So you want a Civil War?

Nobody wants a Civil War but the greedy Communists in this country are forcing us into one.

Don't kid yourself. The MSM would love nothing more than a civil war. Why do you think they hype up all these black people in a police shooting? They know blacks and white wannabees can't control themselves and will protest and riot. It's the greatest thing for ratings.
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.

You write this bullshit after watching your left wing goons burn cities and murder people. And you wonder why talk of civil war is everywhere.

Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit upon by people, like you. We are tired of the political class waging war on the citizenry of this country. We are tired of the political class selling the PEOPLE of this country out to the highest bidder. Which right now appears to be china. So, it is becoming quite clear that a reset is coming. I hope it is done peaceably, but history tells us that the chances for that are increasingly unlikely as the political class fights to protect the power they have been able to steal away from the PEOPLE.
You're kind of vague about all this stuff you say the left wing is doing. Where do you get your info from? My guess is right wing radio. Rush? Hannity? There is almost no left wing radio anymore. Better lay off right wing radio. Those guys are getting wealthy bamboozling the likes of yourself/

Crazy far right nuts Luke Hannity and Limpballs have been getting rich off of gullible people like these Trumpsters for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these right wing nuts.
Crazy far right nuts Luke Hannity and Limpballs have been getting rich off of gullible people like these Trumpsters for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these right wing nuts.

Crazy far left nuts like Rachael Maddow have been getting rich off of gullible people like these stupid uneducated Moon Bats for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these left wing nuts.
Nobody wants a Civil War but the greedy Communists in this country are forcing us into one.

Don't kid yourself. The MSM would love nothing more than a civil war. Why do you think they hype up all these black people in a police shooting? They know blacks and white wannabees can't control themselves and will protest and riot. It's the greatest thing for ratings.

The one fanning the flames of Civil War is sitting in the White House. He is plotting a demonstration on January 6th with Prloud Boys and other segregationist groups at the Capital. He essence...planning a Coup. He is a Traitor and a serial LIAR.
The one fanning the flames of Civil War is sitting in the White House. He is plotting a demonstration on January 6th with Prloud Boys and other segregationist groups at the Capital. He essence...planning a Coup. He is a Traitor and a serial LIAR.

So how do you know of his plans? I read the news every day, and this is the first I heard of it.
Nobody wants a Civil War but the greedy Communists in this country are forcing us into one.

Don't kid yourself. The MSM would love nothing more than a civil war. Why do you think they hype up all these black people in a police shooting? They know blacks and white wannabees can't control themselves and will protest and riot. It's the greatest thing for ratings.

The one fanning the flames of Civil War is sitting in the White House. He is plotting a demonstration on January 6th with Prloud Boys and other segregationist groups at the Capital. He essence...planning a Coup. He is a Traitor and a serial LIAR.

Meanwhile the filthy ass BLM Neggras and the Communists ANTIFA have been rioting, burning down cities, killing poeople and looting for the last six months and you stupid uneducated Useful Idiots don't give a shit.
Crazy far right nuts Luke Hannity and Limpballs have been getting rich off of gullible people like these Trumpsters for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these right wing nuts.

You leftists really hate our Constitution, especially the part about free speech.
Crazy far right nuts Luke Hannity and Limpballs have been getting rich off of gullible people like these Trumpsters for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these right wing nuts.

Crazy far left nuts like Rachael Maddow have been getting rich off of gullible people like these stupid uneducated Moon Bats for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these left wing nuts.

You cannot come up with your own ideas. Sad.....but YOU STILL LOSE!
Crazy far right nuts Luke Hannity and Limpballs have been getting rich off of gullible people like these Trumpsters for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these right wing nuts.

Crazy far left nuts like Rachael Maddow have been getting rich off of gullible people like these stupid uneducated Moon Bats for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these left wing nuts.

You cannot come up with your own ideas. Sad.....but YOU STILL LOSE!

The mainstream media like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC etc have been making money feeding you stupid uneducated Moon Bats hate, TDS and anti Americanism for years now and you morons have been eating it up.

No wonder you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about anything and you are Useful Idiots. You think America will be great being a Socialist shithole. You are too dumb to know anything different because you can't think for yourself. You have to have some clown on CNN telling you how you should hate.
This is the kind of hate we are seeing from the Left nowadays.

People's Revolution? Assholes! Candy Cane Lane at Christmas for the kids, really? Money for cancer research, really?

Fuck BLM!

Black Lives Matter supporters march at Candy Cane Lane Friday night

Traffic on Candy Cane Lane in West Allis normally moves pretty slow, especially nearing Christmas, as people take their time looking at the decorations.

On Friday, a group of about 50 Black Lives Matter supporters marched on Candy Cane Lane and Journal Sentinel sports columnist Lori Nickel filmed part of the protest.

The group chanted "Black lives matter" and "Black children matter" while marching through the streets holding signs and at least one participant was dressed as Santa Claus.

Protesters have been marching in different parts of southeastern Wisconsin for more than 200 consecutive days, demanding an end to systemic racism and calling for racial equity.

