So What Was the Value of Milo's Free Publicity from the Berkeley Riots Last Night?

How much free publicity did Milo get from the Leftwing Riots at Berkeley last night?

  • None at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Probably a few thousand USD worth, no more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tens of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Hundreds of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Millions; the Left just gave Milo a Gold Mine he can exploit for the rest of his life

    Votes: 12 50.0%

  • Total voters
It must be considerable, but I cant find any estimate anywhere.
Yeah, it's a LOT.

One thing that has remained constant over time is the blindness of zealots to their actions. They're so filled with manic, narcissistic rage that all they see is their "side".

Just as the GOP should send the Dems a Thank You card for Trump's election, Milo should send these little zombies one for the millions in publicity.

A pink one.
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I vote for a Pay-Per-View Special with Milo, Coulter, and Bill Maher!
Just imagine how many conservatives have been secretly wishing that they could trash the Berkeley campus just for shits, grins, and giggles, but here we have the leftwing Stupidity battalion doing it for them and creating a new media star for them too!

It is simply hilarious!
Milo only got publicity among the right-wing and alt-right media outlets, so it doesn't mean anything.

His following is limited to mostly losers who can't get girls and who are more prone to hiding behind social media profile pics of frogs named Pepe.

Naww.. You can keep feeding yourself that interpretation. But THE WORLD saw Berkeley in flames and knows the name of the guy "caused it". AND -- they also know that the media told the world this guy was an EXTREME white nationalist and racist/bigot. When the WORLD finds out --- he's really not -- it's gonna hurt the whole social/political/narrative that you folks have been peddling ------------------------------ just a bit...

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Milo only got publicity among the right-wing and alt-right media outlets, so it doesn't mean anything.

His following is limited to mostly losers who can't get girls and who are more prone to hiding behind social media profile pics of frogs named Pepe.

Naww.. You can keep feeding yourself that interpretation. But THE WORLD saw Berkeley in flames and knows the name of the guy "caused it". AND -- they also know that the media told the world this guy was an EXTREME white nationalist and racist/bigot. When the WORLD finds out --- he's really not -- it's gonna hurt the whole social/political/narrative that you folks have been peddling ------------------------------ just a bit...


lol yes, it's working for them as well as their, like, totally brilliant media campaign to 'discredit Trump!' for the last year has. lol hilarious how dumb these astro-turfers are.
lol yes, it's working for them as well as their, like, totally brilliant media campaign to 'discredit Trump!' for the last year has. lol hilarious how dumb these astro-turfers are.
Lol, these violent morons were a major factor WHY Trump got elected and they just boosted Milos book sales by 12000%.

I kinda hope they keep it up, roflmao.
You know I think those berkley people went overboard. They should have let him speak just to see how gay his mannerisms are. Body language speaks volumes
A gay Nazi, interesting.
Most gay people are Nazis. That's why they are called the GAYstapo.

Milo is a libertarian, the exact opposite of a Nazi.
Most Far Right folks, like you, love to point their fingers. You're Nazis all the same.
We're the opposite of Nazis. They favor big government, just like you.
Last night he told Tucker Carlson...

"Anyone who calls me a White Supremacist clearly hasn't been in my bedroom"

I could not stop laughing and hitting the back button on my remote...I must have watched it 10 times.....HILARIOUS.

Milo is AWESOME!
I do find it funny they call Milo a man who as he says loves black cock a racist.....Milo is many things but racist isnt one of them.
I do find it funny they call Milo a man who as he says loves black cock a racist.....Milo is many things but racist isnt one of them.
He dares them by making outrageous statements and they simply cannot help themselves. He has built his popularity on it and done quite successfully.

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