So...Trump’s now going after legal immigrants.

There’s no reason to let people come here in a booming job market that don’t have self sustaining work lined up. It’s even dumber to bring these people here if the economy isn’t good.

Immigration papers need to be tied to work to be done. Apply for a job, the employer guarantees you will have that job upon arrival. Then you can come here with your immediate family (one wife, you and her biological children only).

There’s no reason to let people come here in a booming job market that don’t have self sustaining work lined up.

Fukin a. Deport west virginia!

Comparing deporting immigrants to deporting citizens born here. Yeah, that makes sense.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.

Well get them off their lazy buttocks then and tell them to take the FIRST available job because no more handouts, if they are able to work they should be working and paying taxes, they should be contributing to your economy not TAKING from it.

They can't help themselves. Their hypnosis trigger word is"immigrant".
Those violent terrorists and creeps that shot up citizens at the Boston Marathon and in Bakersfield CA and at Orlando Pulse nightclub were legal immigrants. They did not assimilate very much.
Sure they did. They are like the Vegas shooter, Dylan Roof, the Parkland shooter...
--------------------------- NO they ain't , dylan roof , vegas shooter . and 'parkland' murderer were American criminal murderers while the 'muslim' murderers that are mentioned were IMPORTED 'muslim' murderers . There is a big huge difference Coyote ,
Omar Mateen was born in Hyde Park NY. Hardly an import. At least do your research first.
There’s no reason to let people come here in a booming job market that don’t have self sustaining work lined up. It’s even dumber to bring these people here if the economy isn’t good.

Immigration papers need to be tied to work to be done. Apply for a job, the employer guarantees you will have that job upon arrival. Then you can come here with your immediate family (one wife, you and her biological children only).

There’s no reason to let people come here in a booming job market that don’t have self sustaining work lined up.

Fukin a. Deport west virginia!
I live in WV dude.
What, you mean just being alive and not a criminal doesn't entitle you to be taken care of by our government?
Could we set the bar just a bit higher?

And racist and xenophobic and all the other labels I suppose.
You hate brown people..............


Not really, but i am a realist. The US simply doesn't have the resources to take everybody in. It would be wonderful if we did, but we simply don't.

Not with the burdon of the red states and all.
Those violent terrorists and creeps that shot up citizens at the Boston Marathon and in Bakersfield CA and at Orlando Pulse nightclub were legal immigrants. They did not assimilate very much.
Sure they did. They are like the Vegas shooter, Dylan Roof, the Parkland shooter...
Cum Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc... If you don't already know this Latin phrase Please look it up and apply it to your future posts!
Those violent terrorists and creeps that shot up citizens at the Boston Marathon and in Bakersfield CA and at Orlando Pulse nightclub were legal immigrants. They did not assimilate very much.
Sure they did. They are like the Vegas shooter, Dylan Roof, the Parkland shooter...
--------------------------- NO they ain't , dylan roof , vegas shooter . and 'parkland' murderer were American criminal murderers while the 'muslim' murderers that are mentioned were IMPORTED 'muslim' murderers . There is a big huge difference Coyote ,
Omar Mateen was born in Hyde Park NY. Hardly an import. At least do your research first.
---------------------------- then his parents were imported muslims and 'omar' and his new imported bride were practitioners of 'islam' the Religion of Peace Coyote .
When voter laws are changed , say if you give a drivers license to any tom dick or harry without proof of citizenship because it's just convenient. Then you give voting "rights" to anyone with a drivers license. We have become this stupid. It's all to the benefit of illegals, who is driving this? I really doubt most Americans desire or want this silliness, but we got it. I see rich people that profit that don't care who or how it effects anyone. They are like the wizard of Oz. They are pulling all the handles and using all this smoke and mirrors to their benefit. Poor witto' rich white manipulators. We see through them.
Can the DACA people vote? I wonder?
If they are not contributing to America's economy, which they are not as they are all on welfare then they are draining your welfare system funded by taxpayers money, so from an economic viewpoint removing them would SAVE you money that you could put to a better more worthy use.

Agreed. From a strictly economic standpoint it's a good decision.
Is it? What will the total cost of such decisions be?

If you don't pay federal income taxes you are a drag on our government expenses. I want more people that can contribute, not more that need help. We're better off with fewer uneducated people that rely on welfare.
No one is contributing less than Ivanka and Melania.
Should we get rid of them too?
Oh right..They’re not brown skinned.

Melania's parents just became citizens under the current chain migration policy as well.

Melania Trump’s Parents Become U.S. Citizens, Using ‘Chain Migration’ Trump Hates

Oops ....
What a piece of trash he is.

