So What Exactly Is the Crime Trump is Guilty Of?

Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.

According to Lindsey Graham there does not need to be a crime.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role, Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
What is the charge and the evidence of the charge?

According to Lindsey Graham there does not need to be a crime.
I said charge. What is the charge for impeachment of Trump and the evidence? He beat Hillary? Guilty.

If there does not need to be a crime, there does not need to be a charge. Do try and keep up with what your own people have said.

Translation - Dems don't like the result of an election. Screw the voters Brexit style.

Wrong again, no mention of money or aid in exchange for actions on Ukraine's part.

So when Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating the generous aid America is providing what the fuck do you think he is talking about?

As Cohen explained in his testimony, Trump conducts his dirty bussiness the way mobsters conduct their bussiness, especially when he knows the conversation is being listened to. He instinctually will try to bake in plausable deniability and will not explicitly state the corrupt bussiness, but still make sure you understand exactly what is at stake and what he wants.

Mobsters do not go around saying "pay us or we'll set your bussiness on fire tommrow", they say things like "oh, what a nice store you have, it would be a shame if something happened to it, so how about you pay us a low monthly payment to protect you?".

Similarly when Trump was asking Comey to squash Flynn's investigation he did not explicitly say that, but instead asked Comey "if you could find a way to let Flynn go".

So what do you call it when Biden says fire the prosecutor or I'm not going to give you a billion dollars.

Hint, a corrupt motherfucker.

Ukrainian anti-corruption watch groups were ringing the alarms that the prosecutor was corrupt and was lining his pockets by squashing corruption investigations into wealthy Ukranians moguls.

IMF said he was corrupt. DoS said he was corrupt.

Prosecutor's OWN DEPUTY said he was corrupt when he quit in protest. This deputy was reinstated when Zelenskyy became the president.

So given all that I call it GOOD FOREIGN POLICY. What the fuck do YOU call it?

Corruption. Now why don't you tell the class just what qualifications Hunter Biden had to be sitting on the board of an energy company. The only gas he's familiar with is what comes out of his ass.

Hey moron, forcing a country to dump a corrupt investigator is not corruption, it the opposite (duh).

Hunter Biden's qualifications for sitting on the board of energy company:

High profile, high prestige American.
Long list of connections.
Nice haircut and suit.
Functional mouth.

Sons of Vice Presidents of the United States of America don't just go working half-way around the world to underdeveloped countries for peanuts.
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Well, good luck trying to find any quid pro quo on Trump.

Don't need luck - it's right in the transcript.

Produce it then. No one else has been able to.

I already did right here in this thread
There's really no sense trying, Antonoo. The right wingers are starting threads every ten minutes asking, hypothetically, about the impeachment investigation, but they have no interest in the answers.
View attachment 282032

they're f'n RUSSIANS

Sure, that must be it. Now we are supposed to vote for you communists? The left is the Jussie Smollett of political hit jobs. You guys suck at it.
Wrong again, no mention of money or aid in exchange for actions on Ukraine's part.

So when Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating the generous aid America is providing what the fuck do you think he is talking about?

As Cohen explained in his testimony, Trump conducts his dirty bussiness the way mobsters conduct their bussiness, especially when he knows the conversation is being listened to. He instinctually will try to bake in plausable deniability and will not explicitly state the corrupt bussiness, but still make sure you understand exactly what is at stake and what he wants.

Mobsters do not go around saying "pay us or we'll set your bussiness on fire tommrow", they say things like "oh, what a nice store you have, it would be a shame if something happened to it, so how about you pay us a low monthly payment to protect you?".

Similarly when Trump was asking Comey to squash Flynn's investigation he did not explicitly say that, but instead asked Comey "if you could find a way to let Flynn go".

So what do you call it when Biden says fire the prosecutor or I'm not going to give you a billion dollars.

Hint, a corrupt motherfucker.

Ukrainian anti-corruption watch groups were ringing the alarms that the prosecutor was corrupt and was lining his pockets by squashing corruption investigations into wealthy Ukranians moguls.

IMF said he was corrupt. DoS said he was corrupt.

Prosecutor's OWN DEPUTY said he was corrupt when he quit in protest. This deputy was reinstated when Zelenskyy became the president.

So given all that I call it GOOD FOREIGN POLICY. What the fuck do YOU call it?

Corruption. Now why don't you tell the class just what qualifications Hunter Biden had to be sitting on the board of an energy company. The only gas he's familiar with is what comes out of his ass.

Hey moron, forcing a country to dump a corrupt investigator is not corruption, it the opposite (duh).

