So you want a Civil War?

No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

When people start imagining things that are not happening or who vote for and supported the political class that refuses to live by the rules they enact, and deemed itself exempt from the laws that govern this land, and who have stolen elections by voter suppression, then call for civil war because nobody wants that shit to continue, those people are delusional. And that's what has happened to the republican party.

So, what do you call a person who blames the actions of people 200 years ago, for their incompetence today? Delusional?
Was that 200 years ago when we watched the father and son hillbilly team in Georgia hunting black men? They bagged one.

Individual crimes are horrible. Care to explain how the actions of two assholes is systemic racism? And, if you truly cared about black lives you would demand real actions be taken to curb black on black crime which kills orders of magnitude more black children than whitey ever could.

In other words, stop talking out of your wide ass.
Systemic racism is when people feel free to murder blacks because they know the police will give them a pass. Do you think what happened in Georgia was an isolated incident? George Zimmerman also had a successful negro hunt and walked away. This stuff isn`t limited to the former traitor states. This one happened near my town 25 years ago. A cousin of a Pittsburgh Steeler had borrowed his cousin`s Jaguar and was pulled over and killed for it. No one went to jail. Driving a Jaguar while being black cost him his life. Remember Jonny Gammage, who never got justice (Commentary) -
The claim that anybody of any given race that is killed is killed because of their race is itself racism. Some folks whine about "racism" in an attempt to get a free pass for whatever crime they wish to commit and then are amazed when they are actually held accountable for their actions. No sympathy from me.
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

If they controlled the government they wouldn't have paid all the taxes they did until Trump got in. They wouldn't have Bibles of regulations against their businesses. They may have money, but politicians get their power from voters, which the wealthy are very few in light of the entire country.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.
I have little doubt that what you say is true. But increasing the taxes of the average American does not address this problem and increasing the taxes on the ultra wealthy only results in them removing themselves their wealth and/or their business enterprises to other countries. Globalization in action.
Tax the fuck out of the wealthy. Prevent them from sheltering their wealth or moving it offshore. It’s not hard to do, but requires a government properly run and not controlled by the ultra wealthy. So, it won’t happen here thanks to dumb cons and neolibs. It does happen all the time in other western nations. USA is too corrupt.
So then the ultra wealthy leave and you're stuck eating bugs and straw. Parasites like you can't survive without a host.
Con logic always fails, but the ultra wealthy love you for your ignorance.
The ultra wealthy Democrats love you for your "eat the rich" childishness. They've given you the target for your Two Minutes Hate, and you scream at the screen exactly as programmed.
The Ds love the rich just as much as the Rs. They both know that’s where the money is. Too bad you’re too duped by the establishment to recognize this fact.
Yes, you're the only person in America who can think for himself. :rolleyes:

You don't want people to think for themselves; you want them to agree with you.
Oh now that’s wrong. I’m not the only one, but I am among a select few and you ain’t included.
And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.........

I have no concern about what other people make. If they do better than I do, they are lauded by me whereas you express contempt. If I'm upset because you have a beautiful wife, the only reason it bothers me is because she is more beautiful than my wife. Pure jealousy.

Lower income people pay no income tax at all. In fact slightly less than half of our people don't pay any income tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, yes, we pay those, but those taxes go for things we use everyday or save up for our later years in life. If you live the average lifespan in this country, you will get back every dollar you and your employer paid into Social Security and Medicare and much more. However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it. Half of us don't pay anything into the actual federal government outside of SS and Medicare which again, we get back anyway.


However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it.

What goes to operate these things are increases in the national debt ceiling level.

What the income tax goes to pay? That is INTEREST on that national debt ceiling level.

Your rhetoric comes straight out of Hannity and Limbaugh, it seriously does. Change the channel over to NPR every now and then.
Yep. Raymond essentially mouths exactly what Rush spouts. It’s sad so many are so easily duped into supporting the wealthy oligarchs , over their self interest.

I once thought as he did, in my youth. We can only hope Raymond and those like him wakeup and reach the high level of intelligence we have, but I fear it’s too late for Raymond.

