So...You Believe America is "Still Here"???

1. Let's see what the result is when another one of your posts comes up against fact:

a. Wages equal the marginal productivity of labor, meaning that the outcome in terms of income and wealth is a function of what one does. It is also a function of how many people do the same.

b. Babe Ruth, being asked how he felt holding out for a salary higher than that of the US President Hoover: “Why not, I had a better year than he did.”

2. So, as productivity and skills increase, workers earn more. Productivity of workers in competitive markets is what determines the earnings of most workers; and it is not an accident that labor earns about 70% of the total output of the American economy, and capital earns about 30%.
Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb," chapter nine.

Is that supposed to have something to do with the explosion in the number of 2 earner households in America in the last 30 years?

Is there a point low enough that the average American worker could earn where conservatives would finally say,

okay, that's good, we're happy now. That's low enough?

What is the conservative obsession with wanting to see the American working class poorer and poorer and poorer? What is that all about?


Every quintile has lived better.

Standard of living has done nothing but improve.

In 1949, someone who worked minimum wage over the summer would have enough money to buy the following items from that year’s Sears’ catalogue: A Smith-Corona typewriter, Argus 21 35mm camera, Silvertone AM-FM table radio, and Silvertone 3-speed phonograph.

In 2009, the same person, working the same number of hours at minimum wage, would now be able to purchase: A Dell laptop computer, HP color ink printer, scanner, copier, Canon 8 megapixel digital camera, GPS system, 32” LCD HDTV television, 8GB iPod Nano, GE microwave, Haier refrigerator/freezer, Toshiba DVD/VCR combo, RCA home theater system, Uniden cordless phone, RCA AM/FM radio, Camcorder, Sony PlayStation 2, as well as several other things.
Mark J. Perry, “Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History,” CARPE DIEM: Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History

If you're seeking a factor that works against the average individual becoming's taxes.

Taxes? Looks like taxes are about where they were in 1949.

I've been around longer than that. Fought for this country. Served her for 22 years. This is NOT the country I grew up in.

I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another.

I don't pay any attention to posts like that. What? Was his "Wife" 12? Black? Indian? Idiots like that love the quasi communist country we have made for ourselves. Screw 'em. This once great nation is the laughing stock of the free world and a mere shadow of its once great self.
1.FDR ignored the Constitution

2. the people vote, Liberal judges throw out the result of the vote

3. Liberals hate capitalism, and endorse socialism....ObamaCare

4. Freedom of religion...hardly. The 'separation of Church and State' is the opposite of the words in the Constitution.

Modern Liberalism is actually socialism....the name changed by John Dewey.
Ill let ops handle this amateur post but hahahahaHahHaahahahaah.

Always wise for you to step aside when the chore involves thinking.

Dont worry. I dont have to think in your threads.
yes i got that point from you the first time we confronted each other on this board.

I suggest you figure out some new material Pc. Attempting to constantly insult peoples education because they disagree with you has like i said, gotten rather weak and old.

anyways America is still here, its not going anywhere and the idea that it is weak is silly.

"I suggest you figure out some new material Pc. Attempting to constantly insult peoples education because they disagree with you has like i said, gotten rather weak and old."

Seriously....I'm gonna take your advice, as soon as you graduate from junior high school.
As it stands now, the only way you find your way home each day is the bread crumbs.

I'm hoping that that level of maturity will inform your absurd opinion, i.e., that America hasn't lost out in the battle against encroaching big government.

But....I am the eternal optimist.

And another education are an enternal dumbass.

It is fun to watch the dumb bitch think that placing lines between 1 sentence paragraphs makes her appear intelligent.
"constitutionalism, liberal democracy,...capitalism, and freedom of religion."

These are the very antithesis of modern Liberalism.

Lets addressed the alleged "falsehoods"; what do you think they were?

1.FDR ignored the Constitution

2. the people vote, Liberal judges throw out the result of the vote

3. Liberals hate capitalism, and endorse socialism....ObamaCare

4. Freedom of religion...hardly. The 'separation of Church and State' is the opposite of the words in the Constitution.

Modern Liberalism is actually socialism....the name changed by John Dewey.

Maybe we are getting our wires crossed, but where did i say any of the above. Here is the post I was responding to:
I've been around longer than that. Fought for this country. Served her for 22 years. This is NOT the country I grew up in.

I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another

What did I say that you think was false?
I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another.

I don't pay any attention to posts like that. What? Was his "Wife" 12? Black? Indian? Idiots like that love the quasi communist country we have made for ourselves. Screw 'em. This once great nation is the laughing stock of the free world and a mere shadow of its once great self.

