So What Was the Logic of Forcing People to Get the Shot Against People’s Will?

I am not sure what you are trying to prove with your links defending your Master Joe…your links show people died…nobody claimed people didn’t die when trump was president from this new virus

Keep making post trying to defend your master genocide Joey Xiden and his record Covid deaths
I am showing how much of a boot licking fool you are. I don't have to defend Joe or anyone else, the numbers speak for themselves. See that is something boot licking, Trump Humpers like you run from, facts. You just keep on cooning, boot licker. Too bad they will never accept you, no matter how much white ass you kiss.
And before you get into the ‘nobody was forced’ BS, sure you could have refused.

You just lose your job, denied entry to places you wanted to go, denied new jobs, etc etc.

I know this is news for some who worship big brother and big Pharma, but none of the Covid shots prevents infection nor does it prevent you from transmitting the virus.

So why were lives destroyed to force people to undergo medical procedures on their bodies against their will?

Well those who got Covid had a 1% chance of dying. They had a 20% chance of lingering effects. That includes shortness of breath and severe exhaustion. The good news is two years after the episode of Covid, those numbers are down to about 10%.

Most of us thought the shot was better than death or life changing effects.
And before you get into the ‘nobody was forced’ BS, sure you could have refused.
You just lose your job, denied entry to places you wanted to go, denied new jobs, etc etc.
I know this is news for some who worship big brother and big Pharma, but none of the Covid shots prevents infection nor does it prevent you from transmitting the virus.
So why were lives destroyed to force people to undergo medical procedures on their bodies against their will?

I've heard it claimed that rape isn't really about sex, or satisfying one's libido; but about power, about controlling and forcing another person.

I've never understood that. I guess I just don't have in me, the sort of craving for power and control, that supposedly drives rapists, if this claim is to be believed. The only thing in me, that I could ever imagine, if it was strong enough, could possibly drive me to rape would be my libido.

But if that theory about rape is true, then might not a similar force have been driving the push for mask mandates, drug mandates, lockdowns, and all the other absurd and excessive abuses of power that we saw in connection with the #CoronaHoax2020?

It sure as Hell wasn't to protect anyone from any disease.
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Is anyone surprised to learn that August West is a druggie?

I had to take drug tests when I was a crane operator. It certainly wasn`t fair when the weed I smoked 2 months ago is still detectable but it certainly wasn`t worth quitting or getting fired over.
What kind of crybaby would look for another job because they`re afraid of a little pinch or they think a chip is being implanted?
And you demand that you spread the disease on to me without my consent?

If you're so stupid and deceived as to be deathly afraid of a common cold, then •YOU• stay home, hiding in your mother's basement.

It is not the responsibility of sane, intelligent people to sacrifice any of our essential freedoms, to pander to the irrational fears of mentally-unsound cowards such as yourself.
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It was to kill millions of people or turn you into trans woke Antifa terrorists

Unfortunately, Trump was tricked into pushing this vaccine - Fauci outsmarted him and hid the fact that this vaccine was actually a Jewish plot in coordination with the Chinese to destroy America

Which is why it is so important to get Trump back in power because only he can protect us and he has never failed to protect us so far
I don't have to think about you. Hell, I will forget you when I move on even before I close the browser.
I didn't ask you what you think about me, I asked what you think you know about me. You apparently think you know I'm a traitor and a terrorist so I'm just curious as to how you came to such an unsavory assessment after just being asked a question.
Seen it all the
Please name one person in the USA upset they never got the mystery substance injected.
Most of them who went on the vent and died. That is, many thousands. They were begging to get the vax, but it was too late.

To give their faith credit, a few diehard imbeciles remained vax-haters as they were going under before being vented, never to regain consciousness.
Seen it all the

Most of them who went on the vent and died. That is, many thousands. They were begging to get the vax, but it was too late.

To give their faith credit, a few diehard imbeciles remained vax-haters as they were going under before being vented, never to regain consciousness.
Sorry, but almost all ChiCom flu deaths now are you triple jabbed 5 masks while sitting alone at home phobia cult.
You're delusional, you know. That's why you come to this SafeSpace to rant. You get laughed at too hard in the real world.
I see your masters keep you in the dark about that too.
This is old info you should have known a year ago if you could think for yourself. It’s higher now.
“April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data).”
If you're so stupid and deceived as to be deathly afraid of a common cold, then •YOU• stay home, hiding in your mother's basement.

It is not the responsibility of sane, intelligent people to sacrifice any of our essential freedoms, to pander to the irrational fears of mentally-unsound cowards such as yourself.
You got it
That wimp is steadfast in his feeling that I am obligated to take the same treatment as him in order for him to feel secure.
Most frightening is there are a lot like him that legislators wish to pander to.
People like me?

You don't know any.peoole like me, dumbass.
NOT anyone I hang out with.
If you did, you wouldn't be making an idiot out of yourself in public.
Awww...........poor teabagger, just because you were hungry, and turned down the offering of food, doesn't make the person offering food, the Idiot.

The idiot is YOU, DUMBASS.

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