Again, truth.
And somewhat ironical that you'd bring it up since you melted down about this...... huh Mistah B?
No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

When people start imagining things that are not happening or who vote for and supported the political class that refuses to live by the rules they enact, and deemed itself exempt from the laws that govern this land, and who have stolen elections by voter suppression, then call for civil war because nobody wants that shit to continue, those people are delusional. And that's what has happened to the republican party.

So, what do you call a person who blames the actions of people 200 years ago, for their incompetence today? Delusional?
Was that 200 years ago when we watched the father and son hillbilly team in Georgia hunting black men? They bagged one.

Individual crimes are horrible. Care to explain how the actions of two assholes is systemic racism? And, if you truly cared about black lives you would demand real actions be taken to curb black on black crime which kills orders of magnitude more black children than whitey ever could.

In other words, stop talking out of your wide ass.
Systemic racism is when people feel free to murder blacks because they know the police will give them a pass. Do you think what happened in Georgia was an isolated incident? George Zimmerman also had a successful negro hunt and walked away. This stuff isn`t limited to the former traitor states. This one happened near my town 25 years ago. A cousin of a Pittsburgh Steeler had borrowed his cousin`s Jaguar and was pulled over and killed for it. No one went to jail. Driving a Jaguar while being black cost him his life. Remember Jonny Gammage, who never got justice (Commentary) -
The claim that anybody of any given race that is killed is killed because of their race is itself racism. Some folks whine about "racism" in an attempt to get a free pass for whatever crime they wish to commit and then are amazed when they are actually held accountable for their actions. No sympathy from me.

Wait --- you're actually sitting on this board proposing that "it's racist" to notice racism?

That's racist.

We could pile this on all night. Yuk yuk. But the important thing is that we trivialize actual racism, right?
Well a nation that fought the British empire because they just wanted self rule and used violence to achieve that goal. When that same nation then fights internally over issues of slavery and certain areas also wanted self rule. Violence was the answer. Well now Trump just wants self rule with him and his family at the helm. He does not believe in shared rule because he is a true authoritarian who uses what all authoritarians use which is fear. Next you just have to identify who the bad guy is. This is why he admires Putin because Putin gets what he wants. Trump really wants to get what he wants. President for life and to pass the torch onto the family.

After all how ironic is it. That a family from German, which is a country that could not beat the US in war, would provide this family opportunity. That this family could then throw the US into chaos for one man with an ego problem.
Funny how ignorant fools, like you, ignore the mountain of evidence that the xiden crime family is bought by the chinese communist party. It ain't Trump you twat, it's the CCP and their obvious control of the democrat party that is causing this. Either you want the chinese to take this country over, or you are a complete moron.
What's the shock?
Liberals work by emotion, not information.

Here's a wag who desperately wants to accuse an imaginary entity of a fallacy ----- but has to employ his own fallacy in order to do it.


Oh and speaking of fallacies ---- Hi Dave. Here to run up the score?

Might as well quit right here Inderp. Daveward Fallacyhands inna house.
Was "fallacy" on your Word of the Day toilet paper?

You could say it's been the keyword for my entire tenure here, Pilgrim. But it's so cute that you're only just now noticing.
Well a nation that fought the British empire because they just wanted self rule and used violence to achieve that goal. When that same nation then fights internally over issues of slavery and certain areas also wanted self rule. Violence was the answer. Well now Trump just wants self rule with him and his family at the helm. He does not believe in shared rule because he is a true authoritarian who uses what all authoritarians use which is fear. Next you just have to identify who the bad guy is. This is why he admires Putin because Putin gets what he wants. Trump really wants to get what he wants. President for life and to pass the torch onto the family.

After all how ironic is it. That a family from German, which is a country that could not beat the US in war, would provide this family opportunity. That this family could then throw the US into chaos for one man with an ego problem.
Funny how ignorant fools, like you, ignore the mountain of evidence that the xiden crime family is bought by the chinese communist party. It ain't Trump you twat, it's the CCP and their obvious control of the democrat party that is causing this. Either you want the chinese to take this country over, or you are a complete moron.
What's the shock?
Liberals work by emotion, not information.

Here's a wag who desperately wants to accuse an imaginary entity of a fallacy ----- but has to employ his own fallacy in order to do it.