LOL, I'm not offended by your post, I'm actually embarrassed for you and your willingness to post that ignorant horseshit above. If anyone is an idiot, it definitely is YOU! I bet you most definitely don't know what "quasi communist country" means (unless you google it real quick with a copy paste) or is, I bet that you can't even provide a concrete example to back up your claim. Find an example where I have allegedly advocated and admired this WND psychobabble of "quasi communist" crap.
Screw yourself, this is still a GREAT NATION and it's getting better everyday, we are not a laughing stock, we are a world leader and we are a world Super Power.
I've been around since the 70' complaints. At it's worst, America is still the best. You'll note that none of the sourpusses under Obama or Bush for that matter left this "terrible" place.

except "this place" was exponentially better under Bush.

Not really; we had soldiers coming home in boxes, banks ran by millionaires who needed emergency releif so they could pay some of their millionaire subordinates their bonues as it turns out, we rejected science in favor of religious theory etc...

Now those same banks are still too big to fail and we have a president who seems unwilling to use his office for extraordinary purposes during extraordinary times. Bush wouldn't have fixed either problem anyway.

And soldiers are still coming home in boxes. About 1,750 to date since 1/20/09
Pander to the rich Reaganism has been ruining the non rich and the country for 30 years, and continues- The 2008 Pub depression is just the big kicker. The dupes are distracted by a whole BS alternate universe of propaganda, and no one is more submerged than PC.

BTW, Hitler was a fascist becouse he was pals with corporate aristocrats and CEOs- That's not socialism, and neither is communism. Socialism is democratic period. Read something. Here:

1. WORKERS past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):1950 = 101%1960 = 105%1970 = 105%1980 = 105% – Reagan1990 = 100%2000 = 96%2007 = 92%A 13% drop since 1980A 13% drop since 1980.

Worker productivity has only gone up because management has provided technology that has enabled one worker with less skill to do what it used to take 100 skilled workers to do.

Without the huge capitol investments made by corporations, worker productivity would be at best, stagnant, at worst 20 or 25% below 1970 levels. Take machines metal parts, for example. In 1970 a skilled milling machine or lathe operator could turn out $1,000 worth of product per week and earned maybe $250. The machine he used cost $3,000 and had a usable life of 15 years.
Today one skilled worker programs and sets up a dozen machines costing 1/4 million each and a semi-skilled worker stands by in case something goes wrong so he can call the set-up man. the Machine turns out $100,000 worth of product per week.

Sure, the worker is making a lot more money for the company, but certainly not because he is working harder or has learned a new skill. He is more productive because the corporation invested money to make the process more efficient.

In 1980, it took1,200 skilled workers, busting their butts to turn out $1,200,000 worth of product each week. Now it takes 1 highly skilled worker and 12 baby sitters.
Problems since 1950:
Too many people- thanks Pubs for fighting birth control AND a good SS/work ID every step of the way.
Health Care costs- Thanks Pubs for fighting intelligent, affordable, guaranteed health care every step of the way.
Since 1980: Thanks Pubs, for fighting for the rich and against the nonrich every step of the way, ruining the nonrich and the country.

Obama and the Dems are now turning the dumbazz ship around, BC and health care are fixed and will improve from now on. Too bad for Pub scammers and whackjobs.

If I thought you were even slightly intelligent, I would congratulate you for being one of the greatest political satirists of all time.
Alas; you are dumber than a box of rocks. Your only value as a human is as an example.

Momas don't let your babies grow up to be Franco.

Those mean old rich folks you're so pissed off at are the ones that sign your pay checks.
Lets addressed the alleged "falsehoods"; what do you think they were?

1.FDR ignored the Constitution

2. the people vote, Liberal judges throw out the result of the vote

3. Liberals hate capitalism, and endorse socialism....ObamaCare

4. Freedom of religion...hardly. The 'separation of Church and State' is the opposite of the words in the Constitution.

Modern Liberalism is actually socialism....the name changed by John Dewey.

Maybe we are getting our wires crossed, but where did i say any of the above. Here is the post I was responding to:
I for one am pretty happy about that! If I lived in the time that you grew up in, I would not be legally allowed to marry my wife in my state! I'm sure I would have had a lot more to worry about than marriage if I got together with her in the "country you grew up in".

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."

I'm surprised at you.
One falsehood after another

What did I say that you think was false?

"... liberals support ideas such as constitutionalism, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, and freedom of religion."
1. Let's see what the result is when another one of your posts comes up against fact:

a. Wages equal the marginal productivity of labor, meaning that the outcome in terms of income and wealth is a function of what one does. It is also a function of how many people do the same.

b. Babe Ruth, being asked how he felt holding out for a salary higher than that of the US President Hoover: “Why not, I had a better year than he did.”