Hunter Biden's qualifications for sitting on the board of energy company:

High profile, high prestige American.
Long list of connections.
Nice haircut and suit.
Functional mouth.

Sons of Vice Presidents of the United States of America don't just go working half-way around the world to underdeveloped countries for peanuts.

Thanks for pointing out he doesn't know a fucking thing about energy. Thanks for pointing out Hunter got paid just because his father was the Vice President.

Say goodbye to Biden, dipshit. Trump just brought him down and he won't be President.

Say goodbye to the Democrat party. Non of the Socialists will be elected President.

Can't wait for your melted snowflake picture next year after the election. Trump will be your President.
So when Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating the generous aid America is providing what the fuck do you think he is talking about?

As Cohen explained in his testimony, Trump conducts his dirty bussiness the way mobsters conduct their bussiness, especially when he knows the conversation is being listened to. He instinctually will try to bake in plausable deniability and will not explicitly state the corrupt bussiness, but still make sure you understand exactly what is at stake and what he wants.

Mobsters do not go around saying "pay us or we'll set your bussiness on fire tommrow", they say things like "oh, what a nice store you have, it would be a shame if something happened to it, so how about you pay us a low monthly payment to protect you?".

Similarly when Trump was asking Comey to squash Flynn's investigation he did not explicitly say that, but instead asked Comey "if you could find a way to let Flynn go".

So what do you call it when Biden says fire the prosecutor or I'm not going to give you a billion dollars.

Hint, a corrupt motherfucker.

Ukrainian anti-corruption watch groups were ringing the alarms that the prosecutor was corrupt and was lining his pockets by squashing corruption investigations into wealthy Ukranians moguls.

IMF said he was corrupt. DoS said he was corrupt.

Prosecutor's OWN DEPUTY said he was corrupt when he quit in protest. This deputy was reinstated when Zelenskyy became the president.

So given all that I call it GOOD FOREIGN POLICY. What the fuck do YOU call it?

Corruption. Now why don't you tell the class just what qualifications Hunter Biden had to be sitting on the board of an energy company. The only gas he's familiar with is what comes out of his ass.

Hey moron, forcing a country to dump a corrupt investigator is not corruption, it the opposite (duh).

Hunter Biden's qualifications for sitting on the board of energy company:

High profile, high prestige American.
Long list of connections.
Nice haircut and suit.
Functional mouth.

Sons of Vice Presidents of the United States of America don't just go working half-way around the world to underdeveloped countries for peanuts.

Thanks for pointing out he doesn't know a fucking thing about energy. Thanks for pointing out Hunter got paid just because his father was the Vice President.

Say goodbye to Biden, dipshit. Trump just brought him down and he won't be President.

Say goodbye to the Democrat party. Non of the Socialists will be elected President.

Can't wait for your melted snowflake picture next year after the election. Trump will be your President.


What else is there to say to such delusional idiocy?
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”

Vox is an extreme left wing site, it is about as useful as National Review.

However, the House can impeach on any grounds and send it to the Senate where they will decide the fate of the Presidency. If the Democrats impeach and the Senate doesn't find grounds, then the Democrats will be hurt. If the Senate does convicts, then the GOP will wash their hands on Trump and Presidential candidates will line up and Pence will become the President and will also run.
Okay. Alexander Hamilton and lawyers conversant in criminal law as it applies to politicking are no good if Vox publishes them. I should have known.

What source would you believe?

I started reading your article and got a couple sentences and quit, the bias is heavy in an opinion piece. What benefit is that to anyone? If I linked an op-ed piece that from Breitbart with lawyers claiming Trump was absolutely innocent, would you put much weight into it?

Give me an objective article. A little right and left mixed in to see both sides.
Don't need luck - it's right in the transcript.

Produce it then. No one else has been able to.

I already did right here in this thread
There's really no sense trying, Antonoo. The right wingers are starting threads every ten minutes asking, hypothetically, about the impeachment investigation, but they have no interest in the answers.
View attachment 282032

they're f'n RUSSIANS

Sure, that must be it. Now we are supposed to vote for you communists? The left is the Jussie Smollett of political hit jobs. You guys suck at it.

YOU tell me you didnt vote for a communist saluting son of a bitch -
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”

Vox is an extreme left wing site, it is about as useful as National Review.

However, the House can impeach on any grounds and send it to the Senate where they will decide the fate of the Presidency. If the Democrats impeach and the Senate doesn't find grounds, then the Democrats will be hurt. If the Senate does convicts, then the GOP will wash their hands on Trump and Presidential candidates will line up and Pence will become the President and will also run.
Okay. Alexander Hamilton and lawyers conversant in criminal law as it applies to politicking are no good if Vox publishes them. I should have known.

