So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

This is where the GOP takes a dangerous turn.

The discussion about illegal immigration is perfectly valid and reasonable, even though neither party is willing to address the biggest problem of all, the turning of a blind eye to American businesses that hire illegals.

But when you start going after LEGAL immigrants who are not (yet) cutting the mustard, it muddies the waters, weakens the argument and starts to look punitive.

As usual, Trump is playing strictly to his base, regardless of the consequences.
---------------------------------------------------- PUNITIVE , seems to me that immigration of all types has been PUNITIVE to Real Americans since 1965 or 1966 until Trump came along and he is trying to fix things . I say , feck it , get as many imported people out of the USA now when it looks like can be done and set things and laws up to be anti immigration as far into the future as possible Mac .
Well, we'll see what the voters outside of Trump's base think of that, I reckon.
------------------------------------------- SURE , course the way i see things , America might as well fix things while we have a good President that understands Real Americans for at least a couple more years and it might be 6 more years . Redo the laws as they were redone in 65 or 66 by 'dead kennedy' and thats a good start Mac .
This is where the GOP takes a dangerous turn.

The discussion about illegal immigration is perfectly valid and reasonable, even though neither party is willing to address the biggest problem of all, the turning of a blind eye to American businesses that hire illegals.

But when you start going after LEGAL immigrants who are not (yet) cutting the mustard, it muddies the waters, weakens the argument and starts to look punitive.

As usual, Trump is playing strictly to his base, regardless of the consequences.
------------------------------------------------ and , what could the Consequences possibly be . Heck , illary , the 'bushes' , the GOP , Repubs , rinos , kasich , roobio , jebito and his mexican family all want increased immigration , open borders and welcoming arms and amnesty for all immigrants , caca 'daca' and every third worlder that can get to the USA Border . Trump , if he stays the course is good for maybe a couple or 2 years and maybe 6 years Mac . --------------- Go TRUMP !!
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Sorry, children, but immigration on this planet has been going on long before you and yours got here and will continue long after you are gone.
This country is, on record, is one of the newest on the planet, only a little over 400 years old.
Everyone here is descended from someone who came from somewhere else.
If you're not a direct, clean and pure descendant of the Wampanoags, who saved the first colonists from starvation, then STFU.
You take them in...

You support them...
Sorry, children, but immigration on this planet has been going on long before you and yours got here and will continue long after you are gone.
This country is, on record, is one of the newest on the planet, only a little over 400 years old.
Everyone here is descended from someone who came from somewhere else.
If you're not a direct, clean and pure descendant of the Wampanoags, who saved the first colonists from starvation, then STFU.
You take them in...

You support them...

What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.
Why would you want to import/keep mooches?
How much dead weight are you willing to carry, exactly?
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.
No, not legal, documented
Thank you for this Coyote - I heard this was coming but not in this much detail. This is another pile of excrement from the squirming brain of Stephen "Beavis" Miller. In his case, POS is a bit of an understatement. Probably the second most dangerous man remaining in this shit-show of an administration.


First and foremost, Asylum Seekers from Central America are supposed to be given asylum by Mexico. That is International Law. They are NOT supposed to be ferried through Mexico to the US by Coyotes trying to make a buck.

Few Mexicans are trying to come to the US illegally anymore. The ones that want to be here are already here. And voting in Kalifornication.

When my, and most of your, ancestors came here, there was no Welfare. No Medicaid, no Free Housing, no Free -- Anything.

On my Father's side, they showed up in the mid-1700's got some land in Pennsylvania and worked their asses off until they died or were killed by pissed-off Indians. They were NOT a burden on society. They were sponsored and completely supported by relatives or indentured to a guildsman until they got on their feet

On my Mother's side, they arrived in New Orleans in the 1820's and worked their asses off until they died of old age or disease. They were NOT a burden on society.

Most of the people showing up at our borders anymore are INSTANTLY a burden on society. We have every right to complain about that.

Every right.

And until the crybabies in here choose to take them in and support them completely on their own -- With no help from anybody including the goobermint.....

They need to Shut The Fuck UP.
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If you want to live in the US you need to be a US citizen, and you need to assimilate.

You need to be a productive member of OUR society.

You need to swear allegiance to OUR flag.

You need to support yourself.