Proposed Trump rule change could put millions of legal immigrants at risk of deportation

Currently, immigrants who rely on, or are expected to rely on, the government for more than half of their income are considered “public charges” and can be banned from entering the country or deported, even if they’re otherwise eligible for extended residency.

Immigrants who rely completely on welfare programs or long-term Medicaid benefits are typically considered public charges, but the Trump administration wants to extend those guidelines to include immigrants who use public housing, subsidies to help pay for health insurance, food stamps, income tax credits, the Children's Health Insurance Program and non-emergency uses of Medicaid, according to a White House draft obtained by The Washington Post.

A recent study by The New England Journal of Medicine found that the changes “could have important consequences for access to medical care and the health of millions of immigrants and their families.” An estimated 1 million noncitizens would lose their insurance, the study found.

Why do they completely rely on welfare why don't they have jobs and pay for themselves? Are they just lazy and expect American taxpayers to fund them and their family?
They don’t completely rely on welfare Lucy. Read the article.

Don't Lucy.

It's Newsweek.

CFR garbage meant to use emotional fallacies and dubious facts. The CFR is a globalist mouthpiece.

The fact is, the American economy is not structured to sustain more lower and middle income workers. These are lower and middle income workers that need health and nutritional assistance, just like Americans in the same situation. Why do we need more citizens in this economic class?

The article won't answer you that question, it will only make you feel bad for them.
Those violent terrorists and creeps that shot up citizens at the Boston Marathon and in Bakersfield CA and at Orlando Pulse nightclub were legal immigrants. They did not assimilate very much.
Sure they did. They are like the Vegas shooter, Dylan Roof, the Parkland shooter...
--------------------------- NO they ain't , dylan roof , vegas shooter . and 'parkland' murderer were American criminal murderers while the 'muslim' murderers that are mentioned were IMPORTED 'muslim' murderers . There is a big huge difference Coyote ,
Omar Mateen was born in Hyde Park NY. Hardly an import. At least do your research first.
---------------------------- then his parents were imported muslims and 'omar' and his new imported bride were practitioners of 'islam' the Religion of Peace Coyote .
He was born in America. Even Dylan Roof is the descendent of immigrants. If you are a native born American, assimilation is irrelevant. You need to do some research.
These are people here LEGALLY. They are obeying our laws, working, following the rules.
So maybe it isn't their fault some idiot let them in.

Some stupid bureaucrat needs to be fired rather than stripping their citizenship, is that what you are arguing?
muslim named 'omar mateen' was a muslim murderer conceived and raised by imported 'muslims' Coyote .
He was born in America. Even Dylan Roof is the descendent of immigrants. If you are a native born American, assimilation is irrelevant. You need to do some research.
What like the Abenaki tribe up by me or the Shawnees down in your neck of the woods... lol
And even if she did, does anybody really think a billionaire's wife wasn't going to be approved for citizenship for some reason? If that's unfair I'm sorry; the world is unfair. People like them are good for our taxes. Poor immigrants are not.

The better question is why would she lie?

Why would anyone?

Can you post that proof?

I agree that I don't really see why a billionaire's wife would need to lie to get citizenship. She was never going to be denied, ever.

She wasn't his wife at the time she applied to enter this country.

Well, I don't know much about their relationship. She was still a wealthy model that was never going to suck up welfare funds. It's different to me. Where is the proof though? I want to see the proof before I entertain this further.

If you don't know, you shouldn't comment, dope.
We have way too many Mexicans. It's downright racist I tell you. Send them back before they make babies, then it will be impossible and we will have to foot the bill for generations to come.

But my bleeding heart! People are suffering! Let's sacrifice our own comfort in a misguided attempt to save them!

Have you been directly affected?

Of course I have. Welfare is paid for with my money. I've always supported social safety nets for poor AMERICANS, but contributing people in the United States cannot afford to take care of the poor south of our border.

Of course I have. Welfare is paid for with my money

No doubt. I bet you help a family of five with their rent for a month anually.
Those violent terrorists and creeps that shot up citizens at the Boston Marathon and in Bakersfield CA and at Orlando Pulse nightclub were legal immigrants. They did not assimilate very much.
Sure they did. They are like the Vegas shooter, Dylan Roof, the Parkland shooter...
--------------------------- NO they ain't , dylan roof , vegas shooter . and 'parkland' murderer were American criminal murderers while the 'muslim' murderers that are mentioned were IMPORTED 'muslim' murderers . There is a big huge difference Coyote ,
Omar Mateen was born in Hyde Park NY. Hardly an import. At least do your research first.

Omar Mateen was born in Hyde Park NY

American born Muslims, like foreign born Muslims, are prone to Sudden Jihadi Syndrome.

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