2. So, as productivity and skills increase, workers earn more. Productivity of workers in competitive markets is what determines the earnings of most workers; and it is not an accident that labor earns about 70% of the total output of the American economy, and capital earns about 30%.
Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb," chapter nine.

Is that supposed to have something to do with the explosion in the number of 2 earner households in America in the last 30 years?

Is there a point low enough that the average American worker could earn where conservatives would finally say,

okay, that's good, we're happy now. That's low enough?

What is the conservative obsession with wanting to see the American working class poorer and poorer and poorer? What is that all about?


Every quintile has lived better.

Standard of living has done nothing but improve.

In 1949, someone who worked minimum wage over the summer would have enough money to buy the following items from that year’s Sears’ catalogue: A Smith-Corona typewriter, Argus 21 35mm camera, Silvertone AM-FM table radio, and Silvertone 3-speed phonograph.

In 2009, the same person, working the same number of hours at minimum wage, would now be able to purchase: A Dell laptop computer, HP color ink printer, scanner, copier, Canon 8 megapixel digital camera, GPS system, 32” LCD HDTV television, 8GB iPod Nano, GE microwave, Haier refrigerator/freezer, Toshiba DVD/VCR combo, RCA home theater system, Uniden cordless phone, RCA AM/FM radio, Camcorder, Sony PlayStation 2, as well as several other things.
Mark J. Perry, “Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History,” CARPE DIEM: Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History

If you're seeking a factor that works against the average individual becoming's taxes.

That would seem a clever post, to the untrained eye, but to the rest of us, we can note that

the author of that comparison scrupulously cherrypicked his list of items to include only those that have been in a non-inflationary/low inflationary trajectory over 60 years.

Leaving out such items as fuel/energy, food, healthcare, housing, education, etc., etc., those things which have been inflationary,

might make the argument look smart, but it isn't.

Not to mention the fact that the items in the 1949 list were mostly American made, and the items in the modern list aren't.

Factor out the lost value to the economy imported vs. American made manufacturing goods and re-calculate.
Is that supposed to have something to do with the explosion in the number of 2 earner households in America in the last 30 years?

Is there a point low enough that the average American worker could earn where conservatives would finally say,

okay, that's good, we're happy now. That's low enough?

What is the conservative obsession with wanting to see the American working class poorer and poorer and poorer? What is that all about?


Every quintile has lived better.

Standard of living has done nothing but improve.

In 1949, someone who worked minimum wage over the summer would have enough money to buy the following items from that year’s Sears’ catalogue: A Smith-Corona typewriter, Argus 21 35mm camera, Silvertone AM-FM table radio, and Silvertone 3-speed phonograph.

In 2009, the same person, working the same number of hours at minimum wage, would now be able to purchase: A Dell laptop computer, HP color ink printer, scanner, copier, Canon 8 megapixel digital camera, GPS system, 32” LCD HDTV television, 8GB iPod Nano, GE microwave, Haier refrigerator/freezer, Toshiba DVD/VCR combo, RCA home theater system, Uniden cordless phone, RCA AM/FM radio, Camcorder, Sony PlayStation 2, as well as several other things.
Mark J. Perry, “Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History,” CARPE DIEM: Young Americans: Luckiest Generation in History

If you're seeking a factor that works against the average individual becoming's taxes.

That would seem a clever post, to the untrained eye, but to the rest of us, we can note that

the author of that comparison scrupulously cherrypicked his list of items to include only those that have been in a non-inflationary/low inflationary trajectory over 60 years.

Leaving out such items as fuel/energy, food, healthcare, housing, education, etc., etc., those things which have been inflationary,

might make the argument look smart, but it isn't.

Not to mention the fact that the items in the 1949 list were mostly American made, and the items in the modern list aren't.

Factor out the lost value to the economy imported vs. American made manufacturing goods and re-calculate.

1. " ...but to the rest of us,..."
A reference to your multiple personalities?

2. "...the author of that comparison scrupulously cherrypicked his list of items..." admission that the post is correct, true....and you are left with no strategy but to spin it?
Good start.

3. "Leaving out such items as fuel/energy, food, healthcare, housing, education, etc., etc., those things which have been inflationary,..."

Herein lies the source of your problem. Being an ignorant fellow, you are forced to either spin, or lie.
Here is a tutorial you so sorely require:
a. Healthcare costs were falling until ObamaCare
b. The result of same is that overall costs that our name have not risen.

Increases in healthcare expenditures:
2003 8.6%
2004 6.9%
2005 6.5%
2006 6.7%
2007 6.1%
Compare to 10.5% in 1970 and 13% in 1980

Each year since 1960, food and energy together have taken up a declining share of Americans' expenditures, while housing has taken up a steady share.