What source would you believe?

I started reading your article and got a couple sentences and quit, the bias is heavy in an opinion piece. What benefit is that to anyone? If I linked an op-ed piece that from Breitbart with lawyers claiming Trump was absolutely innocent, would you put much weight into it?

Give me an objective article. A little right and left mixed in to see both sides.

Ok, how about FOX news legal analyst's explaination of it?

In Ukraine call, Trump apparently personally and directly committed a crime
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”

Vox is an extreme left wing site, it is about as useful as National Review.

However, the House can impeach on any grounds and send it to the Senate where they will decide the fate of the Presidency. If the Democrats impeach and the Senate doesn't find grounds, then the Democrats will be hurt. If the Senate does convicts, then the GOP will wash their hands on Trump and Presidential candidates will line up and Pence will become the President and will also run.
Okay. Alexander Hamilton and lawyers conversant in criminal law as it applies to politicking are no good if Vox publishes them. I should have known.

What source would you believe?

I started reading your article and got a couple sentences and quit, the bias is heavy in an opinion piece. What benefit is that to anyone? If I linked an op-ed piece that from Breitbart with lawyers claiming Trump was absolutely innocent, would you put much weight into it?

Give me an objective article. A little right and left mixed in to see both sides.

Ok, how about FOX news legal analyst's explaination of it?

In Ukraine call, Trump apparently personally and directly committed a crime

Apparently is a good word, not a big Fox fan. So he apparently committed a crime. That seems to be the big question. I am willing to let the House and Senate mess with the issue.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.

Not being a Leftoid
Wrong again, no mention of money or aid in exchange for actions on Ukraine's part.

So when Trump talks about Ukraine not reciprocating the generous aid America is providing what the fuck do you think he is talking about?

As Cohen explained in his testimony, Trump conducts his dirty bussiness the way mobsters conduct their bussiness, especially when he knows the conversation is being listened to. He instinctually will try to bake in plausable deniability and will not explicitly state the corrupt bussiness, but still make sure you understand exactly what is at stake and what he wants.

Mobsters do not go around saying "pay us or we'll set your bussiness on fire tommrow", they say things like "oh, what a nice store you have, it would be a shame if something happened to it, so how about you pay us a low monthly payment to protect you?".

Similarly when Trump was asking Comey to squash Flynn's investigation he did not explicitly say that, but instead asked Comey "if you could find a way to let Flynn go".

So what do you call it when Biden says fire the prosecutor or I'm not going to give you a billion dollars.

Hint, a corrupt motherfucker.

Ukrainian anti-corruption watch groups were ringing the alarms that the prosecutor was corrupt and was lining his pockets by squashing corruption investigations into wealthy Ukranians moguls.

IMF said he was corrupt. DoS said he was corrupt.

Prosecutor's OWN DEPUTY said he was corrupt when he quit in protest. This deputy was reinstated when Zelenskyy became the president.

So given all that I call it GOOD FOREIGN POLICY. What the fuck do YOU call it?

Corruption. Now why don't you tell the class just what qualifications Hunter Biden had to be sitting on the board of an energy company. The only gas he's familiar with is what comes out of his ass.

Hey moron, forcing a country to dump a corrupt investigator is not corruption, it the opposite (duh).

Hunter Biden's qualifications for sitting on the board of energy company:

High profile, high prestige American.
Long list of connections.
Nice haircut and suit.
Functional mouth.

Sons of Vice Presidents of the United States of America don't just go working half-way around the world to underdeveloped countries for peanuts.
Ukraine is best judged on how to run their own government and who’s corrupt and who’s just doing their job investigating the corrupt son of Joe Biden.
Must make you proud Biden was making $50,000 a month on Big Oil. And here we thought you Leftards cared about the environment.
The Left have nothing. They parrot we gottem this time without a clue what they are talking about 14 pages in this thread and they can’t even say what Trump would be impeached for, let alone provide any evidence to support it.
Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.
Well, that's because it's a pretty stupid thread.
TRANSLATION: I ain't got a clue enough to even lie one up.
Anyone that doesn't already know are the clueless ones, while the Trump inner circle is complicit in his crimes, e.g. Giuliani. All that remains is the slow defection of Republican Senators and the loss of the remote chance he has of finishing his presidency. Romney is only the first.
]Anyone that doesn't already know are the clueless ones
That must make you clueless then otherwise you'd state the case! But then, you are still clueless and in denial about all the other crimes by Hillary, Obama and the hundred or so surrounding them.
while the Trump inner circle is complicit in his crimes, e.g. Giuliani.
Those "crimes" which you cannot even state. Got it.
All that remains is the slow defection of Republican Senators and the loss of the remote chance he has of finishing his presidency. Romney is only the first.
How can you have a "defection" of someone you never had in the first place? Romney is another POS like Flake and McCain, the kind of RINOS you just love.
What is your argument? Vague references to perceived violations with no actual backing.

