So What Exactly Is the Crime Trump is Guilty Of?

Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”
And if you think you want to impeach Trump for violating public trust, most Americans will ask why you can’t beat him next year then.
I'm hoping it will be historic, just the way he likes it--an historic defeat of the biggest mistake the American electorate ever made.
My argument is that Trump commited the high crimes of Obstruction.
You want to read details? Sure go ahead: Did President Trump obstruct justice?

My argument is also that Trump corruptly abused his office in the latest episode of holding up millitary aid to get political favors from Ukraine, see above.

Do us both a favor and reply with something resembling substance in your next post. I know you just want to stick the fingers in your ears and no-no-no-no all day long but given the facts it's just laughable.

The problem with any accusation of the sort is that you run into the argument that what one considers obstruction, others just consider execution of Presidential power.

The only two previous impeachments were for specific acts. For Johnson it was violation of the Tenure of Office act. For Clinton, lying under oath.

Even with the other items added, all of the articles flowed through those two specific actions.

So far we have not seen anything concrete as this with regards to Trump.

Ahh yes, so when the President wanted Flynn's investigation to be squashed by Comey, he was actually acting as a good ol' steward of law, not a corrupt asshole trying to get his GUILTY AS HELL man off the hook.

When he fired Comey under false pretenses, only to later admit that it was actually over the "Russia thing" he was just being a good cop...who had to lie his ass off to the public.

When he ordered WH laywer to begin the process for removal of Special Investigator, he was just trying to help the justice process along.

When he ordered the entry of false records to cover up his efforts to get Mueller removed, he was just doing the right thing.

When he told Attorney General Sessions to ignore DOJ council, un-recuse himself and limit the scope of Special Investigation to only future elections, he was definetly not tending to his own personal interests. you seriously belive such horseshit?

If this was actually letigated in court any jury would convict Trump in all of half an hour on these charges.

How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:

The problem with any accusation of the sort is that you run into the argument that what one considers obstruction, others just consider execution of Presidential power.

The only two previous impeachments were for specific acts. For Johnson it was violation of the Tenure of Office act. For Clinton, lying under oath.

Even with the other items added, all of the articles flowed through those two specific actions.

So far we have not seen anything concrete as this with regards to Trump.

Ahh yes, so when the President wanted Flynn's investigation to be squashed by Comey, he was actually acting as a good ol' steward of law, not a corrupt asshole trying to get his GUILTY AS HELL man off the hook.

When he fired Comey under false pretenses, only to later admit that it was actually over the "Russia thing" he was just being a good cop...who had to lie his ass off to the public.

When he ordered WH laywer to begin the process for removal of Special Investigator, he was just trying to help the justice process along.

When he ordered the entry of false records to cover up his efforts to get Mueller removed, he was just doing the right thing.

When he told Attorney General Sessions to ignore DOJ council, un-recuse himself and limit the scope of Special Investigation to only future elections, he was definetly not tending to his own personal interests. you seriously belive such horseshit?

If this was actually letigated in court any jury would convict Trump in all of half an hour on these charges.

How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:


All people with an axe to grind.

Wishful thinking by a useless prog drone twat-waddle.

Keep this up, it just sets up another 4 years of Trump when all this backfires as everything else has so far.
Ahh yes, so when the President wanted Flynn's investigation to be squashed by Comey, he was actually acting as a good ol' steward of law, not a corrupt asshole trying to get his GUILTY AS HELL man off the hook.

When he fired Comey under false pretenses, only to later admit that it was actually over the "Russia thing" he was just being a good cop...who had to lie his ass off to the public.

When he ordered WH laywer to begin the process for removal of Special Investigator, he was just trying to help the justice process along.

When he ordered the entry of false records to cover up his efforts to get Mueller removed, he was just doing the right thing.

When he told Attorney General Sessions to ignore DOJ council, un-recuse himself and limit the scope of Special Investigation to only future elections, he was definetly not tending to his own personal interests. you seriously belive such horseshit?

If this was actually letigated in court any jury would convict Trump in all of half an hour on these charges.

How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:


All people with an axe to grind.

Wishful thinking by a useless prog drone twat-waddle.

Keep this up, it just sets up another 4 years of Trump when all this backfires as everything else has so far.

50%+ of the pulbic ALREADY supports impeachment investigation, about as much support removal from office - what the fuck are you smoking if you don't think this is a distinct possibility?

