So where are all the threads praising the Trump healthcare bill?

If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?
It's more than amusing to see the RW saying it has to pass before we see what it is.
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?

You don't understand conservatives, so you're not wrong, you just are clueless about what it means to be a conservative. Conservatives are generally opposed to a nation wide healthcare plan. That's why we are not touting this bill. You've read thousands of post from conservatives, and still are not capable of understanding what it means to be a conservative. Like I have said before, being a conservative takes more deliberate, intellectual thought, as well as a keen sense of nuance. Your thread proves you're lacking in those areas.

So your dream candidate, Mr. anti-GOP establishment conservative extraordinaire Donald Trump,

isn't quite what you bargained for.
There were more conservative candidates but one one willing/capable of fighting the leftist media machine. He made my dream come true, you don't speak for me.
I don't think it is going to pass as easy as they thought..

The word is getting out that the rich over $200,000 a year will benefit otherwise you are screwed if you are old and not on medicare//
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

But don't you think taking the penalties away took care of that..?

If these corrupt people in office would go after the Corrupt FDA, Big Pharma and some Medical people who give them large amounts of money so they look the other way and vote for these corrupt people.

Did you know that the doctors are bound by the FDA only or they will lose their license.. The FDA then binds the people to only buy the corrupt Big pharma drugs, ect.

They have the American people by the throat, but never ever mention this or go after and stop it..
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?
It's more than amusing to see the RW saying it has to pass before we see what it is.
Who said that? It has to be in a final form to know what's in it. That's confusing?
I don't think it is going to pass as easy as they thought..

The word is getting out that the rich over $200,000 a year will benefit otherwise you are screwed if you are old and not on medicare//
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

But don't you think taking the penalties away took care of that..?

If these corrupt people in office would go after the Corrupt FDA, Big Pharma and some Medical people who give them large amounts of money so they look the other way and vote for these corrupt people.

Did you know that the doctors are bound by the FDA only or they will lose their license.. The FDA then binds the people to only buy the corrupt Big pharma drugs, ect.

They have the American people by the throat, but never ever mention this or go after and stop it..
Trump has mentioned drug costs and the FDA as being a huge part of the problem. I heard it in almost every rally and after the election. Liberals only know what they've been told.
Unlike Pelosi I'm not going to jump to conclusions BEFORE IT'S PASSED. I have no idea how the final bill is going to look so passing judgment is pointless. Much like I don't want to see the sausage I buy as its in the meat grinder stage of production.
The bill will change or it won't pass.

you saw the final bill, son. That is it
You are apparently oblivious to how bills are created in DC. Let me help you...

Schoolhouse Rock: America - I'm Just a Bill Music Video - YouTube

That should be appropriate to your level of understanding & knowledge
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?
It's more than amusing to see the RW saying it has to pass before we see what it is.
It more than amusing to see idiots make shit up just to argue against it.
I will let you know what I think about it when we see final version what has been put out so far is only step one.
Ryan told us this is the best we would get.
Time will tell.
Agreed, but I'm guessing the bill won't pass due to individual Senator or Representative concerns of their constituents. Politicians, when faced with a highly controversial decision, will often do nothing to change the status quo. In this case, they'll nitpick something bad in the bill as an excuse to not vote for it. If they vote for it and it passes, then they become responsible for every bad thing that happens to their voters. In this case, mostly increased medical costs.

Nobody wants their name on the GOP health care bill -
The White House says don't call it "Trumpcare." Critics are labeling it "Ryancare" and "Obamacare lite." Hospitals hate it and insurers are pushing the panic button.

The House GOP bill to repeal Obamacare is quickly becoming a bill that nobody wants to own.

Since its introduction this week, legislation from top House Republicans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act has drawn a flood of opposition from lawmakers and a range of health care leaders and industry stakeholders, including major doctors and hospital groups....

...The widespread wariness about having the Obamacare repeal bill named after any one person in the party comes amid mounting criticism of the legislation. It's a clear sign of the grave political ramifications of the GOP efforts to overhaul a health care system that has provided coverage to some 20 million people -- and how much will be at stake in upcoming elections if Republicans' plan leads to millions of people losing their insurance....
I don't think it is going to pass as easy as they thought..

The word is getting out that the rich over $200,000 a year will benefit otherwise you are screwed if you are old and not on medicare//
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

But don't you think taking the penalties away took care of that..?

If these corrupt people in office would go after the Corrupt FDA, Big Pharma and some Medical people who give them large amounts of money so they look the other way and vote for these corrupt people.

Did you know that the doctors are bound by the FDA only or they will lose their license.. The FDA then binds the people to only buy the corrupt Big pharma drugs, ect.