My argument is that Trump commited the high crimes of Obstruction.
You want to read details? Sure go ahead: Did President Trump obstruct justice?

My argument is also that Trump corruptly abused his office in the latest episode of holding up millitary aid to get political favors from Ukraine, see above.

Do us both a favor and reply with something resembling substance in your next post. I know you just want to stick the fingers in your ears and no-no-no-no all day long but given the facts it's just laughable.

The problem with any accusation of the sort is that you run into the argument that what one considers obstruction, others just consider execution of Presidential power.

The only two previous impeachments were for specific acts. For Johnson it was violation of the Tenure of Office act. For Clinton, lying under oath.

Even with the other items added, all of the articles flowed through those two specific actions.

So far we have not seen anything concrete as this with regards to Trump.

Ahh yes, so when the President wanted Flynn's investigation to be squashed by Comey, he was actually acting as a good ol' steward of law, not a corrupt asshole trying to get his GUILTY AS HELL man off the hook.

When he fired Comey under false pretenses, only to later admit that it was actually over the "Russia thing" he was just being a good cop...who had to lie his ass off to the public.

When he ordered WH laywer to begin the process for removal of Special Investigator, he was just trying to help the justice process along.

When he ordered the entry of false records to cover up his efforts to get Mueller removed, he was just doing the right thing.

When he told Attorney General Sessions to ignore DOJ council, un-recuse himself and limit the scope of Special Investigation to only future elections, he was definetly not tending to his own personal interests. you seriously belive such horseshit?

If this was actually letigated in court any jury would convict Trump in all of half an hour on these charges.

How much of your accusations are based on hearsay and opinion, and how much on actual fact?

...these are all events outlined in Special Investigation Report Volume II, based on evidence and direct testimony to the investigators by Trump's people.

We've just had Lewandowski testify before the Congress that everything Mueller's report lays out about Trump asking him to go tell Sessions to unrecuse and limit the investigation(or be fired) is true.

You are just gasping for straws here.


all opinions and viewpoints, nothing concrete to show Trump did anything wrong except win the election.

Beating Hillaryous in an election is a crime against humanity.
I expect that will be the conclusion of this thread.
Well, that's because it's a pretty stupid thread.
TRANSLATION: I ain't got a clue enough to even lie one up.
Anyone that doesn't already know are the clueless ones, while the Trump inner circle is complicit in his crimes, e.g. Giuliani. All that remains is the slow defection of Republican Senators and the loss of the remote chance he has of finishing his presidency. Romney is only the first.
Entire thread is the opportunity for you Leftards to display your evidence.

15 pages now of epic failure for you to do so, which means you’re just parroting your emails from Soros.
Time to cut thru the hyperbole.

Please provide the exact quotes from the transcripts that show law(s) have been violated.
Not some quote from a talking head, MSM, or Kos, the direct quotes from the transcript.

I’ve asked a number of times and the only response has been ‘we know he did it’

So give us the evidence.
It's right in front of your stupid fucking nose. Keep those eyes shut tight, won't you?
Here are the criminal charges that Trump and his hired thugs Giuliani and Barr could be facing.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

But please note that the House can impeach for "violation of the public trust." So either way, the House is acting within its Constitutional powers.

It’s worth noting that the House, which has the sole power to impeach a president, can do so without a finding of criminal wrongdoing by the president. In other words, a president who hasn’t violated the law can still be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a term that includes many actual federal crimes but that also includes what Alexander Hamilton described as “abuse or violation of some public trust.”
And if you think you want to impeach Trump for violating public trust, most Americans will ask why you can’t beat him next year then.
I'm hoping it will be historic, just the way he likes it--an historic defeat of the biggest mistake the American electorate ever made.

LMAO Well for a "mistake" the country is doing pretty damned good.

Lowest UE in 50 years. The economy doing great and jobs all across America. What do you think the voter will be looking at??

Like me they are LTAO at the impeachment bull shit.

I'm wondering who the people are Trump told the Ukranian president were interested in Biden his son and the deal. I'd bet the DOJ and Barr are those people. Should be one interesting report.

Oh and if big mouth Biden hadn't reported what he did on national television no one would have know. What a moron.

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