So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

More on the MASSIVE cost to Americans Citizens of importing Indigents so they can become DEMOCRAT (Socialist) Voters.

Trump's Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans

"The National Academies of Science released a report two years ago, noting that state and local American taxpayers are billed about $1,600 each year per immigrant to pay for their welfare, where immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households."

The O.P. is pushing a pure FRAUD on America in support of her Socialist Agenda.
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

Why do they completely rely on welfare why don't they have jobs and pay for themselves? Are they just lazy and expect American taxpayers to fund them and their family?
They don’t completely rely on welfare Lucy. Read the article.

What is this then from the article:

"Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs"

Because you, and those who agree with you DID NOT READ it.

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

The CURRENT RULE as it is NOW allows for deportation of immigrants who are reliant on the government for more than half of their income. No argument from me on that.

The NEW RULE wants to extend that to those who use any form of public assistance however miniscule - like the school lunch program.

"The NEW RULE wants to extend that to those who use any form of public assistance however miniscule - like the school lunch program."

Why do they need the school lunch programme, why do they need the food stamps etc Why do you want poverty level Immigrants in America that cannot get a decent paying job so they can feed their family without relying on American taxpayers to feed their family for them? Any nations Welfare System is funded and payed into by that nations taxpayers for the use of that nations taxpayers IF they get into a difficult situation and need assistance until they can get another job. This Immigrant crowd from the Third World have not substantially paid into your system but are abusing your system and you in typical Leftist fashion fully support them abusing the system.

You have a 21 TRILLION Dollar debt, added to this you expect the American taxpayer to fund almost unlimited amounts of Third Worlders who Leftist NGOs and the Human Rights crowd are ACTIVELY financially helping to get to your border to illegally cross that border and then demand Gibs Me Dat because their OWN nations are poverty Third World Shit Holes who cannot give their OWN peoples a normal standard of living mainly because they are corrupt and run by a combination of dirty politicians in bed with Drug Overlords or War Lords.

If the Open Borders insanity is not stopped then within 20 years you are going to be a Third World Shit Hole yourself.
I accept your moral argument. Now I have a question for you. Would it or would it not be better for our economy to get rid of those people?

As it was pointed out, it has always been the case that those who completely rely on welfare are subject to possible deportation. No argument there. These are people who work but might use small amounts of assistance such as subsidies to help purchase health insurance or CHIP for examp,e.

It's not "small amounts" - half their income is from welfare according to your article.

No. According to that article - those for whom half or more of their income is from public assistance have ALWAYS been eligible for deportation - that's the current law. The new proposal would extend it to those receiving ANY public assistence what so ever, such as subsidies to purchase health insurance, or utilizing the school lunch program, or CHIP.

If you go to another nation you should WORK and earn moneys to support and feed yourself and your family. If you go to another nation you should not be going there if you do NOT have enough finances to support yourself until you can get a job and you certainly should NOT being having more than ONE child UNLESS you have the financial means to support MORE than ONE child.
We have way too many Mexicans. It's downright racist I tell you. Send them back before they make babies, then it will be impossible and we will have to foot the bill for generations to come.

But my bleeding heart! People are suffering! Let's sacrifice our own comfort in a misguided attempt to save them!

It is called Pathological Altruism, it is a disease that ONLY Leftists suffer from in the extreme, the conscious sacrificing of their OWN comfort and the FORCED they would like sacrificing of everyone else's comfort in an insane misguided effort to save Third Worlders and ALL because that would make ONLY Leftists feel BETTER about themselves.

There is no logic in Leftism, it is devoid of all logic, Leftists cannot do Logical Thinking, with them EVERYTHING is about how they FEEL, they do Emotional Thinking, this is another reason why Leftism in general is a total disaster for the majority of any population, it is why the majority of Western nations have rejected Leftism and do not have Leftist Governments, which in turn is why Leftists are fanatical about importing as many Third Worlders into Western nations they are to be their new Voting Bloc because they know that a majority of the existing population do not want their demented and socially destructive policies.
If you go to another nation you should WORK and earn moneys to support and feed yourself and your family. If you go to another nation you should not be going there if you do NOT have enough finances to support yourself until you can get a job and you certainly should NOT being having more than ONE child UNLESS you have the financial means to support MORE than ONE child.

