So where are all the threads praising the Trump healthcare bill?

/--- Do you think Obozo cared what was in his Obozocare bill or he just wanted it passed for his legacy?
I think President Obama cared, but he also left it up to Nancy Pelosi to organize writing it. I suspect he discussed it with her privately, but the public appearance was the Pelosi and other Democrats (no Republicans allowed. Remember that?) wrote it and President Obama signed it with only one House Republican voting for it and not a single Republican Senator voting for it.

House passes health care reform bill -
In the final tally, 219 Democrats voted for the legislation, and 39 voted against it.

Rep. Joe Cao (R-Louisiana) was the only Republican who voted in favor of the bill

H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- Senate Vote #396 -- Dec 24, 2009
Better yet, where are all the threads touting the successes of Obamacare? HA HA!
Better yet, where are all the threads touting the successes of Obamacare? HA HA!

The success of Obamacare can be found in the extreme anguish the Republicans are experiencing in their frantic effort to make it disappear and come up with something better.
15 million will lose coverage under this version. That's a big number for the GOP to deny or ignore.

And I believe that the same way I believed obama when he said we could keep our doctors and we could keep our plans and that the Bhengazi attack was due to a vide.....

The lying about the Republican plan is simply that...lying........but thanks for trying.
We don't blindly support President Trump the way you libs blindly supported President Obama.
This bill sucks. Thankfully there are republicans willing to fight it.
Shame the dems couldn't do the same with the "You must pass it to know what's in it" BS bill.
We don't blindly support President Trump
Maybe YOU don't, but oh so many do....grabbing pussy, accusing Obama of wiring tapping, telling the world he had a record breaking election and a record breaking inauguration and that he only lost the popular vote because 5 million illegals voted for Hillary. It's going on every day here.

And yet you guys believed obama...and hilary...and her actual, rapist husband......and it was 3 million illegal alien votes and democrats who cheated....we know they cheated because bob craemer and scot foval admitted to conducting massive voter fraud operations under the direction and pay of the democrat national committee and the hilary campaign...they admitted to these voter fraud operations on video, where they explained how they recruited the cheaters, how they got them to the polls and which states they targeted.......this is a fact, it was caught on can't lie about this....
Better yet, where are all the threads touting the successes of Obamacare? HA HA!

The success of Obamacare can be found in the extreme anguish the Republicans are experiencing in their frantic effort to make it disappear and come up with something better.

No...obama created it in such a way that like an EarWig from the old Night Gallery show, obamacare would eat it's way into the brain of America and lay eggs that couldn't be removed......

And of those people on obamacare...they aren't getting actual medical care...they can't afford it....
I think Obamacare had a good goal in that it aimed to allow Americans who get very sick to get care without bankrupting their families. We are the richest nation ever, so you'd think we could manage that. It got partially there. It's taxes on the wealthy and care providers were too low to support anything beyond premiums that were too high and big league deductables. So the effect was people got yearly physicals and preventative care without meeting the deductible, but the premiums they paid were too high. Many of us with employer sponsored have the same problem. If I just banked my share of paying for my family's insurance, I'd probably cover close to all of our preventative care. In the past 20 years, we've met our deductible maybe 5 times. The fact of INSURANCE is that those of us who don't file claims ALWAYS end up subsidizing those who do. But when we do get sick, the insurance is there to keep us from going bankrupt.

The Gop's reform should just have been keep the taxes on the rich and providers to fund tax credits large enough so people could get their preventative cardiovascular and cancer screens, and it we get really sick, just put us on Medicaid while not making our families give up the family home or college savings.
Better yet, where are all the threads touting the successes of Obamacare? HA HA!

The success of Obamacare can be found in the extreme anguish the Republicans are experiencing in their frantic effort to make it disappear and come up with something better.

No...obama created it in such a way that like an EarWig from the old Night Gallery show, obamacare would eat it's way into the brain of America and lay eggs that couldn't be removed......

And of those people on obamacare...they aren't getting actual medical care...they can't afford it....
they get wellness checkups without deductables.
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?

As usual you're clueless as to the intent of the current bill. It is NOT the full health care plan. It is designed to gut all the financing and taxes in maobamacare, essentially killing it. It is the first phase of a 3-4 phase plan and only contains the elements that can be passed using reconciliation.
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

By "elderly," I hope that you morons mean someone younger than 65 for obvious reasons. Death Spiral for the ACa is yet another bullshit line from the republicans.....Actually.....if I may....I'd call it "fake news."
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

By "elderly," I hope that you morons mean someone younger than 65 for obvious reasons. Death Spiral for the ACa is yet another bullshit line from the republicans.....Actually.....if I may....I'd call it "fake news."
Medicare and Medicaid isn't sustainable either. The fakery is on you.
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?

You don't understand conservatives, so you're not wrong, you just are clueless about what it means to be a conservative. Conservatives are generally opposed to a nation wide healthcare plan. That's why we are not touting this bill. You've read thousands of post from conservatives, and still are not capable of understanding what it means to be a conservative. Like I have said before, being a conservative takes more deliberate, intellectual thought, as well as a keen sense of nuance. Your thread proves you're lacking in those areas.

So your dream candidate, Mr. anti-GOP establishment conservative extraordinaire Donald Trump,

isn't quite what you bargained for.

Wrong myopic dipshit. He isn't the pant suit bulldyke.
I think Obamacare had a good goal in that it aimed to allow Americans who get very sick to get care without bankrupting their families. We are the richest nation ever, so you'd think we could manage that. It got partially there. It's taxes on the wealthy and care providers were too low to support anything beyond premiums that were too high and big league deductables. So the effect was people got yearly physicals and preventative care without meeting the deductible, but the premiums they paid were too high. Many of us with employer sponsored have the same problem. If I just banked my share of paying for my family's insurance, I'd probably cover close to all of our preventative care. In the past 20 years, we've met our deductible maybe 5 times. The fact of INSURANCE is that those of us who don't file claims ALWAYS end up subsidizing those who do. But when we do get sick, the insurance is there to keep us from going bankrupt.

The Gop's reform should just have been keep the taxes on the rich and providers to fund tax credits large enough so people could get their preventative cardiovascular and cancer screens, and it we get really sick, just put us on Medicaid while not making our families give up the family home or college savings.
I'd agree with much of what you say, I worry about taxing "the rich and care providers" part. With the black hole that the fed govt has become and the never ending rise in health care costs, it's not too hard to imagine that there will never be enough money.

To me the biggest problem with the ACA is that it took away choices. As a small business person I've always had a number of young people working for me and the HSA plans that became popular were phenomenal for them. Saved me money and saved them boatloads. With the ACA those plans disappeared. At the same time my rates for family folks and the older folks saw huge increases in both premiums and deductibles. It's the whole "one size fits all" view of big govt supporters, "it works in Boston, it'll work in Hog Wallow Tennessee".

What I really hate about the arguments surrounding healthcare in this country is the whole "Obamacare is the best thing ever" vs "Obamacare is evil incarnate". You just can't have rational discussion.

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