Oh and speaking of fallacies ---- Hi Dave. Here to run up the score?

Might as well quit right here Inderp. Daveward Fallacyhands inna house.
Was "fallacy" on your Word of the Day toilet paper?

You could say it's been the keyword for my entire tenure here, Pilgrim. But it's so cute that you're only just now noticing.
Pfffft. You're like a kid with a new toy.
pissing underneath your bed like a coward
What a coward.
You fucking lunatics
let it go dude

They get what they wanted with the election, and they're STILL frothing-at-the-mouth angry.

Fuck it!
I want a civil war and I want it now MF'ers!
Dimm women and children first!!!
You can tell a Liberals female is a female?
They all have mustaches.
pissing underneath your bed like a coward
What a coward.
You fucking lunatics
let it go dude

They get what they wanted with the election, and they're STILL frothing-at-the-mouth angry.

Fuck it!
I want a civil war and I want it now MF'ers!
Dimm women and children first!!!
No. Combatants only. Only cowardly pieces of shit attack non-combatants.
They get what they wanted with the election, and they're STILL frothing-at-the-mouth angry.

I'm no Biden bot. Watch your mouth Dave.
I say whatever I want.

Let's list all the things you can do about it:
  1. Zip.
  2. Zilch.
  3. Bupkus.
  4. Fuck-all.
Meanwhile, you're still angry. There is no way to deny that. I have no idea what you believe your anger obligates me to do, but just so we're clear, refer to the list above.
No. Combatants only. Only cowardly pieces of shit attack non-combatants.

Right wingers all over this board are fantasizing about shooting faggots, feminists and immigrants.
Do you believe homosexuals, feminists, and immigrants can't be combatants?

Oh. You believe only white men can fight.

It's time you set your calendar ahead a couple of centuries, Skippy.
They get what they wanted with the election, and they're STILL frothing-at-the-mouth angry.

I'm no Biden bot. Watch your mouth Dave.
I say whatever I want.

Let's list all the things you can do about it:
  1. Zip.
  2. Zilch.
  3. Bupkus.
  4. Fuck-all.
Meanwhile, you're still angry. There is no way to deny that. I have no idea what you believe your anger obligates me to do, but just so we're clear, refer to the list above.

You're right. I can't actually stop you from being ignorant.
No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

When people start imagining things that are not happening or who vote for and supported the political class that refuses to live by the rules they enact, and deemed itself exempt from the laws that govern this land, and who have stolen elections by voter suppression, then call for civil war because nobody wants that shit to continue, those people are delusional. And that's what has happened to the republican party.

So, what do you call a person who blames the actions of people 200 years ago, for their incompetence today? Delusional?
Was that 200 years ago when we watched the father and son hillbilly team in Georgia hunting black men? They bagged one.

Individual crimes are horrible. Care to explain how the actions of two assholes is systemic racism? And, if you truly cared about black lives you would demand real actions be taken to curb black on black crime which kills orders of magnitude more black children than whitey ever could.

In other words, stop talking out of your wide ass.
Systemic racism is when people feel free to murder blacks because they know the police will give them a pass. Do you think what happened in Georgia was an isolated incident? George Zimmerman had a successful negro hunt and walked away.
You are just beyond stupid-------------Trayvon druggy, criminal, thief, habitual attacker was upset that a community patrol caught him casing homes after been kicked out school for the 3rd and 4th time that school year alone and sent to live with his criminal father who didn't even have home but was staying with a welfare girlfriend------------so as the good citizen got out of his vehicle and was searching for a house number so cops could find him, the criminal trayvon bigger and faster circled around and waited while on the phone with his girlfriend------as soon as Zimmerman put down the phone, Trayvon attacked him from behind as he had done a bus driver only a few weeks before. The phone went dead when the attack started and the smaller community patrol shot the violent racist attacker...trayvon.

Trayvons girlfriend who heard Trayvon attack ----did not call police --she hid instead. Even when it was reveal that Trayvon was dead---she hid as the cops looked for her. Her step sister then pretended to be the girl friend and testified in court as to being Trayvons girlfriend and admitted that trayvon was a racist and likely attacked the cracker who called the cops on him.
My God where did that piece of fiction come from?
His imagination.

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