I btw I don't have an axe to grind in a sense that I LIKE the situation America finds itself. Removing a duly elected President is fundamentally disruptive to our republic, it's just less damaging than tollerating corruption for position of such power and responsibility.

I WISH Trump wasn't the corrupt asshole that he is, I WISH the Presidency would moderate his more deplorable impulses, I WISH he acted with integrity and not break the law. But unfortunately reality is just not so and we have to addrress this lawless behaviour at the highest level of our government, least we want the swamp to take hold.

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How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:


All people with an axe to grind.

Wishful thinking by a useless prog drone twat-waddle.

Keep this up, it just sets up another 4 years of Trump when all this backfires as everything else has so far.

50%+ of the pulbic ALREADY supports impeachment investigation, about as much support removal from office - what the fuck are you smoking if you don't think this is a distinct possibility?

I btw I don't have an axe to grind in a sense that I LIKE the situation America finds itself. Removing a duly elected President is fundamentally disruptive to our republic, it's just less damaging than tollerating corruption for position of such power and responsibility.

I WISH Trump wasn't the corrupt asshole that he is, I WISH the Presidency would moderate his more deplorable impulses, I WISH he acted with integrity and not break the law. But unfortunately reality is just not so and we have to addrress this lawless behaviour at the highest level of our government, least we want the swamp to take hold.


LOL polls. Poll questions can be structured to get the desired result, results can be "adjusted" for demographics to get the answers one wants.

What has Trump specifically done that presidents in the past have not done?

Oh wait, I forgot, all he did was win an election against your anointed savior, and your stinging butthurt blinds you to the partisan hackery that you are espousing.

Or you are a apologist republican, and even worse because you believe the other side won't use an impeachment/removal to cement their hold on this country and fucking ruin it.

In either case you are a worthless fucking scumbag, and should FOAD.
...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:


All people with an axe to grind.

Wishful thinking by a useless prog drone twat-waddle.

Keep this up, it just sets up another 4 years of Trump when all this backfires as everything else has so far.

50%+ of the pulbic ALREADY supports impeachment investigation, about as much support removal from office - what the fuck are you smoking if you don't think this is a distinct possibility?

I btw I don't have an axe to grind in a sense that I LIKE the situation America finds itself. Removing a duly elected President is fundamentally disruptive to our republic, it's just less damaging than tollerating corruption for position of such power and responsibility.

I WISH Trump wasn't the corrupt asshole that he is, I WISH the Presidency would moderate his more deplorable impulses, I WISH he acted with integrity and not break the law. But unfortunately reality is just not so and we have to addrress this lawless behaviour at the highest level of our government, least we want the swamp to take hold.


LOL polls

Lol at your detached from reality denials, keep at it swamper.
all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.
Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public. But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act
Opinions? YOUR opinions. YOUR investigators. YOUR lawyers. YOUR jury. Jury? THERE IS NO JURY!@! YOUR congressmen. YOUR public. Public? The public plays ZERO role in any of this. It takes a lot more than OPINIONS, fool. It will take hard evidence, proof, not dirty little lies by leakers hidden behind the drapes of calling them a "whistle blower" for theatrical effect! You have nothing but inferred innuendo from a phone call made looking into the criminality of a government official, and just as you offer nothing here to back up your bravado, son, you Dims are splitting a gut in fear that Trump and Barr will get too close to the dirt that was REALLY going on with Biden and his Son just as you split a gut worrying that Trump was getting too close to your dirty little deals behind the Steele Dossier when you tried to cover that up too with the smokescreen of a Mueller investigation.

Truth is that the nation has had it with your years of screaming THE SKY IS FALLING IN! Impeach! Investigate!

At some point, you'll have to put up or shut up. If you have FACTS, then impeach Trump and see what it gets you. You're running out of time before he beats your asses again next year.

Liz Peek: Democrats toss Biden aside in zeal to impeach — ensuring Trump's reelection

Why impeachment obsession could help keep President Trump in office

If Trump is in trouble, Biden will not escape | News, Sports, Jobs - Fairmont Sentinel
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all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:


All people with an axe to grind.

Wishful thinking by a useless prog drone twat-waddle.

Keep this up, it just sets up another 4 years of Trump when all this backfires as everything else has so far.

50%+ of the pulbic ALREADY supports impeachment investigation, about as much support removal from office - what the fuck are you smoking if you don't think this is a distinct possibility?

