So What Was the Value of Milo's Free Publicity from the Berkeley Riots Last Night?

How much free publicity did Milo get from the Leftwing Riots at Berkeley last night?

  • None at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Probably a few thousand USD worth, no more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tens of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Hundreds of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Millions; the Left just gave Milo a Gold Mine he can exploit for the rest of his life

    Votes: 12 50.0%

  • Total voters
I think he's brilliant, and funny as heck!
And he's anti transgender.

Far more complicated and nuanced than being simply anti-transgender. Here's an hour and half of him explaining WHY self-declaration of trans status, and elevating the issue to highly political issue does not truly help the cause. The same way many actual DIAGNOSED trans people resent Bruce Jenner and some media depictions of their problems and issues.

I think he's brilliant, and funny as heck!
And he's anti transgender.

Far more complicated and nuanced than being simply anti-transgender. Here's an hour and half of him explaining WHY self-declaration of trans status, and elevating the issue to highly political issue does not truly help the cause. The same way many actual DIAGNOSED trans people resent Bruce Jenner and some media depictions of their problems and issues.

He's a progressive. It normalizes gays when they persecute the latest thing, transgender. And you rwnj fall for it every time. In 20 years you'll be cheering a transgender who is denegrating the new target, pedophiles. Then 20 years after that you'll be cheering on a pedi who's against zoophiles.

Rwnjs are the medium by which progressivism advances while styling yourself as it's opposition. Its a one trick pony. Ffs wake up.
I think he's brilliant, and funny as heck!
And he's anti transgender.

Far more complicated and nuanced than being simply anti-transgender. Here's an hour and half of him explaining WHY self-declaration of trans status, and elevating the issue to highly political issue does not truly help the cause. The same way many actual DIAGNOSED trans people resent Bruce Jenner and some media depictions of their problems and issues.

He's a progressive. It normalizes gays when they persecute the latest thing, transgender. And you rwnj fall for it every time. In 20 years you'll be cheering a transgender who is denegrating the new target, pedophiles. Then 20 years after that you'll be cheering on a pedi who's against zoophiles.

Rwnjs are the medium by which progressivism advances while styling yourself as it's opposition. Its a one trick pony. Ffs wake up.

I'm not a rwnj. That's your mistake. I look at the war as neutral and disgusted observer. See even Milo understands true transgender is not "a new thing". It's been medically recognized for a couple centuries at least. And it denigrates the true legitimate cases to have individuals DECLARING themselves trans without a proper diagnosis. And leads to all SORTS of political malarkey and needless conflict. I think his speech I posted shows that he's ACUTELY aware of the nuisances here. And probably is quite sane in his critique of transgender "declarations".

You cannot legally protect a class of people where the only requirement to belong in that case is Self-declaration.

We see this fail even in the protection of exercise of religion, when churches look for legal protection even tho they are the "Church of Giant Pesto Tortellini". Self-declaration makes a FARCE of the intent FOR the protection and demean the class that they were designed to protect..
I think he's brilliant, and funny as heck!
And he's anti transgender.

Far more complicated and nuanced than being simply anti-transgender. Here's an hour and half of him explaining WHY self-declaration of trans status, and elevating the issue to highly political issue does not truly help the cause. The same way many actual DIAGNOSED trans people resent Bruce Jenner and some media depictions of their problems and issues.

He's a progressive. It normalizes gays when they persecute the latest thing, transgender. And you rwnj fall for it every time. In 20 years you'll be cheering a transgender who is denegrating the new target, pedophiles. Then 20 years after that you'll be cheering on a pedi who's against zoophiles.

Rwnjs are the medium by which progressivism advances while styling yourself as it's opposition. Its a one trick pony. Ffs wake up.

I'm not a rwnj. That's your mistake. I look at the war as neutral and disgusted observer. See even Milo understands true transgender is not "a new thing". It's been medically recognized for a couple centuries at least. And it denigrates the true legitimate cases to have individuals DECLARING themselves trans without a proper diagnosis. And leads to all SORTS of political malarkey and needless conflict. I think his speech I posted shows that he's ACUTELY aware of the nuisances here. And probably is quite sane in his critique of transgender "declarations".

You cannot legally protect a class of people where the only requirement to belong in that case is Self-declaration.

We see this fail even in the protection of exercise of religion, when churches look for legal protection even tho they are the "Church of Giant Pesto Tortellini". Self-declaration makes a FARCE of the intent FOR the protection and demean the class that they were designed to protect..

Yes it is over diagnosed.
Milo only got publicity among the right-wing and alt-right media outlets, so it doesn't mean anything.

His following is limited to mostly losers who can't get girls and who are more prone to hiding behind social media profile pics of frogs named Pepe.
You know I think those berkley people went overboard. They should have let him speak just to see how gay his mannerisms are. Body language speaks volumes
A gay Nazi, interesting.
Most gay people are Nazis. That's why they are called the GAYstapo.

Milo is a libertarian, the exact opposite of a Nazi.
Most Far Right folks, like you, love to point their fingers. You're Nazis all the same.
I'd have to be a man to be gay heh I'm bi-greedy. My grandparents fled Nazi Germany so I'm definitely not a Nazi. I will take Capitalist Scum or Wealthy Bitch though.

Also, FYI Milo would bitch you out for calling him a Libertarian, he doesn't like them very much heh
Hopefully a lot. This guy seems to be working wonders with normalizing gay people among American conservatives.

Most people already know homosexuals are sociopaths and have far more in common with far right wing ideologies than liberal or progressive politics; as a demographic they're noted for their sycophantic worship of the wealthy and obscenely rich and dominate businesses that cater to them. Another reason it's hilarious how the faux 'left' panders to them and their fetishes.
He IS rather flamboyant about his homosexuality, and that is a big part of his message, that he can be gay and NOT be a prisoner of the left-wing plantation. That's probably WHY the left hates him so much, BECAUSE he's gay, and that makes him MORE DANGEROUS. If Milo were straight, they probably would have let him speak last night because he'd be just another run-of-the-mill conservative.

Most homosexuals are not left wing or even sympathetic to left wing causes, and never have been.
He IS rather flamboyant about his homosexuality, and that is a big part of his message, that he can be gay and NOT be a prisoner of the left-wing plantation. That's probably WHY the left hates him so much, BECAUSE he's gay, and that makes him MORE DANGEROUS. If Milo were straight, they probably would have let him speak last night because he'd be just another run-of-the-mill conservative.

Most homosexuals are not left wing or even sympathetic to left wing causes, and never have been.
Totally dumb statement.

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