuck yourselves on this one.

You chased Bin Laden around for a decade and FAILED.

Obama, while acting as commander in chief, got him, and that just pisses you assholes off to no end, doesn't it?

This utter hypocrisy is just UNBELIEVABLE.

Seriously, out of all the shit you've pulled in the past, this one just takes the cake.

So, in summary:

Stop whining, and STFU already.

if you go and look at the Washington post they say the same thing you said but not so colorful as you did ... the thing that got my attention was they took a poll on Obama and Romney for protecting the country ... the percentage was shocking at least for the losers on the right ... 54% of the American people believe that Obama is doing a better job then Romney would ... only 36% of the people felt Romney would do a better job ... why is that repub-lie-clowns
Only Bush is allowed to politicize military victories - and we're not allowed to point it out.

Actually, it seems like your standard is that only bush wasnt allowed to.

wish you guys would apply the same standards to yourself as you do others.
I hope he continues to "spike the football" all the way until election day. It is not going over very well.....Of course the ass sniffing sycophants will applaud and defend his every utterance. But the rest of the country- especially moderates and independents- see it as desperate and classless.

Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

^-------It doesn't much more desperate and weak than this.
Yeah, saying I got Osama Bin Laden will hurt him....In opposite world

Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

^-------It doesn't much more desperate and weak than this.

they have nothing else.

and we know how dishonest they are. if bush had done exactly what the president did, they'd have said he was "tough on terrorists". it's making them crazy that they don't have the issue they love so much.
Well...lets look at it this way....

He championed against waterboarding as it was inhumane.
He championed against GITMO as it was inhumane.

Now, seeing as he has been president for nearly 4 years....I find it IRONIC that he chooses the killing of a man in front of his family without a trial as the thing he wants to brag about and campaign about.

Yeah...I would say it makes him look bad.

^-------It doesn't much more desperate and weak than this.

they have nothing else.

and we know how dishonest they are. if bush had done exactly what the president did, they'd have said he was "tough on terrorists". it's making them crazy that they don't have the issue they love so much.

Yup, it's hilarious to see them flail around.

"Mitt Romney was for the Iraq invasion and would not have given the order to strike at Osama bin Laden within Pakistan's borders.

Barack Obama was against the Iraq War from the very beginning, pulled our troops out of there, and when he had Osama bin Laden killed he brought justice to the thousands murdered on 9/11.

If Mitt Romney were President, Osama bin Laden would still be alive and plotting our destruction today.

Can we trust Mitt Romney with our nation's security?"

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Once again the left doesn't get it. It has nothing to do with politizing a victory, it's the way he did it. To imply that his apponent would or would not have done the same (or something different) is off base
Obama can politicize this all he wants but i reserve the right to bitch and complain about it just as liberals did when bush did mission accomplished.

Saddam was equally if not more dangerous than bin laden and so were saddam's two disgusting pervert creep sons. So as I see it, it's 3 to 1. Bush killed more bastards than Obama.

Bush didn't put up the "mission accomplished" Banner, that put up by the sailors on that ship and their mission was accomplished Bush always credited the military he did say I did this, I did that.

he didnt ask to have it taken down either. Just turned a "blind eye" but nice try.

Talk about insulting! Asking them to take it down would have been the ultimate insult. I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing. That is something that TDM would suggest, not someone like you.

To imply that his apponent would or would not have done the same (or something different) is off base

Is it? (BTW it's a hoot that mudmissile would thank this post considering he's the board expert at implying and/or flat out saying what insert Obama or any other Democrat/someone identified as left wing
would say or do in a given situation.)

"I do not concur in the words of Barack Obama in a plan to enter an ally of ours... I don't think those kinds of comments help in this effort to draw more friends to our effort," Romney told reporters on the campaign trail.

Obama on Wednesday said if elected president in November 2008 he would be willing to launch military strikes against al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan with or without the approval of the Pakistani government of President Pervez Musharraf.

"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will," Obama said.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who is one of the Republican front-runners, said U.S. troops "shouldn't be sent all over the world." He called Obama's comments "ill-timed" and "ill-considered."