These four necessities together consume the same share of American spending now (55%) as they did in 1960 (53%).

As further evidence, Americans are increasing the share of their spending that goes to recreation.
The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

Again....Americans in every quintile are living better every year.
Only the dupes of Leftism, i.e., you, claim otherwise.
although many of us weren't around when shows like Leave it to Beaver/Dick Van Dyke/Twighlight Zone/Andy Griffin were in their prime, for most of us, that was America, who watches the reruns of those programs and wonders what ever happened to those times?

Those times when married couples supposedly slept in separate beds and women wore dresses when doing housework?
The result of the better part of a century of Leftist propaganda has produced Americans who believe this:
"...communism has died away and our way of govt. is still here.....
Thank you FDR and the other world leaders for your triumph ..."
This, an actual post, from yesterday.

No....our way of government is long gone...if 'our government' refers to the United States as defined by the Constitution.

Leftist dupes have accepted exactly what totalitarians were selling....hate of success, individual liberty, business, profits, big government in control of every aspect of one's life.

The following is designed to give proof of this, and insight into FDR's thinking, and his plans.

1. Professor Paul Kengor writes, in " Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century," "The progressive left, and the liberal left, while not themselves communists, share many of the same sympathies, such of redistribution of wealth, and worker’s rights, nationalizations of industry, etc, but are not quite as far left as the communists, and would not go to the same lengths as the communists to achieve their goals. This does not mean, though, that the help of these dupes is not necessary in order for the communists to achieve victory.

a. And, in "Witness," Whittaker Chambers, former communist spy, notes that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs.

b. Based on the above analysis, it seems that identifying one as a Liberal, or progressive rather than a communist, is a distinction without a difference. That is what I saw in the post that I quoted.

2. Are the values, the policies above 'American' values? Redistribution? Nationalization?
Or...are they from....somewhere else?
How did they gain more than acceptance....predominance in some precincts?
While they were popular in university dining rooms and seminars for a century, it took the crisis of the Depression for them to be imposed, inserted into the American system.

3. One of the policy advisers recruited by FDR was a young economics professor, Rexford Tugwell. He became part of FDR's 'BrainTrust' even before FDR became President. He had all the requirements: doctorate from Columbia University, fervent admirer of the man who re-branded 'socialist' as 'liberal,' John Dewey, and devotee of big government central planning.

a. FDR was an egomaniac, very much like our current President....neither of whom takes on alternative views to his own, to learn from them.

4. FDR selected Tugwell for a reason: they both had the same views. Tugwell admired what was known as "the Soviet experiment." In 1927, Rexford Guy Tugwell and Paul Douglas, who would become two of America's leading New Deal economists, expressed their awe at the Soviet “experiment.” Said Tugwell, “There is a new life beginning there.” Progressive Support for Russia's Bolshevik Revolution - Discover the Networks

The ideas contained included putting government in total control of the economy, production controls, price controls, profit controls, everything. To a large degree, it has been accomplished.
Yet, intelligent folks say "communism has died away and our way of govt. is still here....."

5. In 1931, Tugwell predicted "Business will be logically required to disappear." Ciepley, "Liberalism in the Shadow of Totalitarianism," p. 76.

Pretty much a one sentence definition of Marxism.

a. The plan: the abolition of the free market:
"Tugwell Sees End of Laissez Faire," NYTimes, February 16, 1934, and 147. Rexford Guy Tugwell (1891-1979). Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989

6. FDR endorsed Tugwell's ideas...but at that time America was still America. Unlike today, yelling "I'm a Communist" would not have been a good idea....

a. "[Harry] Hopkins [FDR's live-in adviser] tried to persuade Roosevelt to articulate a New Deal philosophy along Tugwell's lines, but the President was reluctant."
George McJimsey, " Harry Hopkins: Ally of the Poor and Defender of Democracy," p. 74-75

b. "No wonder. Congressional elections were coming up and the president didn't want to blow them by going completely Bolshevik. Better, I'm thinking, to preserve a good-cop (FDR), bad-cop (Tugwell) deniability."
Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 144.

And while Lenin read a book on Marx
A quartet practiced in the park
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died
Now the halftime air was sweet perfume
While the sergeants played a marching tune
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
Don Mclean, "American Pie"

More accurately...the day the Constitution died.

So, no, my Leftist friend, our way of government is not 'still here'....
...not if it once included liberty, freedom, values like responsibility, and success.

Left, Right, Left, Right, Left......

America has gone down hill, and it is one side's fault? Good one. You must have written this one especially for Daveman and Crusader Frank.

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