And no, to require those things isn't *going after* legal immigrants hahahahaha.
First and foremost, Asylum Seekers from Central America are supposed to be given asylum by Mexico. That is International Law. They are NOT supposed to be ferried through Mexico to the US by Coyotes trying to make a buck.

Few Mexicans are trying to come to the US illegally anymore. The ones that want to be here are already here. And voting in Kalifornication.

When my, any most of your, ancestors came here, there was no Welfare. No Medicaid, no Free Housing, no Free -- Anything.

On my Father's side, they showed up in the mid-1700's got some land in Pennsylvania and worked their asses off until they died or were killed by pissed-off Indians. They were NOT a burden on society. They were sponsored and completely supported by relatives or indentured to a guildsman until they got on their feet

On my Mother's side, they arrived in New Orleans in the 1820's and worked their asses off until they died of old age or disease. They were NOT a burden on society.

Most of the people showing up at our borders anymore are INSTANTLY a burden on society. We have every right to complain about that.

Every right.

And until the crybabies in here choose to take them in and support them completely on their own -- With no help from anybody including the goobermint.....

They need to Shut The Fuck UP.
The outrage over this reasonable policy boils down to people wanting to shove their own morality down every one elses throats.
First and foremost, Asylum Seekers from Central America are supposed to be given asylum by Mexico. That is International Law. They are NOT supposed to be ferried through Mexico to the US by Coyotes trying to make a buck.

Few Mexicans are trying to come to the US illegally anymore. The ones that want to be here are already here. And voting in Kalifornication.

When my, any most of your, ancestors came here, there was no Welfare. No Medicaid, no Free Housing, no Free -- Anything.

On my Father's side, they showed up in the mid-1700's got some land in Pennsylvania and worked their asses off until they died or were killed by pissed-off Indians. They were NOT a burden on society. They were sponsored and completely supported by relatives or indentured to a guildsman until they got on their feet

On my Mother's side, they arrived in New Orleans in the 1820's and worked their asses off until they died of old age or disease. They were NOT a burden on society.

Most of the people showing up at our borders anymore are INSTANTLY a burden on society. We have every right to complain about that.

Every right.

And until the crybabies in here choose to take them in and support them completely on their own -- With no help from anybody including the goobermint.....

They need to Shut The Fuck UP.
People like Coyote think all immigrants are criminals.

I'm not kidding. They have no frame of reference except what they are fed by the media..which portrays all immigrants as wetbacks, gang members, desperate and uneducated imbeciles who can't figure out how to pursue citizenship or independence.

They call rural Americans bigots and racists..when we are the ones who have worked side by side with Mexicans and Indians for centuries...where those communities are intrinsically worked into the fabric of our culture and are just as old as the white culture.

Requiring immigrants to not be criminal and to be self supporting is not an attack on all immigrants. Unless you think all immigrants are criminal welfare dependents.

Which of course those of us who actually know these populations know is not true.

The criminal/welfare sucking immigrants target their OWN COMMUNITIES.
I accept your moral argument. Now I have a question for you. Would it or would it not be better for our economy to get rid of those people?

It would absolutely NOT. We are a nation of immigrants. If you were to "get rid of" 11 million illegals from Mexico and another 30-40 million refugees from elsewhere, the economic impact on this country would be sudden and fierce. In the case of refugees, we provide them with TEMPORARY assistance until they are able to get back on their feet.

Rescue lives in Boise, ID
Here’s What’ll Happen to the Economy if We Deport Undocumented Immigrants
The outrage over this reasonable policy boils down to people wanting to shove their own morality down every one elses throats.

As long as it's somebody else's money, dimocrap scum are moral as can be.
Sorry bout that,

  1. I'm very pleased to say that some of you people are VERY smart.
  2. Your responses are spot on.
  3. You get it and this thread should be a gold mine of information on this huge problem.
  4. Thanks.

What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

If someone is dependent on the government dole for their existence, why shouldn't their own country pony up?

Back in the day, immigrants had to have sponsors willing to support them if things went south for them in any way. My grandfather housed his immigrant brother and his family back in the 1930's, when my great uncle got flooded out.

Immigrants, legal or otherwise, can't be depending on US taxpayers for their daily bread. The USA is not a soup kitchen for the world's desolate

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