They have the American people by the throat, but never ever mention this or go after and stop it..
Trump has mentioned drug costs and the FDA as being a huge part of the problem. I heard it in almost every rally and after the election. Liberals only know what they've been told.

I am not a liberal weasel... It is all Talk... hot air... too many people are making won't happen unless if he wants to fight a HUGE mob.. And open a Huge can of worms..
He is too busy in Russia right now..:p
I don't think it is going to pass as easy as they thought..

The word is getting out that the rich over $200,000 a year will benefit otherwise you are screwed if you are old and not on medicare//
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

But don't you think taking the penalties away took care of that..?

If these corrupt people in office would go after the Corrupt FDA, Big Pharma and some Medical people who give them large amounts of money so they look the other way and vote for these corrupt people.

Did you know that the doctors are bound by the FDA only or they will lose their license.. The FDA then binds the people to only buy the corrupt Big pharma drugs, ect.

They have the American people by the throat, but never ever mention this or go after and stop it..
Trump has mentioned drug costs and the FDA as being a huge part of the problem. I heard it in almost every rally and after the election. Liberals only know what they've been told.

I am not a liberal you can't have a conversation without insulting..? It is all Talk... hot air... too many people are making won't happen unless if he wants to fight a HUGE mob.. And open a Huge can of worms..
He is too busy in Russia right now..:p
You said something untrue about Trump and do not know what he ran on. I've heard it often. We were told everything was hot air now libs are pissed to high heaven because he's plugging away at it.
I don't think it is going to pass as easy as they thought..

The word is getting out that the rich over $200,000 a year will benefit otherwise you are screwed if you are old and not on medicare//
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

But don't you think taking the penalties away took care of that..?

If these corrupt people in office would go after the Corrupt FDA, Big Pharma and some Medical people who give them large amounts of money so they look the other way and vote for these corrupt people.

Did you know that the doctors are bound by the FDA only or they will lose their license.. The FDA then binds the people to only buy the corrupt Big pharma drugs, ect.

They have the American people by the throat, but never ever mention this or go after and stop it..
Trump has mentioned drug costs and the FDA as being a huge part of the problem. I heard it in almost every rally and after the election. Liberals only know what they've been told.

I am not a liberal you can't have a conversation without insulting..? It is all Talk... hot air... too many people are making won't happen unless if he wants to fight a HUGE mob.. And open a Huge can of worms..
He is too busy in Russia right now..:p
You said something untrue about Trump and do not know what he ran on. I've heard it often. We were told everything was hot air now libs are pissed to high heaven because he's plugging away at it.

Well if he is actually able to do something I will be impressed....But

Pricing Controls
Unlike most countries in the world, the U.S. doesn’t directly regulate medicine prices, and drugmakers have strongly resisted it. Trump met with top pharma executives in January, and his comments to the media afterward suggested he backed off a worst-case scenario where the government would set drug prices.

A spokeswoman for the drug industry’s Washington lobbying group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, declined to comment on Wednesday’s events. PhRMA has previously voiced opposition to government pricing controls and said they wouldn’t lead to lower prices. The organization and its member companies have also said that the Medicare prescription drug program already is subject to negotiation through insurers.

Trump Meets With Democrats at White House on Drug Prices
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

But don't you think taking the penalties away took care of that..?

If these corrupt people in office would go after the Corrupt FDA, Big Pharma and some Medical people who give them large amounts of money so they look the other way and vote for these corrupt people.

Did you know that the doctors are bound by the FDA only or they will lose their license.. The FDA then binds the people to only buy the corrupt Big pharma drugs, ect.

They have the American people by the throat, but never ever mention this or go after and stop it..
Trump has mentioned drug costs and the FDA as being a huge part of the problem. I heard it in almost every rally and after the election. Liberals only know what they've been told.

I am not a liberal you can't have a conversation without insulting..? It is all Talk... hot air... too many people are making won't happen unless if he wants to fight a HUGE mob.. And open a Huge can of worms..
He is too busy in Russia right now..:p
You said something untrue about Trump and do not know what he ran on. I've heard it often. We were told everything was hot air now libs are pissed to high heaven because he's plugging away at it.

Well if he is actually able to do something I will be impressed....But

Pricing Controls
Unlike most countries in the world, the U.S. doesn’t directly regulate medicine prices, and drugmakers have strongly resisted it. Trump met with top pharma executives in January, and his comments to the media afterward suggested he backed off a worst-case scenario where the government would set drug prices.

A spokeswoman for the drug industry’s Washington lobbying group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, declined to comment on Wednesday’s events. PhRMA has previously voiced opposition to government pricing controls and said they wouldn’t lead to lower prices. The organization and its member companies have also said that the Medicare prescription drug program already is subject to negotiation through insurers.

