So What Was the Value of Milo's Free Publicity from the Berkeley Riots Last Night?

How much free publicity did Milo get from the Leftwing Riots at Berkeley last night?

  • None at all

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Probably a few thousand USD worth, no more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tens of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Hundreds of thousands in free publicity

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Millions; the Left just gave Milo a Gold Mine he can exploit for the rest of his life

    Votes: 12 50.0%

  • Total voters
You ever hear the old America child's tale about B'rer Rabbit and the Tar Baby? Now VERY "politically incorrect". Probably banned from childrens' libraries now in the US. BUT -- Milo is the Tar Baby. The more the left attacks him, the more they get stuck and caught in their own hate and hypocrisy..


You typed "Tar Baby"! That makes you a racist white supremacists who wants to put all dark skinned people into death camps and you probably pull the wings off little butterflies to make Baby Jesus cry!

roflmao, yes, I totally agree with you.

But which is funnier, the left compounding their enemies value through sheer stupidity or the fact that they still just dont get what it is that they are doing?

I cant decide. :eusa_think:

Saw one progressive spinning from the assault on his senses this morning on USMB. Was trying to nail Milo for being a white supremacist at the SAME TIME he was screaming about homo Milo talking about non-aborted black babies growing up to nail him in the ass in his bedroom like his current black male lovers.

I mean --- what the fuck is the antidote for that? He just figured out how to punk them silly..
The thing about Milo is he would probably be OK with people making fun of his gayness. He is an enemy to the whole concept of political correctness.
He was already well known and he can stand on his own merits.
It is amazing how he deals with attacks as he is both witty and very direct.

Well he will be living the rest of his life off this stuff.

Having libtards go nuts in public rioting is as good as winning the lottery.
Maybe about equal to the property damage from the anti free speech riots.
I think that becoming a household name among conservatives and libertarians might be worth considerably more than that, dont you?

No way could my kids pronounce his name. They are products of common core.

Hell, I can't even pronounce it without looking at it.

He might become a household name if he changes his name to GAYCON or HOMONAZI or OPRAH.
He IS rather flamboyant about his homosexuality, and that is a big part of his message, that he can be gay and NOT be a prisoner of the left-wing plantation. That's probably WHY the left hates him so much, BECAUSE he's gay, and that makes him MORE DANGEROUS. If Milo were straight, they probably would have let him speak last night because he'd be just another run-of-the-mill conservative.

There's another angle to this. It's not just being VERY gay. He ALLOWS himself to be misrepresented in the media as one of those "alt-right" Trump supporters who are racist, bigots and neo-nazis -- and then DESTROYS that stereotype and the hate the caused the media and his detractors to make those accusations.
You ever hear the old America child's tale about B'rer Rabbit and the Tar Baby? Now VERY "politically incorrect". Probably banned from childrens' libraries now in the US. BUT -- Milo is the Tar Baby. The more the left attacks him, the more they get stuck and caught in their own hate and hypocrisy..


You typed "Tar Baby"! That makes you a racist white supremacists who wants to put all dark skinned people into death camps and you probably pull the wings off little butterflies to make Baby Jesus cry!

roflmao, yes, I totally agree with you.

But which is funnier, the left compounding their enemies value through sheer stupidity or the fact that they still just dont get what it is that they are doing?

I cant decide. :eusa_think:

Saw one progressive spinning from the assault on his senses this morning on USMB. Was trying to nail Milo for being a white supremacist at the SAME TIME he was screaming about homo Milo talking about non-aborted black babies growing up to nail him in the ass in his bedroom like his current black male lovers.

I mean --- what the fuck is the antidote for that? He just figured out how to punk them silly..

The only thing I've ever said about milo is he looks like the second coming of Liberace. And wondered if he played the piano. Body language speaks volumes man. You know it and I know it. I don't have a problem with milos homosexuality. If indeed he is one. You guys, I'm not so sure about.
Could the Dimmocrats being led from behind the scenes by a former Nazi collaborator be part of the root stupidity here?
That's exactly it. Milo because he is mega Gay is even scarier to the Left than Uncle Tom Blacks.
Milo gets gold. I also never heard of this guy and found him to be very intelligent and on the spot about those who attack him. As with anyone who refuses to be labeled a victim they are then demonized by the left ie. "mediocre negros ". They wish to paint Milo the mediocre queer.
Rioters shut down free speech. That's just fucked up.
Milo gets gold. I also never heard of this guy and found him to be very intelligent and on the spot about those who attack him. As with anyone who refuses to be labeled a victim they are then demonized by the left ie. "mediocre negros ". They wish to paint Milo the mediocre queer.
Rioters shut down free speech. That's just fucked up.
But the irony is that every time they do this, they anger and repell Middle Class Americans and make their targeted victim into a media star with the rest of the country.

I would really like it if Trump would tweet something sympatheitic about me, roflmao
I love what he did to Glamour Magazine to retract that he was a white supremacist. He told them that when they published the article he was still in his hotel room getting fudgepacked by his black boyfriend. I think it was Glamour. He has no fear. He makes them all print retractions.


They issued a retraction.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I love Milo to freaking death!
He's an ambiguous character. I can't understand the faggot community for rejecting him because his goal certainly is assimilation into the mainstream.
It was just some kids rioting and destroying property to stop someone from speaking with whom they disagree.

It's not like it was 3rd graders playing dodgeball at recess. That is real violence!
I think he's brilliant, and funny as heck!
I would enjoy this if it wasnt for the fact that Milo is a coward who pussed out in a debate with Shapiro.So progressives throwing a fit doesn't change that fact.
That's exactly it. Milo because he is mega Gay is even scarier to the Left than Uncle Tom Blacks.

Or "mediocre negroes" ?? Did you catch that one last week from an offended black leftist? Even the CNN anchor screwed up her face when he dropped that one. .

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