But if you come to America, and are able to assume elite status, you'll be greased with tax $$$'s your entire existence , you'll be 'too big to fail' , and you can assume the potus office as a 'self made man' , and further convince the ignorati that welfare queens and immigrants are this countries problem!

If you go to another nation you should WORK and earn moneys to support and feed yourself and your family. If you go to another nation you should not be going there if you do NOT have enough finances to support yourself until you can get a job and you certainly should NOT being having more than ONE child UNLESS you have the financial means to support MORE than ONE child.

But if you come to America, and are able to assume elite status, you'll be greased with tax $$$'s your entire existence , you'll be 'too big to fail' , and you can assume the potus office as a 'self made man' , and further convince the ignorati that welfare queens and immigrants are this countries problem!


They're a good part of the problem, that's for sure.
If you go to another nation you should WORK and earn moneys to support and feed yourself and your family. If you go to another nation you should not be going there if you do NOT have enough finances to support yourself until you can get a job and you certainly should NOT being having more than ONE child UNLESS you have the financial means to support MORE than ONE child.

But if you come to America, and are able to assume elite status, you'll be greased with tax $$$'s your entire existence , you'll be 'too big to fail' , and you can assume the potus office as a 'self made man' , and further convince the ignorati that welfare queens and immigrants are this countries problem!


Well if I decided to go to America I am Independently Wealthy so would not be a burden. I notice that you have Trump Derangement Syndrome and are equating The Donald and his family with Third World Shit Holers, this to a normal mind is beyond ridiculous.

So as a Leftist you are happy to fund Third World Shit Holers, great perhaps you should go and help them in their Third World Shit Holes considering you love them so much.
Note that the following list makes no distinction between LEGAL or ILLEGAL immigrants. >>>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
YOur knee jerk reaction to side with the lying foreigner, who lied to get citizenship, and thus does not deserve it,

is noted and held against you.

That statement, coming from someone who automatically sides with a lying president is pretty ironic.

If someone makes a mistake on an application is it a lie or a mistake? Note - Melania Trump has been accused of lying on her visa. Would that make her ineligible for citizenship under these new rules?

It creates the potential to comb through looking for minor errors as an excuse to strip citizenship - and that is worrisome. Citizenship HAS been stripped if someone has lied about pretty major stuff - like criminal records, being a member of a terrorist organization etc. This has the potential to go beyond that and go back indefinately in a person's background for what could be very minor stuff. I imagine it could be used to silence opposition too....a naturalized citizen speaks out against the Trump Administration - let's look at his documents....

Melania is a wealthy model that married a billionaire, not some fucking tomato picker that's going to suck up welfare funds.

Oh wait. So if a wealthy model lies on her application she gets a free pass, but if if a tomato picker does he gets deported?

Ok. Thanks for clearing that up.

Do you have a link to your claim, because I can't find anything on Google about her lying about anything.

And even if she did, does anybody really think a billionaire's wife wasn't going to be approved for citizenship for some reason? If that's unfair I'm sorry; the world is unfair. People like them are good for our taxes. Poor immigrants are not.

AND, it should be said, that traditionally marriage is one of the best reasons for immigration.

It is good for American society, for American men that can't find or keep an American woman, to find on outside and manage to start a family with them.

It is good for the lonely American man, and it is good for American society.

They have been together for years, and have a child together. It is not likely a sham marriage just to get around immigration laws.
yes--cut legal immigration also, for the many reasons I have posted in other threads
about time
----------------------------------------------- STOP all immigration of all people coming into the USA with special emphasis on stopping all of the people from south america and all 'muslims' . So stop all people coming into the USA . No reason for more people in a USA that had a population of 310 million and thats not counting illegal aliens in the year 2010 .
That statement, coming from someone who automatically sides with a lying president is pretty ironic.