The group, the Peoples Revolution, has organized the majority of the marches and posted a 30-minute video of its march through the lights.

West Allis Deputy Police Chief Chris Marks said officers monitored the area but no arrests or citations were issued. He added there were no reports of violent activity.

Since 1984, Candy Cane Lane has raised money for the Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer. So far this year, organizers have raised more than $121,000. The holiday displays are located on Manitoba Street, just north of Oklahoma Avenue.

The reaction to protesters on Candy Cane Lane got mixed reaction on Twitter.
Crazy far right nuts Luke Hannity and Limpballs have been getting rich off of gullible people like these Trumpsters for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these right wing nuts.

Crazy far left nuts like Rachael Maddow have been getting rich off of gullible people like these stupid uneducated Moon Bats for years. They live and prosper on conspiracy theories and lies. They are the greatest threat to this nation. If the US falls in the coming years...It will be due to these left wing nuts.

You cannot come up with your own ideas. Sad.....but YOU STILL LOSE!

The mainstream media like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC etc have been making money feeding you stupid uneducated Moon Bats hate, TDS and anti Americanism for years now and you morons have been eating it up.

No wonder you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about anything and you are Useful Idiots. You think America will be great being a Socialist shithole. You are too dumb to know anything different because you can't think for yourself. You have to have some clown on CNN telling you how you should hate.

Boy...I can see your Christmas us really sucking.....I guess the election didn't go your way?
This is the kind of hate we are seeing from the Left nowadays.

People's Revolution? Assholes! Candy Cane Lane at Christmas for the kids, really? Money for cancer research, really?

Fuck BLM!

Black Lives Matter supporters march at Candy Cane Lane Friday night

Traffic on Candy Cane Lane in West Allis normally moves pretty slow, especially nearing Christmas, as people take their time looking at the decorations.

On Friday, a group of about 50 Black Lives Matter supporters marched on Candy Cane Lane and Journal Sentinel sports columnist Lori Nickel filmed part of the protest.

The group chanted "Black lives matter" and "Black children matter" while marching through the streets holding signs and at least one participant was dressed as Santa Claus.

Protesters have been marching in different parts of southeastern Wisconsin for more than 200 consecutive days, demanding an end to systemic racism and calling for racial equity.

The group, the Peoples Revolution, has organized the majority of the marches and posted a 30-minute video of its march through the lights.

West Allis Deputy Police Chief Chris Marks said officers monitored the area but no arrests or citations were issued. He added there were no reports of violent activity.

Since 1984, Candy Cane Lane has raised money for the Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer. So far this year, organizers have raised more than $121,000. The holiday displays are located on Manitoba Street, just north of Oklahoma Avenue.

The reaction to protesters on Candy Cane Lane got mixed reaction on Twitter.

Violence and Civil War....Ha Ha Ha
For those playing along at home, "Rugged individualist" Ray is getting disability payments because he doesn't want to learn another trade.

For those playing along, Joe 000 has a huge mental problem called OCD. He refuses to get it treated, and that's why he posts the crap he does.
Says the man who supports the lunatic that is opening encouraging sedition and a Coup....right. January 20th cannot get here fast enough!
Says the man who supports the lunatic that is opening encouraging sedition and a Coup....right. January 20th cannot get here fast enough!

Correct, I mean, look at what we all have to look forward to if the Republicans can't hold leadership of the Senate: much higher energy costs, higher taxes, bringing commie care mandates and penalties back, less jobs, inflation like we haven't seen in decades with his national minimum wage of $15.00 per hour, getting flooded with diseased sick third worlders when he opens up the border, it's just going to be fantastic. The bonus is if you live in the suburbs, his plans are to cut your property value in half by bussing in lowlifes into what are now safe and vibrant areas.

Yep, Trump can't get out fast enough, because the joke will be on you.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Another old, fat internet tough guy wants to make me his bitch. You people need help.
I live in Kansas, a place full of these assholes. In my younger days I sent quite a few of them to the doctor for talking that racist shit. These punks can't fight, that's why they always want to be armed.

And lantern, It has been right wing extremists committing most of the burning and killing. You know, like the proud boys did in DC.
The racist heard from. Sorry dumbfuck, it’s your idiotic pals on the left with the violence. So take your bullshit and shove it. It is lefties murdering cops and citizens and burning buildings. Add in attacking elderly and children. You sent guys to the doctor? Hahahahaha! Truth is you ran like a bitch when even looked at sideways.
Go fuck yourself you no balls coward. By the way you uneducated piece of shit, it’s YOUR side burning buildings and murdering people. And yes, I would slap a bitch like you into next week without a second thought. Now go run away like all you leftards do when anybody actually defends themselves.

Another old, fat internet tough guy wants to make me his bitch. You people need help.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Sorry dumbfuck. Not old and sure as hell not fat. You seem to be projecting again. Of course you hide under your bd and wear your mask like you’re told to like a good little sheep. You idiots try anything, it’ll be you who needs help.

Nobody but the right is talking about overthrowing the election.
Gee, the left steals an election through proven fraud and wants the results to stand. What a shock. Apparently only to you.

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