So Who's Really Being Intolerant ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Are the Christians being intolerant of the gays, or are the gays being intolerant of the Christians ? To hear the gays, and their supporters tell it, only the Christians are being intolerant to them. As the Christians say, they aren't being tolerant or intolerant - they are just following their religious rules.

Actually, they are both being intolerant, Perhaps what it really comes down to is who is right to be intolerant to the other, and for whom is it wrong. The gays are demanding that society recognize them as normal, when they are abnormal, sicko, degenerate perverts, who engage in pure looneybird behavior, that's contrary to nature.

The Christians demand that they have the right to choose what to deal with and not deal with, as set up by the religious freedom laws. Looks like an easy choice. The Christians should not only be able to conduct their business their way, without having to participate in crazy homosexual activiites, but those activities themselves ought to be banned, for the betterment of society and to protect children from this lunacy.
Actually, they are both being intolerant, Perhaps what it really comes down to is who is right to be intolerant to the other, and for whom is it wrong. The gays are demanding that society recognize them as normal, when they are abnormal, sicko, degenerate perverts, who engage in pure looneybird behavior, that's contrary to nature.

Nature is hertosexual?? You better rethink that..
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Are the Christians being intolerant of the gays, or are the gays being intolerant of the Christians ? To hear the gays, and their supporters tell it, only the Christians are being intolerant to them. As the Christians say, they aren't being tolerant or intolerant - they are just following their religious rules.

Actually, they are both being intolerant, Perhaps what it really comes down to is who is right to be intolerant to the other, and for whom is it wrong. The gays are demanding that society recognize them as normal, when they are abnormal, sicko, degenerate perverts, who engage in pure looneybird behavior, that's contrary to nature.

The Christians demand that they have the right to choose what to deal with and not deal with, as set up by the religious freedom laws. Looks like an easy choice. The Christians should not only be able to conduct their business their way, without having to participate in crazy homosexual activiites, but those activities themselves ought to be banned, for the betterment of society and to protect children from this lunacy.

We're not proposing discriminatory laws. That's ya'll.
The ones calling for violence against the shop are intolerant.

The shop owners are intolerant.

The peaceful protesters are not.
"Contrary to nature."

Anything exhibited by nature or non-human animals is "natural" yes? So what about the several hundred species of animals exhibiting homosexual behaviours and preferences? Sounds pretty "natural" to me.

Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality Yale Scientific Magazine
Some animals also eat their young. Animals do all kinds of weird stuff. Doesn't mean we should do it.

No, just means it's natural. Although we do seem to be fond of eggs :)
Are the Christians being intolerant of the gays, or are the gays being intolerant of the Christians ? To hear the gays, and their supporters tell it, only the Christians are being intolerant to them. As the Christians say, they aren't being tolerant or intolerant - they are just following their religious rules.

Actually, they are both being intolerant, Perhaps what it really comes down to is who is right to be intolerant to the other, and for whom is it wrong. The gays are demanding that society recognize them as normal, when they are abnormal, sicko, degenerate perverts, who engage in pure looneybird behavior, that's contrary to nature.

The Christians demand that they have the right to choose what to deal with and not deal with, as set up by the religious freedom laws. Looks like an easy choice. The Christians should not only be able to conduct their business their way, without having to participate in crazy homosexual activiites, but those activities themselves ought to be banned, for the betterment of society and to protect children from this lunacy.

I find it amusing that someone has a business that is open on the Sabbath, but they claim it is against their religion to serve gays. lmao It seems to me like they are in desperate need of an education on what their religion actually says.

Now, the threats of violence on either side are wrong. But when you start out passing laws designed to further discrimination, you don't get to complain when people get pissed off at you.
"Contrary to nature."

Anything exhibited by nature or non-human animals is "natural" yes? So what about the several hundred species of animals exhibiting homosexual behaviours and preferences? Sounds pretty "natural" to me.

Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality Yale Scientific Magazine
Some animals also eat their young. Animals do all kinds of weird stuff. Doesn't mean we should do it.
So when your girl gargles your sperm you're not eating your own?
Are the Christians being intolerant of the gays, or are the gays being intolerant of the Christians ? To hear the gays, and their supporters tell it, only the Christians are being intolerant to them. As the Christians say, they aren't being tolerant or intolerant - they are just following their religious rules.

Actually, they are both being intolerant, Perhaps what it really comes down to is who is right to be intolerant to the other, and for whom is it wrong. The gays are demanding that society recognize them as normal, when they are abnormal, sicko, degenerate perverts, who engage in pure looneybird behavior, that's contrary to nature.

The Christians demand that they have the right to choose what to deal with and not deal with, as set up by the religious freedom laws. Looks like an easy choice. The Christians should not only be able to conduct their business their way, without having to participate in crazy homosexual activiites, but those activities themselves ought to be banned, for the betterment of society and to protect children from this lunacy.

If a religion tells you that people who are different from you are somehow not worthy, then it is the religion, and those who follow it who are intolerant. Gays are only reacting to how they are treated. How else would you expect them to react? As for Christians being persecuted in this country:


Sorry, I am not buying it.
Why does a homosexual's desire to purchase a wedding cake (and that is all that some bakers are making a stand against) outweigh a person's right to religious freedom?
Ever notice how obsessed Christians are with sex? It's all they can talk about. Or all they seem to wanna talk about. Don't they prefer talking about God and doing good things for people? Is their idea of Christianity just sex-oriented?
"So Who's Really Being Intolerant ?"

Conservatives, who seek to discriminate against gay patrons for no other reason than who those patrons are, in violation of just, proper, and Constitutional public accommodations laws that in no way 'violate' religious liberty.
"So Who's Really Being Intolerant ?"

Conservatives, who seek to discriminate against gay patrons for no other reason than who those patrons are, in violation of just, proper, and Constitutional public accommodations laws that in no way 'violate' religious liberty.


It has to do with one thing, providing a product that conflicts with one's religious principles.

Why does a homosexual's desire to purchase a product outweigh a person's right to religious freedom?

Answer: it doesn't.

Go find one of 99 bakers who will provide the product you seek and leave the 1 who cannot, be. They will either flourish or wither and die but will do so while still enjoying their religious freedom.

This whole thing is nothing but homosexuals screaming 'you must see me, hear me, approve of me or you are a hater.'

Diversity of thought? Yeah, right.

Why does a homosexual's desire to purchase a wedding cake (and that is all that some bakers are making a stand against) outweigh a person's right to religious freedom?

No one is limiting anyone's religious freedom. Are these christian bakers being told they cannot attend church? Are they being prevented from worshipping? No.

What is happening is that people are saying you cannot discriminate. What I find amusing is the way these "cafeteria christians" want to pick and choose which rules they should be allowed to follow and which they should ignore. It is hatred and bigotry hiding behind a holy book.
Why does a homosexual's desire to purchase a wedding cake (and that is all that some bakers are making a stand against) outweigh a person's right to religious freedom?

Using one's religion to justify discrimination is not a right, nor even a privilege. It's just bigotry masquerading as morality.

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