If someone makes a mistake on an application is it a lie or a mistake? Note - Melania Trump has been accused of lying on her visa. Would that make her ineligible for citizenship under these new rules?

It creates the potential to comb through looking for minor errors as an excuse to strip citizenship - and that is worrisome. Citizenship HAS been stripped if someone has lied about pretty major stuff - like criminal records, being a member of a terrorist organization etc. This has the potential to go beyond that and go back indefinately in a person's background for what could be very minor stuff. I imagine it could be used to silence opposition too....a naturalized citizen speaks out against the Trump Administration - let's look at his documents....

Melania is a wealthy model that married a billionaire, not some fucking tomato picker that's going to suck up welfare funds.

Oh wait. So if a wealthy model lies on her application she gets a free pass, but if if a tomato picker does he gets deported?

Ok. Thanks for clearing that up.

Do you have a link to your claim, because I can't find anything on Google about her lying about anything.

And even if she did, does anybody really think a billionaire's wife wasn't going to be approved for citizenship for some reason? If that's unfair I'm sorry; the world is unfair. People like them are good for our taxes. Poor immigrants are not.

AND, it should be said, that traditionally marriage is one of the best reasons for immigration.

It is good for American society, for American men that can't find or keep an American woman, to find on outside and manage to start a family with them.

It is good for the lonely American man, and it is good for American society.

They have been together for years, and have a child together. It is not likely a sham marriage just to get around immigration laws.
---------------------------------------- feck ugly bachelors and spinsters as they'll only have ugly kids and then will want to import 'guat' or 'mex' grandma and grandpa and extended family into the USA Correl .
I accept your moral argument. Now I have a question for you. Would it or would it not be better for our economy to get rid of those people?

Yup. It would. They don't offer this country anything but have no problem sucking off our social services.

Anyone allowed to become a citizen of this country should have a skill this country needs. Not be a welfare bum.
I accept your moral argument. Now I have a question for you. Would it or would it not be better for our economy to get rid of those people?

Yup. It would. They don't offer this country anything but have no problem sucking off our social services.

Anyone allowed to become a citizen of this country should have a skill this country needs. Not be a welfare bum.
------------------------------------------------ main reason i disagree is simply because i do not want inferior and diverse cultures in the USA affecting voting and influencing young Americans . And then YES , the money issue and welfare Claudette .
This is where the GOP takes a dangerous turn.

The discussion about illegal immigration is perfectly valid and reasonable, even though neither party is willing to address the biggest problem of all, the turning of a blind eye to American businesses that hire illegals.

But when you start going after LEGAL immigrants who are not (yet) cutting the mustard, it muddies the waters, weakens the argument and starts to look punitive.

As usual, Trump is playing strictly to his base, regardless of the consequences.
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And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.

The whole strategy of Perpetual Gibs Me Dat also is directly releated to The Cloward-Piven Strategy, a deliberate overloading of America's welfare system so it COLLAPSES and then is replaced by a Redistribution of Wealth which would pay for a guaranteed annual income for ALL which would then end poverty. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven both were of course Communists. Piven was even more extreme than Cloward, she was a friend and a student of the FANATICAL Marxist Murray Levin, in an ideal society Levin would have been taken out and shot so he couldn't have poisoned the minds of students with his vile Marxist Indoctrination.

Murray Levin - Wikipedia

View attachment 209290
View attachment 209291

Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia
Unfunded liabilities are gonna tank us...........and they just keep adding to it............and for non citizens.........what I read it's to target those who are less than 5 years here who are a financial liability...............meaning the tax payers have to take care of them.............

Like we can just keep adding more to an ever increasing debt..........insanity.
Then why did we borrow $1.5 trillion to give tax cuts to billionaires?
This is where the GOP takes a dangerous turn.

The discussion about illegal immigration is perfectly valid and reasonable, even though neither party is willing to address the biggest problem of all, the turning of a blind eye to American businesses that hire illegals.