I btw I don't have an axe to grind in a sense that I LIKE the situation America finds itself. Removing a duly elected President is fundamentally disruptive to our republic, it's just less damaging than tollerating corruption for position of such power and responsibility.

I WISH Trump wasn't the corrupt asshole that he is, I WISH the Presidency would moderate his more deplorable impulses, I WISH he acted with integrity and not break the law. But unfortunately reality is just not so and we have to addrress this lawless behaviour at the highest level of our government, least we want the swamp to take hold.


LOL polls

Lol at your detached from reality denials, keep at it swamper.

Denial of what? Opinions?

Morons like you fling out any information that fits your narrative.
The House will draw up the charges not the posters on these boards.
The problem with any accusation of the sort is that you run into the argument that what one considers obstruction, others just consider execution of Presidential power.

The only two previous impeachments were for specific acts. For Johnson it was violation of the Tenure of Office act. For Clinton, lying under oath.

Even with the other items added, all of the articles flowed through those two specific actions.

So far we have not seen anything concrete as this with regards to Trump.

Ahh yes, so when the President wanted Flynn's investigation to be squashed by Comey, he was actually acting as a good ol' steward of law, not a corrupt asshole trying to get his GUILTY AS HELL man off the hook.

When he fired Comey under false pretenses, only to later admit that it was actually over the "Russia thing" he was just being a good cop...who had to lie his ass off to the public.

When he ordered WH laywer to begin the process for removal of Special Investigator, he was just trying to help the justice process along.

When he ordered the entry of false records to cover up his efforts to get Mueller removed, he was just doing the right thing.

When he told Attorney General Sessions to ignore DOJ council, un-recuse himself and limit the scope of Special Investigation to only future elections, he was definetly not tending to his own personal interests. you seriously belive such horseshit?

If this was actually letigated in court any jury would convict Trump in all of half an hour on these charges.

How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:

16 pages now and you Leftards can’t list anything, let alone any evidence.
Ahh yes, so when the President wanted Flynn's investigation to be squashed by Comey, he was actually acting as a good ol' steward of law, not a corrupt asshole trying to get his GUILTY AS HELL man off the hook.

When he fired Comey under false pretenses, only to later admit that it was actually over the "Russia thing" he was just being a good cop...who had to lie his ass off to the public.

When he ordered WH laywer to begin the process for removal of Special Investigator, he was just trying to help the justice process along.

When he ordered the entry of false records to cover up his efforts to get Mueller removed, he was just doing the right thing.

When he told Attorney General Sessions to ignore DOJ council, un-recuse himself and limit the scope of Special Investigation to only future elections, he was definetly not tending to his own personal interests. you seriously belive such horseshit?

If this was actually letigated in court any jury would convict Trump in all of half an hour on these charges.

How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:

16 pages now and you Leftards can’t list anything, let alone any evidence.
I finally got a response in the matter directly from Adam Schiff's mouth.

He said (and I parody) "Trump is a poopyhead!"
In impeachment cases the House draws up the charges, not board posters.
Ahh yes, so when the President wanted Flynn's investigation to be squashed by Comey, he was actually acting as a good ol' steward of law, not a corrupt asshole trying to get his GUILTY AS HELL man off the hook.

When he fired Comey under false pretenses, only to later admit that it was actually over the "Russia thing" he was just being a good cop...who had to lie his ass off to the public.

When he ordered WH laywer to begin the process for removal of Special Investigator, he was just trying to help the justice process along.

When he ordered the entry of false records to cover up his efforts to get Mueller removed, he was just doing the right thing.

When he told Attorney General Sessions to ignore DOJ council, un-recuse himself and limit the scope of Special Investigation to only future elections, he was definetly not tending to his own personal interests. you seriously belive such horseshit?

If this was actually letigated in court any jury would convict Trump in all of half an hour on these charges.

How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.


Yep, just opinions. Opinions of investigators, opinions of lawyers, opinions of the jury, opinions of the Congressmen, opinions of the public.

But of course those opinions are PLENTY to impeach, remove and even convict to jail time our swamp lord POTUS, all while you are busy performing this ancient act:

16 pages now and you Leftards can’t list anything, let alone any evidence.

You keep asking and then ignoring when the answers are provided.

One might almost think you are a dishonest fuck


Campaign finance breaches

Abuse of power


Let's go with those for now

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