Trump Meets With Democrats at White House on Drug Prices
I don't like government pricing controls, period. But it's enormously expensive due to FDA and red tape. The same drugs are cheaper in Canada. Maybe he can get that wall taken down. Can't do it alone, that's for sure.
Since no one is allowed to see it, to even debate it, and no one is allowed to amend it, or discuss amendments to it, and no BiPartisan Input is allowed on The Bill, and since the Healthcare Bill is locked away in a vault where you have to make an appointment to look at it, and aren't allowed to even photograph it, or copy it, or share the contents of it with you own voters, how can there even be discussion on it?

Oh? My bad. I thought you were talking about Obamacare.
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?
No you're right on ....and all that RW disappointment means America is headed in the right direction
The main reason Obamacare is in a death spiral is that caring for the elderly is the bulk of the costs, they cannot afford it and the young would rather take a penalty hit than pay a good chunk for something they don't think they need. Assuming they even could afford it and many can't.

But don't you think taking the penalties away took care of that..?

If these corrupt people in office would go after the Corrupt FDA, Big Pharma and some Medical people who give them large amounts of money so they look the other way and vote for these corrupt people.

Did you know that the doctors are bound by the FDA only or they will lose their license.. The FDA then binds the people to only buy the corrupt Big pharma drugs, ect.

They have the American people by the throat, but never ever mention this or go after and stop it..
Trump has mentioned drug costs and the FDA as being a huge part of the problem. I heard it in almost every rally and after the election. Liberals only know what they've been told.

I am not a liberal you can't have a conversation without insulting..? It is all Talk... hot air... too many people are making won't happen unless if he wants to fight a HUGE mob.. And open a Huge can of worms..
He is too busy in Russia right now..:p
You said something untrue about Trump and do not know what he ran on. I've heard it often. We were told everything was hot air now libs are pissed to high heaven because he's plugging away at it.

Well if he is actually able to do something I will be impressed....But

Pricing Controls
Unlike most countries in the world, the U.S. doesn’t directly regulate medicine prices, and drugmakers have strongly resisted it. Trump met with top pharma executives in January, and his comments to the media afterward suggested he backed off a worst-case scenario where the government would set drug prices.

A spokeswoman for the drug industry’s Washington lobbying group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, declined to comment on Wednesday’s events. PhRMA has previously voiced opposition to government pricing controls and said they wouldn’t lead to lower prices. The organization and its member companies have also said that the Medicare prescription drug program already is subject to negotiation through insurers.

Trump Meets With Democrats at White House on Drug Prices
PhRMA has previously voiced opposition to government pricing controls and said they wouldn’t lead to lower prices. The organization and its member companies have also said that the Medicare prescription drug program already is subject to negotiation through insurers.
Of course they said that. Don't believe they can't be controlled. They just won't make it easy.
Side note: Have you seen PhRMA's ad on tv? They stole a great poem by Dylan Thomas. Ugh, I hate when they steal awesome poets to sell shit. Volvo started it and now everyone's going to jump on board.
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?
It's more than amusing to see the RW saying it has to pass before we see what it is.
Who said that? It has to be in a final form to know what's in it. That's confusing?
You're bitching about Obamacare is priceless.
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?

Why would we praise a bill that is still too much like Obamacare?
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?
No you're right on ....and all that RW disappointment means America is headed in the right direction
Ultimately, the gop will have some tax credit for those who don't have traditional employer sponsored .... or who get some kind of coverage from block granted Medicaid, which will be less generous than Mediciad has been in the past.

There is a positive about this in that people will have to compare policies and make some choices. The negatives are that the tax credits are not going to be anywhere near what policies with affordable premiums and deductibles actually cost. And that will be rather similar to the biggest complaints of those who actually got subsidized policies under Obamacare. And because the gop has already repealed the taxes that funded Obamacare, anything the gop comes up with will be deficit drivers.
(B) Trump neither knows nor cares EXACTLY what is in this bill, and there is no indication that anyone in his Administration played any significant role in formulating it. Referring to it as 'Trump-care' or anything similar is just silly.
/--- Do you think Obozo cared what was in his Obozocare bill or he just wanted it passed for his legacy?
If it were even mildly appealing to the Trump supporters, there'd have been fifty threads by now touting it, as per standard RW practice around here.

I sense RW disappointment. Frustration. Anger. Despair. Am I wrong?
It's more than amusing to see the RW saying it has to pass before we see what it is.
Who said that? It has to be in a final form to know what's in it. That's confusing?
You're bitching about Obamacare is priceless.
But you are intellectually bankrupt so how could you know anything about price?

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