But when you start going after LEGAL immigrants who are not (yet) cutting the mustard, it muddies the waters and starts to look punitive.

As usual, Trump is playing strictly to his base, regardless of the consequences.
i can see that. but i think it's more the base eats it up cause i doubt many of his base even knew this was going on. but yes unfortunately there are some people out there who will defend trumps every move. but then again i suppose that's life balance because of those who will attack every move.

both are jacked in the head.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.
It was sarcasm .............LOL

We can't take in the whole world and give them hand outs...........We have our own to take care of first.

The whole strategy of Perpetual Gibs Me Dat also is directly releated to The Cloward-Piven Strategy, a deliberate overloading of America's welfare system so it COLLAPSES and then is replaced by a Redistribution of Wealth which would pay for a guaranteed annual income for ALL which would then end poverty. Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven both were of course Communists. Piven was even more extreme than Cloward, she was a friend and a student of the FANATICAL Marxist Murray Levin, in an ideal society Levin would have been taken out and shot so he couldn't have poisoned the minds of students with his vile Marxist Indoctrination.

Murray Levin - Wikipedia

View attachment 209290
View attachment 209291

Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia
Unfunded liabilities are gonna tank us...........and they just keep adding to it............and for non citizens.........what I read it's to target those who are less than 5 years here who are a financial liability...............meaning the tax payers have to take care of them.............

Like we can just keep adding more to an ever increasing debt..........insanity.
Then why did we borrow $1.5 trillion to give tax cuts to billionaires?

Wealthy create jobs, I am Independently Wealthy I myself have created jobs, I bought two businesses that were in trouble I paid top peoples to turn those businesses around and make them viable again, they did and between them they then hired approx 260,000 workers who we pay very good wages to, I myself take no moneys as I the last thing I need is more money, but I have given 260,000 workers a job they did NOT have previously and I put food on their dinner tables and I help pay their bills because I give them a very good wage so they can sustain themselves and their dependents. I do not often mention finances either at this forum or on the Internets, but I am in this response to illustrate that the wealthy create jobs and lift peoples out of having to rely on things like Welfare and other various hand outs. We do not employ Immigrants because the philosophy is to help your OWN, you put your OWN FIRST. Period.

Also in ANY Western nation we pay MORE in taxes than those lower down the ladder do, so essentially we are ENTITLED to keep as much of OUR money if we are then subsequently given a tax cut because overall we have paid for that tax cut already with the amount of tax we have already had to pay to whatever Government.
This is where the GOP takes a dangerous turn.

The discussion about illegal immigration is perfectly valid and reasonable, even though neither party is willing to address the biggest problem of all, the turning of a blind eye to American businesses that hire illegals.

But when you start going after LEGAL immigrants who are not (yet) cutting the mustard, it muddies the waters, weakens the argument and starts to look punitive.

As usual, Trump is playing strictly to his base, regardless of the consequences.
---------------------------------------------------- PUNITIVE , seems to me that immigration of all types has been PUNITIVE to Real Americans since 1965 or 1966 until Trump came along and he is trying to fix things . I say , feck it , get as many imported people out of the USA now when it looks like that can be done and set things and laws up to be anti immigration [of all types] as far into the future as possible Mac .
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This is where the GOP takes a dangerous turn.

The discussion about illegal immigration is perfectly valid and reasonable, even though neither party is willing to address the biggest problem of all, the turning of a blind eye to American businesses that hire illegals.

But when you start going after LEGAL immigrants who are not (yet) cutting the mustard, it muddies the waters, weakens the argument and starts to look punitive.

As usual, Trump is playing strictly to his base, regardless of the consequences.
---------------------------------------------------- PUNITIVE , seems to me that immigration of all types has been PUNITIVE to Real Americans since 1965 or 1966 until Trump came along and he is trying to fix things . I say , feck it , get as many imported people out of the USA now when it looks like can be done and set things and laws up to be anti immigration as far into the future as possible Mac .
Well, we'll see what the voters outside of Trump's base think of that, I reckon.

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