"There is a war being waged by terrorists of different types and nature across the world," Romney said. "We want, as a civilized world, to participate with other nations in this civilized effort to help those nations reject the extreme with them."

Mitt Romney, Then and Now: Osama Bin Laden Edition | Crooks and Liars
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To imply that his apponent would or would not have done the same (or something different) is off base

Is it? (BTW it's a hoot that mudmissile would thank this post considering he's the board expert at implying and/or flat out saying what insert Obama or any other Democrat/someone identified as left wing
would say or do in a given situation.)

"I do not concur in the words of Barack Obama in a plan to enter an ally of ours... I don't think those kinds of comments help in this effort to draw more friends to our effort," Romney told reporters on the campaign trail.

Obama on Wednesday said if elected president in November 2008 he would be willing to launch military strikes against al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan with or without the approval of the Pakistani government of President Pervez Musharraf.

"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will," Obama said.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who is one of the Republican front-runners, said U.S. troops "shouldn't be sent all over the world." He called Obama's comments "ill-timed" and "ill-considered."

"There is a war being waged by terrorists of different types and nature across the world," Romney said. "We want, as a civilized world, to participate with other nations in this civilized effort to help those nations reject the extreme with them."

Mitt Romney, Then and Now: Osama Bin Laden Edition | Crooks and Liars'd eat a mile of Obama's shit just to get close to him.

Looks like nothing he does is out of bounds.
To imply that his apponent would or would not have done the same (or something different) is off base

Is it? (BTW it's a hoot that mudmissile would thank this post considering he's the board expert at implying and/or flat out saying what insert Obama or any other Democrat/someone identified as left wing
would say or do in a given situation.)

"I do not concur in the words of Barack Obama in a plan to enter an ally of ours... I don't think those kinds of comments help in this effort to draw more friends to our effort," Romney told reporters on the campaign trail.

Obama on Wednesday said if elected president in November 2008 he would be willing to launch military strikes against al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan with or without the approval of the Pakistani government of President Pervez Musharraf.

"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will," Obama said.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who is one of the Republican front-runners, said U.S. troops "shouldn't be sent all over the world." He called Obama's comments "ill-timed" and "ill-considered."

"There is a war being waged by terrorists of different types and nature across the world," Romney said. "We want, as a civilized world, to participate with other nations in this civilized effort to help those nations reject the extreme with them."

Mitt Romney, Then and Now: Osama Bin Laden Edition | Crooks and Liars'd eat a mile of Obama's shit just to get close to him.

Looks like nothing he does is out of bounds.

Don't worry, Mudmissile, that butthurt you've been experiencing which right now almost certainly seems like it will never end, only has a little more than four and a half years left in it's course to run.

But by all means pretty please keeping fuckin' that trying to discredit Obama getting bin Laden chicken!


"Mitt Romney was for the Iraq invasion and would not have given the order to strike at Osama bin Laden within Pakistan's borders.

Barack Obama was against the Iraq War from the very beginning, pulled our troops out of there, and when he had Osama bin Laden killed he brought justice to the thousands murdered on 9/11.

If Mitt Romney were President, Osama bin Laden would still be alive and plotting our destruction today.

Can we trust Mitt Romney with our nation's security?"
Once again the left doesn't get it. It has nothing to do with politizing a victory, it's the way he did it. To imply that his apponent would or would not have done the same (or something different) is off base

Thats the reasoning behind everyone who doesnt have a reason for nitpicking. "Its not what you said its how you said it".

Was it off base when Bush did it? Bush did it and got reelected. See how that works.
Bush didn't put up the "mission accomplished" Banner, that put up by the sailors on that ship and their mission was accomplished Bush always credited the military he did say I did this, I did that.

he didnt ask to have it taken down either. Just turned a "blind eye" but nice try.

Talk about insulting! Asking them to take it down would have been the ultimate insult. I can't believe you would even suggest such a thing. That is something that TDM would suggest, not someone like you.


The Bush admin admitted to giving it to the Navy to hang up. In fact, three different people within the Bush admin have taken responsibility for the banner. But dont let facts get in the way of what you were told.

Bartlett: "Mission Accomplished" Banner Was My Fault - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

At his news conference yesterday, President Bush said the decision to put a "Mission Accomplished" banner on the aircraft carrier where he gave a speech following the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a "mistake."

It was not his mistake, however, according to CBS News political analyst Dan Bartlett, a former senior advisor to Mr. Bush. Asked this morning by Harry Smith, co-anchor of CBS' The Early Show, who was responsible for the banner – Smith pointed out that both the Navy and former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan have taken the blame in the past – Bartlett said that it was actually his call.

But keep believing what you were told. and save your "OMG The President cant ask the Military to do stuff for a photo op" phoney outrage. They asked them to hang it directly behind his microphone or maybe it happened by "accident" :lol:
And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

I wouldn't say that they aren't talking about it because they are happy with his performance.
I would actually argue that they are not talking about it because they are not happy with the fact that they cannot use it against him.

Disagree, Obama is continuing the war for oil in Uganda, neocons like that, and he's still sending drone attacks to a half dozen countries as well enhancing the warmongering in Afghanistan.

That's a lot of dead brown muslims, good news for anyone who's Pro-War.
And water is wet....

Point is many are rushing to take credit from the President. Give credit where credit is due. But that hurts the whole "being weak on terrorism" talking point. Remember that?

I think the Pro-War crowd is happy with Obama's performance, how could they not be?

That's why the discussion has shifted to the economy.

Either you have your head in the sand, or waited for Rush to tell you what to think about the agreement signed yesterday. It draws down our troops and passes security responsibility off to the Afghan forces. The pro-war crowd hates that.

Lol yeah smart point, I take talking points from Rush and I'm anti-war. Those 2 things go perfectly hand in hand.

Ok great, after 3 years of enhancing the warmongering he's finally tired out and moving our troops to newly oil rich Uganda instead of Afghanistan, YAY!!!!!!!!!! Where's another peace prize when you need it?

We had no terrorist attacks here at home after 9/11/01 while Bush was POTUS.

How many have there been since Obama has been in charge?

actually according to the right back when clinton was president our embassies and bases counted as american soil. based on the fact that these were attacked on W's watch how did he actually keep us safe?

Furthermore, based on the argument from rightwingers in this very thread who argued that it's all part of the president's job and that obama shouldn't be thanked for doing his job then w deserves no credit for doing his job. LOL

Clinton did nothing to defend this country when it was attacked by Al Queda, and he also let Osama Bin Laden go.

If the unholy union of the ACLU and Republicans had not watered down President Clintons 1995 anti-terrorist bill the 9-11 attackers might never have made it.

When he took action against al Queda in Afghanistan after the embassy bombing all the rightie pundants could say was look at him "Wagging the Dog" to divert media attention from his sex life.

President Clinton biggest failure IMHO is not launching the effort to topple the Taliban after the USS Cole was attacked.

He never let bin Laden go.
Look in the mirror Avatar

im not the one who has a problem with this. You guys were the ones having a problem with it. Bin Laden was gotten under Obama's watch. Id be surprised if he didn't brag about it.

But you guys are fools if you think that ends the war on terror or that really matters when the economy is going to hell.

It didn't end the war on terror. How many high level Al Qaeda operatives were taken down in the months following?

Osama bin Laden raid documents released - Josh Gerstein and Byron Tau -

Osama bin Laden instructed top Al Qaeda operatives to try to kill President Barack Obama and Gen. David Petraeus during any visit they made to Afghanistan or Pakistan but to avoid attacking Vice President Joe Biden because the group thought chaos would ensue if Biden assumed the presidency, according to documents seized during the U.S. raid that killed bin Laden in Pakistan a year ago.

“The groups will remain on the lookout for Obama or Petraeus. The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there,” bin Laden wrote in the undated letter released Thursday by the U.S. government. “Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.”

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